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1893 lines
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// process/environment.hpp
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Copyright (c) 2021 Klemens D. Morgenstern (klemens dot morgenstern at gmx dot net)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/process/v2/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/process/v2/cstring_ref.hpp>
#include <boost/process/v2/detail/utf8.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <boost/process/v2/detail/environment_win.hpp>
#include <boost/process/v2/detail/environment_posix.hpp>
/// Namespace for information and functions regarding the calling process.
namespace environment
/// A char traits type that reflects the OS rules for string representing environment keys.
/** Can be an alias of std::char_traits. May only be defined for `char` and `wchar_t`.
* Windows treats keys as case-insensitive yet perserving. The char traits are made to reflect
* that behaviour.
tempalte<typename Char>
using key_char_traits = implementation_defined ;
/// A char traits type that reflects the OS rules for string representing environment values.
/** Can be an alias of std::char_traits. May only be defined for `char` and `wchar_t`.
tempalte<typename Char>
using value_char_traits = implementation_defined ;
/// The character type used by the environment. Either `char` or `wchar_t`.
using char_type = implementation_defined ;
/// The equal character in an environment string used to separate key and value.
constexpr char_type equality_sign = implementation_defined;
/// The delimiter in environemtn lists. Commonly used by the `PATH` variable.
constexpr char_type delimiter = implementation_defined;
/// The native handle of an environment. Note that this can be an owning pointer and is generally not thread safe.
using native_handle = implementation_defined;
/// The iterator used by a value or value_view to iterator through environments that are lists.
struct value_iterator
using string_view_type = basic_string_view<char_type, value_char_traits<char_type>>;
using difference_type = int;
using reference = string_view_type;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
value_iterator & operator++()
const auto delim = view_.find(delimiter);
if (delim != string_view_type::npos)
view_ = view_.substr(delim + 1);
view_ = view_.substr(view_.size());
return *this;
value_iterator operator++(int)
auto last = *this;
return last;
string_view_type operator*() const
const auto delim = view_.find(delimiter);
if (delim == string_view_type::npos)
return view_;
return view_.substr(0, delim);
value_iterator() = default;
value_iterator(const value_iterator & ) = default;
value_iterator(string_view_type view, std::size_t offset = 0u) : view_(view.substr(offset))
friend bool operator==(const value_iterator & l, const value_iterator & r) { return l.view_ == r.view_; }
friend bool operator!=(const value_iterator & l, const value_iterator & r) { return l.view_ != r.view_; }
string_view_type view_;
/// A view type for a key of an environment
struct key_view
using value_type = char_type;
using traits_type = key_char_traits<char_type>;
using string_view_type = basic_string_view<char_type, traits_type>;
using string_type = std::basic_string<char_type, key_char_traits<char_type>>;
key_view() noexcept = default;
key_view( const key_view& p ) = default;
key_view( key_view&& p ) noexcept = default;
template<typename Source,
typename = typename std::enable_if<is_constructible<string_view_type, Source>::value>::type>
key_view( const Source& source ) : value_(source) {}
key_view( const char_type * p) : value_(p) {}
key_view( char_type * p) : value_(p) {}
~key_view() = default;
key_view& operator=( const key_view& p ) = default;
key_view& operator=( key_view&& p ) noexcept = default;
key_view& operator=( string_view_type source )
value_ = source;
return *this;
void swap( key_view& other ) noexcept
std::swap(value_, other.value_);
string_view_type native() const noexcept {return value_;}
operator string_view_type() const {return native();}
int compare( const key_view& p ) const noexcept {return value_.compare(p.value_);}
int compare( string_view_type str ) const {return value_.compare(str);}
int compare( const value_type* s ) const {return value_.compare(s);}
template< class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>,
class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT> >
basic_string( const Alloc& alloc = Alloc()) const
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<CharT, Traits>(
value_.data(), value_.size(), alloc);
std::string string() const {return basic_string<char>();}
std::wstring wstring() const {return basic_string<wchar_t>();}
string_type native_string() const
return basic_string<char_type, key_char_traits<char_type>>();
friend bool operator==(key_view l, key_view r) { return l.value_ == r.value_; }
friend bool operator!=(key_view l, key_view r) { return l.value_ != r.value_; }
friend bool operator<=(key_view l, key_view r) { return l.value_ <= r.value_; }
friend bool operator>=(key_view l, key_view r) { return l.value_ >= r.value_; }
friend bool operator< (key_view l, key_view r) { return l.value_ < r.value_; }
friend bool operator> (key_view l, key_view r) { return l.value_ > r.value_; }
bool empty() const {return value_.empty(); }
template< class CharT, class Traits >
friend std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>&
operator<<( std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>& os, const key_view& p )
os << BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::quoted(p.basic_string<CharT,Traits>());
return os;
template< class CharT, class Traits >
friend std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>&
operator>>( std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>& is, key_view& p )
std::basic_string<CharT, Traits> t;
is >> BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::quoted(t);
p = t;
return is;
const value_type * data() const {return value_.data(); }
std::size_t size() const {return value_.size(); }
string_view_type value_;
/// A view for a value in an environment
struct value_view
using value_type = char_type;
using string_view_type = basic_cstring_ref<char_type, value_char_traits<char_type>>;
using string_type = std::basic_string<char_type, value_char_traits<char_type>>;
using traits_type = value_char_traits<char_type>;
value_view() noexcept = default;
value_view( const value_view& p ) = default;
value_view( value_view&& p ) noexcept = default;
template<typename Source, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_constructible<string_view_type, Source>::value>::type>
value_view( const Source& source ) : value_(source) {}
value_view( const char_type * p) : value_(p) {}
value_view( char_type * p) : value_(p) {}
~value_view() = default;
value_view& operator=( const value_view& p ) = default;
value_view& operator=( value_view&& p ) noexcept = default;
value_view& operator=( string_view_type source )
value_ = source;
return *this;
void swap( value_view& other ) noexcept
std::swap(value_, other.value_);
string_view_type native() const noexcept {return value_;}
operator string_view_type() const {return native();}
operator typename string_view_type::string_view_type() const {return value_; }
int compare( const value_view& p ) const noexcept {return value_.compare(p.value_);}
