674 lines
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674 lines
27 KiB
// Copyright 2004-9 Trustees of Indiana University
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// read_graphviz_spirit.hpp -
// Initialize a model of the BGL's MutableGraph concept and an associated
// collection of property maps using a graph expressed in the GraphViz
// DOT Language.
// Based on the grammar found at:
// https://web.archive.org/web/20041213234742/http://www.graphviz.org/cvs/doc/info/lang.html
// See documentation for this code at:
// http://www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/read_graphviz.html
// Author: Ronald Garcia
// Phoenix/Spirit set these limits to 3, but I need more.
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_multi_pass.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_core.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_confix.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_distinct.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_lists.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_escape_char.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_attribute.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_dynamic.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_actor.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_closure.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix1.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix1_binders.hpp>
#include <boost/ref.hpp>
#include <boost/function/function2.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/dynamic_property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <exception> // for std::exception
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <map>
#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
namespace phoenix
// Workaround: std::map::operator[] uses a different return type than all
// other standard containers. Phoenix doesn't account for that.
template < typename TK, typename T0, typename T1 >
struct binary_operator< index_op, std::map< TK, T0 >, T1 >
typedef typename std::map< TK, T0 >::mapped_type& result_type;
static result_type eval(std::map< TK, T0 >& container, T1 const& index)
return container[index];
} // namespace phoenix
namespace boost
namespace detail
namespace graph
// Application-specific type definitions
typedef std::set< edge_t > edges_t;
typedef std::set< node_t > nodes_t;
typedef std::set< id_t > ids_t;
typedef std::map< edge_t, ids_t > edge_map_t;
typedef std::map< node_t, ids_t > node_map_t;
typedef std::map< id_t, id_t > props_t;
typedef std::map< id_t, props_t > subgraph_props_t;
typedef boost::function2< void, id_t const&, id_t const& > actor_t;
typedef std::vector< edge_t > edge_stack_t;
typedef std::map< id_t, nodes_t > subgraph_nodes_t;
typedef std::map< id_t, edges_t > subgraph_edges_t;
// Stack frames used by semantic actions
struct id_closure
: boost::spirit::classic::closure< id_closure, node_t >
member1 name;
struct node_id_closure
: boost::spirit::classic::closure< node_id_closure, node_t >
member1 name;
struct attr_list_closure
: boost::spirit::classic::closure< attr_list_closure, actor_t >
member1 prop_actor;
struct property_closure
: boost::spirit::classic::closure< property_closure, id_t, id_t >
member1 key;
member2 value;
struct data_stmt_closure
: boost::spirit::classic::closure< data_stmt_closure, nodes_t, nodes_t,
edge_stack_t, bool, node_t >
member1 sources;
member2 dests;
member3 edge_stack;
member4 saw_node;
member5 active_node;
struct subgraph_closure
: boost::spirit::classic::closure< subgraph_closure, nodes_t, edges_t,
node_t >
member1 nodes;
member2 edges;
member3 name;
// Grammar and Actions for the DOT Language
// Grammar for a dot file.
struct dot_grammar
: public boost::spirit::classic::grammar< dot_grammar >
mutate_graph& graph_;
explicit dot_grammar(mutate_graph& graph) : graph_(graph) {}
template < class ScannerT > struct definition
definition(dot_grammar const& self)
: self(self), subgraph_depth(0), keyword_p("0-9a-zA-Z_")
using namespace boost::spirit::classic;
using namespace phoenix;
// RG - Future Work
// - Handle multi-line strings using \ line continuation
// - Make keywords case insensitive
ID = (lexeme_d[(
(alpha_p | ch_p('_')) >> *(alnum_p | ch_p('_')))]
| real_p | lexeme_d[confix_p('"', *c_escape_ch_p, '"')]
| comment_nest_p('<', '>'))[ID.name
= construct_< std::string >(arg1, arg2)];
a_list = list_p(
ID[(a_list.key = arg1), (a_list.value = "true")] >> !(
ch_p('=') >> ID[a_list.value = arg1])[phoenix::bind(
var(*this), a_list.key, a_list.value)],
attr_list = +(ch_p('[') >> !a_list >> ch_p(']'));
// RG - disregard port id's for now.
port_location = (ch_p(':') >> ID)
| (ch_p(':') >> ch_p('(') >> ID >> ch_p(',') >> ID
>> ch_p(')'));
port_angle = ch_p('@') >> ID;
port = port_location >> (!port_angle)
| port_angle >> (!port_location);
= (ID[node_id.name = arg1] >> (!port))[phoenix::bind(
graph_stmt = (ID[graph_stmt.key = arg1] >> ch_p('=')
>> ID[graph_stmt.value = arg1])[phoenix::bind(
graph_stmt.key, graph_stmt.value)]; // Graph property.
