/// @file range.hpp
/// @brief Define a range [first, last), and the associated operations
/// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco José Tapia (fjtapia@gmail.com )\n
///         Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
///         ( See accompanyingfile LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
///           http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt  )
/// @version 0.1
/// @remarks

#include <boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp>
#include <boost/sort/common/util/merge.hpp>
#include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

namespace boost
namespace sort
namespace common

/// @struct range
/// @brief this represent a range between two iterators
/// @remarks
template <class Iter_t>
struct range
    Iter_t first, last;
    //  function : range
    /// @brief  empty constructor
    range(void) { };
    //  function : range
    /// @brief  constructor with two parameters
    /// @param frs : iterator to the first element
    /// @param lst : iterator to the last element
    range(const Iter_t &frs, const Iter_t &lst): first(frs), last(lst) { };
    //  function : empty
    /// @brief indicate if the range is empty
    /// @return  true : empty false : not empty
    bool empty(void) const { return (first == last); };
    //  function : not_empty
    /// @brief indicate if the range is not empty
    /// @return  true : not empty false : empty
    bool not_empty(void) const {return (first != last); };
    //  function : valid
    /// @brief  Indicate if the range is well constructed, and valid
    /// @return true : valid,  false : not valid
    bool valid(void) const { return ((last - first) >= 0); };
    //  function : size
    /// @brief  return the size of the range
    /// @return size
    size_t size(void) const { return (last - first); };
    //  function : front
    /// @brief return an iterator to the first element of the range
    /// @return iterator
    Iter_t front(void) const { return first; };
    //  function : back
    /// @brief return an iterator to the last element of the range
    /// @return iterator
    Iter_t back(void) const {return (last - 1); };

//  function : concat
/// @brief concatenate two contiguous ranges
/// @param it1 : first range
/// @param it2 : second range
/// @return  range resulting of the concatenation
template<class Iter_t>
inline range<Iter_t> concat(const range<Iter_t> &it1, const range<Iter_t> &it2)
    return range<Iter_t>(it1.first, it2.last);
//  function : move_forward
/// @brief Move initialized objets from the range src to dest
/// @param dest : range where move the objects
/// @param src : range from where move the objects
/// @return range with the objects moved and the size adjusted
template <class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t>
inline range<Iter2_t> move_forward(const range<Iter2_t> &dest,
                                   const range<Iter1_t> &src)
    assert(dest.size() >= src.size());
    Iter2_t it_aux = util::move_forward(dest.first, src.first, src.last);
    return range<Iter2_t>(dest.first, it_aux);
//  function : move_backward
/// @brief Move initialized objets from the range src to dest
/// @param dest : range where move the objects
/// @param src : range from where move the objects
/// @return range with the objects moved and the size adjusted
template <class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t>
inline range<Iter2_t> move_backward(const range<Iter2_t> &dest,
                                    const range<Iter1_t> &src)
    assert(dest.size() >= src.size());
    Iter2_t it_aux = util::move_backward(dest.first + src.size(), src.first,
    return range<Iter2_t>(dest.first, dest.src.size());

//  function : uninit_move
/// @brief Move uninitialized objets from the range src creating them in  dest
/// @param dest : range where move and create the objects
/// @param src : range from where move the objects
/// @return range with the objects moved and the size adjusted
template<class Iter_t, class Value_t = util::value_iter<Iter_t> >
inline range<Value_t*> move_construct(const range<Value_t*> &dest,
                                      const range<Iter_t> &src)
    Value_t *ptr_aux = util::move_construct(dest.first, src.first, src.last);
    return range<Value_t*>(dest.first, ptr_aux);
//  function : destroy
/// @brief destroy a range of objects
/// @param rng : range to destroy
template<class Iter_t>
inline void destroy(range<Iter_t> rng)
    util::destroy(rng.first, rng.last);
//  function : initialize
/// @brief initialize a range of objects with the object val moving across them
/// @param rng : range of elements not initialized
/// @param val : object used for the initialization
/// @return range initialized
template<class Iter_t, class Value_t = util::value_iter<Iter_t> >
inline range<Iter_t> initialize(const range<Iter_t> &rng, Value_t &val)
    util::initialize(rng.first, rng.last, val);
    return rng;
//  function : is_mergeable
/// @brief : indicate if two ranges have a possible merge
/// @param src1 : first range
/// @param src2 : second range
/// @param comp : object for to compare elements
/// @return true : they can be merged
///         false : they can't be merged
template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
inline bool is_mergeable(const range<Iter1_t> &src1, const range<Iter2_t> &src2,
                         Compare comp)
    //                  Metaprogramming
    typedef util::value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
    typedef util::value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
    static_assert (std::is_same< type1, type2 >::value,
                    "Incompatible iterators\n");
    //                 Code
    return comp(*(src2.front()), *(src1.back()));
//  function : is_mergeable_stable
/// @brief : indicate if two ranges have a possible merge
/// @param src1 : first range
/// @param src2 : second range
/// @param comp : object for to compare elements
/// @return true : they can be merged
///         false : they can't be merged
template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
inline bool is_mergeable_stable(const range<Iter1_t> &src1,
                                const range<Iter2_t> &src2, Compare comp)
    //                  Metaprogramming
    typedef util::value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
    typedef util::value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
    static_assert (std::is_same< type1, type2 >::value,
                    "Incompatible iterators\n");
    //                 Code
    return not comp(*(src1.back()), *(src2.front()));
//  function : merge
/// @brief Merge two contiguous ranges src1 and src2, and put the result in
///        the range dest, returning the range merged
/// @param dest : range where locate the lements merged. the size of dest
///               must be  greater or equal than the sum of the sizes of
///               src1 and src2
/// @param src1 : first range to merge
/// @param src2 : second range to merge
/// @param comp : comparison object
/// @return range with the elements merged and the size adjusted
template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Iter3_t, class Compare>
inline range<Iter3_t> merge(const range<Iter3_t> &dest,
                            const range<Iter1_t> &src1,
                            const range<Iter2_t> &src2, Compare comp)
    Iter3_t it_aux = util::merge(src1.first, src1.last, src2.first, src2.last,
                    dest.first, comp);
    return range<Iter3_t>(dest.first, it_aux);

