// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 2013 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // This file was modified by Oracle on 2016-2021. // Modifications copyright (c) 2016-2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_POLICIES_ROBUSTNESS_SEGMENT_RATIO_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_POLICIES_ROBUSTNESS_SEGMENT_RATIO_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace detail { namespace segment_ratio { template < typename Type, bool IsIntegral = std::is_integral::type::value > struct less {}; template struct less { template static inline bool apply(Ratio const& lhs, Ratio const& rhs) { return boost::rational(lhs.numerator(), lhs.denominator()) < boost::rational(rhs.numerator(), rhs.denominator()); } }; template struct less { template static inline bool apply(Ratio const& lhs, Ratio const& rhs) { BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(lhs.denominator() != Type(0)); BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(rhs.denominator() != Type(0)); Type const a = lhs.numerator() / lhs.denominator(); Type const b = rhs.numerator() / rhs.denominator(); return ! geometry::math::equals(a, b) && a < b; } }; template < typename Type, bool IsIntegral = std::is_integral::type::value > struct equal {}; template struct equal { template static inline bool apply(Ratio const& lhs, Ratio const& rhs) { return boost::rational(lhs.numerator(), lhs.denominator()) == boost::rational(rhs.numerator(), rhs.denominator()); } }; template struct equal { template static inline bool apply(Ratio const& lhs, Ratio const& rhs) { BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(lhs.denominator() != Type(0)); BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(rhs.denominator() != Type(0)); Type const a = lhs.numerator() / lhs.denominator(); Type const b = rhs.numerator() / rhs.denominator(); return geometry::math::equals(a, b); } }; template < typename Type, bool IsFloatingPoint = std::is_floating_point::type::value > struct possibly_collinear {}; template struct possibly_collinear { template static inline bool apply(Ratio const& ratio, Threshold threshold) { return std::abs(ratio.denominator()) < threshold; } }; // Any ratio based on non-floating point (or user defined floating point) // is collinear if the denominator is exactly zero template struct possibly_collinear { template static inline bool apply(Ratio const& ratio, Threshold) { static Type const zero = 0; return ratio.denominator() == zero; } }; }} //! Small class to keep a ratio (e.g. 1/4) //! Main purpose is intersections and checking on 0, 1, and smaller/larger //! The prototype used Boost.Rational. However, we also want to store FP ratios, //! (so numerator/denominator both in float) //! and Boost.Rational starts with GCD which we prefer to avoid if not necessary //! On a segment means: this ratio is between 0 and 1 (both inclusive) //! template class segment_ratio { // Type used for the approximation (a helper value) // and for the edge value (0..1) (a helper function). using floating_point_type = typename detail::promoted_to_floating_point::type; // Type-alias for the type itself using thistype = segment_ratio; public: using int_type = Type; inline segment_ratio() : m_numerator(0) , m_denominator(1) , m_approximation(0) {} inline segment_ratio(const Type& numerator, const Type& denominator) : m_numerator(numerator) , m_denominator(denominator) { initialize(); } segment_ratio(segment_ratio const&) = default; segment_ratio& operator=(segment_ratio const&) = default; segment_ratio(segment_ratio&&) = default; segment_ratio& operator=(segment_ratio&&) = default; // These are needed because in intersection strategies ratios are assigned // in fractions and if a user passes CalculationType then ratio Type in // turns is taken from geometry coordinate_type and the one used in // a strategy uses Type selected using CalculationType. // See: detail::overlay::intersection_info_base // and policies::relate::segments_intersection_points // in particular segments_collinear() where ratios are assigned. template friend class segment_ratio; template segment_ratio(segment_ratio const& r) : m_numerator(r.m_numerator) , m_denominator(r.m_denominator) { initialize(); } template segment_ratio& operator=(segment_ratio const& r) { m_numerator = r.m_numerator; m_denominator = r.m_denominator; initialize(); return *this; } template segment_ratio(segment_ratio && r) : m_numerator(std::move(r.m_numerator)) , m_denominator(std::move(r.m_denominator)) { initialize(); } template segment_ratio& operator=(segment_ratio && r) { m_numerator = std::move(r.m_numerator); m_denominator = std::move(r.m_denominator); initialize(); return *this; } inline Type const& numerator() const { return m_numerator; } inline Type const& denominator() const { return m_denominator; } inline void assign(const Type& numerator, const Type& denominator) { m_numerator = numerator; m_denominator = denominator; initialize(); } inline void initialize() { // Minimal normalization // 1/-4 => -1/4, -1/-4 => 1/4 if (m_denominator < zero_instance()) { m_numerator = -m_numerator; m_denominator = -m_denominator; } m_approximation = m_denominator == zero_instance() ? floating_point_type{0} : ( boost::numeric_cast(m_numerator) * scale() / boost::numeric_cast(m_denominator) ); } inline bool is_zero() const { return math::equals(m_numerator, Type(0)); } inline bool is_one() const { return math::equals(m_numerator, m_denominator); } inline bool on_segment() const { // e.g. 0/4 or 4/4 or 2/4 return m_numerator >= zero_instance() && m_numerator <= m_denominator; } inline bool in_segment() const { // e.g. 1/4 return m_numerator > zero_instance() && m_numerator < m_denominator; } inline bool on_end() const { // e.g. 0/4 or 4/4 return is_zero() || is_one(); } inline bool left() const { // e.g. -1/4 return m_numerator < zero_instance(); } inline bool right() const { // e.g. 5/4 return m_numerator > m_denominator; } //! Returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0 //! 0.0 means: exactly in the middle //! 1.0 means: exactly on one of the edges (or even over it) inline floating_point_type edge_value() const { using fp = floating_point_type; fp const one{1.0}; floating_point_type const result = fp(2) * geometry::math::abs(fp(0.5) - m_approximation / scale()); return result > one ? one : result; } template inline bool possibly_collinear(Threshold threshold) const { return detail::segment_ratio::possibly_collinear::apply(*this, threshold); } inline bool operator< (thistype const& other) const { return close_to(other) ? detail::segment_ratio::less::apply(*this, other) : m_approximation < other.m_approximation; } inline bool operator== (thistype const& other) const { return close_to(other) && detail::segment_ratio::equal::apply(*this, other); } static inline thistype zero() { static thistype result(0, 1); return result; } static inline thistype one() { static thistype result(1, 1); return result; } #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEFINE_STREAM_OPERATOR_SEGMENT_RATIO) friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, segment_ratio const& ratio) { os << ratio.m_numerator << "/" << ratio.m_denominator << " (" << (static_cast(ratio.m_numerator) / static_cast(ratio.m_denominator)) << ")"; return os; } #endif private : Type m_numerator; Type m_denominator; // Contains ratio on scale 0..1000000 (for 0..1) // This is an approximation for fast and rough comparisons // Boost.Rational is used if the approximations are close. // Reason: performance, Boost.Rational does a GCD by default and also the // comparisons contain while-loops. floating_point_type m_approximation; inline bool close_to(thistype const& other) const { static floating_point_type const threshold{50.0}; return geometry::math::abs(m_approximation - other.m_approximation) < threshold; } static inline floating_point_type scale() { static floating_point_type const fp_scale{1000000.0}; return fp_scale; } static inline Type zero_instance() { return 0; } }; }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_POLICIES_ROBUSTNESS_SEGMENT_RATIO_HPP