2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00

406 lines
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Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Hartmut Kaiser
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/namespace.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/meta/as_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/core/composite/operators.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/confix_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/utility/impl/confix.ipp>
namespace boost { namespace spirit {
// confix_parser class
// Parses a sequence of 3 sub-matches. This class may
// be used to parse structures, where the opening part is possibly
// contained in the expression part and the whole sequence is only
// parsed after seeing the closing part matching the first opening
// subsequence. Example: C-comments:
// /* This is a C-comment */
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4512) //assignment operator could not be generated
template<typename NestedT = non_nested, typename LexemeT = non_lexeme>
struct confix_parser_gen;
template <
typename OpenT, typename ExprT, typename CloseT, typename CategoryT,
typename NestedT, typename LexemeT
struct confix_parser :
public parser<
confix_parser<OpenT, ExprT, CloseT, CategoryT, NestedT, LexemeT>
confix_parser<OpenT, ExprT, CloseT, CategoryT, NestedT, LexemeT>
confix_parser(OpenT const &open_, ExprT const &expr_, CloseT const &close_)
: open(open_), expr(expr_), close(close_)
template <typename ScannerT>
typename parser_result<self_t, ScannerT>::type
parse(ScannerT const& scan) const
return impl::confix_parser_type<CategoryT>::
parse(NestedT(), LexemeT(), *this, scan, open, expr, close);
typename as_parser<OpenT>::type::embed_t open;
typename as_parser<ExprT>::type::embed_t expr;
typename as_parser<CloseT>::type::embed_t close;
#pragma warning(pop)
// Confix parser generator template
// This is a helper for generating a correct confix_parser<> from
// auxiliary parameters. There are the following types supported as
// parameters yet: parsers, single characters and strings (see
// as_parser).
// If the body parser is an action_parser_category type parser (a parser
// with an attached semantic action) we have to do something special. This
// happens, if the user wrote something like:
// confix_p(open, body[f], close)
// where 'body' is the parser matching the body of the confix sequence
// and 'f' is a functor to be called after matching the body. If we would
// do nothing, the resulting code would parse the sequence as follows:
// start >> (body[f] - close) >> close
// what in most cases is not what the user expects.
// (If this _is_ what you've expected, then please use the confix_p
// generator function 'direct()', which will inhibit
// re-attaching the actor to the body parser).
// To make the confix parser behave as expected:
// start >> (body - close)[f] >> close
// the actor attached to the 'body' parser has to be re-attached to the
// (body - close) parser construct, which will make the resulting confix
// parser 'do the right thing'. This refactoring is done by the help of
// the refactoring parsers (see the files refactoring.[hi]pp).
// Additionally special care must be taken, if the body parser is a
// unary_parser_category type parser as
// confix_p(open, *anychar_p, close)
// which without any refactoring would result in
// start >> (*anychar_p - close) >> close
// and will not give the expected result (*anychar_p will eat up all the
// input up to the end of the input stream). So we have to refactor this
// into:
// start >> *(anychar_p - close) >> close
// what will give the correct result.
// The case, where the body parser is a combination of the two mentioned
// problems (i.e. the body parser is a unary parser with an attached
// action), is handled accordingly too:
// confix_p(start, (*anychar_p)[f], end)
// will be parsed as expected:
// start >> (*(anychar_p - end))[f] >> end.
template<typename NestedT, typename LexemeT>
struct confix_parser_gen
// Generic generator function for creation of concrete confix parsers
template<typename StartT, typename ExprT, typename EndT>
struct paren_op_result_type
typedef confix_parser<
typename as_parser<StartT>::type,
typename as_parser<ExprT>::type,
typename as_parser<EndT>::type,
typename as_parser<ExprT>::type::parser_category_t,
> type;
template<typename StartT, typename ExprT, typename EndT>
typename paren_op_result_type<StartT, ExprT, EndT>::type
operator()(StartT const &start_, ExprT const &expr_, EndT const &end_) const
typedef typename paren_op_result_type<StartT,ExprT,EndT>::type
return return_t(
// Generic generator function for creation of concrete confix parsers
// which have an action directly attached to the ExprT part of the
// parser (see comment above, no automatic refactoring)
template<typename StartT, typename ExprT, typename EndT>
struct direct_result_type
typedef confix_parser<
typename as_parser<StartT>::type,
typename as_parser<ExprT>::type,
typename as_parser<EndT>::type,
plain_parser_category, // do not re-attach action
> type;
template<typename StartT, typename ExprT, typename EndT>
typename direct_result_type<StartT,ExprT,EndT>::type
direct(StartT const &start_, ExprT const &expr_, EndT const &end_) const
typedef typename direct_result_type<StartT,ExprT,EndT>::type
return return_t(
// Predefined non_nested confix parser generators
const confix_parser_gen<non_nested, non_lexeme> confix_p =
confix_parser_gen<non_nested, non_lexeme>();
// Comments are special types of confix parsers
// Comment parser generator template. This is a helper for generating a
// correct confix_parser<> from auxiliary parameters, which is able to
// parse comment constructs: (StartToken >> Comment text >> EndToken).
