// Copyright (C) 2022 Joaquin M Lopez Munoz. // Copyright (C) 2022 Christian Mazakas // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_UNORDERED_DETAIL_FCA_HPP #define BOOST_UNORDERED_DETAIL_FCA_HPP /* The general structure of the fast closed addressing implementation is that we use straight-forward separate chaining (i.e. each bucket contains its own linked list) and then improve iteration time by adding an array of "bucket groups". A bucket group is a constant-width view into a subsection of the buckets array, containing a bitmask that indicates which one of the buckets in the subsection contains a list of nodes. This allows the code to test N buckets for occupancy in a single operation. Additional speed can be found by inter-linking occupied bucket groups with one another in a doubly-linked list. To this end, large swathes of the bucket groups array no longer need to be iterated and have their bitmasks examined for occupancy. A bucket group iterator contains a pointer to a bucket group along with a pointer into the buckets array. The iterator's bucket pointer is guaranteed to point to a bucket within the bucket group's view of the array. To advance the iterator, we need to determine if we need to skip to the next bucket group or simply move to the next occupied bucket as denoted by the bitmask. To accomplish this, we perform something roughly equivalent to this: ``` bucket_iterator itb = ... bucket_pointer p = itb.p bucket_group_pointer pbg = itb.pbg offset = p - pbg->buckets // because we wish to see if the _next_ bit in the mask is occupied, we'll // generate a testing mask from the current offset + 1 // testing_mask = reset_first_bits(offset + 1) n = ctz(pbg->bitmask & testing_mask) if (n < N) { p = pbg->buckets + n } else { pbg = pbg->next p = pbg->buckets + ctz(pbg->bitmask) } ``` `reset_first_bits` yields an unsigned integral with the first n bits set to 0 and then by counting the number of trailing zeroes when AND'd against the bucket group's bitmask, we can derive the offset into the buckets array. When the calculated offset is equal to N, we know we've reached the end of a bucket group and we can advance to the next one. This is a rough explanation for how iterator incrementation should work for a fixed width size of N as 3 for the bucket groups ``` N = 3 p = buckets pbg->bitmask = 0b101 pbg->buckets = buckets offset = p - pbg->buckets // => 0 testing_mask = reset_first_bits(offset + 1) // reset_first_bits(1) => 0b110 x = bitmask & testing_mask // => 0b101 & 0b110 => 0b100 ctz(x) // ctz(0b100) => 2 // 2 < 3 => p = pbg->buckets + 2 // increment again... offset = p - pbg->buckets // => 2 testing_mask = reset_first_bits(offset + 1) // reset_first_bits(3) => 0b000 bitmask & testing_mask // 0b101 & 0b000 => 0b000 ctz(0b000) => 3 // 3 < 3 is false now pbg = pbg->next initial_offset = ctz(pbg->bitmask) p = pbg->buckets + initial_offset ``` For `size_` number of buckets, there are `1 + (size_ / N)` bucket groups where `N` is the width of a bucket group, determined at compile-time. We allocate space for `size_ + 1` buckets, using the last one as a dummy bucket which is kept permanently empty so it can act as a sentinel value in the implementation of `iterator end();`. We set the last bucket group to act as a sentinel. ``` num_groups = size_ / N + 1 groups = allocate(num_groups) pbg = groups + (num_groups - 1) // not guaranteed to point to exactly N buckets pbg->buckets = buckets + N * (size_ / N) // this marks the true end of the bucket array buckets pbg->bitmask = set_bit(size_ % N) // links in on itself pbg->next = pbg->prev = pbg ``` To this end, we can devise a safe iteration scheme while also creating a useful sentinel to use as the end iterator. Otherwise, usage of the data structure is relatively straight-forward compared to normal separate chaining implementations. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace unordered { namespace detail { template struct node { typedef ValueType value_type; typedef typename boost::pointer_traits::template rebind_to< node>::type node_pointer; node_pointer next; typename boost::aligned_storage::value>::type buf; node() BOOST_NOEXCEPT : next(), buf() {} value_type* value_ptr() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return reinterpret_cast(buf.address()); } value_type& value() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return *reinterpret_cast(buf.address()); } }; template struct bucket { typedef typename boost::pointer_traits::template rebind_to< Node>::type node_pointer; typedef typename boost::pointer_traits::template rebind_to< bucket>::type bucket_pointer; node_pointer next; bucket() BOOST_NOEXCEPT : next() {} }; template struct bucket_group { typedef typename Bucket::bucket_pointer bucket_pointer; typedef typename boost::pointer_traits::template rebind_to< bucket_group>::type bucket_group_pointer; BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(std::size_t, N = sizeof(std::size_t) * CHAR_BIT); bucket_pointer