/* Copyright Rene Rivera 2011-2015 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_PREDEF_LANGUAGE_STDCPP_H #define BOOST_PREDEF_LANGUAGE_STDCPP_H #include <boost/predef/version_number.h> #include <boost/predef/make.h> /* tag::reference[] = `BOOST_LANG_STDCPP` http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B[Standard {CPP}] language. If available, the year of the standard is detected as YYYY.MM.1 from the Epoch date. Because of the way the {CPP} standardization process works the defined version year will not be the commonly known year of the standard. Specifically the defined versions are: .Detected Version Number vs. {CPP} Standard Year [options="header"] |=== | Detected Version Number | Standard Year | {CPP} Standard | 27.11.1 | 1998 | ISO/IEC 14882:1998 | 41.3.1 | 2011 | ISO/IEC 14882:2011 | 44.2.1 | 2014 | ISO/IEC 14882:2014 | 47.3.1 | 2017 | ISO/IEC 14882:2017 |=== [options="header"] |=== | {predef_symbol} | {predef_version} | `+__cplusplus+` | {predef_detection} | `+__cplusplus+` | YYYY.MM.1 |=== */ // end::reference[] #define BOOST_LANG_STDCPP BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_NOT_AVAILABLE #if defined(__cplusplus) # undef BOOST_LANG_STDCPP # if (__cplusplus > 100) # define BOOST_LANG_STDCPP BOOST_PREDEF_MAKE_YYYYMM(__cplusplus) # else # define BOOST_LANG_STDCPP BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_AVAILABLE # endif #endif #if BOOST_LANG_STDCPP # define BOOST_LANG_STDCPP_AVAILABLE #endif #define BOOST_LANG_STDCPP_NAME "Standard C++" /* tag::reference[] = `BOOST_LANG_STDCPPCLI` http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI[Standard {CPP}/CLI] language. If available, the year of the standard is detected as YYYY.MM.1 from the Epoch date. [options="header"] |=== | {predef_symbol} | {predef_version} | `+__cplusplus_cli+` | {predef_detection} | `+__cplusplus_cli+` | YYYY.MM.1 |=== */ // end::reference[] #define BOOST_LANG_STDCPPCLI BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_NOT_AVAILABLE #if defined(__cplusplus_cli) # undef BOOST_LANG_STDCPPCLI # if (__cplusplus_cli > 100) # define BOOST_LANG_STDCPPCLI BOOST_PREDEF_MAKE_YYYYMM(__cplusplus_cli) # else # define BOOST_LANG_STDCPPCLI BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_AVAILABLE # endif #endif #if BOOST_LANG_STDCPPCLI # define BOOST_LANG_STDCPPCLI_AVAILABLE #endif #define BOOST_LANG_STDCPPCLI_NAME "Standard C++/CLI" /* tag::reference[] = `BOOST_LANG_STDECPP` http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedded_C%2B%2B[Standard Embedded {CPP}] language. [options="header"] |=== | {predef_symbol} | {predef_version} | `+__embedded_cplusplus+` | {predef_detection} |=== */ // end::reference[] #define BOOST_LANG_STDECPP BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_NOT_AVAILABLE #if defined(__embedded_cplusplus) # undef BOOST_LANG_STDECPP # define BOOST_LANG_STDECPP BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_AVAILABLE #endif #if BOOST_LANG_STDECPP # define BOOST_LANG_STDECPP_AVAILABLE #endif #define BOOST_LANG_STDECPP_NAME "Standard Embedded C++" #endif #include <boost/predef/detail/test.h> BOOST_PREDEF_DECLARE_TEST(BOOST_LANG_STDCPP,BOOST_LANG_STDCPP_NAME) #include <boost/predef/detail/test.h> BOOST_PREDEF_DECLARE_TEST(BOOST_LANG_STDCPPCLI,BOOST_LANG_STDCPPCLI_NAME) #include <boost/predef/detail/test.h> BOOST_PREDEF_DECLARE_TEST(BOOST_LANG_STDECPP,BOOST_LANG_STDECPP_NAME)