// Copyright (c) 2019 Conrad Heidebrecht. import 'dart:convert'; /// Container for all possible ROS request parameters. class Request { Request({ required this.op, this.id, this.type, this.topic, this.msg, this.latch, this.compression, this.throttleRate, this.queueLength, this.queueSize, this.service, this.action, this.args, this.values, this.result, }); /// Requested operation. String op; /// ID to distinguish request or object operating on. String? id; /// Message or service type. String? type; /// Topic name operating on. String? topic; /// Message object (generally JSON). dynamic msg; /// Latch the topic when publishing. bool? latch; /// The type of compression to use, like 'png' or 'cbor'. String? compression; /// The rate (in ms between messages) at which to throttle the topic. int? throttleRate; /// The queue length at the bridge side used when subscribing. int? queueLength; /// The queue created at the bridge side for republishing topics. int? queueSize; /// Service name operating on. String? service; /// action name operating on. String? action; /// Arguments of the request (JSON). Map<String, dynamic>? args; /// Values returned from a request. dynamic values; /// Boolean value indicating the success of the operation. bool? result; factory Request.fromJson(dynamic jsonData) { return Request( op: jsonData['op'], // type: jsonData['type'], id: jsonData['id'], type: jsonData['type'], topic: jsonData['topic'], msg: jsonData['msg'], action: jsonData['action'], latch: jsonData['latch'], compression: jsonData['compression'], throttleRate: jsonData['throttle_rate'], queueLength: jsonData['queue_length'], queueSize: jsonData['queue_size'], service: jsonData['service'], args: jsonData['args'], values: jsonData['values'], result: jsonData['result'], ); } factory Request.decode(String raw) { return Request.fromJson(json.decode(raw)); } Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { return { 'op': op, if (id != null) 'id': id, if (type != null) 'type': type, if (topic != null) 'topic': topic, if (msg != null) 'msg': msg, if (latch != null) 'latch': latch, if (compression != null) 'compression': compression, if (throttleRate != null) 'throttle_rate': throttleRate, if (queueLength != null) 'queue_length': queueLength, if (queueSize != null) 'queue_size': queueSize, if (service != null) 'service': service, if (action != null) 'action': action, if (args != null) 'args': args, if (values != null) 'values': values, if (result != null) 'result': result, }; } String encode() { return json.encode(toJson()); } }