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2024-03-21 16:36:26 +08:00
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2024 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// A class for generating MPEG-2 Transport Stream from one or more input
// Elementary Stream data sources
// C++ header
#include "FramedSource.hh"
#ifndef _MPEG_1OR2_DEMUX_HH
#include "MPEG1or2Demux.hh" // for SCR
#define PID_TABLE_SIZE 0x2000 // 2^13
class LIVEMEDIA_API MPEG2TransportStreamMultiplexor: public FramedSource {
typedef void (onEndOfSegmentFunc)(void* clientData, double segmentDuration);
void setTimedSegmentation(unsigned segmentationDuration,
onEndOfSegmentFunc* onEndOfSegmentFunc = NULL,
void* onEndOfSegmentClientData = NULL);
// Specifies that PAT and PMT packets should be output every "segmentationDuration" seconds.
// (If "segmentationDuration" is 0 (the default value), then PAT and PMT packets are output
// at a preset frequency.)
// The optional function "onEndOfSegmentFunc" is called after each segment is output.
double currentSegmentDuration() const { return fCurrentSegmentDuration; }
// Valid only if "setTimedSegmentation()" was previously called with "segmentationDuration" > 0
Boolean canDeliverNewFrameImmediately() const { return fInputBufferBytesUsed < fInputBufferSize; }
// Can be used by a downstream reader to test whether the next call to "doGetNextFrame()"
// will deliver data immediately).
MPEG2TransportStreamMultiplexor(UsageEnvironment& env);
virtual ~MPEG2TransportStreamMultiplexor();
virtual void awaitNewBuffer(unsigned char* oldBuffer) = 0;
// implemented by subclasses
void handleNewBuffer(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned bufferSize,
int mpegVersion, MPEG1or2Demux::SCR scr, int16_t PID = -1);
// called by "awaitNewBuffer()"
// Note: For MPEG-4 video, set "mpegVersion" to 4; for H.264 video, set "mpegVersion" to 5;
// for H.265 video, set "mpegVersion" to 6.
// For Opus audio, set "mpegVersion" to 3.
// The buffer is assumed to be a PES packet, with a proper PES header.
// If "PID" is not -1, then it (currently, only the low 8 bits) is used as the stream's PID,
// otherwise the "stream_id" in the PES header is reused to be the stream's PID.
// Redefined virtual functions:
virtual Boolean isMPEG2TransportStreamMultiplexor() const;
virtual void doGetNextFrame();
void deliverDataToClient(u_int16_t pid, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned bufferSize,
unsigned& startPositionInBuffer);
void deliverPATPacket();
void deliverPMTPacket(Boolean hasChanged);
void setProgramStreamMap(unsigned frameSize);
Boolean fHaveVideoStreams;
unsigned fOutgoingPacketCounter;
unsigned fProgramMapVersion;
u_int8_t fPreviousInputProgramMapVersion, fCurrentInputProgramMapVersion;
// These two fields are used if we see "program_stream_map"s in the input.
struct {
unsigned counter;
u_int8_t streamType; // for use in Program Maps
u_int16_t fPCR_PID, fCurrentPID; // only the low 13 bits are used
MPEG1or2Demux::SCR fPCR;
unsigned char* fInputBuffer;
unsigned fInputBufferSize, fInputBufferBytesUsed;
Boolean fIsFirstAdaptationField;
unsigned fSegmentationDuration;
// if nonzero, this is the number of seconds between successive 'segments'. Each 'segment'
// begins with a PAT, followed by a PMT.
// if zero (the default value), then the frequency of PATs and PMTs depends on the constants
// PAT_PERIOD_IF_UNTIMED and PMT_PERIOD_IF_UNTIMED, defined in the .cpp file.
Boolean segmentationIsTimed() const { return fSegmentationDuration > 0; }
u_int8_t fSegmentationIndication;
// used only if fSegmentationDuration > 0:
// 1 if a segment has just ended and the next packet is to be a PAT
// 2 if a segment has just ended and the following PAT has been sent; a PMT is next
// 0 otherwise
double fCurrentSegmentDuration, fPreviousPTS; // used only if fSegmentationDuration > 0
onEndOfSegmentFunc* fOnEndOfSegmentFunc; // used only if fSegmentationDuration > 0
void* fOnEndOfSegmentClientData; // ditto
// The CRC calculation function that Transport Streams use. We make this function public
// here in case it's useful elsewhere:
u_int32_t calculateCRC(u_int8_t const* data, unsigned dataLength, u_int32_t initialValue = 0xFFFFFFFF);