203 lines
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203 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2019 Conrad Heidebrecht.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';
// ignore: uri_does_not_exist
// ignore: unused_import
import 'ros_stub.dart'
// ignore: uri_does_not_exist
if (dart.library.html) 'ros_html.dart'
// ignore: uri_does_not_exist
if (dart.library.io) 'ros_io.dart';
import 'request.dart';
/// Status enums.
enum Status { none, connecting, connected, closed, errored }
enum TopicStatus {
/// The class through which all data to and from a ROS node goes through.
/// Manages status and key information about the connection and node.
class Ros {
/// Initializes the [_statusController] as a broadcast.
/// The [url] of the ROS node can be optionally specified at this point.
Ros({this.url}) {
_statusController = StreamController<Status>.broadcast();
/// The url of ROS node running the rosbridge server.
dynamic url;
/// Total subscribers to ever connect.
int subscribers = 0;
/// Total number of advertisers to ever connect.
int advertisers = 0;
/// Total number of publishers to ever connect.
int publishers = 0;
/// Total number of callers to ever call a service.
int serviceCallers = 0;
/// The sum to generate IDs with.
int get ids => subscribers + advertisers + publishers + serviceCallers;
/// The websocket connection to communicate with the ROS node.
late WebSocketChannel _channel;
/// Subscription to the websocket stream.
late StreamSubscription _channelListener;
/// JSON broadcast websocket stream.
late Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> stream;
/// The controller to update subscribers on the state of the connection.
late StreamController<Status> _statusController;
/// Subscribable stream to listen for connection status changes.
Stream<Status> get statusStream => _statusController.stream;
/// Status variable that can be used when not interested in getting live updates.
Status status = Status.none;
/// Connect to the ROS node, the [url] can override what was provided in the constructor.
void connect({dynamic url}) {
this.url = url ?? this.url;
url ??= this.url;
try {
// Initialize the connection to the ROS node with a Websocket channel.
_channel = initializeWebSocketChannel(url);
stream =
_channel.stream.asBroadcastStream().map((raw) => json.decode(raw));
// Update the connection status.
status = Status.connected;
// Listen for messages on the connection to update the status.
_channelListener = stream.listen((data) {
//print('INCOMING: $data');
if (status != Status.connected) {
status = Status.connected;
}, onError: (error) {
status = Status.errored;
}, onDone: () {
status = Status.closed;
} on WebSocketChannelException {
status = Status.errored;
/// Close the connection to the ROS node, an exit [code] and [reason] can
/// be optionally specified.
Future<void> close([int? code, String? reason]) async {
/// Close listener and websocket.
await _channelListener.cancel();
await _channel.sink.close(code, reason);
/// Update the connection status.
status = Status.closed;
/// Send a [message] to the ROS node
bool send(dynamic message) {
// If we're not connected give up.
if (status != Status.connected) return false;
// Format the message into JSON and then stringify.
final toSend = (message is Request)
? json.encode(message.toJson())
: (message is Map || message is List)
? json.encode(message)
: message;
//print('OUTGOING: $toSend');
// Actually send it to the node.
return true;
void authenticate({
required String mac,
required String client,
required String dest,
required String rand,
required DateTime t,
required String level,
required DateTime end,
}) async {
'mac': mac,
'client': client,
'dest': dest,
'rand': rand,
't': t.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
'level': level,
'end': end.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
/// Sends a set_level request to the server.
/// [level] can be one of {none, error, warning, info}, and
/// [id] is the optional operation ID to change status level on
void setStatusLevel({String ?level, int ?id}) {
'op': 'set_level',
'level': level,
'id': id,
/// Request a subscription ID.
String requestSubscriber(String name) {
return 'subscribe:' + name + ':' + ids.toString();
/// Request an advertiser ID.
String requestAdvertiser(String name) {
return 'advertise:' + name + ':' + ids.toString();
/// Request a publisher ID.
String requestPublisher(String name) {
return 'publish:' + name + ':' + ids.toString();
/// Request a service caller ID.
String requestServiceCaller(String name) {
return 'call_service:' + name + ':' + ids.toString();
bool operator ==(other) {
return other.hashCode == hashCode;
int get hashCode =>
url.hashCode +
subscribers.hashCode +
advertisers.hashCode +
publishers.hashCode +
_channel.hashCode +
_channelListener.hashCode +
stream.hashCode +
_statusController.hashCode +