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// Copyright (c) 2020 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma
// de Barcelona (UAB).
// This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
// For a copy, see <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
#pragma once
#include "carla/MsgPack.h"
#include <compiler/enable-ue4-macros.h>
#include "Carla/Vehicle/VehicleLightState.h"
#include <compiler/disable-ue4-macros.h>
namespace carla {
namespace rpc {
#define SET_FLAG(flag, value) flag |= static_cast<flag_type>(value)
#define FLAG_ENABLED(flag, value) flag & static_cast<flag_type>(value)
/// Defines the physical appearance of a vehicle whitch is obtained
/// by the sensors.
class VehicleLightState {
using flag_type = uint32_t;
/// Can be used as flags
enum class LightState : flag_type {
None = 0,
Position = 0x1,
LowBeam = 0x1 << 1,
HighBeam = 0x1 << 2,
Brake = 0x1 << 3,
RightBlinker = 0x1 << 4,
LeftBlinker = 0x1 << 5,
Reverse = 0x1 << 6,
Fog = 0x1 << 7,
Interior = 0x1 << 8,
Special1 = 0x1 << 9, // E.g: sirens
Special2 = 0x1 << 10,
VehicleLightState() = default;
VehicleLightState(LightState light_state)
: light_state(static_cast<flag_type>(light_state)) {}
VehicleLightState(flag_type light_state)
: light_state(light_state) {}
VehicleLightState(const FVehicleLightState &InLightState) {
light_state = static_cast<flag_type>(LightState::None);
if (InLightState.Position) SET_FLAG(light_state, LightState::Position);
if (InLightState.LowBeam) SET_FLAG(light_state, LightState::LowBeam);
if (InLightState.HighBeam) SET_FLAG(light_state, LightState::HighBeam);
if (InLightState.Brake) SET_FLAG(light_state, LightState::Brake);
if (InLightState.RightBlinker) SET_FLAG(light_state, LightState::RightBlinker);
if (InLightState.LeftBlinker) SET_FLAG(light_state, LightState::LeftBlinker);
if (InLightState.Reverse) SET_FLAG(light_state, LightState::Reverse);
if (InLightState.Fog) SET_FLAG(light_state, LightState::Fog);
if (InLightState.Interior) SET_FLAG(light_state, LightState::Interior);
if (InLightState.Special1) SET_FLAG(light_state, LightState::Special1);
if (InLightState.Special2) SET_FLAG(light_state, LightState::Special2);
operator FVehicleLightState() const {
FVehicleLightState Lights; // By default all False
if (FLAG_ENABLED(light_state, LightState::Position)) Lights.Position = true;
if (FLAG_ENABLED(light_state, LightState::LowBeam)) Lights.LowBeam = true;
if (FLAG_ENABLED(light_state, LightState::HighBeam)) Lights.HighBeam = true;
if (FLAG_ENABLED(light_state, LightState::Brake)) Lights.Brake = true;
if (FLAG_ENABLED(light_state, LightState::RightBlinker)) Lights.RightBlinker = true;
if (FLAG_ENABLED(light_state, LightState::LeftBlinker)) Lights.LeftBlinker = true;
if (FLAG_ENABLED(light_state, LightState::Reverse)) Lights.Reverse = true;
if (FLAG_ENABLED(light_state, LightState::Fog)) Lights.Fog = true;
if (FLAG_ENABLED(light_state, LightState::Interior)) Lights.Interior = true;
if (FLAG_ENABLED(light_state, LightState::Special1)) Lights.Special1 = true;
if (FLAG_ENABLED(light_state, LightState::Special2)) Lights.Special2 = true;
return Lights;
/// Returns the current light state as an enum type
LightState GetLightStateEnum() const {
return static_cast<LightState>(light_state);
/// Returns the current light state as a value type
flag_type GetLightStateAsValue() const {
return light_state;
/// Lights state flag, all turned off by default
flag_type light_state = static_cast<flag_type>(LightState::None);
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace carla