
223 lines
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2024-04-29 17:35:50 +08:00
I (99) boot: 5 ota_1 OTA app 00 11 0it: At 600FE010 len 00ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327
Build:Mar 27 2021
Saved PC:0x40048839
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x403c9904
I (24) boot: ESP-IDF v5.0.4-dirty 2nd stage bootloader
I (25) boot: compile time 14:40:49
I (25) boot: Multicore bootloader
I (27) boot: chip revision: v0.1
I (31) boot.esp32s3: Boot SPI Speed : 80MHz
I (36) boot.esp32s3: SPI Mode : DIO
I (41) boot.esp32s3: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
I (45) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (51) boot: Partition Table:
I (54) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length
I (62) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00004000
I (69) boot: 1 otadata OTA data 01 00 0000d000 00002000
I (76) boot: 2 phy_init RF data 01 01 0000f000 00001000
I (84) boot: 3 factory factory app 00 00 00010000 00100000
I (91) boot: 4 ota_0 OTA app 00 10 00110000 00100000
I (99) boot: 5 ota_1 OTA app 00 11 00210000 00100000
I (106) boot: End of partition table
I (111) boot: Defaulting to factory image
I (115) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00010020 vaddr=3c030020 size=11a84h ( 72324) map
I (137) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=00021aac vaddr=3fc93f00 size=02440h ( 9280) load
I (139) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=00023ef4 vaddr=40374000 size=0c124h ( 49444) load
I (153) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=00030020 vaddr=42000020 size=287c8h (165832) map
I (184) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=000587f0 vaddr=40380124 size=03d44h ( 15684) load
I (194) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (194) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
I (206) cpu_start: Multicore app
I (206) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
I (206) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x40375408
I (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.
I (224) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (224) cpu_start: cpu freq: 160000000 Hz
I (224) cpu_start: Application information:
I (227) cpu_start: Project name: esp32_shock
I (233) cpu_start: App version: e846cf9-dirty
I (238) cpu_start: Compile time: Apr 29 2024 14:40:36
I (244) cpu_start: ELF file SHA256: 51f8e96c9aa95dc9...
I (250) cpu_start: ESP-IDF: v5.0.4-dirty
I (255) cpu_start: Min chip rev: v0.0
I (260) cpu_start: Max chip rev: v0.99 
I (265) cpu_start: Chip rev: v0.1
I (270) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (277) heap_init: At 3FCA0A60 len 00048CB0 (291 KiB): DRAM
I (283) heap_init: At 3FCE9710 len 00005724 (21 KiB): STACK/DRAM
I (290) heap_init: At 3FCF0000 len 00008000 (32 KiB): DRAM
I (296) heap_init: At 600FE010 len 00001FD8 (7 KiB): RTCRAM
I (303) spi_flash: detected chip: gd
I (307) spi_flash: flash io: dio
W (311) spi_flash: Detected size(8192k) larger than the size in the binary image header(4096k). Using the size in the binary image header.
I (324) app_start: Starting scheduler on CPU0
I (329) app_start: Starting scheduler on CPU1
I (329) main_task: Started on CPU0
I (339) main_task: Calling app_main()
I (339) nvs_storage: nvs_storage_init
I (349) ota: ota_init
I (359) ota: SHA-256 for the partition table: : d1c0e9d02fa9d26cd2e1984e7b5dd20157204f501ddc83ce82229e5f3175ee8b
I (369) ota: SHA-256 for bootloader: : 2a9c60878851fa83c8bce1c3f6cd607f8159ae2f9fbfabb2f0472ce63eaf828e
I (399) ota: SHA-256 for current firmware: : 9f51fb0cb04d6cde936bedddc1be18692cd303a3b98a0516456473da062db561
I (399) ota: Running partition type 0 subtype 0 (offset 0x00010000)
I (409) twal: twai init
I (409) twal: twai_receive_task
I (409) gpio: GPIO[10]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 0| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 
I (419) gpio: GPIO[11]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 0| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 
I (429) gpio: GPIO[9]| InputEn: 1| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:2 
I (439) shake_detect: gpio_install_isr_service...
