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2024-03-21 16:36:26 +08:00
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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// "groupsock"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2024 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// 'Group sockets'
// C++ header
#include "groupsock_version.hh"
#include "NetInterface.hh"
#ifndef _GROUPEID_HH
#include "GroupEId.hh"
// An "OutputSocket" is (by default) used only to send packets.
// No packets are received on it (unless a subclass arranges this)
class LIVEMEDIA_API OutputSocket: public Socket {
OutputSocket(UsageEnvironment& env, int family);
virtual ~OutputSocket();
virtual Boolean write(struct sockaddr_storage const& addressAndPort, u_int8_t ttl,
unsigned char* buffer, unsigned bufferSize);
OutputSocket(UsageEnvironment& env, Port port, int family);
portNumBits sourcePortNum() const {return fSourcePort.num();}
private: // redefined virtual function
virtual Boolean handleRead(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned bufferMaxSize,
unsigned& bytesRead,
struct sockaddr_storage& fromAddressAndPort);
Port fSourcePort;
unsigned fLastSentTTL;
class LIVEMEDIA_API destRecord {
destRecord(struct sockaddr_storage const& addr, Port const& port, u_int8_t ttl, unsigned sessionId,
destRecord* next);
virtual ~destRecord();
destRecord* fNext;
GroupEId fGroupEId;
unsigned fSessionId;
// A "Groupsock" is used to both send and receive packets.
// As the name suggests, it was originally designed to send/receive
// multicast, but it can send/receive unicast as well.
class LIVEMEDIA_API Groupsock: public OutputSocket {
Groupsock(UsageEnvironment& env, struct sockaddr_storage const& groupAddr,
Port port, u_int8_t ttl);
// used for a 'source-independent multicast' group
Groupsock(UsageEnvironment& env, struct sockaddr_storage const& groupAddr,
struct sockaddr_storage const& sourceFilterAddr,
Port port);
// used for a 'source-specific multicast' group
virtual ~Groupsock();
virtual destRecord* createNewDestRecord(struct sockaddr_storage const& addr, Port const& port, u_int8_t ttl, unsigned sessionId, destRecord* next);
// Can be redefined by subclasses that also subclass "destRecord"
void changeDestinationParameters(struct sockaddr_storage const& newDestAddr,
Port newDestPort, int newDestTTL,
unsigned sessionId = 0);
// By default, the destination address, port and ttl for
// outgoing packets are those that were specified in
// the constructor. This works OK for multicast sockets,
// but for unicast we usually want the destination port
// number, at least, to be different from the source port.
// (If a parameter is 0 (or ~0 for ttl), then no change is made to that parameter.)
// (If no existing "destRecord" exists with this "sessionId", then we add a new "destRecord".)
unsigned lookupSessionIdFromDestination(struct sockaddr_storage const& destAddrAndPort) const;
// returns 0 if not found
// As a special case, we also allow multiple destinations (addresses & ports)
// (This can be used to implement multi-unicast.)
virtual void addDestination(struct sockaddr_storage const& addr, Port const& port,
unsigned sessionId);
virtual void removeDestination(unsigned sessionId);
void removeAllDestinations();
Boolean hasMultipleDestinations() const { return fDests != NULL && fDests->fNext != NULL; }
struct sockaddr_storage const& groupAddress() const {
return fIncomingGroupEId.groupAddress();
struct sockaddr_storage const& sourceFilterAddress() const {
return fIncomingGroupEId.sourceFilterAddress();
Boolean isSSM() const {
return fIncomingGroupEId.isSSM();
u_int8_t ttl() const { return fIncomingGroupEId.ttl(); }
void multicastSendOnly(); // send, but don't receive any multicast packets
virtual Boolean output(UsageEnvironment& env, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned bufferSize);
static NetInterfaceTrafficStats statsIncoming;
static NetInterfaceTrafficStats statsOutgoing;
NetInterfaceTrafficStats statsGroupIncoming; // *not* static
NetInterfaceTrafficStats statsGroupOutgoing; // *not* static
Boolean wasLoopedBackFromUs(UsageEnvironment& env,
struct sockaddr_storage const& fromAddressAndPort);
public: // redefined virtual functions
virtual Boolean handleRead(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned bufferMaxSize,
unsigned& bytesRead,
struct sockaddr_storage& fromAddressAndPort);
destRecord* lookupDestRecordFromDestination(struct sockaddr_storage const& targetAddrAndPort) const;
void removeDestinationFrom(destRecord*& dests, unsigned sessionId);
// used to implement (the public) "removeDestination()", and "changeDestinationParameters()"
destRecord* fDests;
GroupEId fIncomingGroupEId;
UsageEnvironment& operator<<(UsageEnvironment& s, const Groupsock& g);
// A data structure for looking up a 'groupsock'
// by (multicast address, port), or by socket number
class LIVEMEDIA_API GroupsockLookupTable {
Groupsock* Fetch(UsageEnvironment& env, struct sockaddr_storage const& groupAddress,
Port port, u_int8_t ttl, Boolean& isNew);
// Creates a new Groupsock if none already exists
Groupsock* Fetch(UsageEnvironment& env, struct sockaddr_storage const& groupAddress,
struct sockaddr_storage const& sourceFilterAddr,
Port port, Boolean& isNew);
// Creates a new Groupsock if none already exists
Groupsock* Lookup(struct sockaddr_storage const& groupAddress, Port port);
// Returns NULL if none already exists
Groupsock* Lookup(struct sockaddr_storage const& groupAddress,
struct sockaddr_storage const& sourceFilterAddr,
Port port);
// Returns NULL if none already exists
Groupsock* Lookup(UsageEnvironment& env, int sock);
// Returns NULL if none already exists
Boolean Remove(Groupsock const* groupsock);
// Used to iterate through the groupsocks in the table
class Iterator {
Iterator(GroupsockLookupTable& groupsocks);
Groupsock* next(); // NULL iff none
AddressPortLookupTable::Iterator fIter;
Groupsock* AddNew(UsageEnvironment& env,
struct sockaddr_storage const& groupAddress,
struct sockaddr_storage const& sourceFilterAddress,
Port port, u_int8_t ttl);
friend class Iterator;
AddressPortLookupTable fTable;