2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00

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// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
// Contributed and/or modified by Vissarion Fisikopoulos, on behalf of Oracle
// Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/core/ignore_unused.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/conversion/cast.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/envelope/transform_units.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/coordinate_system.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/coordinate_type.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/cs.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/point_type.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/radian_access.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/tags.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/formulas/meridian_segment.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/formulas/vertex_latitude.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/helper_geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategy/cartesian/envelope_segment.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategy/envelope.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/normalize.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/spherical/azimuth.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategy/spherical/expand_box.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/util/math.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace strategy { namespace envelope
namespace detail
template <typename CalculationType, typename CS_Tag>
struct envelope_segment_call_vertex_latitude
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Strategy>
static inline CalculationType apply(T1 const& lat1,
T2 const& alp1,
Strategy const& )
return geometry::formula::vertex_latitude<CalculationType, CS_Tag>
::apply(lat1, alp1);
template <typename CalculationType>
struct envelope_segment_call_vertex_latitude<CalculationType, geographic_tag>
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Strategy>
static inline CalculationType apply(T1 const& lat1,
T2 const& alp1,
Strategy const& strategy)
return geometry::formula::vertex_latitude<CalculationType, geographic_tag>
::apply(lat1, alp1, strategy.model());
template <typename Units, typename CS_Tag>
struct envelope_segment_convert_polar
template <typename T>
static inline void pre(T & , T & ) {}
template <typename T>
static inline void post(T & , T & ) {}
template <typename Units>
struct envelope_segment_convert_polar<Units, spherical_polar_tag>
template <typename T>
static inline void pre(T & lat1, T & lat2)
lat1 = math::latitude_convert_ep<Units>(lat1);
lat2 = math::latitude_convert_ep<Units>(lat2);
template <typename T>
static inline void post(T & lat1, T & lat2)
lat1 = math::latitude_convert_ep<Units>(lat1);
lat2 = math::latitude_convert_ep<Units>(lat2);
std::swap(lat1, lat2);
template <typename CS_Tag>
class envelope_segment_impl
// degrees or radians
template <typename CalculationType>
static inline void swap(CalculationType& lon1,
CalculationType& lat1,
CalculationType& lon2,
CalculationType& lat2)
std::swap(lon1, lon2);
std::swap(lat1, lat2);
// radians
template <typename CalculationType>
static inline bool contains_pi_half(CalculationType const& a1,
CalculationType const& a2)
// azimuths a1 and a2 are assumed to be in radians
static CalculationType const pi_half = math::half_pi<CalculationType>();
return (a1 < a2)
? (a1 < pi_half && pi_half < a2)
: (a1 > pi_half && pi_half > a2);
// radians or degrees
template <typename Units, typename CoordinateType>
static inline bool crosses_antimeridian(CoordinateType const& lon1,
CoordinateType const& lon2)
typedef math::detail::constants_on_spheroid
CoordinateType, Units
> constants;
return math::abs(lon1 - lon2) > constants::half_period(); // > pi
// degrees or radians
template <typename Units, typename CalculationType, typename Strategy>
static inline void compute_box_corners(CalculationType& lon1,
CalculationType& lat1,
CalculationType& lon2,
CalculationType& lat2,
CalculationType a1,
CalculationType a2,
Strategy const& strategy)
// coordinates are assumed to be in radians
boost::ignore_unused(lon1, lon2);
CalculationType lat1_rad = math::as_radian<Units>(lat1);
CalculationType lat2_rad = math::as_radian<Units>(lat2);
if (lat1 > lat2)
std::swap(lat1, lat2);
std::swap(lat1_rad, lat2_rad);
std::swap(a1, a2);
if (contains_pi_half(a1, a2))
CalculationType p_max = envelope_segment_call_vertex_latitude
<CalculationType, CS_Tag>::apply(lat1_rad, a1, strategy);
CalculationType const mid_lat = lat1 + lat2;
if (mid_lat < 0)
// update using min latitude
CalculationType const lat_min_rad = -p_max;
CalculationType const lat_min
