
812 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-01-29 14:42:04 +08:00
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
// The local log level must be defined before including esp_log.h
// Set the maximum log level for this source file
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "esp_attr.h"
#include "esp_check.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_pm.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_io_interface.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75.h"
#include "esp_rom_gpio.h"
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "esp_private/esp_clk.h"
#include "esp_memory_utils.h"
#include "hal/dma_types.h"
#include "hal/gpio_hal.h"
#include "esp_private/gdma.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "esp_private/periph_ctrl.h"
#include "esp_lcd_common.h"
#include "soc/lcd_periph.h"
#include "hal/lcd_ll.h"
#include "hal/lcd_hal.h"
static const char *TAG = "lcd_panel.io.i80.hub75";
typedef struct esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t;
typedef struct lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t;
typedef struct lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t;
// This function is located in ROM (also see esp_rom/${target}/ld/${target}.rom.ld)
extern int Cache_WriteBack_Addr(uint32_t addr, uint32_t size);
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_tx_param(esp_lcd_panel_io_t *io, int lcd_cmd, const void *param, size_t param_size);
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_tx_color(esp_lcd_panel_io_t *io, int lcd_cmd, const void *color, size_t color_size);
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_del(esp_lcd_panel_io_t *io);
static esp_err_t lcd_i80_init_dma_link(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_handle_t bus);
static void lcd_periph_trigger_quick_trans_done_event(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_handle_t bus);
static esp_err_t lcd_i80_select_periph_clock(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_handle_t bus, lcd_clock_source_t clk_src);
static esp_err_t lcd_i80_bus_configure_gpio(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_handle_t bus, const esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_config_t *bus_config);
static void lcd_i80_switch_devices(lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *cur_device, lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *next_device);
static void lcd_start_transaction(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t *bus, lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t *trans_desc);
static void lcd_default_isr_handler(void *args);
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_register_event_callbacks(esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io, const esp_lcd_panel_io_callbacks_t *cbs, void *user_ctx);
struct esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t {
int bus_id; // Bus ID, index from 0
portMUX_TYPE spinlock; // spinlock used to protect i80 bus members(hal, device_list, cur_trans)
lcd_hal_context_t hal; // Hal object
size_t bus_width; // Number of data lines
intr_handle_t intr; // LCD peripheral interrupt handle
esp_pm_lock_handle_t pm_lock; // Power management lock
size_t num_dma_nodes; // Number of DMA descriptors
2024-01-29 16:26:00 +08:00
int max_scan_times; // 每页行最多扫描次数,和全彩显示有关系
int max_scan_line; // 最多扫描行
int max_transfer_bytes; // 最多一次发送的数据,也就是一行的数据个数
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int width;
int height;
2024-01-30 11:54:07 +08:00
int cur_scan_times;
int cur_scan_line;
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2024-01-29 14:42:04 +08:00
uint8_t *format_buffer; // The driver allocates an internal buffer for DMA to do data format transformer
size_t resolution_hz; // LCD_CLK resolution, determined by selected clock source
gdma_channel_handle_t dma_chan; // DMA channel handle
size_t psram_trans_align; // DMA transfer alignment for data allocated from PSRAM
size_t sram_trans_align; // DMA transfer alignment for data allocated from SRAM
lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t *cur_trans; // Current transaction
lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *cur_device; // Current working device
LIST_HEAD(i80_device_list, lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t) device_list; // Head of i80 device list
struct {
unsigned int exclusive: 1; // Indicate whether the I80 bus is owned by one device (whose CS GPIO is not assigned) exclusively
} flags;
dma_descriptor_t dma_nodes[]; // DMA descriptor pool, the descriptors are shared by all i80 devices