I (449) gpio: GPIO[3]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 0| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 
I (469) shake_detect: ret=0, lis3dsh_id=3f2100
I (469) shake_detect: LIS3DSH_CTRL_REG6 old=00
I (469) shake_detect: LIS3DSH_CTRL_REG6 new=74
I (469) shake_detect: LIS3DSH_CTRL_REG4 old=9f
I (479) nvs_storage: nvs_storage_read
I (479) nvs_storage: The value is not initialized yet!

I (489) shake_detect: load lisdsh config err[4354], use default config
I (489) nvs_storage: nvs_storage_read
I (499) nvs_storage: The value is not initialized yet!

I (499) shake_detect: load shake config err[4354], use default config
I (1509) shake_detect: wait int1...
I (1509) shake_detect: read :0.506485, 0.033082, 0.870815
I (1619) shake_detect: angle: x=30.04923 y=1.73168 z=30.10955
I (1739) shake_detect: angle: x=30.07207 y=1.69558 z=30.12988
I (1859) shake_detect: angle: x=30.04415 y=1.72655 z=30.10411
I (1979) shake_detect: angle: x=30.11447 y=1.69430 z=30.17214
I (2099) shake_detect: angle: x=30.03294 y=1.70634 z=30.09153
I (2219) shake_detect: angle: x=30.05066 y=1.78742 z=30.11493
I (2339) shake_detect: angle: x=30.06010 y=1.70814 z=30.11878
I (2459) shake_detect: angle: x=30.04871 y=1.69202 z=30.10630
I (2579) shake_detect: angle: x=30.07203 y=1.70454 z=30.13045
I (2699) shake_detect: angle: x=30.05399 y=1.74328 z=30.11511
I (2819) shake_detect: angle: x=30.04220 y=1.68135 z=30.09908
I (2939) shake_detect: angle: x=30.06393 y=1.75050 z=30.12555
I (3059) shake_detect: angle: x=30.10331 y=1.72369 z=30.16301
I (3179) shake_detect: angle: x=30.02017 y=1.72223 z=30.07987
I (3299) shake_detect: angle: x=30.00167 y=1.74947 z=30.06329
I (3419) shake_detect: angle: x=30.05817 y=1.73368 z=30.11862
I (3539) shake_detect: angle: x=30.07934 y=1.70130 z=30.13753
I (3659) shake_detect: angle: x=30.05737 y=1.69040 z=30.11483
I (3779) shake_detect: angle: x=30.06289 y=1.75645 z=30.12493
I (3899) shake_detect: angle: x=30.04915 y=1.73490 z=30.10970
I (4019) shake_detect: angle: x=30.05465 y=1.71138 z=30.11356
I (4139) shake_detect: angle: x=30.03891 y=1.76543 z=30.10162
I (4259) shake_detect: angle: x=29.99291 y=1.66991 z=30.04907
I (4379) shake_detect: angle: x=30.08850 y=1.75112 z=30.15013
I (4499) shake_detect: angle: x=29.61773 y=-0.57888 z=29.62454
I (4619) shake_detect: angle: x=29.87574 y=7.73285 z=31.06257
I (4739) shake_detect: angle: x=33.05155 y=13.00013 z=36.15448
I (4859) shake_detect: angle: x=17.85275 y=12.25927 z=21.89609
I (4979) shake_detect: angle: x=2.02334 y=0.95481 z=2.23748
I (5099) shake_detect: angle: x=-4.78023 y=-3.04499 z=5.67149
I (5219) shake_detect: angle: x=1.72736 y=3.94048 z=4.30355
I (5339) shake_detect: angle: x=6.81592 y=3.93714 z=7.88069
I (5459) shake_detect: angle: x=3.02564 y=4.93582 z=5.79330
I (5579) shake_detect: angle: x=-1.64637 y=-5.64730 z=5.88389
I (5699) shake_detect: angle: x=-4.04030 y=-9.77920 z=10.59617
I (5819) shake_detect: angle: x=-1.24848 y=-9.93503 z=10.01475
I (5939) shake_detect: angle: x=0.95967 y=-9.27203 z=9.32244
I (6059) shake_detect: angle: x=3.23983 y=-9.18352 z=9.74760
I (6179) shake_detect: angle: x=3.88485 y=-8.60771 z=9.45594