// There are the following types supported as parameters yet: parsers,
// single characters and strings (see as_parser).
// There are two diffenerent predefined comment parser generators
// (comment_p and comment_nest_p, see below), which may be used for
// creating special comment parsers in two different ways.
// If these are used with one parameter, a comment starting with the given
// first parser parameter up to the end of the line is matched. So for
// instance the following parser matches C++ style comments:
// comment_p("//").
// If these are used with two parameters, a comment starting with the
// first parser parameter up to the second parser parameter is matched.
// For instance a C style comment parser should be constrcuted as:
// comment_p("/*", "*/").
// Please note, that a comment is parsed implicitly as if the whole
// comment_p(...) statement were embedded into a lexeme_d[] directive.
template<typename NestedT>
struct comment_parser_gen
// Generic generator function for creation of concrete comment parsers
// from an open token. The newline parser eol_p is used as the
// closing token.
template<typename StartT>
struct paren_op1_result_type
typedef confix_parser<
typename as_parser<StartT>::type,
alternative<eol_parser, end_parser>,
unary_parser_category, // there is no action to re-attach
is_lexeme // insert implicit lexeme_d[]
template<typename StartT>
typename paren_op1_result_type<StartT>::type
operator() (StartT const &start_) const
typedef typename paren_op1_result_type<StartT>::type
return return_t(
eol_p | end_p
// Generic generator function for creation of concrete comment parsers
// from an open and a close tokens.
template<typename StartT, typename EndT>
struct paren_op2_result_type
typedef confix_parser<
typename as_parser<StartT>::type,
typename as_parser<EndT>::type,
unary_parser_category, // there is no action to re-attach
is_lexeme // insert implicit lexeme_d[]
> type;
template<typename StartT, typename EndT>
typename paren_op2_result_type<StartT,EndT>::type
operator() (StartT const &start_, EndT const &end_) const
typedef typename paren_op2_result_type<StartT,EndT>::type
return return_t(
// Predefined non_nested comment parser generator
const comment_parser_gen<non_nested> comment_p =
// comment_nest_parser class
// Parses a nested comments.
// Example: nested PASCAL-comments:
// { This is a { nested } PASCAL-comment }
template<typename OpenT, typename CloseT>
struct comment_nest_parser:
public parser<comment_nest_parser<OpenT, CloseT> >
typedef comment_nest_parser<OpenT, CloseT> self_t;
comment_nest_parser(OpenT const &open_, CloseT const &close_):
open(open_), close(close_)
template<typename ScannerT>
typename parser_result<self_t, ScannerT>::type
parse(ScannerT const &scan) const
return do_parse(
open >> *(*this | (anychar_p - close)) >> close,
template<typename ParserT, typename ScannerT>
typename parser_result<self_t, ScannerT>::type
do_parse(ParserT const &p, ScannerT const &scan) const
typename parser_result<ParserT, ScannerT>::type
>(p, scan, scan);
typename as_parser<OpenT>::type::embed_t open;
typename as_parser<CloseT>::type::embed_t close;
// Predefined nested comment parser generator
template<typename OpenT, typename CloseT>
struct comment_nest_p_result
typedef comment_nest_parser<
typename as_parser<OpenT>::type,
typename as_parser<CloseT>::type
> type;
template<typename OpenT, typename CloseT>
inline typename comment_nest_p_result<OpenT,CloseT>::type
comment_nest_p(OpenT const &open, CloseT const &close)
typedef typename comment_nest_p_result<OpenT,CloseT>::type
return result_t(