struct lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t {
lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *i80_device; // i80 device issuing this transaction
int cmd_value; // Command value
uint32_t cmd_cycles; // Command cycles
const void *data; // Data buffer
uint32_t data_length; // Data buffer size
void *user_ctx; // private data used by trans_done_cb
esp_lcd_panel_io_color_trans_done_cb_t trans_done_cb; // transaction done callback
struct lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t {
esp_lcd_panel_io_t base; // Base class of generic lcd panel io
esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t *bus; // Which bus the device is attached to
int cs_gpio_num; // GPIO used for CS line
unsigned int pclk_hz; // PCLK clock frequency
size_t clock_prescale; // Prescaler coefficient, determined by user's configured PCLK frequency
QueueHandle_t trans_queue; // Transaction queue, transactions in this queue are pending for scheduler to dispatch
QueueHandle_t done_queue; // Transaction done queue, transactions in this queue are finished but not recycled by the caller
size_t queue_size; // Size of transaction queue
size_t num_trans_inflight; // Number of transactions that are undergoing (the descriptor not recycled yet)
int lcd_cmd_bits; // Bit width of LCD command
int lcd_param_bits; // Bit width of LCD parameter
void *user_ctx; // private data used when transfer color data
esp_lcd_panel_io_color_trans_done_cb_t on_color_trans_done; // color data trans done callback
LIST_ENTRY(lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t) device_list_entry; // Entry of i80 device list
struct {
unsigned int dc_idle_level: 1; // Level of DC line in IDLE phase
unsigned int dc_cmd_level: 1; // Level of DC line in CMD phase
unsigned int dc_dummy_level: 1; // Level of DC line in DUMMY phase
unsigned int dc_data_level: 1; // Level of DC line in DATA phase
} dc_levels;
struct {
unsigned int cs_active_high: 1; // Whether the CS line is active on high level
unsigned int reverse_color_bits: 1; // Reverse the data bits, D[N:0] -> D[0:N]
unsigned int swap_color_bytes: 1; // Swap adjacent two data bytes before sending out
unsigned int pclk_active_neg: 1; // The display will write data lines when there's a falling edge on WR line
unsigned int pclk_idle_low: 1; // The WR line keeps at low level in IDLE phase
} flags;
lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t trans_pool[]; // Transaction pool
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2024-01-30 14:14:24 +08:00
#define get_rgb_one_value(n, x) (n < (x) ? 1 : 0) /* 判断r、g、b其中一个本次是否应该点亮 */
#define get_rgb_value(n, x) (get_rgb_one_value(n, (x >> 5) & 0x07) | (get_rgb_one_value(n, (x >> 3) & 0x03) << 1) | (get_rgb_one_value(n, x & 0x07) << 2))
int hub75_draw_point(esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io, int x, int y, uint8_t color)
lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *i80_device = __containerof(io, lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t, base);
uint16_t (*buf)[8][128] = i80_device->bus->format_buffer;
int w, h, max_scan_line, max_scan_times;
w = i80_device->bus->width;
h = i80_device->bus->height;
max_scan_line = i80_device->bus->max_scan_line;
int px = 0, py = 0, ch = 0; /* 在发送缓冲区中的x,y坐标ch决定是RGB0还是RGB1 */
if (x < 0 || x >= h || y < 0 || y >= w)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "point over range %d * %d", h, w);
return -1;
if (x < max_scan_line)
ch = 0;
px = x;
py = y + w;
else if (x < 2 * max_scan_line)
ch = 0;
px = x % max_scan_line;
py = y;
else if (x < 3 * max_scan_line)
ch = 1;
px = x;
py = y + w;
else if (x < 4 * max_scan_line)
ch = 1;
px = x % max_scan_line;
py = y;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (ch == 0)
buf[i][px][py] = (buf[i][px][py] & ~(0x07)) | get_rgb_value(i, color);
else if (ch == 1)
buf[i][px][py] = (buf[i][px][py] & ~(0x07 << 3)) | (get_rgb_value(i, color) << 3);
return 0;
/* 使用color填充区域[(x0, y0), (x1, y1)) */
2024-01-31 13:05:20 +08:00
void hub75_fill_rectangle(esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, void *color)
2024-01-30 14:14:24 +08:00
int i, j, k = 0;
for (i = x0; i < x1; i++)
for (j = y0; j < y1; j++)
hub75_draw_point(io, i, j, ((uint8_t *)color)[k++]);
2024-01-29 16:26:00 +08:00
void hub75_send_line(esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io, int times, int line)
lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *i80_device = __containerof(io, lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t, base);
uint16_t (*buf)[8][128] = i80_device->bus->format_buffer;