buckets; std::size_t bitmask; bucket_group_pointer next, prev; bucket_group() BOOST_NOEXCEPT : buckets(), bitmask(0), next(), prev() {} ~bucket_group() {} }; inline std::size_t set_bit(std::size_t n) { return std::size_t(1) << n; } inline std::size_t reset_bit(std::size_t n) { return ~(std::size_t(1) << n); } inline std::size_t reset_first_bits(std::size_t n) // n>0 { return ~(~(std::size_t(0)) >> (sizeof(std::size_t) * 8 - n)); } template struct grouped_bucket_iterator { public: typedef typename Bucket::bucket_pointer bucket_pointer; typedef typename boost::pointer_traits::template rebind_to< bucket_group >::type bucket_group_pointer; typedef Bucket value_type; typedef typename boost::pointer_traits::difference_type difference_type; typedef Bucket& reference; typedef Bucket* pointer; typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; private: bucket_pointer p; bucket_group_pointer pbg; public: grouped_bucket_iterator() : p(), pbg() {} reference operator*() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return dereference(); } pointer operator->() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return boost::to_address(p); } grouped_bucket_iterator& operator++() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { increment(); return *this; } grouped_bucket_iterator operator++(int) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { grouped_bucket_iterator old = *this; increment(); return old; } bool operator==( grouped_bucket_iterator const& other) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return equal(other); } bool operator!=( grouped_bucket_iterator const& other) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return !equal(other); } private: template friend class grouped_bucket_array; BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(std::size_t, N = bucket_group::N); grouped_bucket_iterator(bucket_pointer p_, bucket_group_pointer pbg_) : p(p_), pbg(pbg_) { } Bucket& dereference() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return *p; } bool equal(const grouped_bucket_iterator& x) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return p == x.p; } void increment() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { std::size_t const offset = static_cast(p - pbg->buckets); std::size_t n = std::size_t(boost::core::countr_zero( pbg->bitmask & reset_first_bits(offset + 1))); if (n < N) { p = pbg->buckets + static_cast(n); } else { pbg = pbg->next; std::ptrdiff_t x = boost::core::countr_zero(pbg->bitmask); p = pbg->buckets + x; } } }; template struct const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator; template struct grouped_local_bucket_iterator { typedef typename Node::node_pointer node_pointer; public: typedef typename Node::value_type value_type; typedef value_type element_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef value_type& reference; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; grouped_local_bucket_iterator() : p() {} reference operator*() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return dereference(); } pointer operator->() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return boost::to_address(p); } grouped_local_bucket_iterator& operator++() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { increment(); return *this; } grouped_local_bucket_iterator operator++(int) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { grouped_local_bucket_iterator old = *this; increment(); return old; } bool operator==( grouped_local_bucket_iterator const& other) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return equal(other); } bool operator!=( grouped_local_bucket_iterator const& other) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return !equal(other); } private: template friend class grouped_bucket_array; template friend struct const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator; grouped_local_bucket_iterator(node_pointer p_) : p(p_) {} value_type& dereference() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return p->value(); } bool equal(const grouped_local_bucket_iterator& x) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return p == x.p; } void increment() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { p = p->next; } node_pointer p; }; template struct const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator { typedef typename Node::node_pointer node_pointer; public: typedef typename Node::value_type const value_type; typedef value_type const element_type; typedef value_type const* pointer; typedef value_type const& reference; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator() : p() {} const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator( grouped_local_bucket_iterator it) : p(it.p) { } reference operator*() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return dereference(); } pointer operator->() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return boost::to_address(p); } const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator& operator++() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { increment(); return *this; } const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator operator++(int) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator old = *this; increment(); return old; } bool operator==( const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator const& other) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return equal(other); } bool operator!