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// Copyright (c) 2019 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma
// de Barcelona (UAB).
// This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
// For a copy, see <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
#include "carla/road/element/Geometry.h"
#include "carla/Debug.h"
#include "carla/Exception.h"
#include "carla/geom/Location.h"
#include "carla/geom/Math.h"
#include "carla/geom/Vector2D.h"
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/math/tools/rational.hpp>
#include <odrSpiral/odrSpiral.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace carla {
namespace road {
namespace element {
void DirectedPoint::ApplyLateralOffset(float lateral_offset) {
/// @todo Z axis??
auto normal_x = std::sin(static_cast<float>(tangent));
auto normal_y = -std::cos(static_cast<float>(tangent));
location.x += lateral_offset * normal_x;
location.y += lateral_offset * normal_y;
DirectedPoint GeometryLine::PosFromDist(double dist) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(_length > 0.0);
dist = geom::Math::Clamp(dist, 0.0, _length);
DirectedPoint p(_start_position, _heading);
p.location.x += static_cast<float>(dist * std::cos(p.tangent));
p.location.y += static_cast<float>(dist * std::sin(p.tangent));
return p;
DirectedPoint GeometryArc::PosFromDist(double dist) const {
dist = geom::Math::Clamp(dist, 0.0, _length);
DEBUG_ASSERT(_length > 0.0);
DEBUG_ASSERT(std::fabs(_curvature) > 1e-15);
const double radius = 1.0 / _curvature;
constexpr double pi_half = geom::Math::Pi<double>() / 2.0;
DirectedPoint p(_start_position, _heading);
p.location.x += static_cast<float>(radius * std::cos(p.tangent + pi_half));
p.location.y += static_cast<float>(radius * std::sin(p.tangent + pi_half));
p.tangent += dist * _curvature;
p.location.x -= static_cast<float>(radius * std::cos(p.tangent + pi_half));
p.location.y -= static_cast<float>(radius * std::sin(p.tangent + pi_half));
return p;
// helper function for rotating points
geom::Vector2D RotatebyAngle(double angle, double x, double y) {
const double cos_a = std::cos(angle);
const double sin_a = std::sin(angle);
return geom::Vector2D(
static_cast<float>(x * cos_a - y * sin_a),
static_cast<float>(y * cos_a + x * sin_a));
DirectedPoint GeometrySpiral::PosFromDist(double dist) const {
dist = geom::Math::Clamp(dist, 0.0, _length);
DEBUG_ASSERT(_length > 0.0);
DirectedPoint p(_start_position, _heading);
const double curve_end = (_curve_end);
const double curve_start = (_curve_start);
const double curve_dot = (curve_end - curve_start) / (_length);
const double s_o = curve_start / curve_dot;
double s = s_o + dist;
double x;
double y;
double t;
odrSpiral(s, curve_dot, &x, &y, &t);
double x_o;
double y_o;
double t_o;
odrSpiral(s_o, curve_dot, &x_o, &y_o, &t_o);
x = x - x_o;
y = y - y_o;
t = t - t_o;
geom::Vector2D pos = RotatebyAngle(_heading - t_o, x, y);
p.location.x += pos.x;
p.location.y += pos.y;
p.tangent = _heading + t;
return p;
/// @todo
std::pair<float, float> GeometrySpiral::DistanceTo(const geom::Location &location) const {
// Not analytic, discretize and find nearest point
// throw_exception(std::runtime_error("not implemented"));
return {location.x - _start_position.x, location.y - _start_position.y};
DirectedPoint GeometryPoly3::PosFromDist(double dist) const {
auto result = _rtree.GetNearestNeighbours(
auto &val1 = result.second.first;
auto &val2 = result.second.second;
double rate = (val2.s - dist) / (val2.s - val1.s);
double u = rate * val1.u + (1.0 - rate) * val2.u;
double v = rate * val1.v + (1.0 - rate) * val2.v;
double tangent = atan((rate * val1.t + (1.0 - rate) * val2.t)); // ?