2024-01-29 18:03:08 +08:00
// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Test send data to LCD");
2024-01-29 16:26:00 +08:00
esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_color(io, -1, buf[times][line], i80_device->bus->max_transfer_bytes);
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esp_err_t esp_lcd_new_i80_hub75_bus(const esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_config_t *bus_config, esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_handle_t *ret_bus)
esp_log_level_set(TAG, ESP_LOG_DEBUG);
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t *bus = NULL;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(bus_config && ret_bus, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "invalid argument");
2024-01-29 16:26:00 +08:00
size_t max_transfer_bytes = (bus_config->max_transfer_bytes + 3) & ~0x03; // align up to 4 bytes
size_t max_scan_line = bus_config->max_scan_line;
size_t max_scan_line_times = bus_config->max_scan_times;
2024-01-29 14:42:04 +08:00
size_t num_dma_nodes = bus_config->max_transfer_bytes / DMA_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE + 1;
// DMA descriptors must be placed in internal SRAM
bus = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t) + num_dma_nodes * sizeof(dma_descriptor_t), MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(bus, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "no mem for i80 hub75 bus");
bus->num_dma_nodes = num_dma_nodes;
bus->bus_id = -1;
/* 不知道为什么不乘2缓冲区会溢出 */
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bus->format_buffer = heap_caps_calloc(1, max_scan_line_times * max_scan_line * max_transfer_bytes * 2, MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
2024-01-29 14:42:04 +08:00
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(bus->format_buffer, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "no mem for format buffer");
2024-01-29 16:26:00 +08:00
bus->max_scan_line = bus_config->max_scan_line;
bus->max_scan_times = bus_config->max_scan_times;
bus->max_transfer_bytes = bus_config->max_transfer_bytes;
2024-01-30 14:14:24 +08:00
bus->height = bus_config->height;
bus->width = bus_config->width;
2024-01-29 14:42:04 +08:00
// register to platform
int bus_id = lcd_com_register_device(LCD_COM_DEVICE_TYPE_I80, bus);
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(bus_id >= 0, ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND, err, TAG, "no free i80 hub75 bus slot");
bus->bus_id = bus_id;
// enable APB to access LCD registers
// initialize HAL layer, so we can call LL APIs later
lcd_hal_init(&bus->hal, bus_id);
// reset peripheral and FIFO
lcd_ll_enable_clock(bus->hal.dev, true);
// set peripheral clock resolution
ret = lcd_i80_select_periph_clock(bus, bus_config->clk_src);
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(ret, err, TAG, "select periph clock %d failed", bus_config->clk_src);
// install interrupt service, (LCD peripheral shares the same interrupt source with Camera peripheral with different mask)
// interrupt is disabled by default
ret = esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus(lcd_periph_signals.buses[bus_id].irq_id, isr_flags,
LCD_LL_EVENT_TRANS_DONE, lcd_default_isr_handler, bus, &bus->intr);
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(ret, err, TAG, "install interrupt failed");
lcd_ll_enable_interrupt(bus->hal.dev, LCD_LL_EVENT_TRANS_DONE, false); // disable all interrupts
lcd_ll_clear_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev, UINT32_MAX); // clear pending interrupt
// install DMA service
bus->psram_trans_align = bus_config->psram_trans_align;
bus->sram_trans_align = bus_config->sram_trans_align;
ret = lcd_i80_init_dma_link(bus);
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(ret, err, TAG, "install DMA failed");
// enable 8080 mode and set bus width
lcd_ll_enable_rgb_mode(bus->hal.dev, false);
lcd_ll_set_data_width(bus->hal.dev, bus_config->bus_width);
bus->bus_width = bus_config->bus_width;
// number of data cycles is controlled by DMA buffer size
lcd_ll_enable_output_always_on(bus->hal.dev, true);
// enable trans done interrupt
lcd_ll_enable_interrupt(bus->hal.dev, LCD_LL_EVENT_TRANS_DONE, true);
// trigger a quick "trans done" event, and wait for the interrupt line goes active
// this could ensure we go into ISR handler next time we call `esp_intr_enable`
// configure GPIO
ret = lcd_i80_bus_configure_gpio(bus, bus_config);
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(ret, err, TAG, "configure GPIO failed");
// fill other i80 bus runtime parameters