int compare( string_view_type str ) const {return value_.compare(str);}
int compare( const value_type* s ) const {return value_.compare(s);}
template< class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>,
class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT> >
basic_string( const Alloc& alloc = Alloc() ) const
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<CharT, Traits>(
value_.data(), value_.size(), alloc);
std::string string() const {return basic_string<char>();}
std::wstring wstring() const {return basic_string<wchar_t>();}
string_type native_string() const
return basic_string<char_type, value_char_traits<char_type>>();
bool empty() const {return value_.empty(); }
friend bool operator==(value_view l, value_view r) { return l.value_ == r.value_; }
friend bool operator!=(value_view l, value_view r) { return l.value_ != r.value_; }
friend bool operator<=(value_view l, value_view r) { return l.value_ <= r.value_; }
friend bool operator>=(value_view l, value_view r) { return l.value_ >= r.value_; }
friend bool operator< (value_view l, value_view r) { return l.value_ < r.value_; }
friend bool operator> (value_view l, value_view r) { return l.value_ > r.value_; }
template< class CharT, class Traits >
friend std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>&
operator<<( std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>& os, const value_view& p )
os << BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::quoted(p.basic_string<CharT,Traits>());
return os;
template< class CharT, class Traits >
friend std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>&
operator>>( std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>& is, value_view& p )
std::basic_string<CharT, Traits> t;
is >> BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::quoted(t);
p = t;
return is;
value_iterator begin() const {return value_iterator(value_.data());}
value_iterator end() const {return value_iterator(value_.data() , value_.size());}
const char_type * c_str() {return value_.c_str(); }
const value_type * data() const {return value_.data(); }
std::size_t size() const {return value_.size(); }
string_view_type value_;
/// A view for a key value pair in an environment
struct key_value_pair_view
using value_type = char_type;
using string_type = std::basic_string<char_type>;
using string_view_type = basic_cstring_ref<char_type>;
using traits_type = std::char_traits<char_type>;
key_value_pair_view() noexcept = default;
key_value_pair_view( const key_value_pair_view& p ) = default;
key_value_pair_view( key_value_pair_view&& p ) noexcept = default;
template<typename Source,
typename = typename std::enable_if<is_constructible<string_view_type, Source>::value>::type>
key_value_pair_view( const Source& source ) : value_(source) {}
key_value_pair_view( const char_type * p) : value_(p) {}
key_value_pair_view( char_type * p) : value_(p) {}
~key_value_pair_view() = default;
key_value_pair_view& operator=( const key_value_pair_view& p ) = default;
key_value_pair_view& operator=( key_value_pair_view&& p ) noexcept = default;
void swap( key_value_pair_view& other ) noexcept
std::swap(value_, other.value_);
string_view_type native() const noexcept {return value_;}
operator string_view_type() const {return native();}
operator typename string_view_type::string_view_type() const {return value_; }
int compare( key_value_pair_view p ) const noexcept
const auto c = key().compare(p.key());
if (c != 0)
return c;
return value().compare(p.value());
int compare( const string_type& str ) const
return compare(key_value_pair_view(str));
int compare( string_view_type str ) const
string_type st(str.data(), str.size());
return compare(st);
int compare( const value_type* s ) const
return compare(key_value_pair_view(s));
template< class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT> >
basic_string( const Alloc& alloc = Alloc()) const
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<CharT, Traits>(value_.begin(), value_.size(), alloc);
std::string string() const {return basic_string<char>();}
std::wstring wstring() const {return basic_string<wchar_t>();}
string_type native_string() const
return basic_string<char_type>();
bool empty() const {return value_.empty(); }
key_view key() const
auto eq = value_.find(equality_sign);
if (eq == 0)
auto eq2 = value_.find(equality_sign, 1);
if (eq2 != string_type::npos)
eq = eq2;
const auto res = native().substr(0, eq == string_view_type::npos ? value_.size() : eq);
return key_view::string_view_type(res.data(), res.size());
value_view value() const
auto eq = value_.find(equality_sign);
if (eq == 0)
auto eq2 = value_.find(equality_sign, 1);
if (eq2 != string_type::npos)
eq = eq2;
return environment::value_view(native().substr(eq + 1));
friend bool operator==(key_value_pair_view l, key_value_pair_view r) { return l.compare(r) == 0; }
friend bool operator!=(key_value_pair_view l, key_value_pair_view r) { return l.compare(r) != 0; }
friend bool operator<=(key_value_pair_view l, key_value_pair_view r) { return l.compare(r) <= 0; }
friend bool operator>=(key_value_pair_view l, key_value_pair_view r) { return l.compare(r) >= 0; }
friend bool operator< (key_value_pair_view l, key_value_pair_view r) { return l.compare(r) < 0; }
friend bool operator> (key_value_pair_view l, key_value_pair_view r) { return l.compare(r) > 0; }
template< class CharT, class Traits >
friend std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>&
operator<<( std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>& os, const key_value_pair_view& p )
os << BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::quoted(p.basic_string<CharT,Traits>());
return os;
template< class CharT, class Traits >
friend std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>&
operator>>( std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>& is, key_value_pair_view& p )
std::basic_string<CharT, Traits> t;
is >> BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::quoted(t);
p = t;
return is;
template<std::size_t Idx>
inline auto get() const -> typename conditional<Idx == 0u, BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_view,
const value_type * c_str() const noexcept
return value_.data();
const value_type * data() const {return value_.data(); }
std::size_t size() const {return value_.size(); }
string_view_type value_;
inline key_view key_value_pair_view::get<0u>() const
return key();
inline value_view key_value_pair_view::get<1u>() const
return value();
namespace detail
template<typename Char>
std::size_t hash_step(std::size_t prev, Char c, std::char_traits<Char>)
return prev ^ (c << 1);
inline std::size_t hash_value(const key_view & value)
std::size_t hash = 0u;
for (auto c = value.data(); *c != *v2::detail::null_char_(*c); c++)
hash = detail::hash_step(hash, *c, key_view::traits_type{});
return hash ;
inline std::size_t hash_value(const BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::value_view & value)
std::size_t hash = 0u;
for (auto c = value.data(); *c != *v2::detail::null_char_(*c); c++)
hash = detail::hash_step(hash, *c, value_view::traits_type{});
return hash ;
inline std::size_t hash_value(const BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair_view & value)
std::size_t hash = 0u;
for (auto c = value.data(); *c != *v2::detail::null_char_(*c); c++)
hash = detail::hash_step(hash, *c, key_value_pair_view::traits_type{});
return hash ;
/// A class representing a key within an environment.