= (as_lower_d[keyword_p("graph")] >> attr_list(actor_t(
var(*this), arg1, arg2))))
| (as_lower_d[keyword_p("node")] >> attr_list(actor_t(
var(*this), arg1, arg2))))
| (as_lower_d[keyword_p("edge")] >> attr_list(actor_t(
var(*this), arg1, arg2))));
// edge_head is set depending on the graph type
// (directed/undirected)
edgeop = ch_p('-') >> ch_p(boost::ref(edge_head));
edgeRHS = +(edgeop[(data_stmt.sources = data_stmt.dests),
(data_stmt.dests = construct_< nodes_t >())]
>> (subgraph[data_stmt.dests = arg1]
| node_id[phoenix::bind(&definition::insert_node)(
var(*this), data_stmt.dests, arg1)])
var(*this), data_stmt.sources, data_stmt.dests,
var(edges), var(default_edge_props))]);
// To avoid backtracking, edge, node, and subgraph
// statements are processed as one nonterminal.
= (subgraph[(data_stmt.dests
= arg1), // will get moved in rhs
(data_stmt.saw_node = false)]
| node_id[(phoenix::bind(
var(*this), data_stmt.dests, arg1)),
(data_stmt.saw_node = true),
(std::cout << val("AcTive Node: ") << arg1
<< "\n"),
(data_stmt.active_node = arg1)])
>> if_p(edgeRHS)[!attr_list(actor_t(phoenix::bind(
var(*this), arg1, arg2)))]
&definition::node_prop)(var(*this), arg1,
arg2)))] // otherwise it's a subgraph,
// nothing more to do.
stmt = graph_stmt | attr_stmt | data_stmt;
stmt_list = *(stmt >> !ch_p(';'));
subgraph = !(as_lower_d[keyword_p("subgraph")]
>> (!ID[(subgraph.name = arg1),
= (var(subgraph_nodes))[arg1]),
= (var(subgraph_edges))[arg1])]))
>> ch_p('{')[++var(subgraph_depth)] >> stmt_list
>> ch_p('}')[--var(subgraph_depth)]
= subgraph.nodes]
= subgraph.edges]
| as_lower_d[keyword_p("subgraph")]
>> ID[(subgraph.nodes
= (var(subgraph_nodes))[arg1]),
(subgraph.edges = (var(subgraph_edges))[arg1])];
the_grammar = (!as_lower_d[keyword_p("strict")])
>> (as_lower_d[keyword_p(
"graph")][(var(edge_head) = '-'),
| as_lower_d[keyword_p(
"digraph")][(var(edge_head) = '>'),
>> (!ID) >> ch_p('{') >> stmt_list >> ch_p('}');
} // definition()
typedef boost::spirit::classic::rule< ScannerT > rule_t;
rule_t const& start() const { return the_grammar; }
// Semantic actions
void check_undirected()
if (self.graph_.is_directed())
void check_directed()
if (!self.graph_.is_directed())
void memoize_node()
id_t const& node = node_id.name();
props_t& node_props = default_node_props;
if (nodes.find(node) == nodes.end())
node_map.insert(std::make_pair(node, ids_t()));
std::cout << "Add new node " << node << std::endl;
// Set the default properties for this edge
// RG: Here I would actually set the properties
for (props_t::iterator i = node_props.begin();
i != node_props.end(); ++i)
set_node_property(node, i->first, i->second);
if (subgraph_depth > 0)
// Set the subgraph's default properties as well
props_t& props
= subgraph_node_props[subgraph.name()];
for (props_t::iterator i = props.begin();
i != props.end(); ++i)
set_node_property(node, i->first, i->second);
std::cout << "See node " << node << std::endl;
void activate_edge(nodes_t& sources, nodes_t& dests,
edges_t& edges, props_t& edge_props)
edge_stack_t& edge_stack = data_stmt.edge_stack();
for (nodes_t::iterator i = sources.begin();
i != sources.end(); ++i)
for (nodes_t::iterator j = dests.begin();
j != dests.end(); ++j)
// Create the edge and push onto the edge stack.