LIST_INIT(&bus->device_list); // initialize device list head
bus->spinlock = (portMUX_TYPE)portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED;
*ret_bus = bus;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "new i80 bus(%d) @%p, %zu dma nodes", bus_id, bus, bus->num_dma_nodes);
return ESP_OK;
if (bus) {
if (bus->intr) {
if (bus->dma_chan) {
if (bus->bus_id >= 0) {
lcd_com_remove_device(LCD_COM_DEVICE_TYPE_I80, bus->bus_id);
if (bus->format_buffer) {
if (bus->pm_lock) {
return ret;
esp_err_t esp_lcd_del_i80_hub75_bus(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_handle_t bus)
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(bus, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "invalid argument");
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(LIST_EMPTY(&bus->device_list), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, err, TAG, "device list not empty");
int bus_id = bus->bus_id;
lcd_com_remove_device(LCD_COM_DEVICE_TYPE_I80, bus_id);
if (bus->pm_lock) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "del i80 hub75 bus(%d)", bus_id);
return ret;
esp_err_t esp_lcd_new_panel_io_i80_hub75(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_handle_t bus, const esp_lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_config_t *io_config, esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t *ret_io)
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *i80_device = NULL;
bool bus_exclusive = false;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(bus && io_config && ret_io, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, err, TAG, "invalid argument");
// check if the bus has been configured as exclusive
if (!bus->flags.exclusive) {
bus->flags.exclusive = io_config->cs_gpio_num < 0;
} else {
bus_exclusive = true;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(!bus_exclusive, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, err, TAG, "bus has been exclusively owned by device");
// check if pixel clock setting is valid
uint32_t pclk_prescale = bus->resolution_hz / io_config->pclk_hz;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(pclk_prescale > 0 && pclk_prescale <= LCD_LL_PCLK_DIV_MAX, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, err, TAG,
"prescaler can't satisfy PCLK clock %"PRIu32"Hz", io_config->pclk_hz);
i80_device = heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t) + io_config->trans_queue_depth * sizeof(lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t), LCD_I80_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS);
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(i80_device, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "no mem for i80 hub75 panel io");
// create two queues for i80 device
i80_device->trans_queue = xQueueCreate(io_config->trans_queue_depth, sizeof(lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t *));
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(i80_device->trans_queue, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "create trans queue failed");
i80_device->done_queue = xQueueCreate(io_config->trans_queue_depth, sizeof(lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t *));
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE(i80_device->done_queue, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, err, TAG, "create done queue failed");
// adding device to list
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&bus->device_list, i80_device, device_list_entry);
// we don't initialize the i80 bus at the memont, but initialize the bus when start a transaction for a new device
// so save these as i80 device runtime parameters
i80_device->bus = bus;
i80_device->lcd_cmd_bits = io_config->lcd_cmd_bits;
i80_device->lcd_param_bits = io_config->lcd_param_bits;
i80_device->queue_size = io_config->trans_queue_depth;
i80_device->clock_prescale = pclk_prescale;
i80_device->pclk_hz = bus->resolution_hz / pclk_prescale;
i80_device->dc_levels.dc_cmd_level = io_config->dc_levels.dc_cmd_level;
i80_device->dc_levels.dc_data_level = io_config->dc_levels.dc_data_level;
i80_device->dc_levels.dc_dummy_level = io_config->dc_levels.dc_dummy_level;
i80_device->dc_levels.dc_idle_level = io_config->dc_levels.dc_idle_level;
i80_device->cs_gpio_num = io_config->cs_gpio_num;
i80_device->flags.reverse_color_bits = io_config->flags.reverse_color_bits;
i80_device->flags.swap_color_bytes = io_config->flags.swap_color_bytes;
i80_device->flags.cs_active_high = io_config->flags.cs_active_high;
i80_device->flags.pclk_idle_low = io_config->flags.pclk_idle_low;
i80_device->flags.pclk_active_neg = io_config->flags.pclk_active_neg;
