215 lines
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215 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2016-2018 T. Zachary Laine
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/yap/config.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/integral_constant.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/core/is_a.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace yap {
/** The enumeration representing all the kinds of expressions supported in
enum class expr_kind {
expr_ref =
0, ///< A (possibly \c const) reference to another expression.
terminal = 1, ///< A terminal expression.
// unary
unary_plus = 2, ///< \c +
negate = 3, ///< \c -
dereference = 4, ///< \c *
complement = 5, ///< \c ~
address_of = 6, ///< \c &
logical_not = 7, ///< \c !
pre_inc = 8, ///< \c ++
pre_dec = 9, ///< \c \-\-
post_inc = 10, ///< \c ++(int)
post_dec = 11, ///< \c \-\-(int)
// binary
shift_left = 12, ///< \c <<
shift_right = 13, ///< \c >>
multiplies = 14, ///< \c *
divides = 15, ///< \c /
modulus = 16, ///< \c %
plus = 17, ///< \c +
minus = 18, ///< \c -
less = 19, ///< \c <
greater = 20, ///< \c >
less_equal = 21, ///< \c <=
greater_equal = 22, ///< \c >=
equal_to = 23, ///< \c ==
not_equal_to = 24, ///< \c !=
logical_or = 25, ///< \c ||
logical_and = 26, ///< \c &&
bitwise_and = 27, ///< \c &
bitwise_or = 28, ///< \c |
bitwise_xor = 29, ///< \c ^
comma = 30, ///< \c ,
mem_ptr = 31, ///< \c ->*
assign = 32, ///< \c =
shift_left_assign = 33, ///< \c <<=
shift_right_assign = 34, ///< \c >>=
multiplies_assign = 35, ///< \c *=
divides_assign = 36, ///< \c /=
modulus_assign = 37, ///< \c %=
plus_assign = 38, ///< \c +=
minus_assign = 39, ///< \c -=
bitwise_and_assign = 40, ///< \c &=
bitwise_or_assign = 41, ///< \c |=
bitwise_xor_assign = 42, ///< \c ^=
subscript = 43, ///< \c []
// ternary
if_else = 44, ///< Analogous to \c ?: .
// n-ary
call = 45 ///< \c ()
/** The type used to represent the index of a placeholder terminal. */
template<long long I>
struct placeholder : hana::llong<I>
/** A metafunction that evaluates to std::true_type if \a Expr is an
Expression, and std::false_type otherwise. */
template<typename Expr>
struct is_expr;
template<expr_kind Kind, typename Tuple>
struct expression;
namespace detail {
// void_t
using void_t = void;
// remove_cv_ref
template<typename T>
struct remove_cv_ref : std::remove_cv<std::remove_reference_t<T>>
template<typename T>
using remove_cv_ref_t = typename remove_cv_ref<T>::type;
typename Expr,
typename = detail::void_t<>,
typename = detail::void_t<>>
struct is_expr : std::false_type
template<typename Expr>
struct is_expr<
: std::integral_constant<
expr_kind>::value &&
/** A convenience alias for a terminal expression holding a \a T,
instantiated from expression template \a expr_template. */
template<template<expr_kind, class> class expr_template, typename T>
using terminal = expr_template<expr_kind::terminal, hana::tuple<T>>;
/** A convenience alias for a reference expression holding an expression
\a T, instantiated from expression template \a expr_template. */
template<template<expr_kind, class> class expr_template, typename T>
using expression_ref = expr_template<
hana::tuple<std::remove_reference_t<T> *>>;
template<typename Expr, typename... T>
constexpr decltype(auto) evaluate(Expr && expr, T &&... t);
template<typename Expr, typename Transform, typename... Transforms>
constexpr decltype(auto) transform(
Expr && expr, Transform && transform, Transforms &&... transforms);
template<typename Expr, typename Transform, typename... Transforms>
constexpr decltype(auto) transform_strict(
Expr && expr, Transform && transform, Transforms &&... transforms);
template<typename T>
constexpr decltype(auto) deref(T && x);
template<typename Expr>
constexpr decltype(auto) value(Expr && expr);
namespace literals {
/** Creates literal placeholders. Placeholder indices are 1-based. */
template<char... c>
constexpr auto operator"" _p()
using i = hana::llong<hana::ic_detail::parse<sizeof...(c)>({c...})>;
static_assert(1 <= i::value, "Placeholders must be >= 1.");
return expression<
/** Used as the tag-type passed to a transform function written in the
tag-transform form. */
template<expr_kind Kind>
struct expr_tag
static const expr_kind kind = Kind;
/** Used as the expression template returned by some operations inside YAP
when YAP does not have an expression template it was told to use. For
instance, if transform() creates a new expression by transforming an
existing expression's elements, it will attempt to create the new
expression using the existing one's expression template. If no such
template exists because the existing expression was not made from an
expression template, minimal_expr is used. */
template<expr_kind Kind, typename Tuple>
struct minimal_expr
static expr_kind const kind = Kind;
Tuple elements;