// // Copyright (c) 2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie.falco@gmail.com) // Copyright (c) 2020 Krystian Stasiowski (sdkrystian@gmail.com) // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // Official repository: https://github.com/boostorg/json // #ifndef BOOST_JSON_VALUE_HPP #define BOOST_JSON_VALUE_HPP #include <boost/json/detail/config.hpp> #include <boost/json/array.hpp> #include <boost/json/kind.hpp> #include <boost/json/object.hpp> #include <boost/json/pilfer.hpp> #include <boost/json/storage_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/json/string.hpp> #include <boost/json/string_view.hpp> #include <boost/json/value_ref.hpp> #include <boost/json/detail/except.hpp> #include <boost/json/detail/value.hpp> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <initializer_list> #include <iosfwd> #include <limits> #include <new> #include <type_traits> #include <utility> BOOST_JSON_NS_BEGIN //---------------------------------------------------------- /** The type used to represent any JSON value This is a <a href="https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/concepts/regular"><em>Regular</em></a>. <em>Regular</em> type which works like a variant of the basic JSON data types: array, object, string, number, boolean, and null. @par Thread Safety Distinct instances may be accessed concurrently. Non-const member functions of a shared instance may not be called concurrently with any other member functions of that instance. */ class value { #ifndef BOOST_JSON_DOCS using scalar = detail::scalar; union { storage_ptr sp_; // must come first array arr_; object obj_; string str_; scalar sca_; }; #endif struct init_iter; #ifndef BOOST_JSON_DOCS // VFALCO doc toolchain incorrectly treats this as public friend struct detail::access; #endif explicit value( detail::unchecked_array&& ua) : arr_(std::move(ua)) { } explicit value( detail::unchecked_object&& uo) : obj_(std::move(uo)) { } value( detail::key_t const&, string_view s, storage_ptr sp) : str_(detail::key_t{}, s, std::move(sp)) { } value( detail::key_t const&, string_view s1, string_view s2, storage_ptr sp) : str_(detail::key_t{}, s1, s2, std::move(sp)) { } inline bool is_scalar() const noexcept { return sca_.k < json::kind::string; } public: /** The type of _Allocator_ returned by @ref get_allocator This type is a @ref polymorphic_allocator. */ #ifdef BOOST_JSON_DOCS // VFALCO doc toolchain renders this incorrectly using allocator_type = __see_below__; #else using allocator_type = polymorphic_allocator<value>; #endif /** Destructor. The value and all of its contents are destroyed. Any dynamically allocated memory that was allocated internally is freed. @par Complexity Constant, or linear in size for array or object. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL ~value() noexcept; /** Default constructor. The constructed value is null, using the default memory resource. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ value() noexcept : sca_() { } /** Constructor. The constructed value is null, using the specified @ref memory_resource. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ explicit value(storage_ptr sp) noexcept : sca_(std::move(sp)) { } /** Pilfer constructor. The value is constructed by acquiring ownership of the contents of `other` using pilfer semantics. This is more efficient than move construction, when it is known that the moved-from object will be immediately destroyed afterwards. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param other The value to pilfer. After pilfer construction, `other` is not in a usable state and may only be destroyed. @see @ref pilfer, <a href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0308r0.html"> Valueless Variants Considered Harmful</a> */ value(pilfered<value> other) noexcept { relocate(this, other.get()); ::new(&other.get().sca_) scalar(); } /** Copy constructor. The value is constructed with a copy of the contents of `other`, using the same memory resource as `other`. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `other`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The value to copy. */ value(value const& other) : value(other, other.storage()) { } /** Copy constructor The value is constructed with a copy of the contents of `other`, using the specified memory resource. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `other`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The value to copy. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value( value const& other, storage_ptr sp); /** Move constructor The value is constructed by acquiring ownership of the contents of `other` and shared ownership of `other`'s memory resource. @note After construction, the moved-from value becomes a null value with its current storage pointer. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param other The value to move. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value(value&& other) noexcept; /** Move constructor The value is constructed with the contents of `other` by move semantics, using the specified memory resource: @li If `*other.storage() == *sp`, ownership of the underlying memory is transferred in constant time, with no possibility of exceptions. After construction, the moved-from value becomes a null value with its current storage pointer. @li If `*other.storage() != *sp`, an element-wise copy is performed if `other.is_structured() == true`, which may throw. In this case, the moved-from value is not changed. @par Complexity Constant or linear in the size of `other`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The value to move. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value( value&& other, storage_ptr sp); //------------------------------------------------------ // // Conversion // //------------------------------------------------------ /** Construct a null. A null value is a monostate. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( std::nullptr_t, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a bool. This constructs a `bool` value using the specified memory resource. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param b The initial value. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ #ifdef BOOST_JSON_DOCS value( bool b, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept; #else template<class Bool ,class = typename std::enable_if< std::is_same<Bool, bool>::value>::type > value( Bool b, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(b, std::move(sp)) { } #endif /** Construct a `std::int64_t`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param i The initial value. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( signed char i, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(static_cast<std::int64_t>( i), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a `std::int64_t`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param i The initial value. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( short i, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(static_cast<std::int64_t>( i), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a `std::int64_t`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param i The initial value. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( int i, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(static_cast<std::int64_t>(i), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a `std::int64_t`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param i The initial value. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( long i, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(static_cast<std::int64_t>(i), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a `std::int64_t`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param i The initial value. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( long long i, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(static_cast<std::int64_t>(i), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a `std::uint64_t`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param u The initial value. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( unsigned char u, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(static_cast<std::uint64_t>( u), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a `std::uint64_t`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param u The initial value. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( unsigned short u, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(static_cast<std::uint64_t>(u), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a `std::uint64_t`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param u The initial value. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( unsigned int u, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(static_cast<std::uint64_t>(u), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a `std::uint64_t`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param u The initial value. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( unsigned long u, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(static_cast<std::uint64_t>(u), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a `std::uint64_t`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param u The initial value. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( unsigned long long u, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(static_cast<std::uint64_t>(u), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a `double`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param d The initial value. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( double d, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : sca_(d, std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a @ref string. The string is constructed with a copy of the string view `s`, using the specified memory resource. @par Complexity Linear in `s.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param s The string view to construct with. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( string_view s, storage_ptr sp = {}) : str_(s, std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a @ref string. The string is constructed with a copy of the null-terminated string `s`, using the specified memory resource. @par Complexity Linear in `std::strlen(s)`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param s The null-terminated string to construct with. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( char const* s, storage_ptr sp = {}) : str_(s, std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a @ref string. The value is constructed from `other`, using the same memory resource. To transfer ownership, use `std::move`: @par Example @code string str = "The Boost C++ Library Collection"; // transfer ownership value jv( std::move(str) ); assert( str.empty() ); assert( *str.storage() == *jv.storage() ); @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param other The string to construct with. */ value( string other) noexcept : str_(std::move(other)) { } /** Construct a @ref string. The value is copy constructed from `other`, using the specified memory resource. @par Complexity Linear in `other.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The string to construct with. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( string const& other, storage_ptr sp) : str_( other, std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a @ref string. The value is move constructed from `other`, using the specified memory resource. @par Complexity Constant or linear in `other.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The string to construct with. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( string&& other, storage_ptr sp) : str_( std::move(other), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct a @ref string. This is the fastest way to construct an empty string, using the specified memory resource. The variable @ref string_kind may be passed as the first parameter to select this overload: @par Example @code // Construct an empty string value jv( string_kind ); @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. @see @ref string_kind */ value( string_kind_t, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : str_(std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct an @ref array. The value is constructed from `other`, using the same memory resource. To transfer ownership, use `std::move`: @par Example @code array arr( {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ); // transfer ownership value jv( std::move(arr) ); assert( arr.empty() ); assert( *arr.storage() == *jv.storage() ); @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param other The array to construct with. */ value(array other) noexcept : arr_(std::move(other)) { } /** Construct an @ref array. The value is copy constructed from `other`, using the specified memory resource. @par Complexity Linear in `other.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The array to construct with. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( array const& other, storage_ptr sp) : arr_( other, std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct an @ref array. The value is move-constructed from `other`, using the specified memory resource. @par Complexity Constant or linear in `other.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The array to construct with. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( array&& other, storage_ptr sp) : arr_( std::move(other), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct an @ref array. This is the fastest way to construct an empty array, using the specified memory resource. The variable @ref array_kind may be passed as the first parameter to select this overload: @par Example @code // Construct an empty array value jv( array_kind ); @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. @see @ref array_kind */ value( array_kind_t, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : arr_(std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct an @ref object. The value is constructed from `other`, using the same memory resource. To transfer ownership, use `std::move`: @par Example @code object obj( {{"a",1}, {"b",2}, {"c"},3}} ); // transfer ownership value jv( std::move(obj) ); assert( obj.empty() ); assert( *obj.storage() == *jv.storage() ); @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param other The object to construct with. */ value(object other) noexcept : obj_(std::move(other)) { } /** Construct an @ref object. The value is copy constructed from `other`, using the specified memory resource. @par Complexity Linear in `other.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The object to construct with. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( object const& other, storage_ptr sp) : obj_( other, std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct an @ref object. The value is move constructed from `other`, using the specified memory resource. @par Complexity Constant or linear in `other.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The object to construct with. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ value( object&& other, storage_ptr sp) : obj_( std::move(other), std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct an @ref object. This is the fastest way to construct an empty object, using the specified memory resource. The variable @ref object_kind may be passed as the first parameter to select this overload: @par Example @code // Construct an empty object value jv( object_kind ); @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. @see @ref object_kind */ value( object_kind_t, storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept : obj_(std::move(sp)) { } /** Construct from an initializer-list If the initializer list consists of key/value pairs, an @ref object is created. Otherwise an @ref array is created. The contents of the initializer list are copied to the newly constructed value using the specified memory resource. @par Complexity Linear in `init.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param init The initializer list to construct from. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The container will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value( std::initializer_list<value_ref> init, storage_ptr sp = {}); //------------------------------------------------------ // // Assignment // //------------------------------------------------------ /** Copy assignment. The contents of the value are replaced with an element-wise copy of the contents of `other`. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this` plus `other`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The value to copy. