/* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 CrystalClear Software, Inc.
 * Use, modification and distribution is subject to the 
 * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
 * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
 * Author: Jeff Garland, Bart Garst
 * $Date$

#include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian_types.hpp"
#include "boost/date_time/gregorian/parsers.hpp"
#include "boost/core/nvp.hpp"

namespace boost {

  namespace gregorian {
    std::string to_iso_string(const date&);

namespace serialization {

// A macro to split serialize functions into save & load functions.
// It is here to avoid dependency on Boost.Serialization just for the
#define BOOST_DATE_TIME_SPLIT_FREE(T)                                         \
template<class Archive>                                                       \
inline void serialize(Archive & ar,                                           \
                      T & t,                                                  \
                      const unsigned int file_version)                        \
{                                                                             \
    split_free(ar, t, file_version);                                          \

/*! Method that does serialization for gregorian::date -- splits to load/save


//! Function to save gregorian::date objects using serialization lib
/*! Dates are serialized into a string for transport and storage. 
 *  While it would be more efficient to store the internal
 *  integer used to manipulate the dates, it is an unstable solution.  
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, 
          const ::boost::gregorian::date & d, 
          unsigned int /* version */)
  std::string ds = to_iso_string(d);
  ar & make_nvp("date", ds);

//! Function to load gregorian::date objects using serialization lib
/*! Dates are serialized into a string for transport and storage. 
 *  While it would be more efficient to store the internal
 *  integer used to manipulate the dates, it is an unstable solution.  
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, 
          ::boost::gregorian::date & d, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  std::string ds;
  ar & make_nvp("date", ds);
    d = ::boost::gregorian::from_undelimited_string(ds);
  }catch(bad_lexical_cast&) {
    gregorian::special_values sv = gregorian::special_value_from_string(ds);
    if(sv == gregorian::not_special) {
      throw; // no match found, rethrow original exception
    else {
      d = gregorian::date(sv);

//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, 
                                ::boost::gregorian::date* dp, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  // retrieve data from archive required to construct new 
  // invoke inplace constructor to initialize instance of date
  ::new(dp) ::boost::gregorian::date(::boost::gregorian::not_a_date_time);

/**** date_duration ****/

//! Function to save gregorian::date_duration objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::date_duration & dd, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::date_duration::duration_rep dr = dd.get_rep();
  ar & make_nvp("date_duration", dr);
//! Function to load gregorian::date_duration objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::date_duration & dd, unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::date_duration::duration_rep dr(0);
  ar & make_nvp("date_duration", dr);
  dd = gregorian::date_duration(dr);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, gregorian::date_duration* dd, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  ::new(dd) gregorian::date_duration(gregorian::not_a_date_time);

/**** date_duration::duration_rep (most likely int_adapter) ****/

//! helper unction to save date_duration objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::date_duration::duration_rep & dr, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::date_duration::duration_rep::int_type it = dr.as_number();
  ar & make_nvp("date_duration_duration_rep", it);
//! helper function to load date_duration objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::date_duration::duration_rep & dr, unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::date_duration::duration_rep::int_type it(0);
  ar & make_nvp("date_duration_duration_rep", it);
  dr = gregorian::date_duration::duration_rep::int_type(it);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, gregorian::date_duration::duration_rep* dr, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  ::new(dr) gregorian::date_duration::duration_rep(0);

/**** date_period ****/

//! Function to save gregorian::date_period objects using serialization lib
/*! date_period objects are broken down into 2 parts for serialization:
 * the begining date object and the end date object
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::date_period& dp, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  gregorian::date d1 = dp.begin();
  gregorian::date d2 = dp.end();
  ar & make_nvp("date_period_begin_date", d1);
  ar & make_nvp("date_period_end_date", d2);
//! Function to load gregorian::date_period objects using serialization lib
/*! date_period objects are broken down into 2 parts for serialization:
 * the begining date object and the end date object
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::date_period& dp, unsigned int /*version*/)
  gregorian::date d1(gregorian::not_a_date_time);
  gregorian::date d2(gregorian::not_a_date_time);
  ar & make_nvp("date_period_begin_date", d1);
  ar & make_nvp("date_period_end_date", d2);
  dp = gregorian::date_period(d1,d2);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, gregorian::date_period* dp, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  gregorian::date d(gregorian::not_a_date_time);
  gregorian::date_duration dd(1);
  ::new(dp) gregorian::date_period(d,dd);

