346 lines
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346 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2018-2019, Cem Bassoy, cem.bassoy@gmail.com
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of
// Fraunhofer IOSB, Ettlingen, Germany
#include <stdexcept>
#include <complex>
#include <functional>
namespace boost {
namespace numeric {
namespace ublas {
/** @brief Copies a tensor to another tensor with different layouts
* Implements C[i1,i2,...,ip] = A[i1,i2,...,ip]
* @param[in] p rank of input and output tensor
* @param[in] n pointer to the extents of input or output tensor of length p
* @param[in] pi pointer to a one-based permutation tuple of length p
* @param[out] c pointer to the output tensor
* @param[in] wc pointer to the strides of output tensor c
* @param[in] a pointer to the input tensor
* @param[in] wa pointer to the strides of input tensor a
template <class PointerOut, class PointerIn, class SizeType>
void copy(const SizeType p, SizeType const*const n,
PointerOut c, SizeType const*const wc,
PointerIn a, SizeType const*const wa)
static_assert( std::is_pointer<PointerOut>::value & std::is_pointer<PointerIn>::value,
"Static error in boost::numeric::ublas::copy: Argument types for pointers are not pointer types.");
if( p == 0 )
if(c == nullptr || a == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::copy: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(wc == nullptr || wa == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::copy: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(n == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::copy: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
std::function<void(SizeType r, PointerOut c, PointerIn a)> lambda;
lambda = [&lambda, n, wc, wa](SizeType r, PointerOut c, PointerIn a)
if(r > 0)
for(auto d = 0u; d < n[r]; c += wc[r], a += wa[r], ++d)
lambda(r-1, c, a );
for(auto d = 0u; d < n[0]; c += wc[0], a += wa[0], ++d)
*c = *a;
lambda( p-1, c, a );
/** @brief Copies a tensor to another tensor with different layouts applying a unary operation
* Implements C[i1,i2,...,ip] = op ( A[i1,i2,...,ip] )
* @param[in] p rank of input and output tensor
* @param[in] n pointer to the extents of input or output tensor of length p
* @param[in] pi pointer to a one-based permutation tuple of length p
* @param[out] c pointer to the output tensor
* @param[in] wc pointer to the strides of output tensor c
* @param[in] a pointer to the input tensor
* @param[in] wa pointer to the strides of input tensor a
* @param[in] op unary operation
template <class PointerOut, class PointerIn, class SizeType, class UnaryOp>
void transform(const SizeType p,
SizeType const*const n,
PointerOut c, SizeType const*const wc,
PointerIn a, SizeType const*const wa,
UnaryOp op)
static_assert( std::is_pointer<PointerOut>::value & std::is_pointer<PointerIn>::value,
"Static error in boost::numeric::ublas::transform: Argument types for pointers are not pointer types.");
if( p == 0 )
if(c == nullptr || a == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::transform: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(wc == nullptr || wa == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::transform: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(n == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::transform: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
std::function<void(SizeType r, PointerOut c, PointerIn a)> lambda;
lambda = [&lambda, n, wc, wa, op](SizeType r, PointerOut c, PointerIn a)
if(r > 0)
for(auto d = 0u; d < n[r]; c += wc[r], a += wa[r], ++d)
lambda(r-1, c, a);
for(auto d = 0u; d < n[0]; c += wc[0], a += wa[0], ++d)
*c = op(*a);
lambda( p-1, c, a );
/** @brief Performs a reduce operation with all elements of the tensor and an initial value
* Implements k = sum_{i1,..,ip} A[i1,i2,...,ip]
* @param[in] r zero-based recursion level starting with r=p-1
* @param[in] n pointer to the extents of input or output tensor
* @param[in] a pointer to the first input tensor
* @param[in] w pointer to the strides of input tensor a
* @param[in] k accumulated value
template <class PointerIn, class ValueType, class SizeType>
ValueType accumulate(SizeType const p, SizeType const*const n,
PointerIn a, SizeType const*const w,
ValueType k)
"Static error in boost::numeric::ublas::transform: Argument types for pointers are not pointer types.");
if( p == 0 )
return k;
if(a == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::transform: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(w == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::transform: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(n == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::transform: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
std::function<ValueType(SizeType r, PointerIn a, ValueType k)> lambda;
lambda = [&lambda, n, w](SizeType r, PointerIn a, ValueType k)
if(r > 0u)
for(auto d = 0u; d < n[r]; a += w[r], ++d)
k = lambda(r-1, a, k);
for(auto d = 0u; d < n[0]; a += w[0], ++d)
k += *a;
return k;
