// Boost.Polygon library voronoi.hpp header file // Copyright Andrii Sydorchuk 2010-2012. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history. #ifndef BOOST_POLYGON_VORONOI #define BOOST_POLYGON_VORONOI #include "isotropy.hpp" #include "point_concept.hpp" #include "segment_concept.hpp" #include "voronoi_builder.hpp" #include "voronoi_diagram.hpp" // Public methods to compute Voronoi diagram of a set of points and segments. // Coordinates of the points and of the endpoints of the segments should belong // to the 32-bit signed integer range [-2^31, 2^31-1]. To use wider input // coordinate range voronoi_builder configuration via coordinate type traits // is required. // Complexity - O(N*logN), memory usage - O(N), N - number of input objects. namespace boost { namespace polygon { template <typename Point, typename VB> typename enable_if< typename gtl_if< typename is_point_concept< typename geometry_concept<Point>::type >::type >::type, std::size_t >::type insert(const Point& point, VB* vb) { return vb->insert_point(x(point), y(point)); } template <typename PointIterator, typename VB> typename enable_if< typename gtl_if< typename is_point_concept< typename geometry_concept< typename std::iterator_traits<PointIterator>::value_type >::type >::type >::type, void >::type insert(const PointIterator first, const PointIterator last, VB* vb) { for (PointIterator it = first; it != last; ++it) { insert(*it, vb); } } template <typename Segment, typename VB> typename enable_if< typename gtl_if< typename is_segment_concept< typename geometry_concept<Segment>::type >::type >::type, std::size_t >::type insert(const Segment& segment, VB* vb) { return vb->insert_segment( x(low(segment)), y(low(segment)), x(high(segment)), y(high(segment))); } template <typename SegmentIterator, typename VB> typename enable_if< typename gtl_if< typename is_segment_concept< typename geometry_concept< typename std::iterator_traits<SegmentIterator>::value_type >::type >::type >::type, void >::type insert(const SegmentIterator first, const SegmentIterator last, VB* vb) { for (SegmentIterator it = first; it != last; ++it) { insert(*it, vb); } } template <typename PointIterator, typename VD> typename enable_if< typename gtl_if< typename is_point_concept< typename geometry_concept< typename std::iterator_traits<PointIterator>::value_type >::type >::type >::type, void >::type construct_voronoi(const PointIterator first, const PointIterator last, VD* vd) { default_voronoi_builder builder; insert(first, last, &builder); builder.construct(vd); } template <typename SegmentIterator, typename VD> typename enable_if< typename gtl_if< typename is_segment_concept< typename geometry_concept< typename std::iterator_traits<SegmentIterator>::value_type >::type >::type >::type, void >::type construct_voronoi(const SegmentIterator first, const SegmentIterator last, VD* vd) { default_voronoi_builder builder; insert(first, last, &builder); builder.construct(vd); } template <typename PointIterator, typename SegmentIterator, typename VD> typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename gtl_if< typename is_point_concept< typename geometry_concept< typename std::iterator_traits<PointIterator>::value_type >::type >::type >::type, typename gtl_if< typename is_segment_concept< typename geometry_concept< typename std::iterator_traits<SegmentIterator>::value_type >::type >::type >::type >::type, void >::type construct_voronoi(const PointIterator p_first, const PointIterator p_last, const SegmentIterator s_first, const SegmentIterator s_last, VD* vd) { default_voronoi_builder builder; insert(p_first, p_last, &builder); insert(s_first, s_last, &builder); builder.construct(vd); } } // polygon } // boost #endif // BOOST_POLYGON_VORONOI