409 lines
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409 lines
15 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// Authors: Brian Barrett
// Douglas Gregor
// Andrew Lumsdaine
#error "Parallel BGL files should not be included unless <boost/graph/use_mpi.hpp> has been included"
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/parallel/parallel_property_maps.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/parallel/algorithm.hpp>
#include <boost/pending/indirect_cmp.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/overloading.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/distributed/concepts.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/parallel/properties.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/parallel/process_group.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <boost/graph/parallel/container_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/iteration_macros.hpp>
// Connected components algorithm based on a parallel search.
// Every N nodes starts a parallel search from the first vertex in
// their local vertex list during the first superstep (the other nodes
// remain idle during the first superstep to reduce the number of
// conflicts in numbering the components). At each superstep, all new
// component mappings from remote nodes are handled. If there is no
// work from remote updates, a new vertex is removed from the local
// list and added to the work queue.
// Components are allocated from the component_value_allocator object,
// which ensures that a given component number is unique in the
// system, currently by using the rank and number of processes to
// stride allocations.
// When two components are discovered to actually be the same
// component, a mapping is created in the collisions object. The
// lower component number is prefered in the resolution, so component
// numbering resolution is consistent. After the search has exhausted
// all vertices in the graph, the mapping is shared with all
// processes, and they independently resolve the comonent mapping (so
// O((N * NP) + (V * NP)) work, in O(N + V) time, where N is the
// number of mappings and V is the number of local vertices). This
// phase can likely be significantly sped up if a clever algorithm for
// the reduction can be found.
namespace boost { namespace graph { namespace distributed {
namespace cc_ps_detail {
// Local object for allocating component numbers. There are two
// places this happens in the code, and I was getting sick of them
// getting out of sync. Components are not tightly packed in
// numbering, but are numbered to ensure each rank has its own
// independent sets of numberings.
template<typename component_value_type>
class component_value_allocator {
component_value_allocator(int num, int size) :
last(0), num(num), size(size)
component_value_type allocate(void)
component_value_type ret = num + (last * size);
return ret;
component_value_type last;
int num;
int size;
// Map of the "collisions" between component names in the global
// component mapping. TO make cleanup easier, component numbers
// are added, pointing to themselves, when a new component is
// found. In order to make the results deterministic, the lower
// component number is always taken. The resolver will drill
// through the map until it finds a component entry that points to
// itself as the next value, allowing some cleanup to happen at
// update() time. Attempts are also made to update the mapping
// when new entries are created.
// Note that there's an assumption that the entire mapping is
// shared during the end of the algorithm, but before component
// name resolution.
template<typename component_value_type>
class collision_map {
collision_map() : num_unique(0)
// add new component mapping first time component is used. Own
// function only so that we can sanity check there isn't already
// a mapping for that component number (which would be bad)
void add(const component_value_type &a)
BOOST_ASSERT(collisions.count(a) == 0);
collisions[a] = a;
// add a mapping between component values saying they're the
// same component
void add(const component_value_type &a, const component_value_type &b)
component_value_type high, low, tmp;
if (a > b) {
high = a;
low = b;
} else {
high = b;
low = a;
if (collisions.count(high) != 0 && collisions[high] != low) {
tmp = collisions[high];
if (tmp > low) {
collisions[tmp] = low;
collisions[high] = low;
} else {
collisions[low] = tmp;
collisions[high] = tmp;
} else {
collisions[high] = low;
// get the "real" component number for the given component.
// Used to resolve mapping at end of run.
component_value_type update(component_value_type a)
BOOST_ASSERT(num_unique > 0);
BOOST_ASSERT(collisions.count(a) != 0);
return collisions[a];
// collapse the collisions tree, so that update is a one lookup
// operation. Count unique components at the same time.
void uniqify(void)
typename std::map<component_value_type, component_value_type>::iterator i, end;
end = collisions.end();
for (i = collisions.begin() ; i != end ; ++i) {
if (i->first == i->second) {
} else {
i->second = collisions[i->second];
// get the number of component entries that have an associated
// component number of themselves, which are the real components
// used in the final mapping. This is the number of unique
// components in the graph.
int unique(void)
BOOST_ASSERT(num_unique > 0);
return num_unique;
// "serialize" into a vector for communication.
std::vector<component_value_type> serialize(void)
std::vector<component_value_type> ret;
typename std::map<component_value_type, component_value_type>::iterator i, end;
end = collisions.end();
for (i = collisions.begin() ; i != end ; ++i) {
return ret;
std::map<component_value_type, component_value_type> collisions;
int num_unique;
// resolver to handle remote updates. The resolver will add
// entries into the collisions map if required, and if it is the
// first time the vertex has been touched, it will add the vertex
// to the remote queue. Note that local updates are handled
// differently, in the main loop (below).
