173 lines
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173 lines
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Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Joel de Guzman
Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Daniel Nuffer
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <bitset>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/xpressive/detail/utility/chset/range_run.ipp>
namespace boost { namespace xpressive { namespace detail
// basic_chset: basic character set implementation using range_run
template<typename Char>
struct basic_chset
basic_chset(basic_chset const &arg);
bool empty() const;
void set(Char from, Char to);
template<typename Traits>
void set(Char from, Char to, Traits const &tr);
void set(Char c);
template<typename Traits>
void set(Char c, Traits const &tr);
void clear(Char from, Char to);
template<typename Traits>
void clear(Char from, Char to, Traits const &tr);
void clear(Char c);
template<typename Traits>
void clear(Char c, Traits const &tr);
void clear();
template<typename Traits>
bool test(Char v, Traits const &tr, mpl::false_) const; // case-sensitive
template<typename Traits>
bool test(Char v, Traits const &tr, mpl::true_) const; // case-insensitive
void inverse();
void swap(basic_chset& x);
basic_chset &operator |=(basic_chset const &x);
basic_chset &operator &=(basic_chset const &x);
basic_chset &operator -=(basic_chset const &x);
basic_chset &operator ^=(basic_chset const &x);
range_run<Char> rr_;
#if(CHAR_BIT == 8)
// basic_chset: specializations for 8 bit chars using std::bitset
template<typename Char>
struct basic_chset_8bit
basic_chset_8bit(basic_chset_8bit const &arg);
bool empty() const;
void set(Char from, Char to);
template<typename Traits>
void set(Char from, Char to, Traits const &tr);
void set(Char c);
template<typename Traits>
void set(Char c, Traits const &tr);
void clear(Char from, Char to);
template<typename Traits>
void clear(Char from, Char to, Traits const &tr);
void clear(Char c);
template<typename Traits>
void clear(Char c, Traits const &tr);
void clear();
template<typename Traits>
bool test(Char v, Traits const &tr, mpl::false_) const; // case-sensitive
template<typename Traits>
bool test(Char v, Traits const &tr, mpl::true_) const; // case-insensitive
void inverse();
void swap(basic_chset_8bit& x);
basic_chset_8bit &operator |=(basic_chset_8bit const &x);
basic_chset_8bit &operator &=(basic_chset_8bit const &x);
basic_chset_8bit &operator -=(basic_chset_8bit const &x);
basic_chset_8bit &operator ^=(basic_chset_8bit const &x);
std::bitset<256> const &base() const;
std::bitset<256> bset_; // BUGBUG range-checking slows this down
struct basic_chset<char>
: basic_chset_8bit<char>
struct basic_chset<signed char>
: basic_chset_8bit<signed char>
struct basic_chset<unsigned char>
: basic_chset_8bit<unsigned char>
// is_narrow_char
template<typename Char>
struct is_narrow_char
: mpl::false_
struct is_narrow_char<char>
: mpl::true_
struct is_narrow_char<signed char>
: mpl::true_
struct is_narrow_char<unsigned char>
: mpl::true_
// helpers
template<typename Char, typename Traits>
void set_char(basic_chset<Char> &chset, Char ch, Traits const &tr, bool icase);
template<typename Char, typename Traits>
void set_range(basic_chset<Char> &chset, Char from, Char to, Traits const &tr, bool icase);
template<typename Char, typename Traits>
void set_class(basic_chset<Char> &chset, typename Traits::char_class_type char_class, bool no, Traits const &tr);
}}} // namespace boost::xpressive::detail