2024-01-20 17:44:50 +08:00

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#include "config.h"
#include "fram.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "modbuss.h"
#include "stdint.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
// #include "flow.h"
// #include "depth.h"
// config_data_t * config_para = (config_data_t*)&gWordVar[256];
// extern real_t * real;
static const char *TAG = "config";
extern cal_4_20ma_t *cal_4_20ma;//电流数据结构体
extern flow_config_t *flow_config;//流量数据结构体
extern depth_config_t *depth_config;//深度数据结构体
extern float ac_current_coef[3];//可能表示交流电电流的系数或校准参数 ?
// 三标一号机
const cal_4_20ma_t default_cal_4_20ma = {0, {{12740, 63845}, {12760, 63953}}};
const flow_config_t default_flow_cfg = {0, 1, {0, 0}, {{0, 10000}, {0, 10000}}, {6944, 6944}}; // 4~20MA 输入6m/H 100.00L/min
const flow_config_t default_flow_cfg = {
.magic = 0,
.input_type = 1,
.min_flow = {0, 0},
.ad_cal = {
{ .flow_min = 0, .flow_max = 10000 },
{ .flow_min = 0, .flow_max = 10000 },
.pulse_coef = {6944, 6944},
.rsv = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
// const flow_config_t default_flow_cfg = {0,1,{60,60},{{0,20000},{0,20000}},{6944,6944}}; //脉冲输入 12m/H
// const depth_config_t default_depth_cfg = {0, 2,0, 1000, 32, -100, 12000, 100, -100, 1000,500, 500, 100, 150, 150}; // 方向脉冲编码器 10线2倍频
const depth_config_t default_depth_cfg = {
.magic = 0,
.input_type = 0,
.port = 1,
.N = 1000,
.M = 640,
.min_depth = -100,
.max_depth = 12000,
.sample_depth = 100,
.depth_offset = -100,
.min_valid_depth = 1000,
.inc_pile_depth = 5000,
.current_on_threshold = 500,
.current_off_threshold = 100,
.move_on_duratino = 150,
.move_off_duration = 150,
.move_current_channel = 2,
}; // 方向脉冲编码器 10线2倍频
// const depth_config_t default_depth_cfg = {0,3,0,3800,-200,16000,100,-200}; //200线开漏型正交
// const depth_config_t default_depth_cfg = {0,1,0,76000,-200,16000,100,-200};
#define MAGIC 30627
#define EE_CAL_4_20MA_ADDR 16
#define EE_FLOW_CFG_ADDR (EE_CAL_4_20MA_ADDR + sizeof(default_cal_4_20ma))
#define EE_DEPTH_CFG_ADDR (EE_FLOW_CFG_ADDR + sizeof(default_flow_cfg))
extern uint16_t last_pile_id = 0;
extern void init_comm(void);
// void sys_init(void)
// {
// // HAL_Delay(100);
// // GetCompileDateTime(&gWordVar[0]);
// // flash_load();
// // modbus_addr = config_para->modbus_addr;
// // sliding_window_filter_init(&sliding_window_a,real->data_long,200);
// // HAL_TIM_Base_Start(&htim6);//ms<6D><73>ʱ<EFBFBD><CAB1>
// // HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim17);//us<75><73>ʱ<EFBFBD><CAB1>
// //// HAL_TIM_Encoder_Start_IT(&htim1,TIM_CHANNEL_ALL);//enc
// // HAL_TIM_Encoder_Start(&htim3,TIM_CHANNEL_ALL);//enc
// // HAL_TIM_IC_Start_IT(&htim1,TIM_CHANNEL_1);//ll
// // HAL_TIM_IC_Start_IT(&htim1,TIM_CHANNEL_2);//ll
// // HAL_TIM_IC_Start_IT(&htim15,TIM_CHANNEL_1);//ll
// // HAL_TIM_IC_Start_IT(&htim15,TIM_CHANNEL_2);//ll
// // HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart1,&temp_rx_data,1);
// // init_comm();
// // if(config_para->traffic_mode == MA_4_20)
// // {
// // ADS1220_Init();
// // }
// // HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LED2_GPIO_Port, LED2_Pin,0);
// // HAL_Delay(500);
// }
/*fram_read */
通过 I2C 总线读取 ESP32 上连接的 FRAM非易失性存储器芯片中指定地址的数据
void config_load(void)
uint16_t temp[2];
fram_read(0, &temp, sizeof(temp));//通过调用 fram_read 函数将 FRAM 中的两个 uint16_t 数据读取到 temp 数组中,起始地址为 0长度为两个 uint16_t 的大小
if (temp[0] == MAGIC)
last_pile_id = temp[1];
fram_read(EE_CAL_4_20MA_ADDR, cal_4_20ma, sizeof(default_cal_4_20ma));
if (cal_4_20ma->magic != MAGIC)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "fram_read cal_4_20ma failed, use default value");
memcpy(cal_4_20ma, &default_cal_4_20ma, sizeof(default_cal_4_20ma));
fram_read(EE_FLOW_CFG_ADDR, flow_config, sizeof(default_flow_cfg));
if (flow_config->magic != MAGIC)
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "fram_read flow_config failed, use default value");
memcpy(flow_config, &default_flow_cfg, sizeof(default_flow_cfg));
fram_read(EE_DEPTH_CFG_ADDR, depth_config, sizeof(default_depth_cfg));
if (depth_config->magic != MAGIC)
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "fram_read depth_config failed, use default value");
memcpy(depth_config, &default_depth_cfg, sizeof(default_depth_cfg));
fram_read(EE_DEPTH_CFG_ADDR, depth_config, sizeof(default_depth_cfg));
if (depth_config->magic != MAGIC)
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "fram_read depth_config failed, use default value");
memcpy(depth_config, &default_depth_cfg, sizeof(default_depth_cfg));
void restore_default(void)
memcpy(cal_4_20ma, &default_cal_4_20ma, sizeof(default_cal_4_20ma));
memcpy(flow_config, &default_flow_cfg, sizeof(default_flow_cfg));
memcpy(depth_config, &default_depth_cfg, sizeof(default_depth_cfg));
fram_write(EE_CAL_4_20MA_ADDR, cal_4_20ma, sizeof(default_cal_4_20ma));
fram_write(EE_FLOW_CFG_ADDR, flow_config, sizeof(default_flow_cfg));
fram_write(EE_DEPTH_CFG_ADDR, depth_config, sizeof(default_depth_cfg));
void save_cal_4_20ma(void)
cal_4_20ma->magic = MAGIC;
cal_4_20ma->magic = fram_write(EE_CAL_4_20MA_ADDR, cal_4_20ma, sizeof(default_cal_4_20ma));
void save_flow_cfg(void)
flow_config->magic = MAGIC;
flow_config->magic = fram_write(EE_FLOW_CFG_ADDR, flow_config, sizeof(default_flow_cfg));
void save_depth_cfg(void)
depth_config->magic = MAGIC;
depth_config->magic = fram_write(EE_DEPTH_CFG_ADDR, depth_config, sizeof(default_depth_cfg));
void save_pile_id(void)
uint16_t temp[2] = {MAGIC, last_pile_id};
fram_write(0, &temp, sizeof(temp));