i80_device->on_color_trans_done = io_config->on_color_trans_done;
i80_device->user_ctx = io_config->user_ctx;
// fill panel io function table
i80_device->base.del = panel_io_i80_del;
i80_device->base.tx_param = panel_io_i80_tx_param;
i80_device->base.tx_color = panel_io_i80_tx_color;
i80_device->base.register_event_callbacks = panel_io_i80_register_event_callbacks;
// we only configure the CS GPIO as output, don't connect to the peripheral signal at the moment
// we will connect the CS GPIO to peripheral signal when switching devices in lcd_i80_switch_devices()
if (io_config->cs_gpio_num >= 0) {
gpio_set_level(io_config->cs_gpio_num, !io_config->flags.cs_active_high);
gpio_set_direction(io_config->cs_gpio_num, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
gpio_hal_iomux_func_sel(GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG[io_config->cs_gpio_num], PIN_FUNC_GPIO);
*ret_io = &(i80_device->base);
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "new i80 hub75 lcd panel io @%p on bus(%d)", i80_device, bus->bus_id);
return ESP_OK;
if (i80_device) {
if (i80_device->trans_queue) {
if (i80_device->done_queue) {
return ret;
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_del(esp_lcd_panel_io_t *io)
lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *i80_device = __containerof(io, lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t, base);
esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t *bus = i80_device->bus;
lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t *trans_desc = NULL;
// wait all pending transaction to finish
size_t num_trans_inflight = i80_device->num_trans_inflight;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_trans_inflight; i++) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(xQueueReceive(i80_device->done_queue, &trans_desc, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE,
ESP_FAIL, TAG, "recycle inflight transactions failed");
// remove from device list
LIST_REMOVE(i80_device, device_list_entry);
// reset CS to normal GPIO
if (i80_device->cs_gpio_num >= 0) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "del i80 lcd panel io @%p", i80_device);
return ESP_OK;
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_register_event_callbacks(esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io, const esp_lcd_panel_io_callbacks_t *cbs, void *user_ctx)
lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *i80_device = __containerof(io, lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t, base);
if (i80_device->on_color_trans_done != NULL) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Callback on_color_trans_done was already set and now it was owerwritten!");
i80_device->on_color_trans_done = cbs->on_color_trans_done;
i80_device->user_ctx = user_ctx;
return ESP_OK;
static void i80_lcd_prepare_cmd_buffer(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t *bus, lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *i80_device, void *lcd_cmd)
uint8_t *from = (uint8_t *)lcd_cmd;
if (bus->bus_width < i80_device->lcd_cmd_bits) {
// LCD is big-endian, e.g. to send command 0x1234, byte 0x12 should appear on the bus first
// However, the i80 peripheral will send 0x34 first, so we reversed the order below
int start = 0;
int end = i80_device->lcd_cmd_bits / 8 - 1;
lcd_com_reverse_buffer_bytes(from, start, end);
static uint32_t i80_lcd_prepare_param_buffer(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t *bus, lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *i80_device, const void *lcd_param, size_t param_size)
int param_per_size = i80_device->lcd_param_bits / 8;
int param_num = param_size / param_per_size;
const uint8_t *from = (const uint8_t *)lcd_param;
uint8_t *to = bus->format_buffer;
uint8_t step = bus->bus_width / 8;
int param_cycle = i80_device->lcd_param_bits / bus->bus_width;
// in case bus_width=16 and param_bits=8, we still need 1 param_cycle
if (param_cycle * bus->bus_width < i80_device->lcd_param_bits) {
int ele_cycles = param_cycle * param_num;
int bytes_to_copy = MIN(bus->bus_width, i80_device->lcd_param_bits) / 8;
int cnt_from = 0;
// expand the width of parameters when necessary
for (int i = 0; i < ele_cycles; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < bytes_to_copy; j++) {
to[j] = from[cnt_from++];
to += step;
return to - bus->format_buffer;
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_tx_param(esp_lcd_panel_io_t *io, int lcd_cmd, const void *param, size_t param_size)
lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *next_device = __containerof(io, lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t, base);
esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t *bus = next_device->bus;
lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *cur_device = bus->cur_device;
lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t *trans_desc = NULL;
assert(param_size <= (bus->num_dma_nodes * DMA_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE) && "parameter bytes too long, enlarge max_transfer_bytes");
assert(param_size <= CONFIG_LCD_PANEL_IO_FORMAT_BUF_SIZE && "format buffer too small, increase CONFIG_LCD_PANEL_IO_FORMAT_BUF_SIZE");
uint32_t cmd_cycles = next_device->lcd_cmd_bits / bus->bus_width;
// in case bus_width=16 and cmd_bits=8, we still need 1 cmd_cycle
if (cmd_cycles * bus->bus_width < next_device->lcd_cmd_bits) {
i80_lcd_prepare_cmd_buffer(bus, next_device, &lcd_cmd);
uint32_t param_len = i80_lcd_prepare_param_buffer(bus, next_device, param, param_size);
// wait all pending transaction in the queue to finish
size_t num_trans_inflight = next_device->num_trans_inflight;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_trans_inflight; i++) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE( xQueueReceive(next_device->done_queue, &trans_desc, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE,
ESP_FAIL, TAG, "recycle inflight transactions failed");
uint32_t intr_status = lcd_ll_get_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev);
lcd_ll_clear_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev, intr_status);
// switch devices if necessary
lcd_i80_switch_devices(cur_device, next_device);
// set data format
lcd_ll_reverse_bit_order(bus->hal.dev, false);
lcd_ll_swap_byte_order(bus->hal.dev, bus->bus_width, next_device->lcd_param_bits > bus->bus_width);
bus->cur_trans = NULL;
bus->cur_device = next_device;
// package a transaction
trans_desc = &next_device->trans_pool[0];
trans_desc->i80_device = next_device;
trans_desc->cmd_cycles = cmd_cycles;
trans_desc->cmd_value = lcd_cmd;
trans_desc->data = param ? bus->format_buffer : NULL;
trans_desc->data_length = param ? param_len : 0;
trans_desc->trans_done_cb = NULL; // no callback for parameter transaction
// mount data to DMA links
lcd_com_mount_dma_data(bus->dma_nodes, trans_desc->data, trans_desc->data_length);
// increase the pm lock reference count before starting a new transaction
if (bus->pm_lock) {
lcd_start_transaction(bus, trans_desc);
// polling the trans done event, but don't clear the event status
while (!(lcd_ll_get_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev) & LCD_LL_EVENT_TRANS_DONE)) {}
// decrease pm lock reference count
if (bus->pm_lock) {
return ESP_OK;
static esp_err_t panel_io_i80_tx_color(esp_lcd_panel_io_t *io, int lcd_cmd, const void *color, size_t color_size)
2024-01-30 11:54:07 +08:00
// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "panel_io_i80_tx_color");
2024-01-29 14:42:04 +08:00
lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *i80_device = __containerof(io, lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t, base);
esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t *bus = i80_device->bus;
lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t *trans_desc = NULL;
assert(color_size <= (bus->num_dma_nodes * DMA_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE) && "color bytes too long, enlarge max_transfer_bytes");
// in case bus_width=16 and cmd_bits=8, we still need 1 cmd_cycle
uint32_t cmd_cycles = i80_device->lcd_cmd_bits / bus->bus_width;
if (cmd_cycles * bus->bus_width < i80_device->lcd_cmd_bits) {
i80_lcd_prepare_cmd_buffer(bus, i80_device, &lcd_cmd);
if (i80_device->num_trans_inflight < i80_device->queue_size) {
trans_desc = &i80_device->trans_pool[i80_device->num_trans_inflight];
} else {
// transaction pool has used up, recycle one from done_queue
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(xQueueReceive(i80_device->done_queue, &trans_desc, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE,
ESP_FAIL, TAG, "recycle inflight transactions failed");
trans_desc->i80_device = i80_device;
trans_desc->cmd_cycles = cmd_cycles;
trans_desc->cmd_value = lcd_cmd;
trans_desc->data = color;
trans_desc->data_length = color_size;
trans_desc->trans_done_cb = i80_device->on_color_trans_done;
trans_desc->user_ctx = i80_device->user_ctx;
if (esp_ptr_external_ram(color)) {
// flush framebuffer from cache to the physical PSRAM
Cache_WriteBack_Addr((uint32_t)color, color_size);
// send transaction to trans_queue
xQueueSend(i80_device->trans_queue, &trans_desc, portMAX_DELAY);
