// Copyright (C) 2004-2008 The Trustees of Indiana University. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // Authors: Douglas Gregor // Andrew Lumsdaine #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_DISTRIBUTED_DFS_HPP #define BOOST_GRAPH_DISTRIBUTED_DFS_HPP #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_USE_MPI #error "Parallel BGL files should not be included unless has been included" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace graph { namespace distributed { namespace detail { template class parallel_dfs { typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_iterator vertex_iterator; typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename graph_traits::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator; typedef typename boost::graph::parallel::process_group_type ::type process_group_type; typedef typename process_group_type::process_id_type process_id_type; /** * The first vertex in the pair is the local node (i) and the * second vertex in the pair is the (possibly remote) node (j). */ typedef boost::parallel::detail::untracked_pair vertex_pair; typedef typename property_traits::value_type color_type; typedef color_traits Color; // Message types enum { discover_msg = 10, return_msg = 50, visited_msg = 100 , done_msg = 150}; public: parallel_dfs(const DistributedGraph& g, ColorMap color, ParentMap parent, ExploreMap explore, VertexIndexMap index_map, DFSVisitor vis) : g(g), color(color), parent(parent), explore(explore), index_map(index_map), vis(vis), pg(process_group(g)), owner(get(vertex_owner, g)), next_out_edge(num_vertices(g)) { } void run(vertex_descriptor s) { vertex_iterator vi, vi_end; for (boost::tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(g); vi != vi_end; ++vi) { put(color, *vi, Color::white()); put(parent, *vi, *vi); put(explore, *vi, *vi); next_out_edge[get(index_map, *vi)] = out_edges(*vi, g).first; vis.initialize_vertex(*vi, g); } vis.start_vertex(s, g); if (get(owner, s) == process_id(pg)) { send_oob(pg, get(owner, s), discover_msg, vertex_pair(s, s)); } bool done = false; while (!done) { std::pair msg = *pg.poll(true); switch (msg.second) { case discover_msg: { vertex_pair p; receive_oob(pg, msg.first, msg.second, p); if (p.first != p.second) { // delete j from nomessage(j) if (get(color, p.second) != Color::black()) local_put(color, p.second, Color::gray()); if (recover(p)) break; } if (get(color, p.first) == Color::white()) { put(color, p.first, Color::gray()); put(parent, p.first, p.second); vis.discover_vertex(p.first, g); if (shift_center_of_activity(p.first)) break; out_edge_iterator ei, ei_end; for (boost::tie(ei,ei_end) = out_edges(p.first, g); ei != ei_end; ++ei) { // Notify everyone who may not know that the source // vertex has been visited. They can then mark the // corresponding color map entry gray. if (get(parent, p.first) != target(*ei, g) && get(explore, p.first) != target(*ei, g)) { vertex_pair visit(target(*ei, g), p.first); send_oob(pg, get(owner, target(*ei, g)), visited_msg, visit); } } } } break; case visited_msg: { vertex_pair p; receive_oob(pg, msg.first, msg.second, p); // delete j from nomessage(j) if (get(color, p.second) != Color::black()) local_put(color, p.second, Color::gray()); recover(p); } break; case return_msg: { vertex_pair p; receive_oob(pg, msg.first, msg.second, p); // delete j from nomessage(i) local_put(color, p.second, Color::black()); shift_center_of_activity(p.first); } break; case done_msg: { receive_oob(pg, msg.first, msg.second, done); // Propagate done message downward in tree done = true; process_id_type id = process_id(pg); process_id_type left = 2*id + 1; process_id_type right = left + 1; if (left < num_processes(pg)) send_oob(pg, left, done_msg, done); if (right < num_processes(pg)) send_oob(pg, right, done_msg, done); } break; default: BOOST_ASSERT(false); } } } private: bool recover(const vertex_pair& p) { if (get(explore, p.first) == p.second) { return shift_center_of_activity(p.first); } else return false; } bool shift_center_of_activity(vertex_descriptor i) { for (out_edge_iterator ei = next_out_edge[get(index_map, i)], ei_end = out_edges(i, g).second; ei != ei_end; ++ei) { vis.examine_edge(*ei, g); vertex_descriptor k = target(*ei, g); color_type target_color = get(color, k); if (target_color == Color::black()) vis.forward_or_cross_edge(*ei, g); else if (target_color == Color::gray()) vis.back_edge(*ei, g); else { put(explore, i, k); vis.tree_edge(*ei, g); vertex_pair p(k, i); send_oob(pg, get(owner, k), discover_msg, p); next_out_edge[get(index_map, i)] = ++ei; return false; } } next_out_edge[get(index_map, i)] = out_edges(i, g).second; put(explore, i, i); put(color, i, Color::black()); vis.finish_vertex(i, g); if (get(parent, i) == i) { send_oob(pg, 0, done_msg, true); return true; } else { vertex_pair ret(get(parent, i), i); send_oob(pg, get(owner, ret.first), return_msg, ret); } return false; } const DistributedGraph& g; ColorMap color; ParentMap parent; ExploreMap explore; VertexIndexMap index_map; DFSVisitor vis; process_group_type pg; typename property_map::const_type owner; std::vector next_out_edge; }; } // end namespace detail template void tsin_depth_first_visit (const DistributedGraph& g, typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor s, DFSVisitor vis, ColorMap color, ParentMap parent, ExploreMap explore, VertexIndexMap index_map) { typedef typename graph_traits::directed_category directed_category; BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (is_convertible::value)); set_property_map_role(vertex_color, color); graph::distributed::detail::parallel_dfs do_dfs(g, color, parent, explore, index_map, vis); do_dfs.run(s); using boost::graph::parallel::process_group; synchronize(process_group(g)); } template void tsin_depth_first_visit (const DistributedGraph& g, typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor s, DFSVisitor vis, VertexIndexMap index_map) { typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; std::vector colors(num_vertices(g)); std::vector parent(num_vertices(g)); std::vector explore(num_vertices(g)); tsin_depth_first_visit (g, s, vis, make_iterator_property_map(colors.begin(), index_map), make_iterator_property_map(parent.begin(), index_map), make_iterator_property_map(explore.begin(), index_map), index_map); } template void tsin_depth_first_visit (const DistributedGraph& g, typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor s, DFSVisitor vis) { tsin_depth_first_visit(g, s, vis, get(vertex_index, g)); } } // end namespace distributed using distributed::tsin_depth_first_visit; } // end namespace graph template void depth_first_visit (const DistributedGraph& g, typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor s, DFSVisitor vis) { graph::tsin_depth_first_visit(g, s, vis, get(vertex_index, g)); } } // end namespace boost #endif // BOOST_GRAPH_DISTRIBUTED_DFS_HPP