381 lines
11 KiB
381 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2020 Staz Modrzynski
* Copyright (c) 2020 Paul-Louis Ageneau
* Copyright (c) 2020 Filip Klembara (in2core)
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#ifndef RTC_RTP_HPP
#define RTC_RTP_HPP
#include "common.hpp"
#include <vector>
namespace rtc {
typedef uint32_t SSRC;
RTC_CPP_EXPORT bool IsRtcp(const binary &data);
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtpExtensionHeader {
uint16_t _profileSpecificId;
uint16_t _headerLength;
[[nodiscard]] uint16_t profileSpecificId() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint16_t headerLength() const;
[[nodiscard]] size_t getSize() const;
[[nodiscard]] const char *getBody() const;
[[nodiscard]] char *getBody();
void setProfileSpecificId(uint16_t profileSpecificId);
void setHeaderLength(uint16_t headerLength);
void clearBody();
void writeCurrentVideoOrientation(size_t offset, uint8_t id, uint8_t value);
void writeOneByteHeader(size_t offset, uint8_t id, const byte *value, size_t size);
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtpHeader {
uint8_t _first;
uint8_t _payloadType;
uint16_t _seqNumber;
uint32_t _timestamp;
SSRC _ssrc;
// The following field is SSRC _csrc[]
[[nodiscard]] uint8_t version() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool padding() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool extension() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint8_t csrcCount() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint8_t marker() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint8_t payloadType() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint16_t seqNumber() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t timestamp() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t ssrc() const;
[[nodiscard]] size_t getSize() const;
[[nodiscard]] size_t getExtensionHeaderSize() const;
[[nodiscard]] const RtpExtensionHeader *getExtensionHeader() const;
[[nodiscard]] RtpExtensionHeader *getExtensionHeader();
[[nodiscard]] const char *getBody() const;
[[nodiscard]] char *getBody();
void log() const;
void preparePacket();
void setSeqNumber(uint16_t newSeqNo);
void setPayloadType(uint8_t newPayloadType);
void setSsrc(uint32_t in_ssrc);
void setMarker(bool marker);
void setTimestamp(uint32_t i);
void setExtension(bool extension);
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpReportBlock {
SSRC _ssrc;
uint32_t _fractionLostAndPacketsLost; // fraction lost is 8-bit, packets lost is 24-bit
uint16_t _seqNoCycles;
uint16_t _highestSeqNo;
uint32_t _jitter;
uint32_t _lastReport;
uint32_t _delaySinceLastReport;
[[nodiscard]] uint16_t seqNoCycles() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint16_t highestSeqNo() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t extendedHighestSeqNo() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t jitter() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t delaySinceSR() const;
[[nodiscard]] SSRC getSSRC() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t getNTPOfSR() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint8_t getFractionLost() const;
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int getPacketsLostCount() const;
void preparePacket(SSRC in_ssrc, unsigned int packetsLost, unsigned int totalPackets,
uint16_t highestSeqNo, uint16_t seqNoCycles, uint32_t jitter,
uint64_t lastSR_NTP, uint64_t lastSR_DELAY);
void setSSRC(SSRC in_ssrc);
void setPacketsLost(uint8_t fractionLost, unsigned int packetsLostCount);
void setSeqNo(uint16_t highestSeqNo, uint16_t seqNoCycles);
void setJitter(uint32_t jitter);
void setNTPOfSR(uint64_t ntp);
void setDelaySinceSR(uint32_t sr);
void log() const;
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpHeader {
uint8_t _first;
uint8_t _payloadType;
uint16_t _length;
[[nodiscard]] uint8_t version() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool padding() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint8_t reportCount() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint8_t payloadType() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint16_t length() const;
[[nodiscard]] size_t lengthInBytes() const;
void prepareHeader(uint8_t payloadType, uint8_t reportCount, uint16_t length);
void setPayloadType(uint8_t type);
void setReportCount(uint8_t count);
void setLength(uint16_t length);
void log() const;
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpFbHeader {
RtcpHeader header;
SSRC _packetSender;
SSRC _mediaSource;
[[nodiscard]] SSRC packetSenderSSRC() const;
[[nodiscard]] SSRC mediaSourceSSRC() const;
void setPacketSenderSSRC(SSRC ssrc);
void setMediaSourceSSRC(SSRC ssrc);
void log() const;
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpSr {
RtcpHeader header;
SSRC _senderSSRC;
uint64_t _ntpTimestamp;
uint32_t _rtpTimestamp;
uint32_t _packetCount;
uint32_t _octetCount;
RtcpReportBlock _reportBlocks;
[[nodiscard]] static unsigned int Size(unsigned int reportCount);
[[nodiscard]] uint64_t ntpTimestamp() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t rtpTimestamp() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t packetCount() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t octetCount() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t senderSSRC() const;
[[nodiscard]] const RtcpReportBlock *getReportBlock(int num) const;
[[nodiscard]] RtcpReportBlock *getReportBlock(int num);
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int size(unsigned int reportCount);
[[nodiscard]] size_t getSize() const;
void preparePacket(SSRC senderSSRC, uint8_t reportCount);
void setNtpTimestamp(uint64_t ts);
void setRtpTimestamp(uint32_t ts);
void setOctetCount(uint32_t ts);
void setPacketCount(uint32_t ts);
void log() const;
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpSdesItem {
uint8_t type;
uint8_t _length;
char _text[1];
[[nodiscard]] static unsigned int Size(uint8_t textLength);
[[nodiscard]] string text() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint8_t length() const;
void setText(string text);
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpSdesChunk {
SSRC _ssrc;
RtcpSdesItem _items;
[[nodiscard]] static unsigned int Size(const std::vector<uint8_t> textLengths);
[[nodiscard]] SSRC ssrc() const;
void setSSRC(SSRC ssrc);
// Get item at given index
// All items with index < num must be valid, otherwise this function has undefined behaviour
// (use safelyCountChunkSize() to check if chunk is valid).
