/********** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. (See .) This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA **********/ // "liveMedia" // Copyright (c) 1996-2024 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. // A 'ServerMediaSubsession' object that creates new, unicast, "RTPSink"s // on demand. // C++ header #ifndef _ON_DEMAND_SERVER_MEDIA_SUBSESSION_HH #define _ON_DEMAND_SERVER_MEDIA_SUBSESSION_HH #ifndef _SERVER_MEDIA_SESSION_HH #include "ServerMediaSession.hh" #endif #ifndef _RTP_SINK_HH #include "RTPSink.hh" #endif #ifndef _BASIC_UDP_SINK_HH #include "BasicUDPSink.hh" #endif #ifndef _RTCP_HH #include "RTCP.hh" #endif class LIVEMEDIA_API OnDemandServerMediaSubsession: public ServerMediaSubsession { protected: // we're a virtual base class OnDemandServerMediaSubsession(UsageEnvironment& env, Boolean reuseFirstSource, portNumBits initialPortNum = 6970, Boolean multiplexRTCPWithRTP = False); virtual ~OnDemandServerMediaSubsession(); protected: // redefined virtual functions virtual char const* sdpLines(int addressFamily); virtual void getStreamParameters(unsigned clientSessionId, struct sockaddr_storage const& clientAddress, Port const& clientRTPPort, Port const& clientRTCPPort, int tcpSocketNum, unsigned char rtpChannelId, unsigned char rtcpChannelId, TLSState* tlsState, struct sockaddr_storage& destinationAddress, u_int8_t& destinationTTL, Boolean& isMulticast, Port& serverRTPPort, Port& serverRTCPPort, void*& streamToken); virtual void startStream(unsigned clientSessionId, void* streamToken, TaskFunc* rtcpRRHandler, void* rtcpRRHandlerClientData, unsigned short& rtpSeqNum, unsigned& rtpTimestamp, ServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler* serverRequestAlternativeByteHandler, void* serverRequestAlternativeByteHandlerClientData); virtual void pauseStream(unsigned clientSessionId, void* streamToken); virtual void seekStream(unsigned clientSessionId, void* streamToken, double& seekNPT, double streamDuration, u_int64_t& numBytes); virtual void seekStream(unsigned clientSessionId, void* streamToken, char*& absStart, char*& absEnd); virtual void nullSeekStream(unsigned clientSessionId, void* streamToken, double streamEndTime, u_int64_t& numBytes); virtual void setStreamScale(unsigned clientSessionId, void* streamToken, float scale); virtual float getCurrentNPT(void* streamToken); virtual FramedSource* getStreamSource(void* streamToken); virtual void getRTPSinkandRTCP(void* streamToken, RTPSink*& rtpSink, RTCPInstance*& rtcp); virtual void deleteStream(unsigned clientSessionId, void*& streamToken); protected: // new virtual functions, possibly redefined by subclasses virtual char const* getAuxSDPLine(RTPSink* rtpSink, FramedSource* inputSource); virtual void seekStreamSource(FramedSource* inputSource, double& seekNPT, double streamDuration, u_int64_t& numBytes); // This routine is used to seek by relative (i.e., NPT) time. // "streamDuration", if >0.0, specifies how much data to stream, past "seekNPT". (If <=0.0, all remaining data is streamed.) // "numBytes" returns the size (in bytes) of the data to be streamed, or 0 if unknown or unlimited. virtual void seekStreamSource(FramedSource* inputSource, char*& absStart, char*& absEnd); // This routine is used to seek by 'absolute' time. // "absStart" should be a string of the form "YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ" or "YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.Z". // "absEnd" should be either NULL (for no end time), or a string of the same form as "absStart". // These strings may be modified in-place, or can be reassigned to a newly-allocated value (after delete[]ing the original). virtual void setStreamSourceScale(FramedSource* inputSource, float scale); virtual void setStreamSourceDuration(FramedSource* inputSource, double streamDuration, u_int64_t& numBytes); virtual void closeStreamSource(FramedSource* inputSource); protected: // new virtual functions, defined by all subclasses virtual FramedSource* createNewStreamSource(unsigned clientSessionId, unsigned& estBitrate) = 0; // "estBitrate" is the stream's estimated bitrate, in kbps virtual RTPSink* createNewRTPSink(Groupsock* rtpGroupsock, unsigned char rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, FramedSource* inputSource) = 0; protected: // new virtual functions, may be redefined by a subclass: virtual Groupsock* createGroupsock(struct sockaddr_storage const& addr, Port