* @file lis3dsh_reg.h
* @author Sensors Software Solution Team
* @brief This file contains all the functions prototypes for the
* lis3dsh_reg.c driver.
* @attention
© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
* the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion
#ifndef LIS3DSH_REGS_H
#define LIS3DSH_REGS_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Includes
/** @addtogroup LIS3DSH
* @{
/** @defgroup STMicroelectronics sensors common types
* @{
typedef struct{
uint8_t bit0 : 1;
uint8_t bit1 : 1;
uint8_t bit2 : 1;
uint8_t bit3 : 1;
uint8_t bit4 : 1;
uint8_t bit5 : 1;
uint8_t bit6 : 1;
uint8_t bit7 : 1;
} bitwise_t;
/** @addtogroup Interfaces_Functions
* @brief This section provide a set of functions used to read and
* write a generic register of the device.
* MANDATORY: return 0 -> no Error.
* @{
typedef int32_t (*stmdev_write_ptr)(void *, uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint16_t);
typedef int32_t (*stmdev_read_ptr) (void *, uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint16_t);
typedef struct {
/** Component mandatory fields **/
stmdev_write_ptr write_reg;
stmdev_read_ptr read_reg;
/** Customizable optional pointer **/
void *handle;
} stmdev_ctx_t;
* @}
#endif /* MEMS_SHARED_TYPES */
/** @defgroup Generic address-data structure definition
* @brief This structure is useful to load a predefined configuration
* of a sensor.
* You can create a sensor configuration by your own or using
* Unico / Unicleo tools available on STMicroelectronics
* web site.
* @{
typedef struct {
uint8_t address;
uint8_t data;
} ucf_line_t;
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup LIS3DSH_Infos
* @{
/** I2C Device Address 8 bit format if SA0=0 -> 3D if SA0=1 -> 3B **/
#define LIS3DSH_I2C_ADD_L 0x3D
#define LIS3DSH_I2C_ADD_H 0x3B
/** Device Identification (Who am I) **/
#define LIS3DSH_ID 0x3F
* @}
#define LIS3DSH_OUT_T 0x0CU
#define LIS3DSH_INFO1 0x0DU
#define LIS3DSH_INFO2 0x0EU
#define LIS3DSH_WHO_AM_I 0x0FU
#define LIS3DSH_OFF_X 0x10U
#define LIS3DSH_OFF_Y 0x11U
#define LIS3DSH_OFF_Z 0x12U
#define LIS3DSH_CS_X 0x13U
#define LIS3DSH_CS_Y 0x14U
#define LIS3DSH_CS_Z 0x15U
#define LIS3DSH_LC_L 0x16U
#define LIS3DSH_LC_H 0x17U
#define LIS3DSH_STAT 0x18U
typedef struct {
uint8_t drdy : 1;
uint8_t dor : 1;
uint8_t int_sm2 : 1;
uint8_t int_sm1 : 1;
uint8_t sync1 : 1;
uint8_t sync2 : 1;
uint8_t syncw : 1;
uint8_t l_count : 1; //alias LONG
} lis3dsh_stat_t;
#define LIS3DSH_PEAK1 0x19U
#define LIS3DSH_PEAK2 0x1AU
#define LIS3DSH_VFC_1 0x1BU
#define LIS3DSH_VFC_2 0x1CU
#define LIS3DSH_VFC_3 0x1DU
#define LIS3DSH_VFC_4 0x1EU
#define LIS3DSH_THRS3 0x1FU
