#ifndef BOOST_QVM_GEN_VEC_MAT_OPERATIONS3_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_QVM_GEN_VEC_MAT_OPERATIONS3_HPP_INCLUDED // Copyright 2008-2022 Emil Dotchevski and Reverge Studios, Inc. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // This file was generated by a program. Do not edit manually. #include <boost/qvm/config.hpp> #include <boost/qvm/deduce_vec.hpp> #include <boost/qvm/enable_if.hpp> #include <boost/qvm/mat_traits.hpp> #include <boost/qvm/vec_traits.hpp> namespace boost { namespace qvm { template <class A,class B> BOOST_QVM_CONSTEXPR BOOST_QVM_INLINE_OPERATIONS typename lazy_enable_if_c< mat_traits<A>::rows==3 && mat_traits<A>::cols==3 && vec_traits<B>::dim==3, deduce_vec2<A,B,3> >::type operator*( A const & a, B const & b ) { typedef typename mat_traits<A>::scalar_type Ta; typedef typename vec_traits<B>::scalar_type Tb; Ta const a00 = mat_traits<A>::template read_element<0,0>(a); Ta const a01 = mat_traits<A>::template read_element<0,1>(a); Ta const a02 = mat_traits<A>::template read_element<0,2>(a); Ta const a10 = mat_traits<A>::template read_element<1,0>(a); Ta const a11 = mat_traits<A>::template read_element<1,1>(a); Ta const a12 = mat_traits<A>::template read_element<1,2>(a); Ta const a20 = mat_traits<A>::template read_element<2,0>(a); Ta const a21 = mat_traits<A>::template read_element<2,1>(a); Ta const a22 = mat_traits<A>::template read_element<2,2>(a); Tb const b0 = vec_traits<B>::template read_element<0>(b); Tb const b1 = vec_traits<B>::template read_element<1>(b); Tb const b2 = vec_traits<B>::template read_element<2>(b); typedef typename deduce_vec2<A,B,3>::type R; BOOST_QVM_STATIC_ASSERT(vec_traits<R>::dim==3); R r; write_vec_element<0>(r,a00*b0+a01*b1+a02*b2); write_vec_element<1>(r,a10*b0+a11*b1+a12*b2); write_vec_element<2>(r,a20*b0+a21*b1+a22*b2); return r; } namespace sfinae { using ::boost::qvm::operator*; } namespace qvm_detail { template <int R,int C> struct mul_mv_defined; template <> struct mul_mv_defined<3,3> { static bool const value=true; }; } template <class A,class B> BOOST_QVM_CONSTEXPR BOOST_QVM_INLINE_OPERATIONS typename lazy_enable_if_c< mat_traits<B>::rows==3 && mat_traits<B>::cols==3 && vec_traits<A>::dim==3, deduce_vec2<A,B,3> >::type operator*( A const & a, B const & b ) { typedef typename vec_traits<A>::scalar_type Ta; typedef typename mat_traits<B>::scalar_type Tb; Ta const a0 = vec_traits<A>::template read_element<0>(a); Ta const a1 = vec_traits<A>::template read_element<1>(a); Ta const a2 = vec_traits<A>::template read_element<2>(a); Tb const b00 = mat_traits<B>::template read_element<0,0>(b); Tb const b01 = mat_traits<B>::template read_element<0,1>(b); Tb const b02 = mat_traits<B>::template read_element<0,2>(b); Tb const b10 = mat_traits<B>::template read_element<1,0>(b); Tb const b11 = mat_traits<B>::template read_element<1,1>(b); Tb const b12 = mat_traits<B>::template read_element<1,2>(b); Tb const b20 = mat_traits<B>::template read_element<2,0>(b); Tb const b21 = mat_traits<B>::template read_element<2,1>(b); Tb const b22 = mat_traits<B>::template read_element<2,2>(b); typedef typename deduce_vec2<A,B,3>::type R; BOOST_QVM_STATIC_ASSERT(vec_traits<R>::dim==3); R r; write_vec_element<0>(r,a0*b00+a1*b10+a2*b20); write_vec_element<1>(r,a0*b01+a1*b11+a2*b21); write_vec_element<2>(r,a0*b02+a1*b12+a2*b22); return r; } namespace sfinae { using ::boost::qvm::operator*; } namespace qvm_detail { template <int R,int C> struct mul_vm_defined; template <> struct mul_vm_defined<3,3> { static bool const value=true; }; } } } #endif