= math::from_radian<Units>(lat_min_rad);
if (lat1 > lat_min)
lat1 = lat_min;
// update using max latitude
CalculationType const lat_max_rad = p_max;
CalculationType const lat_max
= math::from_radian<Units>(lat_max_rad);
if (lat2 < lat_max)
lat2 = lat_max;
template <typename Units, typename CalculationType>
static inline void special_cases(CalculationType& lon1,
CalculationType& lat1,
CalculationType& lon2,
CalculationType& lat2)
typedef math::detail::constants_on_spheroid
CalculationType, Units
> constants;
bool is_pole1 = math::equals(math::abs(lat1), constants::max_latitude());
bool is_pole2 = math::equals(math::abs(lat2), constants::max_latitude());
if (is_pole1 && is_pole2)
// both points are poles; nothing more to do:
// longitudes are already normalized to 0
// but just in case
lon1 = 0;
lon2 = 0;
else if (is_pole1 && !is_pole2)
// first point is a pole, second point is not:
// make the longitude of the first point the same as that
// of the second point
lon1 = lon2;
else if (!is_pole1 && is_pole2)
// second point is a pole, first point is not:
// make the longitude of the second point the same as that
// of the first point
lon2 = lon1;
if (lon1 == lon2)
// segment lies on a meridian
if (lat1 > lat2)
std::swap(lat1, lat2);
BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(!is_pole1 && !is_pole2);
if (lon1 > lon2)
swap(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2);
if (crosses_antimeridian<Units>(lon1, lon2))
lon1 += constants::period();
swap(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2);
typename Units,
typename CalculationType,
typename Box
static inline void create_box(CalculationType lon1,
CalculationType lat1,
CalculationType lon2,
CalculationType lat2,
Box& mbr)
typedef typename coordinate_type<Box>::type box_coordinate_type;
typedef typename helper_geometry
Box, box_coordinate_type, Units
>::type helper_box_type;
helper_box_type helper_mbr;
min_corner, 0
>(helper_mbr, boost::numeric_cast<box_coordinate_type>(lon1));
min_corner, 1
>(helper_mbr, boost::numeric_cast<box_coordinate_type>(lat1));
max_corner, 0
>(helper_mbr, boost::numeric_cast<box_coordinate_type>(lon2));
max_corner, 1
>(helper_mbr, boost::numeric_cast<box_coordinate_type>(lat2));
geometry::detail::envelope::transform_units(helper_mbr, mbr);
template <typename Units, typename CalculationType, typename Strategy>
static inline void apply(CalculationType& lon1,
CalculationType& lat1,
CalculationType& lon2,
CalculationType& lat2,
Strategy const& strategy)
special_cases<Units>(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2);
CalculationType lon1_rad = math::as_radian<Units>(lon1);
CalculationType lat1_rad = math::as_radian<Units>(lat1);
CalculationType lon2_rad = math::as_radian<Units>(lon2);
CalculationType lat2_rad = math::as_radian<Units>(lat2);
CalculationType alp1, alp2;
strategy.apply(lon1_rad, lat1_rad, lon2_rad, lat2_rad, alp1, alp2);
compute_box_corners<Units>(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, alp1, alp2, strategy);
typename Units,
typename CalculationType,
typename Box,
typename Strategy
static inline void apply(CalculationType lon1,
CalculationType lat1,
CalculationType lon2,
CalculationType lat2,
Box& mbr,
Strategy const& strategy)
typedef envelope_segment_convert_polar<Units, typename cs_tag<Box>::type> convert_polar;
convert_polar::pre(lat1, lat2);
apply<Units>(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, strategy);
convert_polar::post(lat1, lat2);
create_box<Units>(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, mbr);
} // namespace detail
typename CalculationType = void
class spherical_segment
template <typename Point, typename Box>
static inline void apply(Point const& point1, Point const& point2,
Box& box)
Point p1_normalized, p2_normalized;
strategy::normalize::spherical_point::apply(point1, p1_normalized);
strategy::normalize::spherical_point::apply(point2, p2_normalized);
geometry::strategy::azimuth::spherical<CalculationType> azimuth_spherical;
typedef typename geometry::detail::cs_angular_units<Point>::type units_type;
// first compute the envelope range for the first two coordinates
>::template apply<units_type>(geometry::get<0>(p1_normalized),
// now compute the envelope range for coordinates of
// dimension 2 and higher
2, dimension<Point>::value
>::apply(point1, point2, box);
namespace services
template <typename CalculationType>
struct default_strategy<segment_tag, spherical_equatorial_tag, CalculationType>
typedef strategy::envelope::spherical_segment<CalculationType> type;
template <typename CalculationType>
struct default_strategy<segment_tag, spherical_polar_tag, CalculationType>
typedef strategy::envelope::spherical_segment<CalculationType> type;
}} // namespace strategy::envelope
}} //namepsace boost::geometry