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116 lines
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// Boost.Units - A C++ library for zero-overhead dimensional analysis and
// unit/quantity manipulation and conversion
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Matthias Christian Schabel
// Copyright (C) 2008 Steven Watanabe
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/type_traits/is_integral.hpp>
#include <boost/units/operators.hpp>
#include <boost/units/static_rational.hpp>
#include <boost/units/detail/static_rational_power.hpp>
/// \file
/// \brief Raise values to exponents known at compile-time.
namespace boost {
namespace units {
/// raise a value to a @c static_rational power.
template<class Rat,class Y>
inline typename power_typeof_helper<Y,Rat>::type
pow(const Y& x)
return power_typeof_helper<Y,Rat>::value(x);
/// raise a value to an integer power.
template<long N,class Y>
inline typename power_typeof_helper<Y,static_rational<N> >::type
pow(const Y& x)
return power_typeof_helper<Y,static_rational<N> >::value(x);
/// raise @c T to a @c static_rational power.
template<class T, long N,long D>
struct power_typeof_helper<T, static_rational<N,D> >
typedef typename mpl::if_<boost::is_integral<T>, double, T>::type internal_type;
typedef detail::static_rational_power_impl<static_rational<N, D>, internal_type> impl;
typedef typename impl::type type;
static BOOST_CONSTEXPR type value(const T& x)
return impl::call(x);
/// raise @c float to a @c static_rational power.
template<long N,long D>
struct power_typeof_helper<float, static_rational<N,D> >
// N.B. pathscale doesn't accept inheritance for some reason.
typedef power_typeof_helper<double, static_rational<N,D> > base;
typedef typename base::type type;
static BOOST_CONSTEXPR type value(const double& x)
return base::value(x);
/// take the @c static_rational root of a value.
template<class Rat,class Y>
typename root_typeof_helper<Y,Rat>::type
root(const Y& x)
return root_typeof_helper<Y,Rat>::value(x);
/// take the integer root of a value.
template<long N,class Y>
typename root_typeof_helper<Y,static_rational<N> >::type
root(const Y& x)
return root_typeof_helper<Y,static_rational<N> >::value(x);
/// take @c static_rational root of an @c T
template<class T, long N,long D>
struct root_typeof_helper<T,static_rational<N,D> >
// N.B. pathscale doesn't accept inheritance for some reason.
typedef power_typeof_helper<T, static_rational<D,N> > base;
typedef typename base::type type;
static BOOST_CONSTEXPR type value(const T& x)
} // namespace units
} // namespace boost