I (6299) shake_detect: angle: x=7.08375 y=-7.41482 z=10.28240
I (6419) shake_detect: angle: x=6.55682 y=-9.35856 z=11.46097
I (6539) shake_detect: angle: x=4.87417 y=-4.24148 z=6.46800
I (6659) shake_detect: angle: x=7.83281 y=0.74553 z=7.86865
I (6779) shake_detect: angle: x=13.36888 y=0.82681 z=13.39538
I (6899) shake_detect: angle: x=7.66331 y=-3.50841 z=8.43704
I (7019) shake_detect: angle: x=-6.43595 y=-2.38176 z=6.86602
I (7139) shake_detect: angle: x=-21.26653 y=-2.15855 z=21.38649
I (7259) shake_detect: angle: x=-36.10757 y=-6.06733 z=36.77734
I (7379) shake_detect: angle: x=-46.73057 y=-5.59519 z=47.27657
I (7499) shake_detect: angle: x=-53.99871 y=-3.99352 z=54.29140
I (7619) shake_detect: angle: x=-57.08303 y=-4.19534 z=57.42004
I (7739) shake_detect: angle: x=-54.31346 y=-5.27350 z=54.82579
I (7859) shake_detect: angle: x=-26.83644 y=-2.92832 z=27.02161
I (7979) shake_detect: angle: x=12.63803 y=3.58637 z=13.15331
I (8099) shake_detect: angle: x=42.65030 y=1.80073 z=42.70706
I (8219) shake_detect: angle: x=65.48662 y=9.83597 z=67.78355
I (8339) shake_detect: angle: x=69.79060 y=8.99171 z=72.05674
I (8459) shake_detect: angle: x=72.87803 y=10.32233 z=76.49104
I (8579) shake_detect: angle: x=74.55569 y=11.28256 z=79.59171
I (8699) shake_detect: angle: x=59.38953 y=0.18648 z=59.39022
I (8819) shake_detect: angle: x=46.00768 y=-13.44201 z=49.11780
I (8939) shake_detect: angle: x=32.55939 y=-29.11135 z=46.50879
I (9059) shake_detect: angle: x=21.02843 y=-39.70191 z=47.11137
I (9179) shake_detect: angle: x=14.93660 y=-47.51291 z=51.36847
I (9299) shake_detect: angle: x=9.75426 y=-52.03426 z=53.74353
I (9419) shake_detect: angle: x=4.30212 y=-52.73209 z=53.06717
I (9539) shake_detect: angle: x=1.80962 y=-54.04097 z=54.10109
I (9659) shake_detect: angle: x=1.61702 y=-54.10526 z=54.15330
I (9779) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.27026 y=-48.75877 z=48.76006
I (9899) shake_detect: angle: x=0.08227 y=-36.28358 z=36.28371
I (10019) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.59400 y=-15.16088 z=15.17308
I (10139) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.81742 y=4.64108 z=4.71282
I (10259) shake_detect: angle: x=-2.01308 y=19.13510 z=19.24896
I (10379) shake_detect: angle: x=-3.69511 y=27.74985 z=28.03762
I (10499) shake_detect: angle: x=-2.86336 y=36.65041 z=36.79957
I (10619) shake_detect: angle: x=-2.82712 y=41.95681 z=42.09695
I (10739) shake_detect: angle: x=-2.21296 y=48.09342 z=48.17937
I (10859) shake_detect: angle: x=-2.87272 y=52.35366 z=52.50255
I (10979) shake_detect: angle: x=-2.59281 y=56.78335 z=56.91140
I (11099) shake_detect: angle: x=-1.73463 y=61.39933 z=61.46183
I (11219) shake_detect: angle: x=-2.15976 y=61.08946 z=61.18570
I (11339) shake_detect: angle: x=-2.04194 y=54.61560 z=54.69267
I (11459) shake_detect: angle: x=0.14031 y=43.04680 z=43.04715
I (11579) shake_detect: angle: x=0.83218 y=23.94322 z=23.95951
I (11699) shake_detect: angle: x=3.34991 y=6.82469 z=7.60956
I (11819) shake_detect: angle: x=3.15344 y=-6.16512 z=6.93038
I (11939) shake_detect: angle: x=-1.29617 y=-16.45974 z=16.51361
I (12059) shake_detect: angle: x=-3.28832 y=-28.54798 z=28.77195
