Defines `boost::hana::detail::first_unsatisfied_index`.

@copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2017
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)


#include <boost/hana/config.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/integral_constant.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/value.hpp>

#include <utility>

namespace boost { namespace hana { namespace detail {
    template <bool, typename Pred, typename ...Xs>
    struct find_tail_size;

    template <typename Pred, typename X, typename ...Xs>
    struct find_tail_size<true, Pred, X, Xs...> {
        static constexpr int value = find_tail_size<
            Pred, Xs...

    template <typename Pred>
    struct find_tail_size<true, Pred> {
        static constexpr int value = -1;

    template <typename Pred, typename ...Xs>
    struct find_tail_size<false, Pred, Xs...> {
        static constexpr int value = sizeof...(Xs);

    //! @ingroup group-details
    //! Returns the index of the first element which does not satisfy `Pred`,
    //! or `sizeof...(Xs)` if no such element exists.
    template <typename Pred>
    struct first_unsatisfied_index {
        template <typename ...Xs>
        constexpr auto operator()(Xs&& ...) const {
            return hana::size_c<
                sizeof...(Xs) - 1 - find_tail_size<true, Pred, Xs&&...>::value
} }} // end namespace boost::hana