439 lines
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439 lines
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// Copyright 2002-2008 Andreas Huber Doenni
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompany-
// ing file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/statechart/event_base.hpp>
#include <boost/statechart/event_processor.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/ref.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp> // BOOST_INTEL
#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/allocator_utilities.hpp>
#include <set>
#include <memory> // std::allocator, std::unique_ptr
namespace boost
namespace statechart
namespace detail
template<bool IsReferenceWrapper>
struct unwrap_impl
template< typename T >
struct apply { typedef T type; };
struct unwrap_impl<true>
template< typename T >
struct apply { typedef typename T::type & type; };
template<typename T>
struct unwrap
typedef typename unwrap_impl<
is_reference_wrapper< T >::value >::template apply< T >::type type;
class Scheduler,
class WorkItem,
class Allocator = std::allocator< none > >
class processor_container : noncopyable
typedef event_processor< Scheduler > processor_base_type;
typedef std::unique_ptr< processor_base_type > processor_holder_type;
typedef std::auto_ptr< processor_base_type > processor_holder_type;
typedef shared_ptr< processor_holder_type > processor_holder_ptr_type;
typedef weak_ptr< processor_holder_type > processor_handle;
class processor_context
Scheduler & scheduler, const processor_handle & handle
) :
scheduler_( scheduler ),
handle_( handle )
// for some reason Intel 8.0 seems to think that the following functions
// are inaccessible from event_processor<>::event_processor
Scheduler & my_scheduler() const { return scheduler_; }
const processor_handle & my_handle() const { return handle_; }
// avoids C4512 (assignment operator could not be generated)
processor_context & operator=( const processor_context & );
Scheduler & scheduler_;
const processor_handle handle_;
friend class processor_container;
friend class event_processor< Scheduler >;
template< class Processor >
WorkItem create_processor( processor_handle & handle, Scheduler & scheduler )
processor_holder_ptr_type pProcessor = make_processor_holder();
handle = pProcessor;
typedef void ( processor_container::*impl_fun_ptr )(
const processor_holder_ptr_type &, const processor_context & );
impl_fun_ptr pImpl =
&processor_container::template create_processor_impl0< Processor >;
return WorkItem(
boost::bind( pImpl, this, pProcessor,
processor_context( scheduler, handle ) ),
Allocator() );
template< class Processor, typename Arg1 >
WorkItem create_processor(
processor_handle & handle, Scheduler & scheduler, Arg1 arg1 )
processor_holder_ptr_type pProcessor = make_processor_holder();
handle = pProcessor;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg1 >::type arg1_type;
typedef void ( processor_container::*impl_fun_ptr )(
const processor_holder_ptr_type &, const processor_context &,
arg1_type );
impl_fun_ptr pImpl =
&processor_container::template create_processor_impl1<
Processor, arg1_type >;
return WorkItem(
boost::bind( pImpl, this, pProcessor, processor_context( scheduler, handle ),
arg1 ),
Allocator() );
template< class Processor, typename Arg1, typename Arg2 >
WorkItem create_processor(
processor_handle & handle, Scheduler & scheduler, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2 )
processor_holder_ptr_type pProcessor = make_processor_holder();
handle = pProcessor;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg1 >::type arg1_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg2 >::type arg2_type;
typedef void ( processor_container::*impl_fun_ptr )(
const processor_holder_ptr_type &, const processor_context &,
arg1_type, arg2_type );
impl_fun_ptr pImpl =
&processor_container::template create_processor_impl2<
Processor, arg1_type, arg2_type >;
return WorkItem(
boost::bind( pImpl, this, pProcessor, processor_context( scheduler, handle ),
arg1, arg2 ),
Allocator() );
template< class Processor, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3 >
WorkItem create_processor(
processor_handle & handle, Scheduler & scheduler,
Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3 )
processor_holder_ptr_type pProcessor = make_processor_holder();
handle = pProcessor;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg1 >::type arg1_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg2 >::type arg2_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg3 >::type arg3_type;
typedef void ( processor_container::*impl_fun_ptr )(
const processor_holder_ptr_type &, const processor_context &,
arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type );
impl_fun_ptr pImpl =
&processor_container::template create_processor_impl3<
Processor, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type >;
return WorkItem(
boost::bind( pImpl, this, pProcessor, processor_context( scheduler, handle ),
arg1, arg2, arg3 ),
Allocator() );
class Processor, typename Arg1, typename Arg2,
typename Arg3, typename Arg4 >
WorkItem create_processor(
processor_handle & handle, Scheduler & scheduler,
Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, Arg4 arg4 )
processor_holder_ptr_type pProcessor = make_processor_holder();
handle = pProcessor;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg1 >::type arg1_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg2 >::type arg2_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg3 >::type arg3_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg4 >::type arg4_type;
typedef void ( processor_container::*impl_fun_ptr )(
const processor_holder_ptr_type &, const processor_context &,
arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type );
impl_fun_ptr pImpl =
&processor_container::template create_processor_impl4<
Processor, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type >;
return WorkItem(
boost::bind( pImpl, this, pProcessor, processor_context( scheduler, handle ),
arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ),
Allocator() );
class Processor, typename Arg1, typename Arg2,
typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5 >
WorkItem create_processor(
processor_handle & handle, Scheduler & scheduler,
Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, Arg4 arg4, Arg5 arg5 )
processor_holder_ptr_type pProcessor = make_processor_holder();