#define LIS3DSH_CTRL_REG4 0x20U
typedef struct {
uint8_t xen : 1;
uint8_t yen : 1;
uint8_t zen : 1;
uint8_t bdu : 1;
uint8_t odr : 4;
} lis3dsh_ctrl_reg4_t;
#define LIS3DSH_CTRL_REG1 0x21U
typedef struct {
uint8_t sm1_en : 1;
uint8_t not_used_01 : 2;
uint8_t sm1_pin : 1;
uint8_t not_used_02 : 1;
uint8_t hyst_1 : 3;
} lis3dsh_ctrl_reg1_t;
#define LIS3DSH_CTRL_REG2 0x22U
typedef struct {
uint8_t sm2_en : 1;
uint8_t not_used_01 : 2;
uint8_t sm2_pin : 1;
uint8_t not_used_02 : 1;
uint8_t hyst_2 : 3;
} lis3dsh_ctrl_reg2_t;
#define LIS3DSH_CTRL_REG3 0x23U
typedef struct {
uint8_t strt : 1;
uint8_t not_used_01 : 1;
uint8_t vfilt : 1;
uint8_t int1_en : 1;
uint8_t int2_en : 1;
uint8_t iel : 1;
uint8_t iea : 1;
uint8_t dr_en : 1;
} lis3dsh_ctrl_reg3_t;
#define LIS3DSH_CTRL_REG5 0x24U
typedef struct {
uint8_t sim : 1;
uint8_t st : 2;
uint8_t fscale : 3;
uint8_t bw : 2;
} lis3dsh_ctrl_reg5_t;
#define LIS3DSH_CTRL_REG6 0x25U
typedef struct {
uint8_t p2_boot : 1;
uint8_t p1_overrun : 1;
uint8_t p1_wtm : 1;
uint8_t p1_empty : 1;
uint8_t add_inc : 1;
uint8_t wtm_en : 1;
uint8_t fifo_en : 1;
uint8_t boot : 1;
} lis3dsh_ctrl_reg6_t;
#define LIS3DSH_STATUS 0x27U
typedef struct {
uint8_t xda : 1;
uint8_t yda : 1;
uint8_t zda : 1;
uint8_t zyxda : 1;
uint8_t _xor : 1;
uint8_t yor : 1;
uint8_t zor : 1;
uint8_t zyxor : 1;
} lis3dsh_status_t;
#define LIS3DSH_OUT_X_L 0x28U
#define LIS3DSH_OUT_X_H 0x29U
#define LIS3DSH_OUT_Y_L 0x2AU
#define LIS3DSH_OUT_Y_H 0x2BU
#define LIS3DSH_OUT_Z_L 0x2CU
#define LIS3DSH_OUT_Z_H 0x2DU
typedef struct {
uint8_t wtmp : 5;
uint8_t fmode : 3;
} lis3dsh_fifo_ctrl_t;
#define LIS3DSH_FIFO_SRC 0x2FU
typedef struct {
uint8_t fss : 5;
uint8_t empty : 1;
uint8_t ovrn_fifo : 1;
uint8_t wtm : 1;
} lis3dsh_fifo_src_t;
/* State Machine 1 */
#define LIS3DSH_ST0_1 0x40U
#define LIS3DSH_ST1_1 0x41U
#define LIS3DSH_ST2_1 0x42U
#define LIS3DSH_ST3_1 0x43U
#define LIS3DSH_ST4_1 0x44U
#define LIS3DSH_ST5_1 0x45U
#define LIS3DSH_ST6_1 0x46U
#define LIS3DSH_ST7_1 0x47U
#define LIS3DSH_ST8_1 0x48U
#define LIS3DSH_ST9_1 0x49U
#define LIS3DSH_ST10_1 0x4AU
#define LIS3DSH_ST11_1 0x4BU
#define LIS3DSH_ST12_1 0x4CU
#define LIS3DSH_ST13_1 0x4DU
#define LIS3DSH_ST14_1 0x4EU
#define LIS3DSH_ST15_1 0x4FU
#define LIS3DSH_TIM4_1 0x50U
#define LIS3DSH_TIM3_1 0x51U
#define LIS3DSH_TIM2_1_L 0x52U
#define LIS3DSH_TIM2_1_H 0x53U
#define LIS3DSH_TIM1_1_L 0x54U
#define LIS3DSH_TIM1_1_H 0x55U
#define LIS3DSH_THRS2_1 0x56U
#define LIS3DSH_THRS1_1 0x57U
#define LIS3DSH_MASK1_B 0x59U
typedef struct {
uint8_t n_v : 1;
uint8_t p_v : 1;
uint8_t n_z : 1;
uint8_t p_z : 1;
uint8_t n_y : 1;
uint8_t p_y : 1;
uint8_t n_x : 1;
