/*! @file Forward declares `boost::hana::Searchable`. @copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2017 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_HANA_FWD_CONCEPT_SEARCHABLE_HPP #define BOOST_HANA_FWD_CONCEPT_SEARCHABLE_HPP #include namespace boost { namespace hana { //! @ingroup group-concepts //! @defgroup group-Searchable Searchable //! The `Searchable` concept represents structures that can be searched. //! //! Intuitively, a `Searchable` is any structure, finite or infinite, //! containing elements that can be searched using a predicate. Sometimes, //! `Searchable`s will associate keys to values; one can search for a key //! with a predicate, and the value associated to it is returned. This //! gives rise to map-like data structures. Other times, the elements of //! the structure that are searched (i.e. those to which the predicate is //! applied) are the same that are returned, which gives rise to set-like //! data structures. In general, we will refer to the _keys_ of a //! `Searchable` structure as those elements that are used for searching, //! and to the _values_ of a `Searchable` as those elements that are //! returned when a search is successful. As was explained, there is no //! requirement that both notions differ, and it is often useful to have //! keys and values coincide (think about `std::set`). //! //! Some methods like `any_of`, `all_of` and `none_of` allow simple queries //! to be performed on the keys of the structure, while other methods like //! `find` and `find_if` make it possible to find the value associated //! to a key. The most specific method should always be used if one //! cares about performance, because it is usually the case that heavy //! optimizations can be performed in more specific methods. For example, //! an associative data structure implemented as a hash table will be much //! faster to access using `find` than `find_if`, because in the second //! case it will have to do a linear search through all the entries. //! Similarly, using `contains` will likely be much faster than `any_of` //! with an equivalent predicate. //! //! > __Insight__\n //! > In a lazy evaluation context, any `Foldable` can also become a model //! > of `Searchable` because we can search lazily through the structure //! > with `fold_right`. However, in the context of C++, some `Searchable`s //! > can not be folded; think for example of an infinite set. //! //! //! Minimal complete definition //! --------------------------- //! `find_if` and `any_of` //! //! When `find_if` and `any_of` are provided, the other functions are //! implemented according to the laws explained below. //! //! @note //! We could implement `any_of(xs, pred)` by checking whether //! `find_if(xs, pred)` is an empty `optional` or not, and then reduce //! the minimal complete definition to `find_if`. However, this is not //! done because that implementation requires the predicate of `any_of` //! to return a compile-time `Logical`, which is more restrictive than //! what we have right now. //! //! //! Laws //! ---- //! In order for the semantics of the methods to be consistent, some //! properties must be satisfied by any model of the `Searchable` concept. //! Rigorously, for any `Searchable`s `xs` and `ys` and any predicate `p`, //! the following laws should be satisfied: //! @code //! any_of(xs, p) <=> !all_of(xs, negated p) //! <=> !none_of(xs, p) //! //! contains(xs, x) <=> any_of(xs, equal.to(x)) //! //! find(xs, x) == find_if(xs, equal.to(x)) //! find_if(xs, always(false_)) == nothing //! //! is_subset(xs, ys) <=> all_of(xs, [](auto x) { return contains(ys, x); }) //! is_disjoint(xs, ys) <=> none_of(xs, [](auto x) { return contains(ys, x); }) //! @endcode //! //! Additionally, if all the keys of the `Searchable` are `Logical`s, //! the following laws should be satisfied: //! @code //! any(xs) <=> any_of(xs, id) //! all(xs) <=> all_of(xs, id) //! none(xs) <=> none_of(xs, id) //! @endcode //! //! //! Concrete models //! --------------- //! `hana::map`, `hana::optional`, `hana::range`, `hana::set`, //! `hana::string`, `hana::tuple` //! //! //! Free model for builtin arrays //! ----------------------------- //! Builtin arrays whose size is known can be searched as-if they were //! homogeneous tuples. However, since arrays can only hold objects of //! a single type and the predicate to `find_if` must return a compile-time //! `Logical`, the `find_if` method is fairly useless. For similar reasons, //! the `find` method is also fairly useless. This model is provided mainly //! because of the `any_of` method & friends, which are both useful and //! compile-time efficient. //! //! //! Structure preserving functions //! ------------------------------ //! Given two `Searchables` `S1` and `S2`, a function //! @f$ f : S_1(X) \to S_2(X) @f$ is said to preserve the `Searchable` //! structure if for all `xs` of data type `S1(X)` and predicates //! @f$ \mathtt{pred} : X \to Bool @f$ (for a `Logical` `Bool`), //! @code //! any_of(xs, pred) if and only if any_of(f(xs), pred) //! find_if(xs, pred) == find_if(f(xs), pred) //! @endcode //! //! This is really just a generalization of the following, more intuitive //! requirements. For all `xs` of data type `S1(X)` and `x` of data type //! `X`, //! @code //! x ^in^ xs if and only if x ^in^ f(xs) //! find(xs, x) == find(f(xs), x) //! @endcode //! //! These requirements can be understood as saying that `f` does not //! change the content of `xs`, although it may reorder elements. //! As usual, such a structure-preserving transformation is said to //! be an embedding if it is also injective, i.e. if it is a lossless //! transformation. template struct Searchable; }} // end namespace boost::hana #endif // !BOOST_HANA_FWD_CONCEPT_SEARCHABLE_HPP