port); virtual RTCPInstance* createRTCP(Groupsock* RTCPgs, unsigned totSessionBW, /* in kbps */ unsigned char const* cname, RTPSink* sink); public: void multiplexRTCPWithRTP() { fMultiplexRTCPWithRTP = True; } // An alternative to passing the "multiplexRTCPWithRTP" parameter as True in the constructor void setRTCPAppPacketHandler(RTCPAppHandlerFunc* handler, void* clientData); // Sets a handler to be called if a RTCP "APP" packet arrives from any future client. // (Any current clients are not affected; any "APP" packets from them will continue to be // handled by whatever handler existed when the client sent its first RTSP "PLAY" command.) // (Call with (NULL, NULL) to remove an existing handler - for future clients only) void sendRTCPAppPacket(u_int8_t subtype, char const* name, u_int8_t* appDependentData, unsigned appDependentDataSize); // Sends a custom RTCP "APP" packet to the most recent client (if "reuseFirstSource" was False), // or to all current clients (if "reuseFirstSource" was True). // The parameters correspond to their // respective fields as described in the RTP/RTCP definition (RFC 3550). // Note that only the low-order 5 bits of "subtype" are used, and only the first 4 bytes // of "name" are used. (If "name" has fewer than 4 bytes, or is NULL, // then the remaining bytes are '\0'.) protected: void setSDPLinesFromRTPSink(RTPSink* rtpSink, FramedSource* inputSource, unsigned estBitrate); // used to implement "sdpLines()" protected: char* fSDPLines; u_int8_t* fMIKEYStateMessage; // used if we're streaming SRTP unsigned fMIKEYStateMessageSize; // ditto HashTable* fDestinationsHashTable; // indexed by client session id private: Boolean fReuseFirstSource; portNumBits fInitialPortNum; Boolean fMultiplexRTCPWithRTP; void* fLastStreamToken; char fCNAME[100]; // for RTCP RTCPAppHandlerFunc* fAppHandlerTask; void* fAppHandlerClientData; friend class StreamState; }; // A class that represents the state of an ongoing stream. This is used only internally, in the implementation of // "OnDemandServerMediaSubsession", but we expose the definition here, in case subclasses of "OnDemandServerMediaSubsession" // want to access it. class LIVEMEDIA_API Destinations { public: Destinations(struct sockaddr_storage const& destAddr, Port const& rtpDestPort, Port const& rtcpDestPort) : isTCP(False), addr(destAddr), rtpPort(rtpDestPort), rtcpPort(rtcpDestPort) { } Destinations(int tcpSockNum, unsigned char rtpChanId, unsigned char rtcpChanId, TLSState* tlsSt) : isTCP(True), rtpPort(0) /*dummy*/, rtcpPort(0) /*dummy*/, tcpSocketNum(tcpSockNum), rtpChannelId(rtpChanId), rtcpChannelId(rtcpChanId), tlsState(tlsSt) { } public: Boolean isTCP; struct sockaddr_storage addr; Port rtpPort; Port rtcpPort; int tcpSocketNum; unsigned char rtpChannelId, rtcpChannelId; TLSState* tlsState; }; class LIVEMEDIA_API StreamState { public: StreamState(OnDemandServerMediaSubsession& master, Port const& serverRTPPort, Port const& serverRTCPPort, RTPSink* rtpSink, BasicUDPSink* udpSink, unsigned totalBW, FramedSource* mediaSource, Groupsock* rtpGS, Groupsock* rtcpGS); virtual ~StreamState(); void startPlaying(Destinations* destinations, unsigned clientSessionId, TaskFunc* rtcpRRHandler, void* rtcpRRHandlerClientData, ServerRequestAlternativeByteHandler* serverRequestAlternativeByteHandler, void* serverRequestAlternativeByteHandlerClientData); void pause(); void sendRTCPAppPacket(u_int8_t subtype, char const* name, u_int8_t* appDependentData, unsigned appDependentDataSize); void endPlaying(Destinations* destinations, unsigned clientSessionId); void reclaim(); unsigned& referenceCount() { return fReferenceCount; } Port const& serverRTPPort() const { return fServerRTPPort; } Port const& serverRTCPPort() const { return fServerRTCPPort; } RTPSink* rtpSink() const { return fRTPSink; } RTCPInstance* rtcpInstance() const { return fRTCPInstance; } float streamDuration() const { return fStreamDuration; } FramedSource* mediaSource() const { return fMediaSource; } float& startNPT() { return fStartNPT; } private: OnDemandServerMediaSubsession& fMaster; Boolean fAreCurrentlyPlaying; unsigned fReferenceCount; Port fServerRTPPort, fServerRTCPPort; RTPSink* fRTPSink; BasicUDPSink* fUDPSink; float fStreamDuration; unsigned fTotalBW; RTCPInstance* fRTCPInstance; FramedSource* fMediaSource; float fStartNPT; // initial 'normal play time'; reset after each seek Groupsock* fRTPgs; Groupsock* fRTCPgs; }; #endif