2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00

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// Copyright 2019 Hans Dembinski
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
// or copy at
#include <boost/histogram/axis/option.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/axis/traits.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/axis/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/detail/optional_index.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/multi_index.hpp>
#include <cassert>
namespace boost {
namespace histogram {
namespace detail {
// initial offset to out must be set;
// this faster code can be used if all axes are inclusive
template <class Opts>
std::size_t linearize(Opts, std::size_t& out, const std::size_t stride,
const axis::index_type size, const axis::index_type idx) {
constexpr bool u = Opts::test(axis::option::underflow);
constexpr bool o = Opts::test(axis::option::overflow);
assert(idx >= (u ? -1 : 0));
assert(idx < (o ? size + 1 : size));
assert(idx >= 0 || static_cast<std::size_t>(-idx * stride) <= out);
out += idx * stride;
return size + u + o;
// initial offset to out must be set
// this slower code must be used if not all axes are inclusive
template <class Opts>
std::size_t linearize(Opts, optional_index& out, const std::size_t stride,
const axis::index_type size, const axis::index_type idx) {
constexpr bool u = Opts::test(axis::option::underflow);
constexpr bool o = Opts::test(axis::option::overflow);
assert(idx >= -1);
assert(idx < size + 1);
const bool is_valid = (u || idx >= 0) && (o || idx < size);
if (is_valid)
out += idx * stride;
out = invalid_index;
return size + u + o;
template <class Index, class Axis, class Value>
std::size_t linearize(Index& out, const std::size_t stride, const Axis& ax,
const Value& v) {
// mask options to reduce no. of template instantiations
constexpr auto opts = axis::traits::get_options<Axis>{} &
(axis::option::underflow | axis::option::overflow);
return linearize(opts, out, stride, ax.size(), axis::traits::index(ax, v));
Must be used when axis is potentially growing. Also works for non-growing axis.
Initial offset of `out` must be zero. We cannot assert on this, because we do not
know if this is the first call of `linearize_growth`.
template <class Index, class Axis, class Value>
std::size_t linearize_growth(Index& out, axis::index_type& shift,
const std::size_t stride, Axis& a, const Value& v) {
axis::index_type idx;
std::tie(idx, shift) = axis::traits::update(a, v);
constexpr bool u = axis::traits::get_options<Axis>::test(axis::option::underflow);
if (u) ++idx;
if (std::is_same<Index, std::size_t>::value) {
assert(idx < axis::traits::extent(a));
out += idx * stride;
} else {
if (0 <= idx && idx < axis::traits::extent(a))
out += idx * stride;
out = invalid_index;
return axis::traits::extent(a);
// initial offset of out must be zero
template <class A>
std::size_t linearize_index(optional_index& out, const std::size_t stride, const A& ax,
const axis::index_type idx) noexcept {
const auto opt = axis::traits::get_options<A>();
const axis::index_type begin = opt & axis::option::underflow ? -1 : 0;
const axis::index_type end = opt & axis::option::overflow ? ax.size() + 1 : ax.size();
const axis::index_type extent = end - begin;
// i may be arbitrarily out of range
if (begin <= idx && idx < end)
out += (idx - begin) * stride;
out = invalid_index;
return extent;
template <class A, std::size_t N>
optional_index linearize_indices(const A& axes, const multi_index<N>& indices) noexcept {
assert(axes_rank(axes) == detail::size(indices));
optional_index idx{0}; // offset not used by linearize_index
auto stride = static_cast<std::size_t>(1);
using std::begin;
auto i = begin(indices);
[&](const auto& a) { stride *= linearize_index(idx, stride, a, *i++); });
return idx;
template <class Index, class... Ts, class Value>
std::size_t linearize(Index& o, const std::size_t s, const axis::variant<Ts...>& a,
const Value& v) {
return axis::visit([&o, &s, &v](const auto& a) { return linearize(o, s, a, v); }, a);
template <class Index, class... Ts, class Value>
std::size_t linearize_growth(Index& o, axis::index_type& sh, const std::size_t st,
axis::variant<Ts...>& a, const Value& v) {
return axis::visit([&](auto& a) { return linearize_growth(o, sh, st, a, v); }, a);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace histogram
} // namespace boost