// enable interrupt and go into isr handler, where we fetch the transactions from trans_queue and start it
// we will go into `lcd_default_isr_handler` almost at once, because the "trans done" event is active at the moment
return ESP_OK;
static esp_err_t lcd_i80_select_periph_clock(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_handle_t bus, lcd_clock_source_t clk_src)
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
// force to use integer division, as fractional division might lead to clock jitter
lcd_ll_select_clk_src(bus->hal.dev, clk_src);
lcd_ll_set_group_clock_coeff(bus->hal.dev, LCD_PERIPH_CLOCK_PRE_SCALE, 0, 0);
switch (clk_src) {
bus->resolution_hz = 160000000 / LCD_PERIPH_CLOCK_PRE_SCALE;
bus->resolution_hz = 240000000 / LCD_PERIPH_CLOCK_PRE_SCALE;
bus->resolution_hz = esp_clk_xtal_freq() / LCD_PERIPH_CLOCK_PRE_SCALE;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(false, ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, TAG, "unsupported clock source: %d", clk_src);
// create pm lock based on different clock source
// clock sources like PLL and XTAL will be turned off in light sleep
ret = esp_pm_lock_create(ESP_PM_NO_LIGHT_SLEEP, 0, "i80_bus_lcd", &bus->pm_lock);
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(ret, TAG, "create pm lock failed");
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "installed pm lock");
return ret;
static esp_err_t lcd_i80_init_dma_link(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_handle_t bus)
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
// chain DMA descriptors
for (int i = 0; i < bus->num_dma_nodes; i++) {
bus->dma_nodes[i].dw0.owner = DMA_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_OWNER_CPU;
bus->dma_nodes[i].next = &bus->dma_nodes[i + 1];
bus->dma_nodes[bus->num_dma_nodes - 1].next = NULL; // one-off DMA chain
// alloc DMA channel and connect to LCD peripheral
gdma_channel_alloc_config_t dma_chan_config = {
ret = gdma_new_channel(&dma_chan_config, &bus->dma_chan);
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(ret, err, TAG, "alloc DMA channel failed");
gdma_connect(bus->dma_chan, GDMA_MAKE_TRIGGER(GDMA_TRIG_PERIPH_LCD, 0));
gdma_strategy_config_t strategy_config = {
.auto_update_desc = true,
.owner_check = true
gdma_apply_strategy(bus->dma_chan, &strategy_config);
// set DMA transfer ability
gdma_transfer_ability_t ability = {
.psram_trans_align = bus->psram_trans_align,
.sram_trans_align = bus->sram_trans_align,
gdma_set_transfer_ability(bus->dma_chan, &ability);
return ESP_OK;
if (bus->dma_chan) {
return ret;
static esp_err_t lcd_i80_bus_configure_gpio(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_handle_t bus, const esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_config_t *bus_config)
int bus_id = bus->bus_id;
// check validation of GPIO number
bool valid_gpio = (bus_config->wr_gpio_num >= 0);
if (!valid_gpio) {
// connect peripheral signals via GPIO matrix
for (size_t i = 0; i < bus_config->bus_width; i++) {
if (bus_config->data_gpio_nums[i] < 0) continue;
gpio_set_direction(bus_config->data_gpio_nums[i], GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
esp_rom_gpio_connect_out_signal(bus_config->data_gpio_nums[i], lcd_periph_signals.buses[bus_id].data_sigs[i], false, false);
gpio_hal_iomux_func_sel(GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG[bus_config->data_gpio_nums[i]], PIN_FUNC_GPIO);
gpio_set_direction(bus_config->wr_gpio_num, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
esp_rom_gpio_connect_out_signal(bus_config->wr_gpio_num, lcd_periph_signals.buses[bus_id].wr_sig, false, false);
gpio_hal_iomux_func_sel(GPIO_PIN_MUX_REG[bus_config->wr_gpio_num], PIN_FUNC_GPIO);
/* 可以将其他引脚初始化放在这里,但是需要修改结构体项 */
return ESP_OK;
static void lcd_periph_trigger_quick_trans_done_event(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_handle_t bus)
// trigger a quick interrupt event by a dummy transaction, wait the LCD interrupt line goes active
// next time when esp_intr_enable is invoked, we can go into interrupt handler immediately
// where we dispatch transactions for i80 devices
lcd_ll_set_phase_cycles(bus->hal.dev, 0, 1, 0);
while (!(lcd_ll_get_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev) & LCD_LL_EVENT_TRANS_DONE)) {}
static void lcd_start_transaction(esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t *bus, lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t *trans_desc)
// by default, the dummy phase is disabled because it's not common for most LCDs
uint32_t dummy_cycles = 0;
uint32_t cmd_cycles = trans_desc->cmd_value >= 0 ? trans_desc->cmd_cycles : 0;