struct key
using value_type = char_type;
using traits_type = key_char_traits<char_type>;
using string_type = std::basic_string<char_type, traits_type>;
using string_view_type = basic_string_view<char_type, traits_type>;
key() noexcept = default;
key( const key& p ) = default;
key( key&& p ) noexcept = default;
key( const string_type& source ) : value_(source) {}
key( string_type&& source ) : value_(std::move(source)) {}
key( const value_type * raw ) : value_(raw) {}
key( value_type * raw ) : value_(raw) {}
explicit key(key_view kv) : value_(kv.native_string()) {}
template< class Source >
key( const Source& source,
decltype(source.data()) = nullptr,
decltype(source.size()) = 0u)
: value_(
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<char_type, traits_type>(
source.data(), source.size()))
key(const typename conditional<is_same<value_type, char>::value, wchar_t, char>::type * raw)
: value_(BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<char_type, traits_type>(
raw, std::char_traits<std::decay<std::remove_pointer<decltype(raw)>::type>::type>::length(raw)))
template< class InputIt >
key( InputIt first, InputIt last)
: key(std::basic_string<typename std::iterator_traits<typename std::decay<InputIt>::type>::value_type>(first, last))
~key() = default;
key& operator=( const key& p ) = default;
key& operator=( key&& p ) noexcept = default;
key& operator=( string_type&& source )
value_ = std::move(source);
return *this;
template< class Source >
key& operator=( const Source& source )
value_ = BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<char_type, traits_type>(source.data(), source.size());
return *this;
key& assign( string_type&& source )
value_ = std::move(source);
return *this;
template< class Source >
key& assign( const Source& source )
value_ = BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<char_type, traits_type>(source.data(), source.size());
return *this;
template< class InputIt >
key& assign( InputIt first, InputIt last )
return assign(std::basic_string<typename std::iterator_traits<typename std::decay<InputIt>::type>::value_type>(first, last));
void clear() {value_.clear();}
void swap( key& other ) noexcept
std::swap(value_, other.value_);
const value_type* c_str() const noexcept {return value_.c_str();}
const string_type& native() const noexcept {return value_;}
string_view_type native_view() const noexcept {return value_;}
operator string_type() const {return native();}
operator string_view_type() const {return native_view();}
int compare( const key& p ) const noexcept {return value_.compare(p.value_);}
int compare( const string_type& str ) const {return value_.compare(str);}
int compare( string_view_type str ) const {return -str.compare(value_);}
int compare( const value_type* s ) const {return value_.compare(s);}
template< class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>,
class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT> >
basic_string( const Alloc& alloc = Alloc()) const
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<CharT, Traits>(
value_.data(), value_.size(), alloc);
std::string string() const {return basic_string<char>();}
std::wstring wstring() const {return basic_string<wchar_t>();}
const string_type & native_string() const
return value_;
bool empty() const {return value_.empty(); }
friend bool operator==(const key & l, const key & r) { return l.value_ == r.value_; }
friend bool operator!=(const key & l, const key & r) { return l.value_ != r.value_; }
friend bool operator<=(const key & l, const key & r) { return l.value_ <= r.value_; }
friend bool operator>=(const key & l, const key & r) { return l.value_ >= r.value_; }
friend bool operator< (const key & l, const key & r) { return l.value_ < r.value_; }
friend bool operator> (const key & l, const key & r) { return l.value_ > r.value_; }
template< class CharT, class Traits >
friend std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>&
operator<<( std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>& os, const key& p )
os << BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::quoted(p.basic_string<CharT,Traits>());
return os;
template< class CharT, class Traits >
friend std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>&
operator>>( std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>& is, key& p )
std::basic_string<CharT, Traits> t;
is >> BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::quoted(t);
p = t;
return is;
const value_type * data() const {return value_.data(); }
std::size_t size() const {return value_.size(); }
string_type value_;
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, key>::value || std::is_same<T, key_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, key_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, key>::value || std::is_same<U, key_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , key_view>::value),
operator==(const T &l, const U & r) { return key_view(l) == key_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, key>::value || std::is_same<T, key_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, key_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, key>::value || std::is_same<U, key_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , key_view>::value),
operator!=(const T &l, const U & r) { return key_view(l) != key_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, key>::value || std::is_same<T, key_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, key_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, key>::value || std::is_same<U, key_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , key_view>::value),
operator<=(const T &l, const U & r) { return key_view(l) <= key_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, key>::value || std::is_same<T, key_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, key_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, key>::value || std::is_same<U, key_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , key_view>::value),
operator <(const T &l, const U & r) { return key_view(l) < key_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, key>::value || std::is_same<T, key_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, key_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, key>::value || std::is_same<U, key_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , key_view>::value),
operator>=(const T &l, const U & r) { return key_view(l) >= key_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, key>::value || std::is_same<T, key_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, key_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, key>::value || std::is_same<U, key_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , key_view>::value),
operator >(const T &l, const U & r) { return key_view(l) > key_view(r); }
bool operator==(const value_view &, const value_view);
bool operator!=(const value_view &, const value_view);
bool operator<=(const value_view &, const value_view);
bool operator< (const value_view &, const value_view);
bool operator> (const value_view &, const value_view);
bool operator>=(const value_view &, const value_view);
struct value
using value_type = char_type;
using traits_type = value_char_traits<char_type>;
