/* * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) * * Copyright (c) 2017 Andrey Semashev */ /*! * \file atomic/detail/extra_ops_msvc_x86.hpp * * This header contains implementation of the extra atomic operations for x86. */ #ifndef BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_EXTRA_OPS_MSVC_X86_HPP_INCLUDED_ #define BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_EXTRA_OPS_MSVC_X86_HPP_INCLUDED_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_HAS_PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif namespace boost { namespace atomics { namespace detail { #if defined(_M_IX86) template< typename Base, bool Signed > struct extra_operations< Base, 1u, Signed, true > : public extra_operations_generic< Base, 1u, Signed > { typedef extra_operations_generic< Base, 1u, Signed > base_type; typedef typename base_type::storage_type storage_type; static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_negate(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); storage_type old_val; __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax neg dl lock cmpxchg byte ptr [ecx], dl jne again mov old_val, al }; base_type::fence_after(order); return old_val; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type negate(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); storage_type new_val; __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax neg dl lock cmpxchg byte ptr [ecx], dl jne again mov new_val, dl }; base_type::fence_after(order); return new_val; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool negate_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax neg dl lock cmpxchg byte ptr [ecx], dl jne again test dl, dl setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_negate(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax neg dl lock cmpxchg byte ptr [ecx], dl jne again }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type bitwise_and(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edi, storage movzx ecx, v xor edx, edx movzx eax, byte ptr [edi] align 16 again: mov dl, al and dl, cl lock cmpxchg byte ptr [edi], dl jne again mov v, dl }; base_type::fence_after(order); return v; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type bitwise_or(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edi, storage movzx ecx, v xor edx, edx movzx eax, byte ptr [edi] align 16 again: mov dl, al or dl, cl lock cmpxchg byte ptr [edi], dl jne again mov v, dl }; base_type::fence_after(order); return v; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type bitwise_xor(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edi, storage movzx ecx, v xor edx, edx movzx eax, byte ptr [edi] align 16 again: mov dl, al xor dl, cl lock cmpxchg byte ptr [edi], dl jne again mov v, dl }; base_type::fence_after(order); return v; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); storage_type old_val; __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax not dl lock cmpxchg byte ptr [ecx], dl jne again mov old_val, al }; base_type::fence_after(order); return old_val; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type bitwise_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); storage_type new_val; __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax not dl lock cmpxchg byte ptr [ecx], dl jne again mov new_val, dl }; base_type::fence_after(order); return new_val; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool complement_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax not dl lock cmpxchg byte ptr [ecx], dl jne again test dl, dl setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax not dl lock cmpxchg byte ptr [ecx], dl jne again }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_add(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock add byte ptr [edx], al }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_sub(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock sub byte ptr [edx], al }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_negate(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage lock neg byte ptr [edx] }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_and(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock and byte ptr [edx], al }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_or(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock or byte ptr [edx], al }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_xor(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock xor byte ptr [edx], al }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage lock not byte ptr [edx] }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool add_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock add byte ptr [edx], al setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool sub_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock sub byte ptr [edx], al setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool and_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock and byte ptr [edx], al setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool or_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock or byte ptr [edx], al setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool xor_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock xor byte ptr [edx], al setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } }; template< typename Base, bool Signed > struct extra_operations< Base, 2u, Signed, true > : public extra_operations_generic< Base, 2u, Signed > { typedef extra_operations_generic< Base, 2u, Signed > base_type; typedef typename base_type::storage_type storage_type; static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_negate(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); storage_type old_val; __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, word ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax neg dx lock cmpxchg word ptr [ecx], dx jne again mov old_val, ax }; base_type::fence_after(order); return old_val; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type negate(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); storage_type new_val; __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, word ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax neg dx lock cmpxchg word ptr [ecx], dx jne again mov new_val, dx }; base_type::fence_after(order); return new_val; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool negate_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, word ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax neg dx lock cmpxchg word ptr [ecx], dx jne again test dx, dx setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_negate(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, word ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax neg dx lock cmpxchg word ptr [ecx], dx jne again }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type bitwise_and(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edi, storage movzx ecx, v xor edx, edx movzx eax, word ptr [edi] align 16 again: mov dx, ax and dx, cx lock cmpxchg word ptr [edi], dx jne again mov v, dx }; base_type::fence_after(order); return v; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type bitwise_or(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edi, storage movzx ecx, v xor edx, edx movzx eax, word ptr [edi] align 16 again: mov dx, ax or dx, cx lock cmpxchg word ptr [edi], dx jne again mov v, dx }; base_type::fence_after(order); return v; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type bitwise_xor(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edi, storage movzx ecx, v xor edx, edx movzx eax, word ptr [edi] align 16 again: mov dx, ax xor dx, cx lock cmpxchg word ptr [edi], dx jne again mov v, dx }; base_type::fence_after(order); return v; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); storage_type old_val; __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, word ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax not dx lock cmpxchg word ptr [ecx], dx jne again mov old_val, ax }; base_type::fence_after(order); return old_val; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type bitwise_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); storage_type new_val; __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, word ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax not dx lock cmpxchg word ptr [ecx], dx jne again mov new_val, dx }; base_type::fence_after(order); return new_val; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool complement_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, word ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax not dx lock cmpxchg word ptr [ecx], dx jne again test dx, dx setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov ecx, storage movzx eax, word ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax not dx lock cmpxchg word ptr [ecx], dx jne again }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_add(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock add word ptr [edx], ax }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_sub(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock sub word ptr [edx], ax }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_negate(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage lock neg word ptr [edx] }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_and(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock and word ptr [edx], ax }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_or(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock or word ptr [edx], ax }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_xor(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock xor word ptr [edx], ax }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage lock not word ptr [edx] }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool add_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock add word ptr [edx], ax setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool sub_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock sub word ptr [edx], ax setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool and_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock and word ptr [edx], ax setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool or_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock or word ptr [edx], ax setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool xor_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage movzx eax, v lock xor word ptr [edx], ax setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool bit_test_and_set(storage_type volatile& storage, unsigned int bit_number, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, bit_number lock bts word ptr [edx], ax setc result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool bit_test_and_reset(storage_type volatile& storage, unsigned int bit_number, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, bit_number lock btr word ptr [edx], ax setc result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool bit_test_and_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, unsigned int bit_number, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, bit_number lock btc word ptr [edx], ax setc result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } }; #endif // defined(_M_IX86) #if defined(_M_IX86) || (defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTS) && defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTR)) template< typename Base, bool Signed > struct extra_operations< Base, 4u, Signed, true > : public extra_operations_generic< Base, 4u, Signed > { typedef extra_operations_generic< Base, 4u, Signed > base_type; typedef typename base_type::storage_type storage_type; #if defined(_M_IX86) static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_negate(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); storage_type old_val; __asm { mov ecx, storage mov eax, dword ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax neg edx lock cmpxchg dword ptr [ecx], edx jne again mov old_val, eax }; base_type::fence_after(order); return old_val; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type negate(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); storage_type new_val; __asm { mov ecx, storage mov eax, dword ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax neg edx lock cmpxchg dword ptr [ecx], edx jne again mov new_val, edx }; base_type::fence_after(order); return new_val; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool negate_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov ecx, storage mov eax, dword ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax neg edx lock cmpxchg dword ptr [ecx], edx jne again test edx, edx setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_negate(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov ecx, storage mov eax, dword ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax neg edx lock cmpxchg dword ptr [ecx], edx jne again }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type bitwise_and(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edi, storage mov ecx, v xor edx, edx mov eax, dword ptr [edi] align 16 again: mov edx, eax and edx, ecx lock cmpxchg dword ptr [edi], edx jne again mov v, edx }; base_type::fence_after(order); return v; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type bitwise_or(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edi, storage mov