geom::Vector2D pos = RotatebyAngle(_heading, u, v);
DirectedPoint p(_start_position, _heading + tangent);
p.location.x += pos.x;
p.location.y += pos.y;
return p;
std::pair<float, float> GeometryPoly3::DistanceTo(const geom::Location & /*p*/) const {
// No analytical expression (Newton-Raphson?/point search)
// throw_exception(std::runtime_error("not implemented"));
return {_start_position.x, _start_position.y};
void GeometryPoly3::PreComputeSpline() {
// Roughly the interval size in m
constexpr double interval_size = 0.3;
const double delta_u = interval_size; // interval between values of u
double current_s = 0;
double current_u = 0;
double last_u = 0;
double last_v = _poly.Evaluate(current_u);
double last_s = 0;
RtreeValue last_val{last_u, last_v, last_s, _poly.Tangent(current_u)};
while (current_s < _length + delta_u) {
current_u += delta_u;
double current_v = _poly.Evaluate(current_u);
double du = current_u - last_u;
double dv = current_v - last_v;
double ds = sqrt(du * du + dv * dv);
current_s += ds;
double current_t = _poly.Tangent(current_u);
RtreeValue current_val{current_u, current_v, current_s, current_t};
Rtree::BPoint p1(static_cast<float>(last_s));
Rtree::BPoint p2(static_cast<float>(current_s));
_rtree.InsertElement(Rtree::BSegment(p1, p2), last_val, current_val);
last_u = current_u;
last_v = current_v;
last_s = current_s;
last_val = current_val;
DirectedPoint GeometryParamPoly3::PosFromDist(double dist) const {
auto result = _rtree.GetNearestNeighbours(
auto &val1 = result.second.first;
auto &val2 = result.second.second;
double rate = (val2.s - dist) / (val2.s - val1.s);
double u = rate * val1.u + (1.0 - rate) * val2.u;
double v = rate * val1.v + (1.0 - rate) * val2.v;
double t_u = (rate * val1.t_u + (1.0 - rate) * val2.t_u);
double t_v = (rate * val1.t_v + (1.0 - rate) * val2.t_v);
double tangent = atan2(t_v, t_u); // ?
geom::Vector2D pos = RotatebyAngle(_heading, u, v);
DirectedPoint p(_start_position, _heading + tangent);
p.location.x += pos.x;
p.location.y += pos.y;
return p;
std::pair<float, float> GeometryParamPoly3::DistanceTo(const geom::Location &) const {
// No analytical expression (Newton-Raphson?/point search)
// throw_exception(std::runtime_error("not implemented"));
return {_start_position.x, _start_position.y};
void GeometryParamPoly3::PreComputeSpline() {
// Roughly the interval size in m
constexpr double interval_size = 0.5;
size_t number_intervals =
std::max(static_cast<size_t>(_length / interval_size), size_t(5));
double delta_p = 1.0 / number_intervals;
if (_arcLength) {
delta_p *= _length;
double param_p = 0;
double current_s = 0;
double last_u = _polyU.Evaluate(param_p);
double last_v = _polyV.Evaluate(param_p);
double last_s = 0;
RtreeValue last_val{
_polyV.Tangent(param_p) };
for(size_t i = 0; i < number_intervals; ++i) {
param_p += delta_p;
double current_u = _polyU.Evaluate(param_p);
double current_v = _polyV.Evaluate(param_p);
double du = current_u - last_u;
double dv = current_v - last_v;
double ds = sqrt(du * du + dv * dv);
current_s += ds;
double current_t_u = _polyU.Tangent(param_p);
double current_t_v = _polyV.Tangent(param_p);
RtreeValue current_val{
current_t_v };
Rtree::BPoint p1(static_cast<float>(last_s));
Rtree::BPoint p2(static_cast<float>(current_s));
_rtree.InsertElement(Rtree::BSegment(p1, p2), last_val, current_val);
last_u = current_u;
last_v = current_v;
last_s = current_s;
last_val = current_val;
if(current_s > _length){
} // namespace element
} // namespace road
} // namespace carla