uint8_t p_x : 1;
} lis3dsh_mask1_b_t;
#define LIS3DSH_MASK1_A 0x5AU
typedef struct {
uint8_t n_v : 1;
uint8_t p_v : 1;
uint8_t n_z : 1;
uint8_t p_z : 1;
uint8_t n_y : 1;
uint8_t p_y : 1;
uint8_t n_x : 1;
uint8_t p_x : 1;
} lis3dsh_mask1_a_t;
#define LIS3DSH_SETT1 0x5BU
typedef struct {
uint8_t sitr : 1;
uint8_t r_tam : 1;
uint8_t thr3_ma : 1;
uint8_t not_used_01 : 2;
uint8_t abs : 1;
uint8_t thr3_sa : 1;
uint8_t p_det : 1;
} lis3dsh_sett1_t;
#define LIS3DSH_PR1 0x5CU
typedef struct {
uint8_t pp : 4;
uint8_t rp : 4;
} lis3dsh_pr1_t;
#define LIS3DSH_TC1_L 0x5DU
#define LIS3DSH_TC1_H 0x5EU
#define LIS3DSH_OUTS1 0x5FU
typedef struct {
uint8_t n_v : 1;
uint8_t p_v : 1;
uint8_t n_z : 1;
uint8_t p_z : 1;
uint8_t n_y : 1;
uint8_t p_y : 1;
uint8_t n_x : 1;
uint8_t p_x : 1;
} lis3dsh_outs1_t;
/* State Machine 2 */
#define LIS3DSH_ST0_2 0x60U
#define LIS3DSH_ST1_2 0x61U
#define LIS3DSH_ST2_2 0x62U
#define LIS3DSH_ST3_2 0x63U
#define LIS3DSH_ST4_2 0x64U
#define LIS3DSH_ST5_2 0x65U
#define LIS3DSH_ST6_2 0x66U
#define LIS3DSH_ST7_2 0x67U
#define LIS3DSH_ST8_2 0x68U
#define LIS3DSH_ST9_2 0x69U
#define LIS3DSH_ST10_2 0x6AU
#define LIS3DSH_ST11_2 0x6BU
#define LIS3DSH_ST12_2 0x6CU
#define LIS3DSH_ST13_2 0x6DU
#define LIS3DSH_ST14_2 0x6EU
#define LIS3DSH_ST15_2 0x6FU
#define LIS3DSH_TIM4_2 0x70U
#define LIS3DSH_TIM3_2 0x71U
#define LIS3DSH_TIM2_2_L 0x72U
#define LIS3DSH_TIM2_2_H 0x73U
#define LIS3DSH_TIM1_2_L 0x74U
#define LIS3DSH_TIM1_2_H 0x75U
#define LIS3DSH_THRS2_2 0x76U
#define LIS3DSH_THRS1_2 0x77U
#define LIS3DSH_DES2 0x78U
#define LIS3DSH_MASK2_B 0x79U
typedef struct {
uint8_t n_v : 1;
uint8_t p_v : 1;
uint8_t n_z : 1;
uint8_t p_z : 1;
uint8_t n_y : 1;
uint8_t p_y : 1;
uint8_t n_x : 1;
uint8_t p_x : 1;
} lis3dsh_mask2_b_t;
#define LIS3DSH_MASK2_A 0x7AU
typedef struct {
uint8_t n_v : 1;
uint8_t p_v : 1;
uint8_t n_z : 1;
uint8_t p_z : 1;
uint8_t n_y : 1;
uint8_t p_y : 1;
uint8_t n_x : 1;
uint8_t p_x : 1;
} lis3dsh_mask2_a_t;
#define LIS3DSH_SETT2 0x7BU
typedef struct {
uint8_t sitr : 1;
uint8_t r_tam : 1;
uint8_t thr3_ma : 1;
uint8_t d_cs : 1;
uint8_t radi : 1;
uint8_t abs : 1;
uint8_t thr3_sa : 1;
uint8_t p_det : 1;
} lis3dsh_sett2_t;
#define LIS3DSH_PR2 0x7CU
typedef struct {
uint8_t pp : 4;
uint8_t rp : 4;
} lis3dsh_pr2_t;
#define LIS3DSH_TC2_L 0x7DU
#define LIS3DSH_TC2_H 0x7EU
#define LIS3DSH_OUTS2 0x7FU
typedef struct {
uint8_t n_v : 1;
uint8_t p_v : 1;
uint8_t n_z : 1;
uint8_t p_z : 1;
uint8_t n_y : 1;
uint8_t p_y : 1;
uint8_t n_x : 1;
uint8_t p_x : 1;
} lis3dsh_outs2_t;
* @defgroup LIS3DSH_Register_Union
* @brief This union group all the registers that has a bitfield
* description.
