325 lines
9.7 KiB
325 lines
9.7 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Paul-Louis Ageneau
* Copyright (c) 2020 Staz Modrzynski
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include "candidate.hpp"
#include "common.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
namespace rtc {
// Use Constrained Baseline profile Level 3.1 (necessary for Firefox)
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/WebRTC_codecs#Supported_video_codecs
// TODO: Should be 42E0 but 42C0 appears to be more compatible. Investigate this.
const string DEFAULT_H264_VIDEO_PROFILE =
struct CertificateFingerprint {
enum class Algorithm { Sha1, Sha224, Sha256, Sha384, Sha512 };
static string AlgorithmIdentifier(Algorithm algorithm);
static size_t AlgorithmSize(Algorithm algorithm);
bool isValid() const;
Algorithm algorithm;
string value;
class RTC_CPP_EXPORT Description {
enum class Type { Unspec, Offer, Answer, Pranswer, Rollback };
enum class Role { ActPass, Passive, Active };
enum class Direction {
Description(const string &sdp, Type type = Type::Unspec, Role role = Role::ActPass);
Description(const string &sdp, string typeString);
Type type() const;
string typeString() const;
Role role() const;
string bundleMid() const;
std::vector<string> iceOptions() const;
optional<string> iceUfrag() const;
optional<string> icePwd() const;
optional<CertificateFingerprint> fingerprint() const;
bool ended() const;
void hintType(Type type);
void setFingerprint(CertificateFingerprint f);
void addIceOption(string option);
void removeIceOption(const string &option);
std::vector<string> attributes() const;
void addAttribute(string attr);
void removeAttribute(const string &attr);
std::vector<Candidate> candidates() const;
std::vector<Candidate> extractCandidates();
bool hasCandidate(const Candidate &candidate) const;
void addCandidate(Candidate candidate);
void addCandidates(std::vector<Candidate> candidates);
void endCandidates();
operator string() const;
string generateSdp(string_view eol = "\r\n") const;
string generateApplicationSdp(string_view eol = "\r\n") const;
class RTC_CPP_EXPORT Entry {
virtual ~Entry() = default;
virtual string type() const;
virtual string description() const;
virtual string mid() const;
Direction direction() const;
void setDirection(Direction dir);
bool isRemoved() const;
void markRemoved();
std::vector<string> attributes() const;
void addAttribute(string attr);
void removeAttribute(const string &attr);
void addRid(string rid);
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT ExtMap {
static int parseId(string_view description);
ExtMap(int id, string uri, Direction direction = Direction::Unknown);
ExtMap(string_view description);
void setDescription(string_view description);
int id;
string uri;
string attributes;
Direction direction = Direction::Unknown;
std::vector<int> extIds();
ExtMap *extMap(int id);
const ExtMap *extMap(int id) const;
void addExtMap(ExtMap map);
void removeExtMap(int id);
operator string() const;
string generateSdp(string_view eol = "\r\n", string_view addr = "",
uint16_t port = 9) const;
virtual void parseSdpLine(string_view line);
Entry(const string &mline, string mid, Direction dir = Direction::Unknown);
virtual string generateSdpLines(string_view eol) const;
std::vector<string> mAttributes;
std::map<int, ExtMap> mExtMaps;
string mType;
string mDescription;
string mMid;
std::vector<string> mRids;
Direction mDirection;
bool mIsRemoved;
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT Application : public Entry {
Application(string mid = "data");
Application(const string &mline, string mid);
virtual ~Application() = default;
string description() const override;
Application reciprocate() const;
void setSctpPort(uint16_t port);
void hintSctpPort(uint16_t port);
void setMaxMessageSize(size_t size);
optional<uint16_t> sctpPort() const;
optional<size_t> maxMessageSize() const;
virtual void parseSdpLine(string_view line) override;
virtual string generateSdpLines(string_view eol) const override;
optional<uint16_t> mSctpPort;
optional<size_t> mMaxMessageSize;
// Media (non-data)
class RTC_CPP_EXPORT Media : public Entry {
Media(const string &sdp);
Media(const string &mline, string mid, Direction dir = Direction::SendOnly);
virtual ~Media() = default;
string description() const override;
Media reciprocate() const;
void addSSRC(uint32_t ssrc, optional<string> name, optional<string> msid = nullopt,