using string_type = std::basic_string<char_type, traits_type>;
using string_view_type = basic_cstring_ref<char_type, traits_type>;
value() noexcept = default;
value( const value& p ) = default;
value( const string_type& source ) : value_(source) {}
value( string_type&& source ) : value_(std::move(source)) {}
value( const value_type * raw ) : value_(raw) {}
value( value_type * raw ) : value_(raw) {}
explicit value(value_view kv) : value_(kv.c_str()) {}
template< class Source >
value( const Source& source,
decltype(source.data()) = nullptr,
decltype(source.size()) = 0u)
: value_(BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<char_type, traits_type>(
source.data(), source.size()))
value(const typename conditional<is_same<value_type, char>::value, wchar_t, char>::type * raw)
: value_(BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<char_type, traits_type>(
raw, std::char_traits<std::decay<std::remove_pointer<decltype(raw)>::type>::type>::length(raw)))
template< class InputIt >
value( InputIt first, InputIt last)
: value(std::basic_string<typename std::iterator_traits<typename std::decay<InputIt>::type>::value_type>(first, last))
~value() = default;
value& operator=( const value& p ) = default;
value& operator=( value&& p ) noexcept = default;
value& operator=( string_type&& source )
value_ = std::move(source);
return *this;
template< class Source >
value& operator=( const Source& source )
value_ = BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<char_type, traits_type>(
source.data(), source.size);
return *this;
value& assign( string_type&& source )
value_ = std::move(source);
return *this;
template< class Source >
value& assign( const Source& source )
value_ = BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<char_type, traits_type>(
source.data(), source.size());
return *this;
template< class InputIt >
value& assign( InputIt first, InputIt last )
return assign(std::basic_string<typename std::iterator_traits<typename std::decay<InputIt>::type>::value_type>(first, last));
void push_back(const value & sv)
(value_ += delimiter) += sv;
void clear() {value_.clear();}
void swap( value& other ) noexcept
std::swap(value_, other.value_);
const value_type* c_str() const noexcept {return value_.c_str();}
const string_type& native() const noexcept {return value_;}
string_view_type native_view() const noexcept {return value_;}
operator string_type() const {return native();}
operator string_view_type() const {return native_view();}
operator typename string_view_type::string_view_type() const {return value_; }
int compare( const value& p ) const noexcept {return value_.compare(p.value_);}
int compare( const string_type& str ) const {return value_.compare(str);}
int compare( string_view_type str ) const {return -str.compare(value_);}
int compare( const value_type* s ) const {return value_.compare(s);}
template< class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>,
class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT> >
basic_string( const Alloc& alloc = Alloc()) const
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<CharT, Traits>(
value_.data(), value_.size(),alloc);
std::string string() const {return basic_string<char>();}
std::wstring wstring() const {return basic_string<wchar_t>();}
const string_type & native_string() const
return value_;
bool empty() const {return value_.empty(); }
friend bool operator==(const value & l, const value & r) { return l.value_ == r.value_; }
friend bool operator!=(const value & l, const value & r) { return l.value_ != r.value_; }
friend bool operator<=(const value & l, const value & r) { return l.value_ <= r.value_; }
friend bool operator>=(const value & l, const value & r) { return l.value_ >= r.value_; }
friend bool operator< (const value & l, const value & r) { return l.value_ < r.value_; }
friend bool operator> (const value & l, const value & r) { return l.value_ > r.value_; }
template< class CharT, class Traits >
friend std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>&
operator<<( std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>& os, const value& p )
os << BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::quoted(p.basic_string<CharT,Traits>());
return os;
template< class CharT, class Traits >
friend std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>&
operator>>( std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>& is, value& p )
std::basic_string<CharT, Traits> t;
is >> BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::quoted(t);
p = t;
return is;
value_iterator begin() const {return value_iterator(value_.data());}
value_iterator end() const {return value_iterator(value_.data(), value_.size());}
const value_type * data() const {return value_.data(); }
std::size_t size() const {return value_.size(); }
string_type value_;
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, value>::value || std::is_same<T, value_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, value_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, value>::value || std::is_same<U, value_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , value_view>::value),
operator==(const T &l, const U & r) { return value_view(l) == value_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, value>::value || std::is_same<T, value_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, value_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, value>::value || std::is_same<U, value_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , value_view>::value),
operator!=(const T &l, const U & r) { return value_view(l) != value_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, value>::value || std::is_same<T, value_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, value_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, value>::value || std::is_same<U, value_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , value_view>::value),
operator<=(const T &l, const U & r) { return value_view(l) <= value_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, value>::value || std::is_same<T, value_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, value_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, value>::value || std::is_same<U, value_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , value_view>::value),
operator <(const T &l, const U & r) { return value_view(l) < value_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, value>::value || std::is_same<T, value_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, value_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, value>::value || std::is_same<U, value_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , value_view>::value),
operator>=(const T &l, const U & r) { return value_view(l) >= value_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, value>::value || std::is_same<T, value_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, value_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, value>::value || std::is_same<U, value_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , value_view>::value),
operator >(const T &l, const U & r) { return value_view(l) > value_view(r); }
bool operator==(const value_view &, const value_view);
bool operator!=(const value_view &, const value_view);
bool operator<=(const value_view &, const value_view);