ecx, v xor edx, edx mov eax, dword ptr [edi] align 16 again: mov edx, eax or edx, ecx lock cmpxchg dword ptr [edi], edx jne again mov v, edx }; base_type::fence_after(order); return v; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type bitwise_xor(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edi, storage mov ecx, v xor edx, edx mov eax, dword ptr [edi] align 16 again: mov edx, eax xor edx, ecx lock cmpxchg dword ptr [edi], edx jne again mov v, edx }; base_type::fence_after(order); return v; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type fetch_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); storage_type old_val; __asm { mov ecx, storage mov eax, dword ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax not edx lock cmpxchg dword ptr [ecx], edx jne again mov old_val, eax }; base_type::fence_after(order); return old_val; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE storage_type bitwise_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); storage_type new_val; __asm { mov ecx, storage mov eax, dword ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax not edx lock cmpxchg dword ptr [ecx], edx jne again mov new_val, edx }; base_type::fence_after(order); return new_val; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool complement_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov ecx, storage mov eax, dword ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax not edx lock cmpxchg dword ptr [ecx], edx jne again test edx, edx setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov ecx, storage mov eax, dword ptr [ecx] align 16 again: mov edx, eax not edx lock cmpxchg dword ptr [ecx], edx jne again }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_add(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, v lock add dword ptr [edx], eax }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_sub(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, v lock sub dword ptr [edx], eax }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_negate(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage lock neg dword ptr [edx] }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_and(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, v lock and dword ptr [edx], eax }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_or(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, v lock or dword ptr [edx], eax }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_xor(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, v lock xor dword ptr [edx], eax }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE void opaque_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); __asm { mov edx, storage lock not dword ptr [edx] }; base_type::fence_after(order); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool add_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, v lock add dword ptr [edx], eax setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool sub_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, v lock sub dword ptr [edx], eax setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool and_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, v lock and dword ptr [edx], eax setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool or_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, v lock or dword ptr [edx], eax setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool xor_and_test(storage_type volatile& storage, storage_type v, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, v lock xor dword ptr [edx], eax setnz result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool bit_test_and_complement(storage_type volatile& storage, unsigned int bit_number, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, bit_number lock btc dword ptr [edx], eax setc result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } #endif // defined(_M_IX86) #if defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTS) static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool bit_test_and_set(storage_type volatile& storage, unsigned int bit_number, memory_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return !!BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTS(&storage, bit_number); } #elif defined(_M_IX86) static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool bit_test_and_set(storage_type volatile& storage, unsigned int bit_number, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, bit_number lock bts dword ptr [edx], eax setc result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } #endif #if defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTR) static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool bit_test_and_reset(storage_type volatile& storage, unsigned int bit_number, memory_order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return !!BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTR(&storage, bit_number); } #elif defined(_M_IX86) static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool bit_test_and_reset(storage_type volatile& storage, unsigned int bit_number, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { base_type::fence_before(order); bool result; __asm { mov edx, storage mov eax, bit_number lock btr dword ptr [edx], eax setc result }; base_type::fence_after(order); return result; } #endif }; #endif // defined(_M_IX86) || (defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTS) && defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTR)) #if defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTS64) && defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTR64) template< typename Base, bool Signed > struct extra_operations< Base, 8u, Signed, true > : public extra_operations_generic< Base, 8u, Signed > { typedef extra_operations_generic< Base, 8u, Signed > base_type; typedef typename base_type::storage_type storage_type; static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool bit_test_and_set(storage_type volatile& storage, unsigned int bit_number, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return !!BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTS64(&storage, bit_number); } static BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool bit_test_and_reset(storage_type volatile& storage, unsigned int bit_number, memory_order order) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return !!BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTR64(&storage, bit_number); } }; #endif // defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTS64) && defined(BOOST_ATOMIC_INTERLOCKED_BTR64) } // namespace detail } // namespace atomics } // namespace boost #include #endif // BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_EXTRA_OPS_MSVC_X86_HPP_INCLUDED_