// Number of data phase cycles are controlled by DMA buffer length, we only need to enable/disable the phase here
uint32_t data_cycles = trans_desc->data ? 1 : 0;
if (trans_desc->cmd_value >= 0) {
lcd_ll_set_command(bus->hal.dev, bus->bus_width, trans_desc->cmd_value);
lcd_ll_set_phase_cycles(bus->hal.dev, cmd_cycles, dummy_cycles, data_cycles);
lcd_ll_set_blank_cycles(bus->hal.dev, 1, 1);
if (trans_desc->data) { // some specific LCD commands can have no parameters
gdma_start(bus->dma_chan, (intptr_t)(bus->dma_nodes));
// delay 1us is sufficient for DMA to pass data to LCD FIFO
// in fact, this is only needed when LCD pixel clock is set too high
static void lcd_i80_switch_devices(lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *cur_device, lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *next_device)
// we assume the next_device and cur_device are attached to the same bus
esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t *bus = next_device->bus;
if (next_device != cur_device) {
// reconfigure PCLK for the new device
lcd_ll_set_pixel_clock_prescale(bus->hal.dev, next_device->clock_prescale);
lcd_ll_set_clock_idle_level(bus->hal.dev, !next_device->flags.pclk_idle_low);
lcd_ll_set_pixel_clock_edge(bus->hal.dev, next_device->flags.pclk_active_neg);
// configure DC line level for the new device
lcd_ll_set_dc_level(bus->hal.dev, next_device->dc_levels.dc_idle_level, next_device->dc_levels.dc_cmd_level,
next_device->dc_levels.dc_dummy_level, next_device->dc_levels.dc_data_level);
if (cur_device && cur_device->cs_gpio_num >= 0) {
// disconnect current CS GPIO from peripheral signal
esp_rom_gpio_connect_out_signal(cur_device->cs_gpio_num, SIG_GPIO_OUT_IDX, false, false);
if (next_device->cs_gpio_num >= 0) {
// connect CS signal to the new device
esp_rom_gpio_connect_out_signal(next_device->cs_gpio_num, lcd_periph_signals.buses[bus->bus_id].cs_sig,
next_device->flags.cs_active_high, false);
IRAM_ATTR static void lcd_default_isr_handler(void *args)
esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t *bus = (esp_lcd_i80_hub75_bus_t *)args;
lcd_i80_hub75_trans_descriptor_t *trans_desc = NULL;
lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *cur_device = NULL;
lcd_panel_io_i80_hub75_t *next_device = NULL;
BaseType_t high_task_woken = pdFALSE;
bool need_yield = false;
uint32_t intr_status = lcd_ll_get_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev);
if (intr_status & LCD_LL_EVENT_TRANS_DONE) {
// disable interrupt temporarily, only re-enable when there be remained transaction in the queue
trans_desc = bus->cur_trans; // the finished transaction
cur_device = bus->cur_device;// the working device
// process finished transaction
if (trans_desc) {
assert(trans_desc->i80_device == cur_device && "transaction device mismatch");
// decrease pm lock reference count
if (bus->pm_lock) {
// device callback
if (trans_desc->trans_done_cb) {
if (trans_desc->trans_done_cb(&cur_device->base, NULL, trans_desc->user_ctx)) {
need_yield = true;
// move transaction to done_queue
// there won't be case that will overflow the queue, so skip checking the return value
high_task_woken = pdFALSE;
xQueueSendFromISR(cur_device->done_queue, &trans_desc, &high_task_woken);
if (high_task_woken == pdTRUE) {
need_yield = true;
bus->cur_trans = NULL;
// fetch transactions from devices' trans_queue
// Note: the first registered device will have the highest priority to be scheduled
LIST_FOREACH(next_device, &bus->device_list, device_list_entry) {
high_task_woken = pdFALSE;
if (xQueueReceiveFromISR(next_device->trans_queue, &trans_desc, &high_task_woken) == pdTRUE) {
if (high_task_woken == pdTRUE) {
need_yield = true;
// sanity check
// only clear the interrupt status when we're sure there still remains transaction to handle
lcd_ll_clear_interrupt_status(bus->hal.dev, intr_status);
// switch devices if necessary
lcd_i80_switch_devices(cur_device, next_device);
// only reverse data bit/bytes for color data
lcd_ll_reverse_bit_order(bus->hal.dev, next_device->flags.reverse_color_bits);
lcd_ll_swap_byte_order(bus->hal.dev, bus->bus_width, next_device->flags.swap_color_bytes);
bus->cur_trans = trans_desc;
bus->cur_device = next_device;
// mount data to DMA links
lcd_com_mount_dma_data(bus->dma_nodes, trans_desc->data, trans_desc->data_length);
// enable interrupt again, because the new transaction can trigger new trans done event
// increase the pm lock reference count before starting a new transaction
if (bus->pm_lock) {
lcd_start_transaction(bus, trans_desc);
break; // exit for-each loop
if (need_yield) {