/**** greg_year ****/

//! Function to save gregorian::greg_year objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::greg_year& gy, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  unsigned short us = gy;
  ar & make_nvp("greg_year", us);
//! Function to load gregorian::greg_year objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::greg_year& gy, unsigned int /*version*/)
  unsigned short us;
  ar & make_nvp("greg_year", us);
  gy = gregorian::greg_year(us);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, gregorian::greg_year* gy, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  ::new(gy) gregorian::greg_year(1900);

/**** greg_month ****/

//! Function to save gregorian::greg_month objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::greg_month& gm, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  unsigned short us = gm.as_number();
  ar & make_nvp("greg_month", us);
//! Function to load gregorian::greg_month objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::greg_month& gm, unsigned int /*version*/)
  unsigned short us;
  ar & make_nvp("greg_month", us);
  gm = gregorian::greg_month(us);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, gregorian::greg_month* gm, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  ::new(gm) gregorian::greg_month(1);

/**** greg_day ****/

//! Function to save gregorian::greg_day objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::greg_day& gd, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  unsigned short us = gd.as_number();
  ar & make_nvp("greg_day", us);
//! Function to load gregorian::greg_day objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::greg_day& gd, unsigned int /*version*/)
  unsigned short us;
  ar & make_nvp("greg_day", us);
  gd = gregorian::greg_day(us);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, gregorian::greg_day* gd, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  ::new(gd) gregorian::greg_day(1);

/**** greg_weekday ****/

//! Function to save gregorian::greg_weekday objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::greg_weekday& gd, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  unsigned short us = gd.as_number();
  ar & make_nvp("greg_weekday", us);
//! Function to load gregorian::greg_weekday objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::greg_weekday& gd, unsigned int /*version*/)
  unsigned short us;
  ar & make_nvp("greg_weekday", us);
  gd = gregorian::greg_weekday(us);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, gregorian::greg_weekday* gd, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  ::new(gd) gregorian::greg_weekday(1);

/**** date_generators ****/

/**** partial_date ****/

//! Function to save gregorian::partial_date objects using serialization lib
/*! partial_date objects are broken down into 2 parts for serialization:
 * the day (typically greg_day) and month (typically greg_month) objects
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::partial_date& pd, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  gregorian::greg_day gd(pd.day());
  gregorian::greg_month gm(pd.month().as_number());
  ar & make_nvp("partial_date_day", gd);
  ar & make_nvp("partial_date_month", gm);
//! Function to load gregorian::partial_date objects using serialization lib
/*! partial_date objects are broken down into 2 parts for serialization:
 * the day (greg_day) and month (greg_month) objects
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::partial_date& pd, unsigned int /*version*/)
  gregorian::greg_day gd(1);
  gregorian::greg_month gm(1);
  ar & make_nvp("partial_date_day", gd);
  ar & make_nvp("partial_date_month", gm);
  pd = gregorian::partial_date(gd,gm);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, gregorian::partial_date* pd, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  gregorian::greg_month gm(1);
  gregorian::greg_day gd(1);
  ::new(pd) gregorian::partial_date(gd,gm);

/**** nth_kday_of_month ****/

//! Function to save nth_day_of_the_week_in_month objects using serialization lib
/*! nth_day_of_the_week_in_month  objects are broken down into 3 parts for 
 * serialization: the week number, the day of the week, and the month
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::nth_kday_of_month& nkd, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::nth_kday_of_month::week_num wn(nkd.nth_week());
  typename gregorian::nth_kday_of_month::day_of_week_type d(nkd.day_of_week().as_number());
  typename gregorian::nth_kday_of_month::month_type m(nkd.month().as_number());
  ar & make_nvp("nth_kday_of_month_week_num", wn);
  ar & make_nvp("nth_kday_of_month_day_of_week", d);
  ar & make_nvp("nth_kday_of_month_month", m);
//! Function to load nth_day_of_the_week_in_month objects using serialization lib
/*! nth_day_of_the_week_in_month  objects are broken down into 3 parts for 
 * serialization: the week number, the day of the week, and the month
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::nth_kday_of_month& nkd, unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::nth_kday_of_month::week_num wn(gregorian::nth_kday_of_month::first);
  typename gregorian::nth_kday_of_month::day_of_week_type d(gregorian::Monday);
  typename gregorian::nth_kday_of_month::month_type m(gregorian::Jan);
  ar & make_nvp("nth_kday_of_month_week_num", wn);
  ar & make_nvp("nth_kday_of_month_day_of_week", d);
  ar & make_nvp("nth_kday_of_month_month", m);
  nkd = gregorian::nth_kday_of_month(wn,d,m);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, 
                                gregorian::nth_kday_of_month* nkd, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  // values used are not significant
  ::new(nkd) gregorian::nth_kday_of_month(gregorian::nth_kday_of_month::first,