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value& operator=(value const& other); /** Move assignment. The contents of the value are replaced with the contents of `other` using move semantics: @li If `*other.storage() == *sp`, ownership of the underlying memory is transferred in constant time, with no possibility of exceptions. After assignment, the moved-from value becomes a null with its current storage pointer. @li If `*other.storage() != *sp`, an element-wise copy is performed if `other.is_structured() == true`, which may throw. In this case, the moved-from value is not changed. @par Complexity Constant, or linear in `this->size()` plus `other.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The value to assign from. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value& operator=(value&& other); /** Assignment. Replace `*this` with the value formed by constructing from `init` and `this->storage()`. If the initializer list consists of key/value pairs, the resulting @ref object is assigned. Otherwise an @ref array is assigned. The contents of the initializer list are moved to `*this` using the existing memory resource. @par Complexity Linear in `init.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param init The initializer list to assign from. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value& operator=( std::initializer_list<value_ref> init); /** Assignment. Replace `*this` with null. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. */ value& operator=(std::nullptr_t) noexcept { if(is_scalar()) { sca_.k = json::kind::null; } else { ::new(&sca_) scalar( destroy()); } return *this; } /** Assignment. Replace `*this` with `b`. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. @param b The new value. */ #ifdef BOOST_JSON_DOCS value& operator=(bool b) noexcept; #else template<class Bool ,class = typename std::enable_if< std::is_same<Bool, bool>::value>::type > value& operator=(Bool b) noexcept { if(is_scalar()) { sca_.b = b; sca_.k = json::kind::bool_; } else { ::new(&sca_) scalar( b, destroy()); } return *this; } #endif /** Assignment. Replace `*this` with `i`. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. @param i The new value. */ /** @{ */ value& operator=(signed char i) noexcept { return operator=( static_cast<long long>(i)); } value& operator=(short i) noexcept { return operator=( static_cast<long long>(i)); } value& operator=(int i) noexcept { return operator=( static_cast<long long>(i)); } value& operator=(long i) noexcept { return operator=( static_cast<long long>(i)); } value& operator=(long long i) noexcept { if(is_scalar()) { sca_.i = i; sca_.k = json::kind::int64; } else { ::new(&sca_) scalar(static_cast< std::int64_t>(i), destroy()); } return *this; } /** @} */ /** Assignment. Replace `*this` with `i`. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. @param u The new value. */ /** @{ */ value& operator=(unsigned char u) noexcept { return operator=(static_cast< unsigned long long>(u)); } value& operator=(unsigned short u) noexcept { return operator=(static_cast< unsigned long long>(u)); } value& operator=(unsigned int u) noexcept { return operator=(static_cast< unsigned long long>(u)); } value& operator=(unsigned long u) noexcept { return operator=(static_cast< unsigned long long>(u)); } value& operator=(unsigned long long u) noexcept { if(is_scalar()) { sca_.u = u; sca_.k = json::kind::uint64; } else { ::new(&sca_) scalar(static_cast< std::uint64_t>(u), destroy()); } return *this; } /** @} */ /** Assignment. Replace `*this` with `d`. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. @param d The new value. */ value& operator=(double d) noexcept { if(is_scalar()) { sca_.d = d; sca_.k = json::kind::double_; } else { ::new(&sca_) scalar( d, destroy()); } return *this; } /** Assignment. Replace `*this` with a copy of the string `s`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @par Complexity Linear in the sum of sizes of `*this` and `s` @param s The new string. */ /** @{ */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value& operator=(string_view s); BOOST_JSON_DECL value& operator=(char const* s); BOOST_JSON_DECL value& operator=(string const& s); /** @} */ /** Assignment. The contents of the value are replaced with the contents of `s` using move semantics: @li If `*other.storage() == *this->storage()`, ownership of the underlying memory is transferred in constant time, with no possibility of exceptions. After assignment, the moved-from string becomes empty with its current storage pointer. @li If `*other.storage() != *this->storage()`, an element-wise copy is performed, which may throw. In this case, the moved-from string is not changed. @par Complexity Constant, or linear in the size of `*this` plus `s.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param s The string to move-assign from. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value& operator=(string&& s); /** Assignment. Replace `*this` with a copy of the array `arr`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @par Complexity Linear in the sum of sizes of `*this` and `arr` @param arr The new array. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value& operator=(array const& arr); /** Assignment. The contents of the value are replaced with the contents of `arr` using move semantics: @li If `*arr.storage() == *this->storage()`, ownership of the underlying memory is transferred in constant time, with no possibility of exceptions. After assignment, the moved-from array becomes empty with its current storage pointer. @li If `*arr.storage() != *this->storage()`, an element-wise copy is performed, which may throw. In this case, the moved-from array is not changed. @par Complexity Constant, or linear in the size of `*this` plus `arr.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param arr The array to move-assign from. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value& operator=(array&& arr); /** Assignment. Replace `*this` with a copy of the obect `obj`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @par Complexity Linear in the sum of sizes of `*this` and `obj` @param obj The new object. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value& operator=(object const& obj); /** Assignment. The contents of the value are replaced with the contents of `obj` using move semantics: @li If `*obj.storage() == *this->storage()`, ownership of the underlying memory is transferred in constant time, with no possibility of exceptions. After assignment, the moved-from object becomes empty with its current storage pointer. @li If `*obj.storage() != *this->storage()`, an element-wise copy is performed, which may throw. In this case, the moved-from object is not changed. @par Complexity Constant, or linear in the size of `*this` plus `obj.size()`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param obj The object to move-assign from. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value& operator=(object&& obj); //------------------------------------------------------ // // Modifiers // //------------------------------------------------------ /** Change the kind to null, discarding the previous contents. The value is replaced with a null, destroying the previous contents. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ void emplace_null() noexcept { *this = nullptr; } /** Return a reference to a `bool`, changing the kind and replacing the contents. The value is replaced with a `bool` initialized to `false`, destroying the previous contents. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool& emplace_bool() noexcept { *this = false; return sca_.b; } /** Return a reference to a `std::int64_t`, changing the kind and replacing the contents. The value is replaced with a `std::int64_t` initialized to zero, destroying the previous contents. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ std::int64_t& emplace_int64() noexcept { *this = std::int64_t{}; return sca_.i; } /** Return a reference to a `std::uint64_t`, changing the kind and replacing the contents. The value is replaced with a `std::uint64_t` initialized to zero, destroying the previous contents. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ std::uint64_t& emplace_uint64() noexcept { *this = std::uint64_t{}; return sca_.u; } /** Return a reference to a `double`, changing the kind and replacing the contents. The value is replaced with a `double` initialized to zero, destroying the previous contents. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ double& emplace_double() noexcept { *this = double{}; return sca_.d; } /** Return a reference to a @ref string, changing the kind and replacing the contents. The value is replaced with an empty @ref string using the current memory resource, destroying the previous contents. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL string& emplace_string() noexcept; /** Return a reference to an @ref array, changing the kind and replacing the contents. The value is replaced with an empty @ref array using the current memory resource, destroying the previous contents. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL array& emplace_array() noexcept; /** Return a reference to an @ref object, changing the kind and replacing the contents. The contents are replaced with an empty @ref object using the current @ref memory_resource. All previously obtained iterators and references obtained beforehand are invalidated. @par Complexity Linear in the size of `*this`. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL object& emplace_object() noexcept; /** Swap the given values. Exchanges the contents of this value with another value. Ownership of the respective @ref memory_resource objects is not transferred: @li If `*other.storage() == *this->storage()`, ownership of the underlying memory is swapped in constant time, with no possibility of exceptions. All iterators and references remain valid. @li If `*other.storage() != *this->storage()`, the contents are logically swapped by making copies, which can throw. In this case all iterators and references are invalidated. @par Complexity Constant or linear in the sum of the sizes of the values. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The value to swap with. If `this == &other`, this function call has no effect. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL void swap(value& other); /** Swap the given values. Exchanges the contents of value `lhs` with another value `rhs`. Ownership of the respective @ref memory_resource objects is not transferred. @li If `*lhs.storage() == *rhs.storage()`, ownership of the underlying memory is swapped in constant time, with no possibility of exceptions. All iterators and references remain valid. @li If `*lhs.storage() != *rhs.storage`, the contents are logically swapped by a copy, which can throw. In this case all iterators and references are invalidated. @par Effects @code lhs.swap( rhs ); @endcode @par Complexity Constant or linear in the sum of the sizes of the values. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param lhs The value to exchange. @param rhs The value to exchange. If `&lhs == &rhs`, this function call has no effect. @see @ref value::swap */ friend void swap(value& lhs, value& rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); } //------------------------------------------------------ // // Observers // //------------------------------------------------------ /** Returns the kind of this JSON value. This function returns the discriminating enumeration constant of type @ref json::kind corresponding to the underlying representation stored in the container. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ json::kind kind() const noexcept { return static_cast<json::kind>( static_cast<unsigned char>( sca_.k) & 0x3f); } /** Return `true` if this is an array This function is used to determine if the underlying representation is a certain kind. @par Effects @code return this->kind() == kind::array; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool is_array() const noexcept { return kind() == json::kind::array; } /** Return `true` if this is an object This function is used to determine if the underlying representation is a certain kind. @par Effects @code return this->kind() == kind::object; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool is_object() const noexcept { return kind() == json::kind::object; } /** Return `true` if this is a string This function is used to determine if the underlying representation is a certain kind. @par Effects @code return this->kind() == kind::string; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool is_string() const noexcept { return kind() == json::kind::string; } /** Return `true` if this is a signed integer This function is used to determine if the underlying representation is a certain kind. @par Effects @code return this->kind() == kind::int64; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool is_int64() const noexcept { return kind() == json::kind::int64; } /** Return `true` if this is a unsigned integer This function is used to determine if the underlying representation is a certain kind. @par Effects @code return this->kind() == kind::uint64; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool is_uint64() const noexcept { return kind() == json::kind::uint64; } /** Return `true` if this is a double This function is used to determine if the underlying representation is a certain kind. @par Effects @code return this->kind() == kind::double_; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool is_double() const noexcept { return kind() == json::kind::double_; } /** Return `true` if this is a bool This function is used to determine if the underlying representation is a certain kind. @par Effects @code return this->kind() == kind::bool_; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool is_bool() const noexcept { return kind() == json::kind::bool_; } /** Returns true if this is a null. This function is used to determine if the underlying representation is a certain kind. @par Effects @code return this->kind() == kind::null; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool is_null() const noexcept { return kind() == json::kind::null; } /** Returns true if this is an array or object. This function returns `true` if @ref kind() is either `kind::object` or `kind::array`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool is_structured() const noexcept { // VFALCO Could use bit 0x20 for this return kind() == json::kind::object || kind() == json::kind::array; } /** Returns true if this is not an array or object. This function returns `true` if @ref kind() is neither `kind::object` nor `kind::array`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool is_primitive() const noexcept { // VFALCO Could use bit 0x20 for this return sca_.k != json::kind::object && sca_.k != json::kind::array; } /** Returns true if this is a number. This function returns `true` when @ref kind() is one of the following values: `kind::int64`, `kind::uint64`, or `kind::double_`. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool is_number() const noexcept { // VFALCO Could use bit 0x40 for this return kind() == json::kind::int64 || kind() == json::kind::uint64 || kind() == json::kind::double_; } //------------------------------------------------------ /** Return an @ref array pointer if this is an array, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::array`, returns a pointer to the underlying array. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_array() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ array const* if_array() const noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::array) return &arr_; return nullptr; } /** Return an @ref array pointer if this is an array, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::array`, returns a pointer to the underlying array. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_array() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ array* if_array() noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::array) return &arr_; return nullptr; } /** Return an @ref object pointer if this is an object, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::object`, returns a pointer to the underlying object. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_object() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ object const* if_object() const noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::object) return &obj_; return nullptr; } /** Return an @ref object pointer if this is an object, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::object`, returns a pointer to the underlying object. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_object() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ object* if_object() noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::object) return &obj_; return nullptr; } /** Return a @ref string pointer if this is a string, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::string`, returns a pointer to the underlying object. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_string() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ string const* if_string() const noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::string) return &str_; return nullptr; } /** Return a @ref string pointer if this is a string, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::string`, returns a pointer to the underlying object. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_string() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ string* if_string() noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::string) return &str_; return nullptr; } /** Return an `int64_t` pointer if this is a signed integer, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::int64`, returns a pointer to the underlying integer. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_int64() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ std::int64_t const* if_int64() const noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::int64) return &sca_.i; return nullptr; } /** Return an `int64_t` pointer if this is a signed integer, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::int64`, returns a pointer to the underlying integer. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_int64() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ std::int64_t* if_int64() noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::int64) return &sca_.i; return nullptr; } /** Return a `uint64_t` pointer if this is an unsigned integer, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::uint64`, returns a pointer to the underlying unsigned integer. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_uint64() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ std::uint64_t const* if_uint64() const noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::uint64) return &sca_.u; return nullptr; } /** Return a `uint64_t` pointer if this is an unsigned integer, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::uint64`, returns a pointer to the underlying unsigned integer. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_uint64() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ std::uint64_t* if_uint64() noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::uint64) return &sca_.u; return nullptr; } /** Return a `double` pointer if this is a double, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::double_`, returns a pointer to the underlying double. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_double() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ double const* if_double() const noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::double_) return &sca_.d; return nullptr; } /** Return a `double` pointer if this is a double, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::double_`, returns a pointer to the underlying double. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_double() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ double* if_double() noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::double_) return &sca_.d; return nullptr; } /** Return a `bool` pointer if this is a boolean, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::bool_`, returns a pointer to the underlying boolean. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_bool() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool const* if_bool() const noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::bool_) return &sca_.b; return nullptr; } /** Return a `bool` pointer if this is a boolean, else return `nullptr` If `this->kind() == kind::bool_`, returns a pointer to the underlying boolean. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. @par Example The return value is used in both a boolean context and to assign a variable: @code if( auto p = jv.if_bool() ) return *p; @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool* if_bool() noexcept { if(kind() == json::kind::bool_) return &sca_.b; return nullptr; } //------------------------------------------------------ /** Return the stored number cast to an arithmetic type. This function attempts to return the stored value converted to the arithmetic type `T` which may not be `bool`: @li If `T` is an integral type and the stored value is a number which can be losslessly converted, the conversion is performed without error and the converted number is returned. @li If `T` is an integral type and the stored value is a number which cannot be losslessly converted, then the operation fails with an error. @li If `T` is a floating point type and the stored value is a number, the conversion is performed without error. The converted number is returned, with a possible loss of precision. @li Otherwise, if the stored value is not a number; that is, if `this->is_number()` returns `false`, then the operation fails with an error. @par Constraints @code std::is_arithmetic< T >::value && ! std::is_same< T, bool >::value @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @return The converted number. @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred. */ /** @{ */ template<class T> #ifdef BOOST_JSON_DOCS T #else typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic<T>::value && ! std::is_same<T, bool>::value, T>::type #endif to_number(error_code& ec) const noexcept { error e; auto result = to_number<T>(e); BOOST_JSON_FAIL(ec, e); return result; } template<class T> #ifdef BOOST_JSON_DOCS T #else typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic<T>::value && ! std::is_same<T, bool>::value, T>::type #endif to_number(std::error_code& ec) const noexcept { error_code jec; auto result = to_number<T>(jec); ec = jec; return result; } /** @} */ /** Return the stored number cast to an arithmetic type. This function attempts to return the stored value converted to the arithmetic type `T` which may not be `bool`: @li If `T` is an integral type and the stored value is a number which can be losslessly converted, the conversion is performed without error and the converted number is returned. @li If `T` is an integral type and the stored value is a number which cannot be losslessly converted, then the operation fails with an error. @li If `T` is a floating point type and the stored value is a number, the conversion is performed without error. The converted number is returned, with a possible loss of precision. @li Otherwise, if the stored value is not a number; that is, if `this->is_number()` returns `false`, then the operation fails with an error. @par Constraints @code std::is_arithmetic< T >::value && ! std::is_same< T, bool >::value @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @return The converted number. @throw system_error on error. */ template<class T> #ifdef BOOST_JSON_DOCS T #else typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic<T>::value && ! std::is_same<T, bool>::value, T>::type #endif to_number() const { error_code ec; auto result = to_number<T>(ec); if(ec) detail::throw_system_error(ec, BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return result; } //------------------------------------------------------ // // Accessors // //------------------------------------------------------ /** Return the memory resource associated with the value. This returns a pointer to the memory resource that was used to construct the value. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ storage_ptr const& storage() const noexcept { return sp_; } /** Return the associated @ref memory_resource This function returns an instance of @ref polymorphic_allocator constructed from the associated @ref memory_resource. