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// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/core/ignore_unused.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/buffer.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/util/math.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace geometry
namespace strategy { namespace buffer
\brief Let the buffer for linestrings be asymmetric
\ingroup strategies
\tparam NumericType \tparam_numeric
\details This strategy can be used as DistanceStrategy for the buffer algorithm.
It can be applied for (multi)linestrings. It uses a (potentially) different
distances for left and for right. This means the (multi)linestrings are
interpreted having a direction.
[heading Example]
[heading Output]
[heading See also]
\* [link geometry.reference.algorithms.buffer.buffer_7_with_strategies buffer (with strategies)]
\* [link geometry.reference.strategies.strategy_buffer_distance_symmetric distance_symmetric]
template<typename NumericType>
class distance_asymmetric
public :
//! \brief Constructs the strategy, two distances must be specified
//! \param left The distance (or radius) of the buffer on the left side
//! \param right The distance on the right side
distance_asymmetric(NumericType const& left,
NumericType const& right)
: m_left(left)
, m_right(right)
//! Returns the distance-value for the specified side
template <typename Point>
inline NumericType apply(Point const& , Point const& ,
buffer_side_selector side) const
NumericType result = side == buffer_side_left ? m_left : m_right;
return negative() ? math::abs(result) : result;
//! Used internally, returns -1 for deflate, 1 for inflate
inline int factor() const
return negative() ? -1 : 1;
//! Returns true if both distances are negative
inline bool negative() const
return m_left < 0 && m_right < 0;
inline bool empty(buffer_side_selector side) const
return side == buffer_side_left ? m_left == 0 : m_right == 0;
//! Returns the max distance distance up to the buffer will reach
template <typename JoinStrategy, typename EndStrategy>
inline NumericType max_distance(JoinStrategy const& join_strategy,
EndStrategy const& end_strategy) const
boost::ignore_unused(join_strategy, end_strategy);
NumericType const left = geometry::math::abs(m_left);
NumericType const right = geometry::math::abs(m_right);
NumericType const dist = (std::max)(left, right);
return (std::max)(join_strategy.max_distance(dist),
//! Returns the distance at which the input is simplified before the buffer process
inline NumericType simplify_distance() const
NumericType const left = geometry::math::abs(m_left);
NumericType const right = geometry::math::abs(m_right);
return (std::min)(left, right) / 1000.0;
private :
NumericType m_left;
NumericType m_right;
}} // namespace strategy::buffer
}} // namespace boost::geometry