I (12179) shake_detect: angle: x=-5.37368 y=-41.00134 z=41.50818
I (12299) shake_detect: angle: x=-6.72080 y=-48.37802 z=49.16965
I (12419) shake_detect: angle: x=-6.61613 y=-52.72421 z=53.51645
I (12539) shake_detect: angle: x=-5.66282 y=-50.85246 z=51.42339
I (12659) shake_detect: angle: x=-5.90932 y=-39.69584 z=40.31252
I (12779) shake_detect: angle: x=-7.45348 y=-24.36354 z=25.62250
I (12899) shake_detect: angle: x=-6.83564 y=-14.13780 z=15.76607
I (13019) shake_detect: angle: x=-5.67393 y=-4.00543 z=6.95288
I (13139) shake_detect: angle: x=-5.13426 y=6.16465 z=8.03547
I (13259) shake_detect: angle: x=-5.81119 y=15.32807 z=16.44369
I (13379) shake_detect: angle: x=-6.08443 y=26.63593 z=27.43094
I (13499) shake_detect: angle: x=-6.23131 y=33.24247 z=33.97464
I (13619) shake_detect: angle: x=-4.62670 y=40.69111 z=41.06781
I (13739) shake_detect: angle: x=-2.41726 y=49.19460 z=49.29765
I (13859) shake_detect: angle: x=-1.34580 y=52.92137 z=52.95422
I (13979) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.50691 y=45.29869 z=45.30317
I (14099) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.49626 y=23.10771 z=23.11366
I (14219) shake_detect: angle: x=-2.04236 y=8.87971 z=9.11526
I (14339) shake_detect: angle: x=-11.29291 y=-2.57304 z=11.58988
I (14459) shake_detect: angle: x=-28.73556 y=-4.53748 z=29.15889
I (14579) shake_detect: angle: x=-39.96833 y=-6.61584 z=40.73900
I (14699) shake_detect: angle: x=-40.84896 y=-1.24836 z=40.87644
I (14819) shake_detect: angle: x=-27.70563 y=7.19087 z=28.78243
I (14939) shake_detect: angle: x=-15.52389 y=18.37401 z=24.42578
I (15059) shake_detect: angle: x=-2.11098 y=27.30637 z=27.40161
I (15179) shake_detect: angle: x=14.47131 y=23.83582 z=28.36849
I (15299) shake_detect: angle: x=21.51459 y=14.04367 z=26.08803
I (15419) shake_detect: angle: x=7.66005 y=13.67696 z=15.74946
I (15539) shake_detect: angle: x=-1.50157 y=9.13956 z=9.26418
I (15659) shake_detect: angle: x=-2.44319 y=3.75897 z=4.48511
I (15779) shake_detect: angle: x=-4.64003 y=2.22793 z=5.14930
I (15899) shake_detect: angle: x=-5.61451 y=0.26354 z=5.62074
I (16019) shake_detect: angle: x=-3.81291 y=0.56154 z=3.85416
I (16139) shake_detect: angle: x=-10.93018 y=0.58755 z=10.94635
I (16259) shake_detect: angle: x=-4.66074 y=-0.18746 z=4.66452
I (16379) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.75013 y=0.60335 z=0.96269
I (16499) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.90701 y=0.55280 z=1.06222
I (16619) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.65244 y=0.60577 z=0.89032
I (16739) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.72397 y=0.58832 z=0.93290
I (16859) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.72575 y=0.58166 z=0.93009
I (16979) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.73695 y=0.58903 z=0.94344
I (17099) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.68777 y=0.62971 z=0.93253
I (17219) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.71108 y=0.61755 z=0.94183
I (17339) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.72761 y=0.61602 z=0.95339
I (17459) shake_detect: angle: x=-0.67211 y=0.60506 z=0.90436