bool operator< (const value_view &, const value_view);
bool operator> (const value_view &, const value_view);
bool operator>=(const value_view &, const value_view);
struct key_value_pair
using value_type = char_type;
using traits_type = std::char_traits<char_type>;
using string_type = std::basic_string<char_type>;
using string_view_type = basic_cstring_ref<char_type>;
key_value_pair() noexcept = default;
key_value_pair( const key_value_pair& p ) = default;
key_value_pair( key_value_pair&& p ) noexcept = default;
key_value_pair(key_view key, value_view value) : value_(key.basic_string<char_type, traits_type>() + equality_sign +
value.basic_string<char_type, traits_type>()) {}
key_value_pair(key_view key, std::initializer_list<basic_string_view<char_type>> values)
const auto sz = std::accumulate(values.begin(), values.end(),
key.size(), [](std::size_t sz, const basic_string_view<char_type> & str) { return sz + str.size() + 1;});
value_.append(key.data(), key.size());
value_ += equality_sign;
for (auto & value : values)
if (value_.back() != equality_sign)
value_ += delimiter;
value_.append(value.data(), value.size());
key_value_pair( const string_type& source ) : value_(source) {}
key_value_pair( string_type&& source ) : value_(std::move(source)) {}
key_value_pair( const value_type * raw ) : value_(raw) {}
key_value_pair( value_type * raw ) : value_(raw) {}
explicit key_value_pair(key_value_pair_view kv) : value_(kv.c_str()) {}
template< class Source >
key_value_pair( const Source& source,
decltype(source.data()) = nullptr,
decltype(source.size()) = 0u)
: value_(BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<char_type, traits_type>(
source.data(), source.size()))
template< typename Key,
typename Value >
const std::pair<Key, Value> & kv/*,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<struct key, Key >::value &&
std::is_constructible<struct value, Value>::value
>::type = 0*/) : value_(((struct key)(kv.first)).string() + equality_sign + ((struct value)(kv.second)).string())
key_value_pair(const typename conditional<is_same<value_type, char>::value, wchar_t, char>::type * raw)
: value_(BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<char_type, traits_type>(
template< class InputIt , typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt>::iterator_category>
key_value_pair( InputIt first, InputIt last )
: key_value_pair(std::basic_string<typename std::iterator_traits<typename std::decay<InputIt>::type>::value_type>(first, last))
~key_value_pair() = default;
key_value_pair& operator=( const key_value_pair& p ) = default;
key_value_pair& operator=( key_value_pair&& p ) noexcept = default;
key_value_pair& operator=( string_type&& source )
value_ = std::move(source);
return *this;
template< class Source >
key_value_pair& operator=( const Source& source )
value_ = BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<char_type, traits_type>(
source.data(), source.size());
return *this;
key_value_pair& assign( string_type&& source )
value_ = std::move(source);
return *this;
template< class Source >
key_value_pair& assign( const Source& source )
value_ = BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<char_type, traits_type>(
source.data(), source.size());
return *this;
template< class InputIt >
key_value_pair& assign( InputIt first, InputIt last )
return assign(std::basic_string<typename std::iterator_traits<typename std::decay<InputIt>::type>::value_type>(first, last));
void clear() {value_.clear();}
void swap( key_value_pair& other ) noexcept
std::swap(value_, other.value_);
const value_type* c_str() const noexcept {return value_.c_str();}
const string_type& native() const noexcept {return value_;}
string_view_type native_view() const noexcept {return value_;}
operator string_type() const {return native();}
operator string_view_type() const {return native_view();}
operator key_value_pair_view() const {return native_view();}
int compare( const key_value_pair& p ) const noexcept
return key_value_pair_view(*this).compare(key_value_pair_view(p));
int compare( const string_type& str ) const
return key_value_pair_view(*this).compare(str);
int compare( string_view_type str ) const
return key_value_pair_view(*this).compare(str);
int compare( const value_type* s ) const
return key_value_pair_view(*this).compare(s);
template< class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>, class Alloc = std::allocator<CharT> >
basic_string( const Alloc& alloc = Alloc() ) const
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::conv_string<CharT, Traits>(value_.data(), value_.size(), alloc);
std::string string() const {return basic_string<char>();}
std::wstring wstring() const {return basic_string<wchar_t>();}
const string_type & native_string() const
return value_;
friend bool operator==(const key_value_pair & l, const key_value_pair & r) { return l.compare(r) == 0; }
friend bool operator!=(const key_value_pair & l, const key_value_pair & r) { return l.compare(r) != 0; }
friend bool operator<=(const key_value_pair & l, const key_value_pair & r) { return l.compare(r) <= 0; }
friend bool operator>=(const key_value_pair & l, const key_value_pair & r) { return l.compare(r) >= 0; }
friend bool operator< (const key_value_pair & l, const key_value_pair & r) { return l.compare(r) < 0; }
friend bool operator> (const key_value_pair & l, const key_value_pair & r) { return l.compare(r) > 0; }
bool empty() const {return value_.empty(); }
struct key_view key() const
auto eq = value_.find(equality_sign);
if (eq == 0)
auto eq2 = value_.find(equality_sign, 1);
if (eq2 != string_type::npos)
eq = eq2;
const auto k = native_view().substr(0, eq);
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_view::string_view_type (k.data(), k.size());
struct value_view value() const
auto eq = value_.find(equality_sign);
if (eq == 0)
auto eq2 = value_.find(equality_sign, 1);
if (eq2 != string_type::npos)
eq = eq2;
return value_view::string_view_type(native_view().substr(eq + 1));
template< class CharT, class Traits >
friend std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>&
operator<<( std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits>& os, const key_value_pair& p )
os << BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::quoted(p.basic_string<CharT,Traits>());
return os;
template< class CharT, class Traits >
friend std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>&
operator>>( std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>& is, key_value_pair& p )
is >> BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::quoted(p.value_);
return is;
const value_type * data() const {return value_.data(); }
std::size_t size() const {return value_.size(); }
template<std::size_t Idx>
inline auto get() const
-> typename conditional<Idx == 0u, BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_view,
string_type value_;
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, key_value_pair>::value || std::is_same<T, key_value_pair_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, key_value_pair_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, key_value_pair>::value || std::is_same<U, key_value_pair_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , key_value_pair_view>::value),