[[nodiscard]] const RtcpSdesItem *getItem(int num) const;
[[nodiscard]] RtcpSdesItem *getItem(int num);
// Get size of chunk
// All items must be valid, otherwise this function has undefined behaviour (use
// safelyCountChunkSize() to check if chunk is valid)
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int getSize() const;
long safelyCountChunkSize(size_t maxChunkSize) const;
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpSdes {
RtcpHeader header;
RtcpSdesChunk _chunks;
[[nodiscard]] static unsigned int Size(const std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> lengths);
bool isValid() const;
// Returns number of chunks in this packet
// Returns 0 if packet is invalid
unsigned int chunksCount() const;
// Get chunk at given index
// All chunks (and their items) with index < `num` must be valid, otherwise this function has
// undefined behaviour (use `isValid` to check if chunk is valid).
const RtcpSdesChunk *getChunk(int num) const;
RtcpSdesChunk *getChunk(int num);
void preparePacket(uint8_t chunkCount);
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpRr {
RtcpHeader header;
SSRC _senderSSRC;
RtcpReportBlock _reportBlocks;
[[nodiscard]] static size_t SizeWithReportBlocks(uint8_t reportCount);
SSRC senderSSRC() const;
bool isSenderReport();
bool isReceiverReport();
[[nodiscard]] RtcpReportBlock *getReportBlock(int num);
[[nodiscard]] const RtcpReportBlock *getReportBlock(int num) const;
[[nodiscard]] size_t getSize() const;
void preparePacket(SSRC senderSSRC, uint8_t reportCount);
void setSenderSSRC(SSRC ssrc);
void log() const;
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpRemb {
RtcpFbHeader header;
char _id[4]; // Unique identifier ('R' 'E' 'M' 'B')
uint32_t _bitrate; // Num SSRC, Br Exp, Br Mantissa (bit mask)
SSRC _ssrc[1];
[[nodiscard]] static size_t SizeWithSSRCs(int count);
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int getSize() const;
void preparePacket(SSRC senderSSRC, unsigned int numSSRC, unsigned int in_bitrate);
void setBitrate(unsigned int numSSRC, unsigned int in_bitrate);
void setSsrc(int iterator, SSRC newSssrc);
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpPli {
RtcpFbHeader header;
[[nodiscard]] static unsigned int Size();
void preparePacket(SSRC messageSSRC);
void log() const;
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpFirPart {
uint32_t ssrc;
uint8_t seqNo;
uint8_t dummy1;
uint16_t dummy2;
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpFir {
RtcpFbHeader header;
RtcpFirPart parts[1];
static unsigned int Size();
void preparePacket(SSRC messageSSRC, uint8_t seqNo);
void log() const;
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpNackPart {
uint16_t _pid;
uint16_t _blp;
uint16_t pid();
uint16_t blp();
void setPid(uint16_t pid);
void setBlp(uint16_t blp);
std::vector<uint16_t> getSequenceNumbers();
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtcpNack {
RtcpFbHeader header;
RtcpNackPart parts[1];
[[nodiscard]] static unsigned int Size(unsigned int discreteSeqNoCount);
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int getSeqNoCount();
void preparePacket(SSRC ssrc, unsigned int discreteSeqNoCount);
* Add a packet to the list of missing packets.
* @param fciCount The number of FCI fields that are present in this packet.
* Let the number start at zero and let this function grow the number.
* @param fciPID The seq no of the active FCI. It will be initialized automatically, and will
* change automatically.
* @param missingPacket The seq no of the missing packet. This will be added to the queue.
* @return true if the packet has grown, false otherwise.
bool addMissingPacket(unsigned int *fciCount, uint16_t *fciPID, uint16_t missingPacket);
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtpRtx {
RtpHeader header;
[[nodiscard]] const char *getBody() const;
[[nodiscard]] char *getBody();
[[nodiscard]] size_t getBodySize(size_t totalSize) const;
[[nodiscard]] size_t getSize() const;
[[nodiscard]] uint16_t getOriginalSeqNo() const;
// Returns the new size of the packet
size_t normalizePacket(size_t totalSize, SSRC originalSSRC, uint8_t originalPayloadType);
size_t copyTo(RtpHeader *dest, size_t totalSize, uint8_t originalPayloadType);
// For backward compatibility, do not use
using RTP_ExtensionHeader [[deprecated]] = RtpExtensionHeader;
using RTP [[deprecated]] = RtpHeader;
using RTCP_ReportBlock [[deprecated]] = RtcpReportBlock;
using RTCP_HEADER [[deprecated]] = RtcpHeader;
using RTCP_FB_HEADER [[deprecated]] = RtcpFbHeader;
using RTCP_SR [[deprecated]] = RtcpSr;
using RTCP_SDES_ITEM [[deprecated]] = RtcpSdesItem;
using RTCP_SDES_CHUNK [[deprecated]] = RtcpSdesChunk;
using RTCP_SDES [[deprecated]] = RtcpSdes;
using RTCP_RR [[deprecated]] = RtcpRr;
using RTCP_REMB [[deprecated]] = RtcpRemb;
using RTCP_PLI [[deprecated]] = RtcpPli;
using RTCP_FIR_PART [[deprecated]] = RtcpFirPart;
using RTCP_FIR [[deprecated]] = RtcpFir;
using RTCP_NACK_PART [[deprecated]] = RtcpNackPart;
using RTCP_NACK [[deprecated]] = RtcpNack;
using RTP_RTX [[deprecated]] = RtpRtx;
#pragma pack(pop)
} // namespace rtc