std::cout << "Edge " << *i << " to " << *j
<< std::endl;
edge_t edge = edge_t::new_edge();
edge_map.insert(std::make_pair(edge, ids_t()));
// Add the real edge.
self.graph_.do_add_edge(edge, *i, *j);
// Set the default properties for this edge
for (props_t::iterator k = edge_props.begin();
k != edge_props.end(); ++k)
set_edge_property(edge, k->first, k->second);
if (subgraph_depth > 0)
// Set the subgraph's default properties as well
props_t& props
= subgraph_edge_props[subgraph.name()];
for (props_t::iterator k = props.begin();
k != props.end(); ++k)
edge, k->first, k->second);
// node_prop - Assign the property for the current active node.
void node_prop(id_t const& key, id_t const& value)
node_t& active_object = data_stmt.active_node();
set_node_property(active_object, key, value);
// edge_prop - Assign the property for the current active edges.
void edge_prop(id_t const& key, id_t const& value)
edge_stack_t const& active_edges_ = data_stmt.edge_stack();
for (edge_stack_t::const_iterator i = active_edges_.begin();
i != active_edges_.end(); ++i)
set_edge_property(*i, key, value);
// default_graph_prop - Store as a graph property.
void default_graph_prop(id_t const& key, id_t const& value)
std::cout << key << " = " << value << std::endl;
self.graph_.set_graph_property(key, value);
// default_node_prop - declare default properties for any future
// new nodes
void default_node_prop(id_t const& key, id_t const& value)
nodes_t& nodes_
= subgraph_depth == 0 ? nodes : subgraph.nodes();
props_t& node_props_ = subgraph_depth == 0
? default_node_props
: subgraph_node_props[subgraph.name()];
// add this to the selected list of default node properties.
node_props_[key] = value;
// for each node, set its property to default-constructed
// value
// if it hasn't been set already.
// set the dynamic property map value
for (nodes_t::iterator i = nodes_.begin();
i != nodes_.end(); ++i)
if (node_map[*i].find(key) == node_map[*i].end())
set_node_property(*i, key, id_t());
// default_edge_prop - declare default properties for any future
// new edges
void default_edge_prop(id_t const& key, id_t const& value)
edges_t& edges_
= subgraph_depth == 0 ? edges : subgraph.edges();
props_t& edge_props_ = subgraph_depth == 0
? default_edge_props
: subgraph_edge_props[subgraph.name()];
// add this to the list of default edge properties.
edge_props_[key] = value;
// for each edge, set its property to be empty string
// set the dynamic property map value
for (edges_t::iterator i = edges_.begin();
i != edges_.end(); ++i)
if (edge_map[*i].find(key) == edge_map[*i].end())
set_edge_property(*i, key, id_t());
// helper function
void insert_node(nodes_t& nodes, id_t const& name)
void call_prop_actor(
std::string const& lhs, std::string const& rhs)
actor_t& actor = attr_list.prop_actor();
// If first and last characters of the rhs are
// double-quotes, remove them.
if (!rhs.empty() && rhs[0] == '"'
&& rhs[rhs.size() - 1] == '"')
actor(lhs, rhs.substr(1, rhs.size() - 2));
actor(lhs, rhs);
void call_graph_prop(
std::string const& lhs, std::string const& rhs)
// If first and last characters of the rhs are
// double-quotes, remove them.