operator==(const T &l, const U & r) { return key_value_pair_view(l) == key_value_pair_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, key_value_pair>::value || std::is_same<T, key_value_pair_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, key_value_pair_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, key_value_pair>::value || std::is_same<U, key_value_pair_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , key_value_pair_view>::value),
operator!=(const T &l, const U & r) { return key_value_pair_view(l) != key_value_pair_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, key_value_pair>::value || std::is_same<T, key_value_pair_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, key_value_pair_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, key_value_pair>::value || std::is_same<U, key_value_pair_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , key_value_pair_view>::value),
operator<=(const T &l, const U & r) { return key_value_pair_view(l) <= key_value_pair_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, key_value_pair>::value || std::is_same<T, key_value_pair_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, key_value_pair_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, key_value_pair>::value || std::is_same<U, key_value_pair_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , key_value_pair_view>::value),
operator <(const T &l, const U & r) { return key_value_pair_view(l) < key_value_pair_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, key_value_pair>::value || std::is_same<T, key_value_pair_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, key_value_pair_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, key_value_pair>::value || std::is_same<U, key_value_pair_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , key_value_pair_view>::value),
operator>=(const T &l, const U & r) { return key_value_pair_view(l) >= key_value_pair_view(r); }
template<typename T, typename U>
typename std::enable_if<
((std::is_same<T, key_value_pair>::value || std::is_same<T, key_value_pair_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const U &, key_value_pair_view>::value)
((std::is_same<U, key_value_pair>::value || std::is_same<U, key_value_pair_view>::value) &&
std::is_convertible<const T & , key_value_pair_view>::value),
operator >(const T &l, const U & r) { return key_value_pair_view(l) > key_value_pair_view(r); }
bool operator==(const key_value_pair_view &, const key_value_pair_view);
bool operator!=(const key_value_pair_view &, const key_value_pair_view);
bool operator<=(const key_value_pair_view &, const key_value_pair_view);
bool operator< (const key_value_pair_view &, const key_value_pair_view);
bool operator> (const key_value_pair_view &, const key_value_pair_view);
bool operator>=(const key_value_pair_view &, const key_value_pair_view);
inline key_view key_value_pair::get<0u>() const
return key();
inline value_view key_value_pair::get<1u>() const
return value();
namespace std
class tuple_size<BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair> : integral_constant<std::size_t, 2u> {};
class tuple_element<0u, BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair>
using type = BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_view;
class tuple_element<1u, BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair>
using type = BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::value_view;
template<std::size_t Idx>
inline auto get(const BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair & kvp)
-> typename std::tuple_element<Idx, BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair>::type
return kvp.get<Idx>();
class tuple_size<BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair_view> : integral_constant<std::size_t, 2u> {};
class tuple_element<0u, BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair_view>
using type = BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_view;
class tuple_element<1u, BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair_view>
using type = BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::value_view;
template<std::size_t Idx>
inline auto get(BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair_view kvp)
-> typename std::tuple_element<Idx, BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair_view>::type
return kvp.get<Idx>();
namespace environment
/// A view object for the current environment of this process.
* The view might (windows) or might not (posix) be owning;
* if it owns it will deallocate the on destruction, like a unique_ptr.
* Note that accessing the environment in this way is not thread-safe.
* @code
* void dump_my_env(current_view env = current())
* {
* for (auto & [k, v] : env)
* std::cout << k.string() << " = " << v.string() << std::endl;
* }
* @endcode
struct current_view
using native_handle_type = environment::native_handle_type;
using value_type = key_value_pair_view;
current_view() = default;
current_view(current_view && nt) = default;
native_handle_type native_handle() { return handle_.get(); }
struct iterator
using value_type = key_value_pair_view;
using difference_type = int;
using reference = key_value_pair_view;
using pointer = key_value_pair_view;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
iterator() = default;
iterator(const iterator & ) = default;
iterator(const native_iterator &native_handle) : iterator_(native_handle) {}
iterator & operator++()
iterator_ = detail::next(iterator_);
return *this;
iterator operator++(int)
auto last = *this;
iterator_ = detail::next(iterator_);
return last;
key_value_pair_view operator*() const
return detail::dereference(iterator_);
friend bool operator==(const iterator & l, const iterator & r) {return l.iterator_ == r.iterator_;}
friend bool operator!=(const iterator & l, const iterator & r) {return l.iterator_ != r.iterator_;}
environment::native_iterator iterator_;
iterator begin() const {return iterator(handle_.get());}
iterator end() const {return iterator(detail::find_end(handle_.get()));}
std::unique_ptr<typename remove_pointer<native_handle_type>::type,
detail::native_handle_deleter> handle_{environment::detail::load_native_handle()};
/// Obtain a handle to the current environment
inline current_view current() {return current_view();}
namespace detail
template<typename Environment>
auto find_key(Environment & env, key_view ky)
-> typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<decltype(*std::begin(env)), key_value_pair_view>::value, value_view>::type
const auto itr = std::find_if(std::begin(env), std::end(env),
[&](key_value_pair_view vp)
auto tmp = std::get<0>(vp) == ky;
if (tmp)
return true;
return false;
if (itr != std::end(env))
return key_value_pair_view(*itr).value();
return {};
template<typename Environment>
auto find_key(Environment & env, key_view ky)
-> typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_convertible<decltype(*std::begin(env)), key_value_pair_view>::value &&
std::is_convertible<decltype(*std::begin(env)), key_value_pair>::value,
const auto itr = std::find_if(std::begin(env), std::end(env),
[&](key_value_pair vp)
auto tmp = std::get<0>(vp) == ky;
if (tmp)
return true;
return false;
if (itr != std::end(env))
return key_value_pair(*itr).value();
return {};
/// Find the home folder in an environment-like type.