=( const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator const& other) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return !equal(other); } private: template friend class grouped_bucket_array; const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator(node_pointer p_) : p(p_) {} value_type& dereference() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return p->value(); } bool equal( const const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator& x) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return p == x.p; } void increment() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { p = p->next; } node_pointer p; }; template struct span { T* begin() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return data; } T* end() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return data + size; } T* data; std::size_t size; span(T* data_, std::size_t size_) : data(data_), size(size_) {} }; template class grouped_bucket_array : boost::empty_value::type, typename boost::allocator_void_pointer::type> >:: type> { BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE(grouped_bucket_array) typedef typename boost::allocator_value_type::type allocator_value_type; typedef typename boost::allocator_void_pointer::type void_pointer; typedef typename boost::allocator_difference_type::type difference_type; public: typedef typename boost::allocator_rebind >::type node_allocator_type; typedef node node_type; typedef typename boost::allocator_pointer::type node_pointer; typedef SizePolicy size_policy; private: typedef typename boost::allocator_rebind::type bucket_allocator_type; typedef typename boost::allocator_pointer::type bucket_pointer; typedef boost::pointer_traits bucket_pointer_traits; typedef bucket_group group; typedef typename boost::allocator_rebind::type group_allocator_type; typedef typename boost::allocator_pointer::type group_pointer; typedef typename boost::pointer_traits group_pointer_traits; public: typedef Bucket value_type; typedef Bucket bucket_type; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef Allocator allocator_type; typedef grouped_bucket_iterator iterator; typedef grouped_local_bucket_iterator local_iterator; typedef const_grouped_local_bucket_iterator const_local_iterator; private: std::size_t size_index_, size_; bucket_pointer buckets; group_pointer groups; public: grouped_bucket_array(size_type n, const Allocator& al) : empty_value(empty_init_t(), al), size_index_(size_policy::size_index(n)), size_(size_policy::size(size_index_)), buckets(), groups() { bucket_allocator_type bucket_alloc = this->get_bucket_allocator(); group_allocator_type group_alloc = this->get_group_allocator(); size_type const num_buckets = buckets_len(); size_type const num_groups = groups_len(); buckets = boost::allocator_allocate(bucket_alloc, num_buckets); BOOST_TRY { groups = boost::allocator_allocate(group_alloc, num_groups); bucket_type* pb = boost::to_address(buckets); for (size_type i = 0; i < num_buckets; ++i) { new (pb + i) bucket_type(); } group* pg = boost::to_address(groups); for (size_type i = 0; i < num_groups; ++i) { new (pg + i) group(); } } BOOST_CATCH(...) { boost::allocator_deallocate(bucket_alloc, buckets, num_buckets); BOOST_RETHROW } BOOST_CATCH_END size_type const N = group::N; group_pointer pbg = groups + static_cast(num_groups - 1); pbg->buckets = buckets + static_cast(N * (size_ / N)); pbg->bitmask = set_bit(size_ % N); pbg->next = pbg->prev = pbg; } ~grouped_bucket_array() { this->deallocate(); } grouped_bucket_array( BOOST_RV_REF(grouped_bucket_array) other) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : empty_value( empty_init_t(), other.get_node_allocator()), size_index_(other.size_index_), size_(other.size_), buckets(other.buckets), groups(other.groups) { other.size_ = 0; other.size_index_ = 0; other.buckets = bucket_pointer(); other.groups = group_pointer(); } grouped_bucket_array& operator=( BOOST_RV_REF(grouped_bucket_array) other) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { BOOST_ASSERT( this->get_node_allocator() == other.get_node_allocator()); if (this == boost::addressof(other)) { return *this; } this->deallocate(); size_index_ = other.size_index_; size_ = other.size_; buckets = other.buckets; groups = other.groups; other.size_index_ = 0; other.size_ = 0; other.buckets = bucket_pointer(); other.groups = group_pointer(); return *this; } void deallocate() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { if (buckets) { bucket_allocator_type bucket_alloc = this->get_bucket_allocator(); boost::allocator_deallocate( bucket_alloc, buckets, this->buckets_len()); buckets = bucket_pointer(); } if (groups) { group_allocator_type group_alloc = this->get_group_allocator(); boost::allocator_deallocate( group_alloc, groups, this->groups_len()); groups = group_pointer(); } } void swap(grouped_bucket_array& other) { std::swap(size_index_, other.size_index_); std::swap(size_, other.size_); std::swap(buckets, other.buckets); std::swap(groups, other.groups); bool b = boost::allocator_propagate_on_container_swap< allocator_type>::type::value; if (b) { boost::swap(get_node_allocator(), other.get_node_allocator()); } } node_allocator_type const& get_node_allocator() const { return empty_value::get(); } node_allocator_type& get_node_allocator() { return empty_value::get(); } bucket_allocator_type get_bucket_allocator() const { return this->get_node_allocator(); } group_allocator_type get_group_allocator() const { return this->get_node_allocator(); } size_type buckets_len() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return size_ + 1; } size_type groups_len() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return size_ / group::N + 1; } void reset_allocator(Allocator const& allocator_) { this->get_node_allocator() = node_allocator_type(allocator_); } size_type bucket_count() const { return size_; } iterator begin() const { return ++at(size_); } iterator end() const { // micro optimization: no need to return the bucket group // as end() is not incrementable iterator pbg; pbg.p = buckets + static_cast(this->buckets_len() - 1); return pbg; } local_iterator begin(size_type n) const { return local_iterator( (buckets + static_cast(n))->next); } local_iterator end(size_type) const { return local_iterator(); } size_type capacity() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return size_; } iterator at(size_type n) const { std::size_t const N = group::N; iterator pbg(buckets + static_cast(n), groups + static_cast(n / N)); return pbg; } span raw() { BOOST_ASSERT(size_ == 0 || size_ < this->buckets_len()); return span(boost::to_address(buckets), size_); } size_type position(std::size_t hash) const { return size_policy::position(hash, size_index_); } void clear() { this->deallocate(); size_index_ = 0; size_ = 0; } void append_bucket_group(iterator itb) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { std::size_t const N = group::N; bool const is_empty_bucket = (!itb->next); if (is_empty_bucket) { bucket_pointer pb = itb.p; group_pointer pbg = itb.pbg; std::size_t n = static_cast(boost::to_address(pb) - &buckets[0]); bool const is_empty_group = (!pbg->bitmask); if (is_empty_group) { size_type const num_groups = this->groups_len(); group_pointer last_group = groups + static_cast(num_groups - 1); pbg->buckets = buckets + static_cast(N * (n / N)); pbg->next = last_group->next; pbg->next->prev = pbg; pbg->prev = last_group; pbg->prev->next = pbg; } pbg->bitmask |= set_bit(n % N); } } void insert_node(iterator itb, node_pointer p) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { this->append_bucket_group(itb); p->next = itb->next; itb->next = p; } void insert_node_hint( iterator itb, node_pointer p, node_pointer hint) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { this->append_bucket_group(itb); if (hint) { p->next = hint->next; hint->next = p; } else { p->next = itb->next; itb->next = p; } } void extract_node(iterator itb, node_pointer p) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { node_pointer* pp = boost::addressof(itb->next); while ((*pp) != p) pp = boost::addressof((*pp)->next); *pp = p->next; if (!itb->next) unlink_bucket(itb); } void extract_node_after(iterator itb, node_pointer* pp) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { *pp = (*pp)->next; if (!itb->next) unlink_bucket(itb); } void unlink_empty_buckets() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { std::size_t const N = group::N; group_pointer pbg = groups, last = groups + static_cast( this->groups_len() - 1); for (; pbg != last; ++pbg) { if (!pbg->buckets) { continue; } for (std::size_t n = 0; n < N; ++n) { bucket_pointer bs = pbg->buckets; bucket_type& b = bs[static_cast(n)]; if (!b.next) pbg->bitmask &= reset_bit(n); } if (!pbg->bitmask && pbg->next) unlink_group(pbg); } // do not check end bucket for (std::size_t n = 0; n < size_ % N; ++n) { if (!pbg->buckets[static_cast(n)].next) pbg->bitmask &= reset_bit(n); } } void unlink_bucket(iterator itb) { typename iterator::bucket_pointer p = itb.p; typename iterator::bucket_group_pointer pbg = itb.pbg; if (!(pbg->bitmask &= reset_bit(static_cast(p - pbg->buckets)))) unlink_group(pbg); } private: void unlink_group(group_pointer pbg) { pbg->next->prev = pbg->prev; pbg->prev->next = pbg->next; pbg->prev = pbg->next = group_pointer(); } }; } // namespace detail } // namespace unordered } // namespace boost #endif // BOOST_UNORDERED_DETAIL_FCA_HPP