//  function : merge_construct
/// @brief Merge two contiguous uninitialized ranges src1 and src2, and create
///        and move the result in the uninitialized range dest, returning the
///        range merged
/// @param dest : range where locate the elements merged. the size of dest
///               must be  greater or equal than the sum of the sizes of
///               src1 and src2. Initially is uninitialize memory
/// @param src1 : first range to merge
/// @param src2 : second range to merge
/// @param comp : comparison object
/// @return range with the elements merged and the size adjusted
template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Value_t, class Compare>
inline range<Value_t *> merge_construct(const range<Value_t *> &dest,
                                        const range<Iter1_t> &src1,
                                        const range<Iter2_t> &src2,
                                        Compare comp)
    Value_t * ptr_aux = util::merge_construct(src1.first, src1.last, src2.first,
                    src2.last, dest.first, comp);
    return range<Value_t*>(dest.first, ptr_aux);
//  function : half_merge
/// @brief : Merge two initialized buffers. The first buffer is in a separate
///          memory
/// @param dest : range where finish the two buffers merged
/// @param src1 : first range to merge in a separate memory
/// @param src2 : second range to merge, in the final part of the
///               range where deposit the final results
/// @param comp : object for compare two elements of the type pointed
///               by the Iter1_t and Iter2_t
/// @return : range with the two buffers merged
template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
inline range<Iter2_t> merge_half(const range<Iter2_t> &dest,
                                 const range<Iter1_t> &src1,
                                 const range<Iter2_t> &src2, Compare comp)
    Iter2_t it_aux = util::merge_half(src1.first, src1.last, src2.first,
                    src2.last, dest.first, comp);
    return range<Iter2_t>(dest.first, it_aux);
//  function : merge_uncontiguous
/// @brief : merge two non contiguous ranges src1, src2, using the range
///          aux as auxiliary memory. The results are in the original ranges
/// @param src1 : first range to merge
/// @param src2 : second range to merge
/// @param aux : auxiliary range used in the merge
/// @param comp : object for to compare elements
/// @return true : not changes done, false : changes in the buffers
template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Iter3_t, class Compare>
inline bool merge_uncontiguous(const range<Iter1_t> &src1,
                               const range<Iter2_t> &src2,
                               const range<Iter3_t> &aux, Compare comp)
    return util::merge_uncontiguous(src1.first, src1.last, src2.first,
                    src2.last, aux.first, comp);
//  function : merge_contiguous
/// @brief : merge two contiguous ranges ( src1, src2) using buf as
///          auxiliary memory. The results are in the same ranges
/// @param src1 : first range to merge
/// @param src1 : second range to merge
/// @param buf : auxiliary memory used in the merge
/// @param comp : object for to compare elements
/// @return true : not changes done,   false : changes in the buffers
template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
inline range<Iter1_t> merge_contiguous(const range<Iter1_t> &src1,
                                       const range<Iter1_t> &src2,
                                       const range<Iter2_t> &buf, Compare comp)
    util::merge_contiguous(src1.first, src1.last, src2.last, buf.first, comp);
    return concat(src1, src2);
//  function : merge_flow
/// @brief : merge two ranges, as part of a merge the ranges in a list. This
///         function reduce the number of movements compared with inplace_merge
///         when you need to merge a sequence of ranges.
///         This function merge the ranges rbuf and rng2, and the results
///          are in rng1 and rbuf
/// @param rng1 : range where locate the first elements of the merge
/// @param rbuf : range which provide the first elements, and where store
///               the last results of the merge
/// @param rng2 : range which provide the last elements to merge
/// @param comp : object for to compare elements
/// @return true : not changes done,  false : changes in the buffers
template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, class Compare>
static void merge_flow(range<Iter1_t> rng1, range<Iter2_t> rbuf,
                       range<Iter1_t> rng2, Compare cmp)
    //                       Metaprogramming
    typedef util::value_iter<Iter1_t> type1;
    typedef util::value_iter<Iter2_t> type2;
    static_assert (std::is_same< type1, type2 >::value,
                    "Incompatible iterators\n");

    //                       Code
    range<Iter2_t> rbx(rbuf);
    range<Iter1_t> rx1(rng1), rx2(rng2);
    assert(rbx.size() == rx1.size() and rx1.size() == rx2.size());
    while (rx1.first != rx1.last)
        *(rx1.first++) = (cmp(*rbx.first, *rx2.first)) ?
    if (rx2.first == rx2.last) return;
    if (rbx.first == rbx.last) move_forward(rbuf, rng2);
    else                       merge_half(rbuf, rx2, rbx, cmp);

};//    End namespace common
};//    End namespace sort
};//    End namespace boost