return lambda( p-1, a, k );
/** @brief Performs a reduce operation with all elements of the tensor and an initial value
* Implements k = op ( k , A[i1,i2,...,ip] ), for all ir
* @param[in] r zero-based recursion level starting with r=p-1
* @param[in] n pointer to the extents of input or output tensor
* @param[in] a pointer to the first input tensor
* @param[in] w pointer to the strides of input tensor a
* @param[in] k accumulated value
* @param[in] op binary operation
template <class PointerIn, class ValueType, class SizeType, class BinaryOp>
ValueType accumulate(SizeType const p, SizeType const*const n,
PointerIn a, SizeType const*const w,
ValueType k, BinaryOp op)
"Static error in boost::numeric::ublas::transform: Argument types for pointers are not pointer types.");
if( p == 0 )
return k;
if(a == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::transform: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(w == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::transform: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(n == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::transform: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
std::function<ValueType(SizeType r, PointerIn a, ValueType k)> lambda;
lambda = [&lambda, n, w, op](SizeType r, PointerIn a, ValueType k)
if(r > 0u)
for(auto d = 0u; d < n[r]; a += w[r], ++d)
k = lambda(r-1, a, k);
for(auto d = 0u; d < n[0]; a += w[0], ++d)
k = op ( k, *a );
return k;
return lambda( p-1, a, k );
/** @brief Transposes a tensor
* Implements C[tau[i1],tau[i2],...,tau[ip]] = A[i1,i2,...,ip]
* @note is used in function trans
* @param[in] p rank of input and output tensor
* @param[in] na pointer to the extents of the input tensor a of length p
* @param[in] pi pointer to a one-based permutation tuple of length p
* @param[out] c pointer to the output tensor
* @param[in] wc pointer to the strides of output tensor c
* @param[in] a pointer to the input tensor
* @param[in] wa pointer to the strides of input tensor a
template <class PointerOut, class PointerIn, class SizeType>
void trans( SizeType const p, SizeType const*const na, SizeType const*const pi,
PointerOut c, SizeType const*const wc,
PointerIn a, SizeType const*const wa)
static_assert( std::is_pointer<PointerOut>::value & std::is_pointer<PointerIn>::value,
"Static error in boost::numeric::ublas::trans: Argument types for pointers are not pointer types.");
if( p < 2)
if(c == nullptr || a == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::trans: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(na == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::trans: Pointers shall not be null.");
if(wc == nullptr || wa == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::trans: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(na == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::trans: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(pi == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::trans: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
std::function<void(SizeType r, PointerOut c, PointerIn a)> lambda;
lambda = [&lambda, na, wc, wa, pi](SizeType r, PointerOut c, PointerIn a)
if(r > 0)
for(auto d = 0u; d < na[r]; c += wc[pi[r]-1], a += wa[r], ++d)
lambda(r-1, c, a);
for(auto d = 0u; d < na[0]; c += wc[pi[0]-1], a += wa[0], ++d)
*c = *a;
lambda( p-1, c, a );
/** @brief Transposes a tensor
* Implements C[tau[i1],tau[i2],...,tau[ip]] = A[i1,i2,...,ip]
* @note is used in function trans
* @param[in] p rank of input and output tensor
* @param[in] na pointer to the extents of the input tensor a of length p
* @param[in] pi pointer to a one-based permutation tuple of length p
* @param[out] c pointer to the output tensor
* @param[in] wc pointer to the strides of output tensor c
* @param[in] a pointer to the input tensor
* @param[in] wa pointer to the strides of input tensor a
template <class ValueType, class SizeType>
void trans( SizeType const p,
SizeType const*const na,
SizeType const*const pi,
std::complex<ValueType>* c, SizeType const*const wc,
std::complex<ValueType>* a, SizeType const*const wa)
if( p < 2)
if(c == nullptr || a == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::trans: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(wc == nullptr || wa == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::trans: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(na == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::trans: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
if(pi == nullptr)
throw std::length_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::trans: Pointers shall not be null pointers.");
std::function<void(SizeType r, std::complex<ValueType>* c, std::complex<ValueType>* a)> lambda;
lambda = [&lambda, na, wc, wa, pi](SizeType r, std::complex<ValueType>* c, std::complex<ValueType>* a)
if(r > 0)
for(auto d = 0u; d < na[r]; c += wc[pi[r]-1], a += wa[r], ++d)
lambda(r-1, c, a);
for(auto d = 0u; d < na[0]; c += wc[pi[0]-1], a += wa[0], ++d)
*c = std::conj(*a);
lambda( p-1, c, a );