* @param env The environment to search. Defaults to the current environment of this process
* The environment type passed in must be a range with value T that fulfills the following requirements:
* For `T value`
* - std::get<0>(value) must return a type comparable to `key_view`.
* - std::get<1>(value) must return a type convertible to filesystem::path.
* @return A filesystem::path to the home directory or an empty path if it cannot be found.
template<typename Environment = current_view>
inline filesystem::path home(Environment && env = current())
#if defined(ASIO_WINDOWS)
return detail::find_key(env, L"HOMEDRIVE") + detail::find_key(env, L"HOMEPATH").native_string();
return detail::find_key(env, "HOME").native_string();
/// Find the executable `name` in an environment-like type.
* @param env The environment to search. Defaults to the current environment of this process
* The environment type passed in must be a range with value T that fulfills the following requirements:
* For `T value`
* - std::get<0>(value) must return a type comparable to `key_view`.
* - std::get<1>(value) must return a type convertible to `value_view`.
* @return A filesystem::path to the executable or an empty path if it cannot be found.
template<typename Environment = current_view>
inline BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::filesystem::path find_executable(
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::filesystem::path name,
Environment && env = current())
auto path = detail::find_key(env, L"PATH");
auto pathext = detail::find_key(env, L"PATHEXT");
for (auto pp_view : path)
// first check if it has the extension already
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::filesystem::path full_nm(name);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::filesystem::path pp(pp_view.begin(), pp_view.end());
auto p = pp / nm;
error_code ec;
if (detail::is_executable(p, ec) && !ec)
return p;
for (auto ext : pathext)
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::filesystem::path nm(name);
nm.concat(ext.begin(), ext.end());
auto p = pp / nm;
if (detail::is_executable(p, ec) && !ec)
return p;
for (auto pp_view : detail::find_key(env, "PATH"))
auto p = BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::filesystem::path(pp_view.begin(), pp_view.end()) / name;
error_code ec;
bool is_exec = detail::is_executable(p, ec);
if (!ec && is_exec)
return p;
return {};
/// Get an environment variable from the current process.
inline value get(const key & k, error_code & ec) { return detail::get(k.c_str(), ec);}
/// Throwing @overload value get(const key & k, error_code & ec)
inline value get(const key & k)
error_code ec;
auto tmp = detail::get(k.c_str(), ec);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::throw_error(ec, "environment::get");
return tmp;
/// Disambiguating @overload value get(const key & k, error_code & ec)
inline value get(basic_cstring_ref<char_type, key_char_traits<char_type>> k, error_code & ec)
return detail::get(k, ec);
/// Disambiguating @overload value get(const key & k)
inline value get(basic_cstring_ref<char_type, key_char_traits<char_type>> k)
error_code ec;
auto tmp = detail::get(k, ec);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::throw_error(ec, "environment::get");
return tmp;
/// Disambiguating @overload value get(const key & k, error_code & ec)
inline value get(const char_type * c, error_code & ec) { return detail::get(c, ec);}
/// Disambiguating @overload value get(const key & k)
inline value get(const char_type * c)
error_code ec;
auto tmp = detail::get(c, ec);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::throw_error(ec, "environment::get");
return tmp;
/// Set an environment variable for the current process.
inline void set(const key & k, value_view vw, error_code & ec) { detail::set(k, vw, ec);}
/// Throwing @overload void set(const key & k, value_view vw, error_code & ec)
inline void set(const key & k, value_view vw)
error_code ec;
detail::set(k, vw, ec);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::throw_error(ec, "environment::set");
/// Disambiguating @overload void set(const key & k, value_view vw, error_code & ec)
inline void set(basic_cstring_ref<char_type, key_char_traits<char_type>> k, value_view vw, error_code & ec) { detail::set(k, vw, ec);}
/// Disambiguating @overload void set(const key & k, value_view vw, error_code & ec)
inline void set(basic_cstring_ref<char_type, key_char_traits<char_type>> k, value_view vw)
error_code ec;
detail::set(k, vw, ec);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::throw_error(ec, "environment::set");
/// Disambiguating @overload void set(const key & k, value_view vw, error_code & ec)
inline void set(const char_type * k, value_view vw, error_code & ec) { detail::set(k, vw, ec);}
/// Disambiguating @overload void set(const key & k, value_view vw, error_code & ec)
inline void set(const char_type * k, value_view vw)
error_code ec;
detail::set(k, vw, ec);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::throw_error(ec, "environment::set");
/// Disambiguating @overload void set(const key & k, value_view vw, error_code & ec)
template<typename Char, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<Char, char_type>::value>::type>
inline void set(const key & k, const Char * vw, error_code & ec)
value val{vw};
detail::set(k, val, ec);
/// Disambiguating @overload void set(const key & k, value_view vw, error_code & ec)
template<typename Char, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<Char, char_type>::value>::type>
inline void set(const key & k, const Char * vw)
error_code ec;
value val{vw};
detail::set(k, val, ec);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::throw_error(ec, "environment::set");
/// Disambiguating @overload void set(const key & k, value_view vw, error_code & ec)
template<typename Char, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<Char, char_type>::value>::type>
inline void set(basic_cstring_ref<char_type, key_char_traits<char_type>> k, const Char * vw, error_code & ec)
value val{vw};
detail::set(k, val, ec);
/// Disambiguating @overload void set(const key & k, value_view vw, error_code & ec)
template<typename Char, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<Char, char_type>::value>::type>
inline void set(basic_cstring_ref<char_type, key_char_traits<char_type>> k, const Char * vw)
error_code ec;
value val{vw};
detail::set(k, val, ec);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::throw_error(ec, "environment::set");
/// Disambiguating @overload void set(const key & k, value_view vw, error_code & ec)
template<typename Char, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<Char, char_type>::value>::type>
inline void set(const char_type * k, const Char * vw, error_code & ec)
value val{vw};
detail::set(k, val, ec);
/// Disambiguating @overload void set(const key & k, value_view vw, error_code & ec)
template<typename Char, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<Char, char_type>::value>::type>
inline void set(const char_type * k, const Char * vw)
error_code ec;
value val{vw};
detail::set(k, val, ec);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::throw_error(ec, "environment::set");
/// Remove an environment variable from the current process.