// BWB - FIX ME - don't need graph anymore - can pull from key value of Component Map.
template<typename ComponentMap, typename work_queue>
struct update_reducer {
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, non_default_resolver = false);
typedef typename property_traits<ComponentMap>::value_type component_value_type;
typedef typename property_traits<ComponentMap>::key_type vertex_descriptor;
update_reducer(work_queue *q,
cc_ps_detail::collision_map<component_value_type> *collisions,
processor_id_type pg_id) :
q(q), collisions(collisions), pg_id(pg_id)
// ghost cell initialization routine. This should never be
// called in this imlementation.
template<typename K>
component_value_type operator()(const K&) const
return component_value_type(0);
// resolver for remote updates. I'm not entirely sure why, but
// I decided to not change the value of the vertex if it's
// already non-infinite. It doesn't matter in the end, as we'll
// touch every vertex in the cleanup phase anyway. If the
// component is currently infinite, set to the new component
// number and add the vertex to the work queue. If it's not
// infinite, we've touched it already so don't add it to the
// work queue. Do add a collision entry so that we know the two
// components are the same.
component_value_type operator()(const vertex_descriptor &v,
const component_value_type& current,
const component_value_type& update) const
const component_value_type max = (std::numeric_limits<component_value_type>::max)();
component_value_type ret = current;
if (max == current) {
ret = update;
} else if (current != update) {
collisions->add(current, update);
return ret;
// So for whatever reason, the property map can in theory call
// the resolver with a local descriptor in addition to the
// standard global descriptor. As far as I can tell, this code
// path is never taken in this implementation, but I need to
// have this code here to make it compile. We just make a
// global descriptor and call the "real" operator().
template<typename K>
component_value_type operator()(const K& v,
const component_value_type& current,
const component_value_type& update) const
return (*this)(vertex_descriptor(pg_id, v), current, update);
work_queue *q;
collision_map<component_value_type> *collisions;
boost::processor_id_type pg_id;
} // namespace cc_ps_detail
template<typename Graph, typename ComponentMap>
typename property_traits<ComponentMap>::value_type
connected_components_ps(const Graph& g, ComponentMap c)
using boost::graph::parallel::process_group;
typedef typename property_traits<ComponentMap>::value_type component_value_type;
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator vertex_iterator;
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
typedef typename boost::graph::parallel::process_group_type<Graph>
::type process_group_type;
typedef typename process_group_type::process_id_type process_id_type;
typedef std::queue<vertex_descriptor> work_queue;
static const component_value_type max_component =
typename property_map<Graph, vertex_owner_t>::const_type
owner = get(vertex_owner, g);
// standard who am i? stuff
process_group_type pg = process_group(g);
process_id_type id = process_id(pg);
// Initialize every vertex to have infinite component number
BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(v, g, Graph) put(c, v, max_component);
vertex_iterator current, end;
boost::tie(current, end) = vertices(g);
cc_ps_detail::component_value_allocator<component_value_type> cva(process_id(pg), num_processes(pg));
cc_ps_detail::collision_map<component_value_type> collisions;
work_queue q; // this is intentionally a local data structure
c.set_reduce(cc_ps_detail::update_reducer<ComponentMap, work_queue>(&q, &collisions, id));
// add starting work
while (true) {
bool useful_found = false;
component_value_type val = cva.allocate();
put(c, *current, val);
if (0 != out_degree(*current, g)) useful_found = true;
if (useful_found) break;
// Run the loop until everyone in the system is done
bool global_done = false;
while (!global_done) {
// drain queue of work for this superstep
while (!q.empty()) {
vertex_descriptor v = q.front();
// iterate through outedges of the vertex currently being
// examined, setting their component to our component. There
// is no way to end up in the queue without having a component
// number already.
BGL_FORALL_ADJ_T(v, peer, g, Graph) {
component_value_type my_component = get(c, v);
// update other vertex with our component information.
// Resolver will handle remote collisions as well as whether
// to put the vertex on the work queue or not. We have to
// handle local collisions and work queue management
if (id == get(owner, peer)) {
if (max_component == get(c, peer)) {
put(c, peer, my_component);
} else if (my_component != get(c, peer)) {
collisions.add(my_component, get(c, peer));
} else {
put(c, peer, my_component);
// synchronize / start a new superstep.
global_done = all_reduce(pg, (q.empty() && (current == end)), boost::parallel::minimum<bool>());
// If the queue is currently empty, add something to do to start
// the current superstep (supersteps start at the sync, not at
// the top of the while loop as one might expect). Down at the
// bottom of the while loop so that not everyone starts the
// algorithm with something to do, to try to reduce component
// name conflicts
if (q.empty()) {
bool useful_found = false;
for ( ; current != end && !useful_found ; ++current) {
if (max_component == get(c, *current)) {
component_value_type val = cva.allocate();
put(c, *current, val);
if (0 != out_degree(*current, g)) useful_found = true;
// share component mappings
std::vector<component_value_type> global;
std::vector<component_value_type> mine = collisions.serialize();
all_gather(pg, mine.begin(), mine.end(), global);
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < global.size() ; i += 2) {
collisions.add(global[i], global[i + 1]);
// update the component mappings
put(c, v, collisions.update(get(c, v)));
return collisions.unique();
} // end namespace distributed
} // end namespace graph
} // end namespace boost