if (!rhs.empty() && rhs[0] == '"'
&& rhs[rhs.size() - 1] == '"')
lhs, rhs.substr(1, rhs.size() - 2));
this->default_graph_prop(lhs, rhs);
void set_node_property(
node_t const& node, id_t const& key, id_t const& value)
// Add the property key to the "set" table to avoid default
// overwrite
// Set the user's property map
self.graph_.set_node_property(key, node, value);
// Tell the world
std::cout << node << ": " << key << " = " << value
<< std::endl;
void set_edge_property(
edge_t const& edge, id_t const& key, id_t const& value)
// Add the property key to the "set" table to avoid default
// overwrite
// Set the user's property map
self.graph_.set_edge_property(key, edge, value);
// Tell the world
#if 0 // RG - edge representation changed,
std::cout << "(" << edge.first << "," << edge.second << "): "
std::cout << "an edge: "
#endif // 0
<< key << " = " << value << std::endl;
// Variables explicitly initialized
dot_grammar const& self;
// if subgraph_depth > 0, then we're processing a subgraph.
int subgraph_depth;
// Keywords;
const boost::spirit::classic::distinct_parser<> keyword_p;
// rules that make up the grammar
boost::spirit::classic::rule< ScannerT, id_closure::context_t >
boost::spirit::classic::rule< ScannerT,
property_closure::context_t >
boost::spirit::classic::rule< ScannerT,
attr_list_closure::context_t >
rule_t port_location;
rule_t port_angle;
rule_t port;
boost::spirit::classic::rule< ScannerT,
node_id_closure::context_t >
boost::spirit::classic::rule< ScannerT,
property_closure::context_t >
rule_t attr_stmt;
boost::spirit::classic::rule< ScannerT,
data_stmt_closure::context_t >
boost::spirit::classic::rule< ScannerT,
subgraph_closure::context_t >
rule_t edgeop;
rule_t edgeRHS;
rule_t stmt;
rule_t stmt_list;
rule_t the_grammar;
// The grammar uses edge_head to dynamically set the syntax for
// edges directed graphs: edge_head = '>', and so edgeop = "->"
// undirected graphs: edge_head = '-', and so edgeop = "--"
char edge_head;
// Support data structures
nodes_t nodes; // list of node names seen
edges_t edges; // list of edges seen
node_map; // remember the properties set for each node
edge_map; // remember the properties set for each edge
subgraph_nodes_t subgraph_nodes; // per-subgraph lists of nodes
subgraph_edges_t subgraph_edges; // per-subgraph lists of edges
props_t default_node_props; // global default node properties
props_t default_edge_props; // global default edge properties
subgraph_node_props; // per-subgraph default node properties
subgraph_edge_props; // per-subgraph default edge properties
}; // struct definition
}; // struct dot_grammar
// dot_skipper - GraphViz whitespace and comment skipper
struct dot_skipper
: public boost::spirit::classic::grammar< dot_skipper >
dot_skipper() {}
template < typename ScannerT > struct definition
definition(dot_skipper const& /*self*/)
using namespace boost::spirit::classic;
using namespace phoenix;
// comment forms
skip = eol_p >> comment_p("#") | space_p | comment_p("//")
| confix_p(str_p("/*"), *anychar_p, str_p("*/"))
| confix_p("/*", *anychar_p, "*/")
boost::spirit::classic::rule< ScannerT > skip;
boost::spirit::classic::rule< ScannerT > const& start() const
return skip;
}; // definition
}; // dot_skipper
} // namespace graph
} // namespace detail
template < typename MultiPassIterator, typename MutableGraph >
bool read_graphviz_spirit(MultiPassIterator begin, MultiPassIterator end,
MutableGraph& graph, dynamic_properties& dp,
std::string const& node_id = "node_id")
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::spirit::classic;
typedef MultiPassIterator iterator_t;
typedef skip_parser_iteration_policy< boost::detail::graph::dot_skipper >
typedef scanner_policies< iter_policy_t > scanner_policies_t;
typedef scanner< iterator_t, scanner_policies_t > scanner_t;
::boost::detail::graph::mutate_graph_impl< MutableGraph > m_graph(
graph, dp, node_id);
::boost::detail::graph::dot_grammar p(m_graph);
::boost::detail::graph::dot_skipper skip_p;
iter_policy_t iter_policy(skip_p);
scanner_policies_t policies(iter_policy);
scanner_t scan(begin, end, policies);
bool ok = p.parse(scan);
return ok;
} // namespace boost