* This union is useful but not need by the driver.
* REMOVING this union you are compliant with:
* MISRA-C 2012 [Rule 19.2] -> " Union are not allowed "
* @{
typedef union{
lis3dsh_stat_t stat;
lis3dsh_ctrl_reg4_t ctrl_reg4;
lis3dsh_ctrl_reg1_t ctrl_reg1;
lis3dsh_ctrl_reg2_t ctrl_reg2;
lis3dsh_ctrl_reg3_t ctrl_reg3;
lis3dsh_ctrl_reg5_t ctrl_reg5;
lis3dsh_ctrl_reg6_t ctrl_reg6;
lis3dsh_status_t status;
lis3dsh_fifo_ctrl_t fifo_ctrl;
lis3dsh_fifo_src_t fifo_src;
lis3dsh_mask1_b_t mask1_b;
lis3dsh_mask1_a_t mask1_a;
lis3dsh_sett1_t sett1;
lis3dsh_pr1_t pr1;
lis3dsh_outs1_t outs1;
lis3dsh_mask2_b_t mask2_b;
lis3dsh_mask2_a_t mask2_a;
lis3dsh_sett2_t sett2;
lis3dsh_pr2_t pr2;
lis3dsh_outs2_t outs2;
bitwise_t bitwise;
uint8_t byte;
} lis3dsh_reg_t;
* @}
int32_t lis3dsh_read_reg(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data,
uint16_t len);
int32_t lis3dsh_write_reg(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data,
uint16_t len);
extern float_t lis3dsh_from_fs2_to_mg(int16_t lsb);
extern float_t lis3dsh_from_fs4_to_mg(int16_t lsb);
extern float_t lis3dsh_from_fs6_to_mg(int16_t lsb);
extern float_t lis3dsh_from_fs8_to_mg(int16_t lsb);
extern float_t lis3dsh_from_fs16_to_mg(int16_t lsb);
extern float_t lis3dsh_from_lsb_to_celsius(int8_t lsb);
typedef struct {
uint8_t whoami;
uint8_t info1;
uint8_t info2;
} lis3dsh_id_t;
int32_t lis3dsh_id_get(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, lis3dsh_id_t *val);
typedef enum {
LIS3DSH_SEL_BY_HW = 0x00, /* bus mode select by HW (SPI 3W disable) */
LIS3DSH_SPI_3W = 0x01, /* SDO / SDI share the same pin */
} lis3dsh_bus_mode_t;
int32_t lis3dsh_bus_mode_set(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, lis3dsh_bus_mode_t *val);
int32_t lis3dsh_bus_mode_get(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, lis3dsh_bus_mode_t *val);
typedef enum {
LIS3DSH_DRV_RDY = 0x00, /* Initialize the device for driver usage */
LIS3DSH_BOOT = 0x01, /* Restore calib. param. ( it takes 10ms ) */
LIS3DSH_RESET = 0x02, /* Reset configuration registers */
} lis3dsh_init_t;
int32_t lis3dsh_init_set(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, lis3dsh_init_t val);
typedef struct {
uint8_t sw_reset : 1; /* Restoring configuration registers */
uint8_t boot : 1; /* Restoring calibration parameters */
uint8_t drdy_xl : 1; /* Accelerometer data ready */
uint8_t ovrn_xl : 1; /* Accelerometer data overrun */
} lis3dsh_status_var_t;
int32_t lis3dsh_status_get(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, lis3dsh_status_var_t *val);
typedef struct {
uint8_t active_low : 1; /* 1 = active low / 0 = active high */
uint8_t latched : 1; /* Signals 1 = latched / 0 = pulsed */
} lis3dsh_int_mode_t;
int32_t lis3dsh_interrupt_mode_set(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx,
lis3dsh_int_mode_t *val);
int32_t lis3dsh_interrupt_mode_get(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx,
lis3dsh_int_mode_t *val);
typedef struct {
uint8_t drdy_xl : 1; /* Accelerometer data ready. */
uint8_t fifo_empty : 1; /* FIFO empty indication. */
