// Copyright 2002-2006 Andreas Huber Doenni
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompany-
// ing file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

#include <boost/statechart/simple_state.hpp>

#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>

namespace boost
namespace statechart

template< class MostDerived,
          class Context,
          class InnerInitial = mpl::list<>,
          history_mode historyMode = has_no_history >
class state : public simple_state<
  MostDerived, Context, InnerInitial, historyMode >
  typedef simple_state< MostDerived, Context, InnerInitial, historyMode >

    struct my_context
      my_context( typename base_type::context_ptr_type pContext ) :
        pContext_( pContext )

      typename base_type::context_ptr_type pContext_;

    typedef state my_base;

    state( my_context ctx )
      this->set_context( ctx.pContext_ );

    ~state() {}

    // The following declarations should be private.
    // They are only public because many compilers lack template friends.
    // See base class for documentation
    typedef typename base_type::outermost_context_base_type
    typedef typename base_type::inner_context_ptr_type inner_context_ptr_type;
    typedef typename base_type::context_ptr_type context_ptr_type;
    typedef typename base_type::inner_initial_list inner_initial_list;

    static void initial_deep_construct(
      outermost_context_base_type & outermostContextBase )
      deep_construct( &outermostContextBase, outermostContextBase );

    // See base class for documentation
    static void deep_construct(
      const context_ptr_type & pContext,
      outermost_context_base_type & outermostContextBase )
      const inner_context_ptr_type pInnerContext(
        shallow_construct( pContext, outermostContextBase ) );
      base_type::template deep_construct_inner< inner_initial_list >(
        pInnerContext, outermostContextBase );

    static inner_context_ptr_type shallow_construct(
      const context_ptr_type & pContext,
      outermost_context_base_type & outermostContextBase )
      const inner_context_ptr_type pInnerContext(
        new MostDerived( my_context( pContext ) ) );
      outermostContextBase.add( pInnerContext );
      return pInnerContext;

} // namespace statechart
} // namespace boost
