// Copyright (c) 2017 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma // de Barcelona (UAB). // // This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. // For a copy, see . #include "carla/client/Walker.h" #include "carla/client/detail/Simulator.h" namespace carla { namespace client { void Walker::ApplyControl(const Control &control) { if (control != _control) { GetEpisode().Lock()->ApplyControlToWalker(*this, control); _control = control; } } Walker::Control Walker::GetWalkerControl() const { return GetEpisode().Lock()->GetActorSnapshot(*this).state.walker_control; } Walker::BoneControlOut Walker::GetBonesTransform() { return GetEpisode().Lock()->GetBonesTransform(*this); } void Walker::SetBonesTransform(const Walker::BoneControlIn &bones) { return GetEpisode().Lock()->SetBonesTransform(*this, bones); } void Walker::BlendPose(float blend) { return GetEpisode().Lock()->BlendPose(*this, blend); } void Walker::GetPoseFromAnimation() { return GetEpisode().Lock()->GetPoseFromAnimation(*this); } } // namespace client } // namespace carla