
  This file provides the definitions for datacall demo, and declares the 
  API functions.

  Copyright (c) 2020 Quectel Wireless Solution, Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.
  Quectel Wireless Solution Proprietary and Confidential.

                        EDIT HISTORY FOR MODULE

This section contains comments describing changes made to the module.
Notice that changes are listed in reverse chronological order.

WHEN        WHO            WHAT, WHERE, WHY
----------  ------------   ----------------------------------------------------


#ifndef NTP_DEMO_H
#define NTP_DEMO_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
		extern "C" {
		 *	function Definition
int ql_ntp_app_init(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
		}/*"C" */
#endif   /*DATACALL_DEMO_H*/