uint8_t fifo_th : 1; /* FIFO threshold reached */
uint8_t fifo_full : 1; /* FIFO full */
uint8_t fsm1 : 1; /* State machine 1 interrupt event */
uint8_t fsm2 : 1; /* State machine 2 interrupt event */
} lis3dsh_pin_int1_route_t;
int32_t lis3dsh_pin_int1_route_set(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx,
lis3dsh_pin_int1_route_t *val);
int32_t lis3dsh_pin_int1_route_get(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx,
lis3dsh_pin_int1_route_t *val);
typedef struct {
uint8_t fsm1 : 1; /* State machine 1 interrupt event */
uint8_t fsm2 : 1; /* State machine 2 interrupt event */
uint8_t boot : 1; /* Restoring calibration parameters */
} lis3dsh_pin_int2_route_t;
int32_t lis3dsh_pin_int2_route_set(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx,
lis3dsh_pin_int2_route_t *val);
int32_t lis3dsh_pin_int2_route_get(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx,
lis3dsh_pin_int2_route_t *val);
typedef struct {
uint8_t drdy_xl : 1; /* Accelerometer data ready */
uint8_t ovrn_xl : 1; /* Accelerometer data overrun */
uint8_t fsm_lc : 1; /* long counter flag (for both SM) */
uint8_t fsm_ext_sync : 1; /* Synchronization with ext-host requested */
uint8_t fsm1_wait_fsm2 : 1; /* fsm1 wait fsm2 */
uint8_t fsm2_wait_fsm1 : 1; /* fsm2 wait fsm1 */
uint8_t fsm1 : 1; /* fsm 1 interrupt event */
uint8_t fsm2 : 1; /* fsm 2 interrupt event */
uint8_t fifo_ovr : 1; /* FIFO overrun */
uint8_t fifo_empty : 1; /* FIFO empty indication. */
uint8_t fifo_full : 1; /* FIFO full */
uint8_t fifo_th : 1; /* FIFO threshold reached */
} lis3dsh_all_sources_t;
int32_t lis3dsh_all_sources_get(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx,
lis3dsh_all_sources_t *val);
typedef struct {
enum {
LIS3DSH_OFF = 0x00, /* in power down */
LIS3DSH_3Hz125 = 0x01, /* Data rate @3.125 Hz */
LIS3DSH_6Hz25 = 0x02, /* Data rate @6.25 Hz */
LIS3DSH_12Hz5 = 0x03, /* Data rate @12.5 Hz */
LIS3DSH_25Hz = 0x04, /* Data rate @25 Hz */
LIS3DSH_50Hz = 0x05, /* Data rate @50 Hz */
LIS3DSH_100Hz = 0x06, /* Data rate @100 Hz */
LIS3DSH_400Hz = 0x07, /* Data rate @400 Hz */
LIS3DSH_800Hz = 0x08, /* Data rate @800 Hz */
LIS3DSH_1kHz6 = 0x09, /* Data rate @1600 Hz */
} odr;
enum {
LIS3DSH_2g = 0,
LIS3DSH_4g = 1,
LIS3DSH_6g = 2,
LIS3DSH_8g = 3,
LIS3DSH_16g = 4,
} fs;
} lis3dsh_md_t;
int32_t lis3dsh_mode_set(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, lis3dsh_md_t *val);
int32_t lis3dsh_mode_get(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, lis3dsh_md_t *val);
typedef struct {
struct {
float mg[3];
int16_t raw[3];
struct {
float deg_c;
int8_t raw;
} lis3dsh_data_t;
int32_t lis3dsh_data_get(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, lis3dsh_md_t *md,
lis3dsh_data_t *data);
typedef enum {
} lis3dsh_st_t;
int32_t lis3dsh_self_test_set(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, lis3dsh_st_t val);
int32_t lis3dsh_self_test_get(stmdev_ctx_t *ctx, lis3dsh_st_t *val);
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*LIS3DSH_DRIVER_H */
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