# roslibdart The is a fork of the original roslib by Eternali Conrad Heidebrecht (@Eternali), Artur Rymarz (@artrmz), TimWhiting Tim Whiting (@TimWhiting). roslibdart is a library for communicating to a ROS node over websockets with rosbridge. It is heavily influenced by roslibjs and follows the same structure. This fork is an effort to update the library and make it compatible to null safety, dart2 and ros2. ## List of feature implementation statuses (essentially a list of features required to reach roslibjs's level) - [X] Core: - [x] ROS connection object - [x] Topic object (subscribe, unsubscribe, publish, advertise, unadvertise) - [x] Service object (call, advertise, unadvertise) - [x] Request object (provides typing and naming to any potential ROS request) - [x] Param object (get, set, delete) ## Usage ### Install rosbridge You can either ``` # install using apt-get sudo apt-get install ros-foxy-rosbridge-server # or you can clone from github cd ros_ws/src git clone https://github.com/RobotWebTools/rosbridge_suite cd .. colcon build ``` ### Run ros bridge ``` cd ros_ws source install/local_setup.bash ros2 launch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket_launch.xml ``` ## Testing publisher ### Run topic publisher ``` # Assume ros_ws is your workspace cp -r rospackage/* ~/ros_ws/src/ cd ~/ros_ws colcon build source install/local_setup.bash ros2 run tutorial publisher ``` ### Fire up flutter subscriber ``` cd example/subscriber flutter run -d linux ``` ## Testing subscriber ### Run topic subscriber ``` ros2 run tutorial subscriber ``` ### Fire up flutter publisher ``` cd example/publisher flutter run -d linux ``` ## Testing call ### Run tutorial addtwoint service ``` ros2 run tutorial service ``` ``` cd example/client flutter run -d linux ``` ## Testing providing service ### Fire up flutter service ### Run the client from shell ``` ros2 run tutorial client 2 3 ``` ## Links - [ROSBridge Protocol v2.0](https://github.com/biobotus/rosbridge_suite/blob/master/ROSBRIDGE_PROTOCOL.md). - [Original roslib library from Conrad Heidebrecht](https://github.com/Eternali/roslib) - [RosBridge server implementation](https://github.com/RobotWebTools/rosbridge_suite)