inline void unset(const key & k, error_code & ec) { detail::unset(k, ec);}
/// Throwing @overload void unset(const key & k, error_code & ec)
inline void unset(const key & k)
error_code ec;
detail::unset(k, ec);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::throw_error(ec, "environment::unset");
/// Disambiguating @overload void unset(const key & k, error_code & ec)
inline void unset(basic_cstring_ref<char_type, key_char_traits<char_type>> k, error_code & ec)
detail::unset(k, ec);
/// Disambiguating @overload void unset(const key & k, error_code & ec)
inline void unset(basic_cstring_ref<char_type, key_char_traits<char_type>> k)
error_code ec;
detail::unset(k, ec);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::throw_error(ec, "environment::unset");
/// Disambiguating @overload void unset(const key & k, error_code & ec)
inline void unset(const char_type * c, error_code & ec) { detail::unset(c, ec);}
/// Disambiguating @overload void unset(const key & k, error_code & ec)
inline void unset(const char_type * c)
error_code ec;
detail::unset(c, ec);
BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::detail::throw_error(ec, "environment::unset");
// sub process environment stuff
namespace windows { struct default_launcher ;}
namespace posix { struct default_launcher ;}
/// Initializer for the environment of sub process.
* This will set the environment in a subprocess:
* @code {.cpp}
* process proc{executor, find_executable("printenv"), {"foo"}, process_environment{"foo=bar"}};
* @endcode
* The environment initializer will persist it's state, so that it can
* be used multiple times. Do however note the the Operating System is
* allowed to modify the internal state.
* @code {.cpp}
* auto exe = find_executable("printenv");
* process_environment env = {"FOO=BAR", "BAR=FOO"};
* process proc1(executor, exe, {"FOO"}, env);
* process proc2(executor, exe, {"BAR"}, env);
* @endcode
struct process_environment
template<typename Args>
void build_env(Args && args, string_view rs)
std::size_t length = 0u;
for (string_view v : args)
length += detail::size_as_wide(v.data(), v.size(), ec) + 1u;
if (ec)
length ++ ;
auto itr = &unicode_env.front();
for (string_view v : args)
itr += detail::convert_to_wide(
v.data(), v.size(),
itr, &unicode_env.back() - itr,
if (ec)
*(itr++) = '\0';
unicode_env.back() = '\0';
template<typename Args>
void build_env(Args && args, wstring_view rs)
std::size_t length = 0u;
for (const auto & v : std::forward<Args>(args))
length += v.size() + 1u;
length ++ ;
auto itr = unicode_env.begin();
for (wstring_view v : args )
itr = std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), itr);
*(itr++) = L'\0';
unicode_env.back() = L'\0';
process_environment(std::initializer_list<string_view> sv) { build_env(sv, ""); }
process_environment(std::initializer_list<wstring_view> sv) { build_env(sv, L""); }
template<typename Args>
process_environment(Args && args)
if (std::begin(args) != std::end(args))
build_env(std::forward<Args>(args), *std::begin(args));
error_code error() {return ec;}
error_code ec;
std::vector<wchar_t> unicode_env;
error_code on_setup(windows::default_launcher & launcher,
const filesystem::path &, const std::wstring &);
template<typename Args>
std::vector<const char *> build_env(Args && args,
typename std::enable_if<
cstring_ref>::value>::type * = nullptr)
std::vector<const char *> env;
for (auto && e : args)
return env;
template<typename Args>
std::vector<const char *> build_env(Args && args,
typename std::enable_if<
cstring_ref>::value>::type * = nullptr)
std::vector<const char *> env;
for (auto && arg: std::forward<Args>(args))
for (auto && e : env_buffer)
return env;
process_environment(std::initializer_list<string_view> sv) : env{build_env(sv)} { }
template<typename Args>
process_environment(Args && args) : env(build_env(std::forward<Args>(args)))
error_code on_setup(posix::default_launcher & launcher,
const filesystem::path &, const char * const *);
std::vector<environment::key_value_pair> env_buffer;
std::vector<const char *> env;
namespace std
struct hash<BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_view>
std::size_t operator()( BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_view kv) const noexcept
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::hash_value(kv);
struct hash<BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::value_view>
std::size_t operator()( BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::value_view kv) const noexcept
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::hash_value(kv);
struct hash<BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair_view>
std::size_t operator()( BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair_view kv) const noexcept
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::hash_value(kv);
struct hash<BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key>
std::size_t operator()( BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_view kv) const noexcept
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::hash_value(kv);
struct hash<BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::value>
std::size_t operator()( BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::value_view kv) const noexcept
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::hash_value(kv);
struct hash<BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair>
std::size_t operator()( BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::key_value_pair_view kv) const noexcept
return BOOST_PROCESS_V2_NAMESPACE::environment::hash_value(kv);
#include <boost/process/v2/detail/impl/environment.ipp>