/**** first_kday_of_month ****/

//! Function to save first_day_of_the_week_in_month objects using serialization lib
/*! first_day_of_the_week_in_month objects are broken down into 2 parts for 
 * serialization: the day of the week, and the month
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::first_kday_of_month& fkd, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::first_kday_of_month::day_of_week_type d(fkd.day_of_week().as_number());
  typename gregorian::first_kday_of_month::month_type m(fkd.month().as_number());
  ar & make_nvp("first_kday_of_month_day_of_week", d);
  ar & make_nvp("first_kday_of_month_month", m);
//! Function to load first_day_of_the_week_in_month objects using serialization lib
/*! first_day_of_the_week_in_month objects are broken down into 2 parts for 
 * serialization: the day of the week, and the month
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::first_kday_of_month& fkd, unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::first_kday_of_month::day_of_week_type d(gregorian::Monday);
  typename gregorian::first_kday_of_month::month_type m(gregorian::Jan);
  ar & make_nvp("first_kday_of_month_day_of_week", d);
  ar & make_nvp("first_kday_of_month_month", m);
  fkd = gregorian::first_kday_of_month(d,m);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, 
                                gregorian::first_kday_of_month* fkd, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  // values used are not significant
  ::new(fkd) gregorian::first_kday_of_month(gregorian::Monday,gregorian::Jan);

/**** last_kday_of_month ****/

//! Function to save last_day_of_the_week_in_month objects using serialization lib
/*! last_day_of_the_week_in_month objects are broken down into 2 parts for 
 * serialization: the day of the week, and the month
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::last_kday_of_month& lkd, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::last_kday_of_month::day_of_week_type d(lkd.day_of_week().as_number());
  typename gregorian::last_kday_of_month::month_type m(lkd.month().as_number());
  ar & make_nvp("last_kday_of_month_day_of_week", d);
  ar & make_nvp("last_kday_of_month_month", m);
//! Function to load last_day_of_the_week_in_month objects using serialization lib
/*! last_day_of_the_week_in_month objects are broken down into 2 parts for 
 * serialization: the day of the week, and the month
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::last_kday_of_month& lkd, unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::last_kday_of_month::day_of_week_type d(gregorian::Monday);
  typename gregorian::last_kday_of_month::month_type m(gregorian::Jan);
  ar & make_nvp("last_kday_of_month_day_of_week", d);
  ar & make_nvp("last_kday_of_month_month", m);
  lkd = gregorian::last_kday_of_month(d,m);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, 
                                gregorian::last_kday_of_month* lkd, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  // values used are not significant
  ::new(lkd) gregorian::last_kday_of_month(gregorian::Monday,gregorian::Jan);

/**** first_kday_before ****/

//! Function to save first_day_of_the_week_before objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::first_kday_before& fkdb, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::first_kday_before::day_of_week_type d(fkdb.day_of_week().as_number());
  ar & make_nvp("first_kday_before_day_of_week", d);
//! Function to load first_day_of_the_week_before objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::first_kday_before& fkdb, unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::first_kday_before::day_of_week_type d(gregorian::Monday);
  ar & make_nvp("first_kday_before_day_of_week", d);
  fkdb = gregorian::first_kday_before(d);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, 
                                gregorian::first_kday_before* fkdb, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  // values used are not significant
  ::new(fkdb) gregorian::first_kday_before(gregorian::Monday);

/**** first_kday_after ****/

//! Function to save first_day_of_the_week_after objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const gregorian::first_kday_after& fkda, 
          unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::first_kday_after::day_of_week_type d(fkda.day_of_week().as_number());
  ar & make_nvp("first_kday_after_day_of_week", d);
//! Function to load first_day_of_the_week_after objects using serialization lib
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, gregorian::first_kday_after& fkda, unsigned int /*version*/)
  typename gregorian::first_kday_after::day_of_week_type d(gregorian::Monday);
  ar & make_nvp("first_kday_after_day_of_week", d);
  fkda = gregorian::first_kday_after(d);
//!override needed b/c no default constructor
template<class Archive>
inline void load_construct_data(Archive & /*ar*/, 
                                gregorian::first_kday_after* fkda, 
                                const unsigned int /*file_version*/)
  // values used are not significant
  ::new(fkda) gregorian::first_kday_after(gregorian::Monday);

} // namespace serialization
} // namespace boost