handle = pProcessor;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg1 >::type arg1_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg2 >::type arg2_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg3 >::type arg3_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg4 >::type arg4_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg5 >::type arg5_type;
typedef void ( processor_container::*impl_fun_ptr )(
const processor_holder_ptr_type &, const processor_context &,
arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type );
impl_fun_ptr pImpl =
&processor_container::template create_processor_impl5<
Processor, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type >;
return WorkItem(
boost::bind( pImpl, this, pProcessor, processor_context( scheduler, handle ),
arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ),
Allocator() );
class Processor, typename Arg1, typename Arg2,
typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5, typename Arg6 >
WorkItem create_processor(
processor_handle & handle, Scheduler & scheduler,
Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, Arg4 arg4, Arg5 arg5, Arg6 arg6 )
processor_holder_ptr_type pProcessor = make_processor_holder();
handle = pProcessor;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg1 >::type arg1_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg2 >::type arg2_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg3 >::type arg3_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg4 >::type arg4_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg5 >::type arg5_type;
typedef typename detail::unwrap< Arg6 >::type arg6_type;
typedef void ( processor_container::*impl_fun_ptr )(
const processor_holder_ptr_type &, const processor_context &,
arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type );
impl_fun_ptr pImpl =
&processor_container::template create_processor_impl6<
arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type >;
return WorkItem(
boost::bind( pImpl, this, pProcessor, processor_context( scheduler, handle ),
arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 ),
Allocator() );
WorkItem destroy_processor( const processor_handle & processor )
return WorkItem(
boost::bind( &processor_container::destroy_processor_impl, this, processor ),
Allocator() );
WorkItem initiate_processor( const processor_handle & processor )
return WorkItem(
boost::bind( &processor_container::initiate_processor_impl, this,
processor ),
Allocator() );
WorkItem terminate_processor( const processor_handle & processor )
return WorkItem(
boost::bind( &processor_container::terminate_processor_impl, this,
processor ),
Allocator() );
typedef intrusive_ptr< const event_base > event_ptr_type;
WorkItem queue_event(
const processor_handle & processor, const event_ptr_type & pEvent )
BOOST_ASSERT( pEvent.get() != 0 );
return WorkItem(
boost::bind( &processor_container::queue_event_impl, this, processor,
pEvent ),
Allocator() );
processor_holder_ptr_type make_processor_holder()
return processor_holder_ptr_type( new processor_holder_type() );
template< class Processor >
void create_processor_impl0(
const processor_holder_ptr_type & pProcessor,
const processor_context & context )
processorSet_.insert( pProcessor );
*pProcessor = processor_holder_type( new Processor( context ) );
template< class Processor, typename Arg1 >
void create_processor_impl1(
const processor_holder_ptr_type & pProcessor,
const processor_context & context, Arg1 arg1 )
processorSet_.insert( pProcessor );
*pProcessor = processor_holder_type( new Processor( context, arg1 ) );
template< class Processor, typename Arg1, typename Arg2 >
void create_processor_impl2(
const processor_holder_ptr_type & pProcessor,
const processor_context & context, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2 )
processorSet_.insert( pProcessor );
*pProcessor = processor_holder_type( new Processor( context, arg1, arg2 ) );
template< class Processor, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3 >
void create_processor_impl3(
const processor_holder_ptr_type & pProcessor,
const processor_context & context, Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3 )
processorSet_.insert( pProcessor );
*pProcessor = processor_holder_type( new Processor( context, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) );
class Processor, typename Arg1, typename Arg2,
typename Arg3, typename Arg4 >
void create_processor_impl4(
const processor_holder_ptr_type & pProcessor,
const processor_context & context,
Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, Arg4 arg4 )
processorSet_.insert( pProcessor );
*pProcessor = processor_holder_type( new Processor( context, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ) );
class Processor, typename Arg1, typename Arg2,
typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5 >
void create_processor_impl5(
const processor_holder_ptr_type & pProcessor,
const processor_context & context,
Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, Arg4 arg4, Arg5 arg5 )
processorSet_.insert( pProcessor );
*pProcessor = processor_holder_type( new Processor( context, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 ) );
class Processor, typename Arg1, typename Arg2,
typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5, typename Arg6 >
void create_processor_impl6(
const processor_holder_ptr_type & pProcessor,
const processor_context & context,
Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3, Arg4 arg4, Arg5 arg5, Arg6 arg6 )
processorSet_.insert( pProcessor );
*pProcessor = processor_holder_type( new Processor( context, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 ) );
void destroy_processor_impl( const processor_handle & processor )
const processor_holder_ptr_type pProcessor = processor.lock();
if ( pProcessor != 0 )
processorSet_.erase( pProcessor );
void initiate_processor_impl( const processor_handle & processor )
const processor_holder_ptr_type pProcessor = processor.lock();
if ( pProcessor != 0 )
( *pProcessor )->initiate();
void terminate_processor_impl( const processor_handle & processor )
const processor_holder_ptr_type pProcessor = processor.lock();
if ( pProcessor != 0 )
( *pProcessor )->terminate();
void queue_event_impl(
const processor_handle & processor, const event_ptr_type & pEvent )
const processor_holder_ptr_type pProcessor = processor.lock();
if ( pProcessor != 0 )
( *pProcessor )->process_event( *pEvent );
typedef std::set<
std::less< processor_holder_ptr_type >,
typename boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
Allocator, processor_holder_ptr_type >::type
> event_processor_set_type;
event_processor_set_type processorSet_;
} // namespace statechart
} // namespace boost