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept { return sp_.get(); } //------------------------------------------------------ /** Return a reference to the underlying `object`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_object() is `true`, returns a reference to the underlying @ref object, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_object()` */ object& as_object() { if(! is_object()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "not an object", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return obj_; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `object`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_object() is `true`, returns a reference to the underlying @ref object, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_object()` */ object const& as_object() const { if(! is_object()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "not an object", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return obj_; } /** Return a reference to the underlying @ref array, or throw an exception. If @ref is_array() is `true`, returns a reference to the underlying @ref array, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_array()` */ array& as_array() { if(! is_array()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "array required", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return arr_; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `array`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_array() is `true`, returns a reference to the underlying @ref array, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_array()` */ array const& as_array() const { if(! is_array()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "array required", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return arr_; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `string`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_string() is `true`, returns a reference to the underlying @ref string, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_string()` */ string& as_string() { if(! is_string()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "not a string", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return str_; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `string`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_string() is `true`, returns a reference to the underlying @ref string, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_string()` */ string const& as_string() const { if(! is_string()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "not a string", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return str_; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `std::int64_t`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_int64() is `true`, returns a reference to the underlying `std::int64_t`, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_int64()` */ std::int64_t& as_int64() { if(! is_int64()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "not an int64", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return sca_.i; } /** Return the underlying `std::int64_t`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_int64() is `true`, returns the underlying `std::int64_t`, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_int64()` */ std::int64_t as_int64() const { if(! is_int64()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "not an int64", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return sca_.i; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `std::uint64_t`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_uint64() is `true`, returns a reference to the underlying `std::uint64_t`, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_uint64()` */ std::uint64_t& as_uint64() { if(! is_uint64()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "not a uint64", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return sca_.u; } /** Return the underlying `std::uint64_t`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_int64() is `true`, returns the underlying `std::uint64_t`, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::length_error `! this->is_uint64()` */ std::uint64_t as_uint64() const { if(! is_uint64()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "not a uint64", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return sca_.u; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `double`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_double() is `true`, returns a reference to the underlying `double`, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_double()` */ double& as_double() { if(! is_double()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "not a double", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return sca_.d; } /** Return the underlying `double`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_int64() is `true`, returns the underlying `double`, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_double()` */ double as_double() const { if(! is_double()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "not a double", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return sca_.d; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `bool`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_bool() is `true`, returns a reference to the underlying `bool`, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_bool()` */ bool& as_bool() { if(! is_bool()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "bool required", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return sca_.b; } /** Return the underlying `bool`, or throw an exception. If @ref is_bool() is `true`, returns the underlying `bool`, otherwise throws an exception. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @throw std::invalid_argument `! this->is_bool()` */ bool as_bool() const { if(! is_bool()) detail::throw_invalid_argument( "bool required", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); return sca_.b; } //------------------------------------------------------ /** Return a reference to the underlying `object`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_object() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ object& get_object() noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_object()); return obj_; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `object`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_object() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ object const& get_object() const noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_object()); return obj_; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `array`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_array() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ array& get_array() noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_array()); return arr_; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `array`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_array() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ array const& get_array() const noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_array()); return arr_; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `string`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_string() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ string& get_string() noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_string()); return str_; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `string`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_string() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ string const& get_string() const noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_string()); return str_; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `std::int64_t`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_int64() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ std::int64_t& get_int64() noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_int64()); return sca_.i; } /** Return the underlying `std::int64_t`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_int64() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ std::int64_t get_int64() const noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_int64()); return sca_.i; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `std::uint64_t`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_uint64() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ std::uint64_t& get_uint64() noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_uint64()); return sca_.u; } /** Return the underlying `std::uint64_t`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_uint64() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ std::uint64_t get_uint64() const noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_uint64()); return sca_.u; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `double`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_double() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ double& get_double() noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_double()); return sca_.d; } /** Return the underlying `double`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_double() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ double get_double() const noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_double()); return sca_.d; } /** Return a reference to the underlying `bool`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_bool() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool& get_bool() noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_bool()); return sca_.b; } /** Return the underlying `bool`, without checking. This is the fastest way to access the underlying representation when the kind is known in advance. @par Preconditions @code this->is_bool() @endcode @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ bool get_bool() const noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(is_bool()); return sca_.b; } //------------------------------------------------------ /** Access an element, with bounds checking. This function is used to access elements of the underlying object, or throw an exception if the value is not an object. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @param key The key of the element to find. @return `this->as_object().at( key )`. */ /** @{ */ value& at(string_view key) { return as_object().at(key); } value const& at(string_view key) const { return as_object().at(key); } /** @} */ /** Access an element, with bounds checking. This function is used to access elements of the underlying array, or throw an exception if the value is not an array. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @param pos A zero-based array index. @return `this->as_array().at( pos )`. */ /** @{ */ value & at(std::size_t pos) { return as_array().at(pos); } value const& at(std::size_t pos) const { return as_array().at(pos); } /** @} */ /** Access an element via JSON Pointer. This function is used to access a (potentially nested) element of the value using a JSON Pointer string. @par Complexity Linear in the sizes of `ptr` and underlying array, object, or string. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. @param ptr JSON Pointer string. @return reference to the element identified by `ptr`. @throw system_error if an error occurs. @see <a href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6901"> RFC 6901 - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer</a> */ /** @{ */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value const& at_pointer(string_view ptr) const; BOOST_JSON_DECL value& at_pointer(string_view ptr); /** @} */ /** Access an element via JSON Pointer. This function is used to access a (potentially nested) element of the value using a JSON Pointer string. @par Complexity Linear in the sizes of `ptr` and underlying array, object, or string. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param ptr JSON Pointer string. @param ec Set to the error, if any occurred. @return pointer to the element identified by `ptr`. @see <a href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6901"> RFC 6901 - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer</a> */ /** @{ */ BOOST_JSON_DECL value const* find_pointer(string_view ptr, error_code& ec) const noexcept; BOOST_JSON_DECL value* find_pointer(string_view ptr, error_code& ec) noexcept; BOOST_JSON_DECL value const* find_pointer(string_view ptr, std::error_code& ec) const noexcept; BOOST_JSON_DECL value* find_pointer(string_view ptr, std::error_code& ec) noexcept; /** @} */ /** Return `true` if two values are equal. Two values are equal when they are the same kind and their referenced values are equal, or when they are both integral types and their integral representations are equal. @par Complexity Constant or linear in the size of the array, object, or string. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ // inline friend speeds up overload resolution friend bool operator==( value const& lhs, value const& rhs) noexcept { return lhs.equal(rhs); } /** Return `true` if two values are not equal. Two values are equal when they are the same kind and their referenced values are equal, or when they are both integral types and their integral representations are equal. @par Complexity Constant or linear in the size of the array, object, or string. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ friend bool operator!=( value const& lhs, value const& rhs) noexcept { return ! (lhs == rhs); } private: static void relocate( value* dest, value const& src) noexcept { std::memcpy( static_cast<void*>(dest), &src, sizeof(src)); } BOOST_JSON_DECL storage_ptr destroy() noexcept; BOOST_JSON_DECL bool equal(value const& other) const noexcept; template<class T> auto to_number(error& e) const noexcept -> typename std::enable_if< std::is_signed<T>::value && ! std::is_floating_point<T>::value, T>::type { if(sca_.k == json::kind::int64) { auto const i = sca_.i; if( i >= (std::numeric_limits<T>::min)() && i <= (std::numeric_limits<T>::max)()) { e = {}; return static_cast<T>(i); } e = error::not_exact; } else if(sca_.k == json::kind::uint64) { auto const u = sca_.u; if(u <= static_cast<std::uint64_t>(( std::numeric_limits<T>::max)())) { e = {}; return static_cast<T>(u); } e = error::not_exact; } else if(sca_.k == json::kind::double_) { auto const d = sca_.d; if( d >= static_cast<double>( (detail::to_number_limit<T>::min)()) && d <= static_cast<double>( (detail::to_number_limit<T>::max)()) && static_cast<T>(d) == d) { e = {}; return static_cast<T>(d); } e = error::not_exact; } else { e = error::not_number; } return T{}; } template<class T> auto to_number(error& e) const noexcept -> typename std::enable_if< std::is_unsigned<T>::value && ! std::is_same<T, bool>::value, T>::type { if(sca_.k == json::kind::int64) { auto const i = sca_.i; if( i >= 0 && static_cast<std::uint64_t>(i) <= (std::numeric_limits<T>::max)()) { e = {}; return static_cast<T>(i); } e = error::not_exact; } else if(sca_.k == json::kind::uint64) { auto const u = sca_.u; if(u <= (std::numeric_limits<T>::max)()) { e = {}; return static_cast<T>(u); } e = error::not_exact; } else if(sca_.k == json::kind::double_) { auto const d = sca_.d; if( d >= 0 && d <= (detail::to_number_limit<T>::max)() && static_cast<T>(d) == d) { e = {}; return static_cast<T>(d); } e = error::not_exact; } else { e = error::not_number; } return T{}; } template<class T> auto to_number(error& e) const noexcept -> typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T>::value, T>::type { if(sca_.k == json::kind::int64) { e = {}; return static_cast<T>(sca_.i); } if(sca_.k == json::kind::uint64) { e = {}; return static_cast<T>(sca_.u); } if(sca_.k == json::kind::double_) { e = {}; return static_cast<T>(sca_.d); } e = error::not_number; return {}; } }; // Make sure things are as big as we think they should be #if BOOST_JSON_ARCH == 64 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(value) == 24); #elif BOOST_JSON_ARCH == 32 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(value) == 16); #else # error Unknown architecture #endif //---------------------------------------------------------- /** A key/value pair. This is the type of element used by the @ref object container. */ class key_value_pair { #ifndef BOOST_JSON_DOCS friend struct detail::access; using access = detail::access; #endif BOOST_JSON_DECL static char const empty_[1]; inline key_value_pair( pilfered<json::value> k, pilfered<json::value> v) noexcept; public: /// Copy assignment (deleted). key_value_pair& operator=(key_value_pair const&) = delete; /** Destructor. The value is destroyed and all internally allocated memory is freed. */ ~key_value_pair() noexcept { auto const& sp = value_.storage(); if(sp.is_not_shared_and_deallocate_is_trivial()) return; if(key_ == empty_) return; sp->deallocate(const_cast<char*>(key_), len_ + 1, alignof(char)); } /** Copy constructor. This constructs a key/value pair with a copy of another key/value pair, using the same memory resource as `other`. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The key/value pair to copy. */ key_value_pair( key_value_pair const& other) : key_value_pair(other, other.storage()) { } /** Copy constructor. This constructs a key/value pair with a copy of another key/value pair, using the specified memory resource. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param other The key/value pair to copy. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The element will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ BOOST_JSON_DECL key_value_pair( key_value_pair const& other, storage_ptr sp); /** Move constructor. The pair is constructed by acquiring ownership of the contents of `other` and shared ownership of `other`'s memory resource. @note After construction, the moved-from pair holds an empty key, and a null value with its current storage pointer. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param other The pair to move. */ key_value_pair( key_value_pair&& other) noexcept : value_(std::move(other.value_)) , key_(detail::exchange( other.key_, empty_)) , len_(detail::exchange( other.len_, 0)) { } /** Pilfer constructor. The pair is constructed by acquiring ownership of the contents of `other` using pilfer semantics. This is more efficient than move construction, when it is known that the moved-from object will be immediately destroyed afterwards. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. @param other The value to pilfer. After pilfer construction, `other` is not in a usable state and may only be destroyed. @see @ref pilfer, <a href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0308r0.html"> Valueless Variants Considered Harmful</a> */ key_value_pair( pilfered<key_value_pair> other) noexcept : value_(pilfer(other.get().value_)) , key_(detail::exchange( other.get().key_, empty_)) , len_(detail::exchange( other.get().len_, 0)) { } /** Constructor. This constructs a key/value pair. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param key The key string to use. @param args Optional arguments forwarded to the @ref value constructor. */ template<class... Args> explicit key_value_pair( string_view key, Args&&... args) : value_(std::forward<Args>(args)...) { if(key.size() > string::max_size()) detail::throw_length_error( "key too large", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); auto s = reinterpret_cast< char*>(value_.storage()-> allocate(key.size() + 1, alignof(char))); std::memcpy(s, key.data(), key.size()); s[key.size()] = 0; key_ = s; len_ = static_cast< std::uint32_t>(key.size()); } /** Constructor. This constructs a key/value pair. A copy of the specified value is made, using the specified memory resource. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param p A `std::pair` with the key string and @ref value to construct with. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The element will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ explicit key_value_pair( std::pair< string_view, json::value> const& p, storage_ptr sp = {}) : key_value_pair( p.first, p.second, std::move(sp)) { } /** Constructor. This constructs a key/value pair. Ownership of the specified value is transferred by move construction. @par Exception Safety Strong guarantee. Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw. @param p A `std::pair` with the key string and @ref value to construct with. @param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource to use. The element will acquire shared ownership of the memory resource. */ explicit key_value_pair( std::pair< string_view, json::value>&& p, storage_ptr sp = {}) : key_value_pair( p.first, std::move(p).second, std::move(sp)) { } /** Return the associated memory resource. This returns a pointer to the memory resource used to construct the value. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ storage_ptr const& storage() const noexcept { return value_.storage(); } /** Return the key of this element. After construction, the key may not be modified. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ string_view const key() const noexcept { return { key_, len_ }; } /** Return the key of this element as a null-terminated string. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ char const* key_c_str() const noexcept { return key_; } /** Return the value of this element. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ json::value const& value() const noexcept { return value_; } /** Return the value of this element. @par Complexity Constant. @par Exception Safety No-throw guarantee. */ json::value& value() noexcept { return value_; } private: json::value value_; char const* key_; std::uint32_t len_; std::uint32_t next_; }; //---------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef BOOST_JSON_DOCS /** Tuple-like element access. This overload permits the key and value of a `key_value_pair` to be accessed by index. For example: @code key_value_pair kvp("num", 42); string_view key = get<0>(kvp); value& jv = get<1>(kvp); @endcode @par Structured Bindings When using C++17 or greater, objects of type @ref key_value_pair may be used to initialize structured bindings: @code key_value_pair kvp("num", 42); auto& [key, value] = kvp; @endcode Depending on the value of `I`, the return type will be: @li `string_view const` if `I == 0`, or @li `value&`, `value const&`, or `value&&` if `I == 1`. Any other value for `I` is ill-formed. @tparam I The element index to access. @par Constraints `std::is_same_v< std::remove_cvref_t<T>, key_value_pair >` @return `kvp.key()` if `I == 0`, or `kvp.value()` if `I == 1`. @param kvp The @ref key_value_pair object to access. */ template< std::size_t I, class T> __see_below__ get(T&& kvp) noexcept; #else template<std::size_t I> auto get(key_value_pair const&) noexcept -> typename std::conditional<I == 0, string_view const, value const&>::type { static_assert(I == 0, "key_value_pair index out of range"); } template<std::size_t I> auto get(key_value_pair&) noexcept -> typename std::conditional<I == 0, string_view const, value&>::type { static_assert(I == 0, "key_value_pair index out of range"); } template<std::size_t I> auto get(key_value_pair&&) noexcept -> typename std::conditional<I == 0, string_view const, value&&>::type { static_assert(I == 0, "key_value_pair index out of range"); } /** Extracts a key_value_pair's key using tuple-like interface */ template<> inline string_view const get<0>(key_value_pair const& kvp) noexcept { return kvp.key(); } /** Extracts a key_value_pair's key using tuple-like interface */ template<> inline string_view const get<0>(key_value_pair& kvp) noexcept { return kvp.key(); } /** Extracts a key_value_pair's key using tuple-like interface */ template<> inline string_view const get<0>(key_value_pair&& kvp) noexcept { return kvp.key(); } /** Extracts a key_value_pair's value using tuple-like interface */ template<> inline value const& get<1>(key_value_pair const& kvp) noexcept { return kvp.value(); } /** Extracts a key_value_pair's value using tuple-like interface */ template<> inline value& get<1>(key_value_pair& kvp) noexcept { return kvp.value(); } /** Extracts a key_value_pair's value using tuple-like interface */ template<> inline value&& get<1>(key_value_pair&& kvp) noexcept { return std::move(kvp.value()); } #endif BOOST_JSON_NS_END #ifdef __clang__ # pragma clang diagnostic push # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmismatched-tags" #endif #ifndef BOOST_JSON_DOCS namespace std { /** Tuple-like size access for key_value_pair */ template<> struct tuple_size< ::boost::json::key_value_pair > : std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 2> { }; /** Tuple-like access for the key type of key_value_pair */ template<> struct tuple_element<0, ::boost::json::key_value_pair> { using type = ::boost::json::string_view const; }; /** Tuple-like access for the value type of key_value_pair */ template<> struct tuple_element<1, ::boost::json::key_value_pair> { using type = ::boost::json::value&; }; /** Tuple-like access for the value type of key_value_pair */ template<> struct tuple_element<1, ::boost::json::key_value_pair const> { using type = ::boost::json::value const&; }; } // std #endif // std::hash specialization #ifndef BOOST_JSON_DOCS namespace std { template <> struct hash< ::boost::json::value > { BOOST_JSON_DECL std::size_t operator()(::boost::json::value const& jv) const noexcept; }; } // std #endif #ifdef __clang__ # pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif // These are here because value, array, // and object form cyclic references. #include <boost/json/detail/impl/array.hpp> #include <boost/json/impl/array.hpp> #include <boost/json/impl/object.hpp> // These must come after array and object #include <boost/json/impl/value_ref.hpp> #endif