optional<string> trackId = nullopt);
void removeSSRC(uint32_t ssrc);
void replaceSSRC(uint32_t old, uint32_t ssrc, optional<string> name,
optional<string> msid = nullopt, optional<string> trackID = nullopt);
bool hasSSRC(uint32_t ssrc) const;
void clearSSRCs();
std::vector<uint32_t> getSSRCs() const;
optional<std::string> getCNameForSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) const;
int bitrate() const;
void setBitrate(int bitrate);
struct RTC_CPP_EXPORT RtpMap {
static int parsePayloadType(string_view description);
explicit RtpMap(int payloadType);
RtpMap(string_view description);
void setDescription(string_view description);
void addFeedback(string fb);
void removeFeedback(const string &str);
void addParameter(string p);
void removeParameter(const string &str);
int payloadType;
string format;
int clockRate;
string encParams;
std::vector<string> rtcpFbs;
std::vector<string> fmtps;
bool hasPayloadType(int payloadType) const;
std::vector<int> payloadTypes() const;
RtpMap *rtpMap(int payloadType);
const RtpMap *rtpMap(int payloadType) const;
void addRtpMap(RtpMap map);
void removeRtpMap(int payloadType);
void removeFormat(const string &format);
void addRtxCodec(int payloadType, int origPayloadType, unsigned int clockRate);
virtual void parseSdpLine(string_view line) override;
virtual string generateSdpLines(string_view eol) const override;
int mBas = -1;
std::map<int, RtpMap> mRtpMaps;
std::vector<uint32_t> mSsrcs;
std::map<uint32_t, string> mCNameMap;
class RTC_CPP_EXPORT Audio : public Media {
Audio(string mid = "audio", Direction dir = Direction::SendOnly);
void addAudioCodec(int payloadType, string codec, optional<string> profile = std::nullopt);
void addOpusCodec(int payloadType, optional<string> profile = DEFAULT_OPUS_AUDIO_PROFILE);
void addPCMACodec(int payloadType, optional<string> profile = std::nullopt);
void addPCMUCodec(int payloadType, optional<string> profile = std::nullopt);
void addAACCodec(int payloadType, optional<string> profile = std::nullopt);
[[deprecated("Use addAACCodec")]] inline void
addAacCodec(int payloadType, optional<string> profile = std::nullopt) {
addAACCodec(payloadType, std::move(profile));
class RTC_CPP_EXPORT Video : public Media {
Video(string mid = "video", Direction dir = Direction::SendOnly);
void addVideoCodec(int payloadType, string codec, optional<string> profile = std::nullopt);
void addH264Codec(int payloadType, optional<string> profile = DEFAULT_H264_VIDEO_PROFILE);
void addH265Codec(int payloadType, optional<string> profile = std::nullopt);
void addVP8Codec(int payloadType, optional<string> profile = std::nullopt);
void addVP9Codec(int payloadType, optional<string> profile = std::nullopt);
void addAV1Codec(int payloadType, optional<string> profile = std::nullopt);
bool hasApplication() const;
bool hasAudioOrVideo() const;
bool hasMid(string_view mid) const;
int addMedia(Media media);
int addMedia(Application application);
int addApplication(string mid = "data");
int addVideo(string mid = "video", Direction dir = Direction::SendOnly);
int addAudio(string mid = "audio", Direction dir = Direction::SendOnly);
void clearMedia();
variant<Media *, Application *> media(unsigned int index);
variant<const Media *, const Application *> media(unsigned int index) const;
unsigned int mediaCount() const;
const Application *application() const;
Application *application();
static Type stringToType(const string &typeString);
static string typeToString(Type type);
optional<Candidate> defaultCandidate() const;
shared_ptr<Entry> createEntry(string mline, string mid, Direction dir);
void removeApplication();
Type mType;
// Session-level attributes
Role mRole;
string mUsername;
string mSessionId;
std::vector<string> mIceOptions;
optional<string> mIceUfrag, mIcePwd;
optional<CertificateFingerprint> mFingerprint;
std::vector<string> mAttributes; // other attributes
// Entries
std::vector<shared_ptr<Entry>> mEntries;
shared_ptr<Application> mApplication;
// Candidates
std::vector<Candidate> mCandidates;
bool mEnded = false;
RTC_CPP_EXPORT std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Description &description);
RTC_CPP_EXPORT std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Description::Type type);
RTC_CPP_EXPORT std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Description::Role role);
RTC_CPP_EXPORT std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Description::Direction &direction);
} // namespace rtc