
 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD


 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


 *                    ESP32-S3 Linker Script Memory Layout

 * This file describes the memory layout (memory blocks) by virtual memory addresses.

 * This linker script is passed through the C preprocessor to include configuration options.

 * Please use preprocessor features sparingly!

 * Restrict to simple macros with numeric values, and/or #if/#endif blocks.


 * Automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT.

 * Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF) Configuration Header

/* List of deprecated options */

 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD


 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

/* CPU instruction prefetch padding size for flash mmap scenario */
_esp_flash_mmap_prefetch_pad_size = 16;
/* CPU instruction prefetch padding size for memory protection scenario */
_esp_memprot_prefetch_pad_size = 16;
/* Memory alignment size for PMS */
_esp_memprot_align_size = 256;
_esp_mmu_block_size = (0x10000);
    /* rtc timer data (s_rtc_timer_retain_mem, see esp_clk.c files). For rtc_timer_data_in_rtc_mem section. */

 * 40370000 <- IRAM/Icache -> 40378000 <- D/IRAM (I) -> 403E0000

 *                            3FC88000 <- D/IRAM (D) -> 3FCF0000 <- DRAM/DCache -> 3FD00000


 * Startup code uses the IRAM from 0x403B9000 to 0x403E0000, which is not available for static

 * memory, but can only be used after app starts.


 * D cache use the memory from high address, so when it's configured to 16K/32K, the region

 * 0x3FCF000 ~ (3FD00000 - DATA_CACHE_SIZE) should be available. This region is not used as

 * static memory, leaving to the heap.


   *  All these values assume the flash cache is on, and have the blocks this uses subtracted from the length

   *  of the various regions. The 'data access port' dram/drom regions map to the same iram/irom regions but

   *  are connected to the data port of the CPU and eg allow byte-wise access.

  /* IRAM for PRO CPU. */
  iram0_0_seg (RX) : org = (0x40370000 + 0x4000), len = (((0x403CC700 - (0x40378000 - 0x3FC88000)) - 0x3FC88000) + 0x8000 - 0x4000)
  /* Flash mapped instruction data */
  iram0_2_seg (RX) : org = 0x42000020, len = 0x800000-0x20

   * (0x20 offset above is a convenience for the app binary image generation.

   * Flash cache has 64KB pages. The .bin file which is flashed to the chip

   * has a 0x18 byte file header, and each segment has a 0x08 byte segment

   * header. Setting this offset makes it simple to meet the flash cache MMU's

   * constraint that (paddr % 64KB == vaddr % 64KB).)


   * Shared data RAM, excluding memory reserved for ROM bss/data/stack.

   * Enabling Bluetooth & Trace Memory features in menuconfig will decrease the amount of RAM available.

  dram0_0_seg (RW) : org = (0x3FC88000), len = ((0x403CC700 - (0x40378000 - 0x3FC88000)) - 0x3FC88000)
  /* Flash mapped constant data */
  drom0_0_seg (R) : org = 0x3C000020, len = 0x2000000-0x20
  /* (See iram0_2_seg for meaning of 0x20 offset in the above.) */

   * RTC fast memory (executable). Persists over deep sleep.

  rtc_iram_seg(RWX) : org = 0x600fe000, len = 0x2000 - ((0x0) + (24))
  /* We reduced the size of rtc_iram_seg by RESERVE_RTC_MEM value.

     It reserves the amount of RTC fast memory that we use for this memory segment.

     This segment is intended for keeping:

       - (lower addr) rtc timer data (s_rtc_timer_retain_mem, see esp_clk.c files).

       - (higher addr) bootloader rtc data (s_bootloader_retain_mem, when a Kconfig option is on).

     The aim of this is to keep data that will not be moved around and have a fixed address.

  rtc_reserved_seg(RW) : org = 0x600fe000 + 0x2000 - ((0x0) + (24)), len = ((0x0) + (24))

   * RTC slow memory (data accessible). Persists over deep sleep.

   * Start of RTC slow memory is reserved for ULP co-processor code + data, if enabled.

  rtc_slow_seg(RW) : org = 0x50000000 , len = 0x2000

   * `extern_ram_seg` and `drom0_0_seg` share the same bus and the address region.

   * A dummy section is used to avoid overlap. See `.ext_ram.dummy` in `sections.ld.in`

  extern_ram_seg(RWX) : org = 0x3c000020 , len = 0x2000000-0x20
_heap_start = _heap_low_start;
/* Heap ends at top of dram0_0_seg */
_heap_end = 0x40000000;
_data_seg_org = ORIGIN(rtc_data_seg);
/* RTC fast memory shares the same range for both data and instructions */
REGION_ALIAS("rtc_data_seg", rtc_iram_seg );
REGION_ALIAS("rtc_data_location", rtc_slow_seg );
REGION_ALIAS("default_code_seg", iram0_2_seg);
REGION_ALIAS("default_rodata_seg", drom0_0_seg);

 *  If rodata default segment is placed in `drom0_0_seg`, then flash's first rodata section must

 *  also be first in the segment.

  ASSERT(_flash_rodata_dummy_start == ORIGIN(default_rodata_seg),
         ".flash_rodata_dummy section must be placed at the beginning of the rodata segment.")