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252 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2018-2019, Cem Bassoy, cem.bassoy@gmail.com
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of
// Fraunhofer IOSB, Ettlingen, Germany
/// \file strides.hpp Definition for the basic_strides template class
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/functional.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace numeric {
namespace ublas {
using first_order = column_major;
using last_order = row_major;
template<class T>
class basic_extents;
/** @brief Template class for storing tensor strides for iteration with runtime variable size.
* Proxy template class of std::vector<int_type>.
template<class __int_type, class __layout>
class basic_strides
using base_type = std::vector<__int_type>;
static_assert( std::numeric_limits<typename base_type::value_type>::is_integer,
"Static error in boost::numeric::ublas::basic_strides: type must be of type integer.");
static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<typename base_type::value_type>::is_signed,
"Static error in boost::numeric::ublas::basic_strides: type must be of type unsigned integer.");
static_assert(std::is_same<__layout,first_order>::value || std::is_same<__layout,last_order>::value,
"Static error in boost::numeric::ublas::basic_strides: layout type must either first or last order");
using layout_type = __layout;
using value_type = typename base_type::value_type;
using reference = typename base_type::reference;
using const_reference = typename base_type::const_reference;
using size_type = typename base_type::size_type;
using const_pointer = typename base_type::const_pointer;
using const_iterator = typename base_type::const_iterator;
/** @brief Default constructs basic_strides
* @code auto ex = basic_strides<unsigned>{};
constexpr explicit basic_strides()
: _base{}
/** @brief Constructs basic_strides from basic_extents for the first- and last-order storage formats
* @code auto strides = basic_strides<unsigned>( basic_extents<std::size_t>{2,3,4} );
template <class T>
basic_strides(basic_extents<T> const& s)
: _base(s.size(),1)
throw std::runtime_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::basic_strides() : shape is not valid.");
if(s.is_vector() || s.is_scalar())
if(this->size() < 2)
throw std::runtime_error("Error in boost::numeric::ublas::basic_strides() : size of strides must be greater or equal 2.");
if constexpr (std::is_same<layout_type,first_order>::value){
size_type k = 1ul, kend = this->size();
for(; k < kend; ++k)
_base[k] = _base[k-1] * s[k-1];
else {
size_type k = this->size()-2, kend = 0ul;
for(; k > kend; --k)
_base[k] = _base[k+1] * s[k+1];
_base[0] = _base[1] * s[1];
basic_strides(basic_strides const& l)
: _base(l._base)
basic_strides(basic_strides && l )
: _base(std::move(l._base))
basic_strides(base_type const& l )
: _base(l)
basic_strides(base_type && l )
: _base(std::move(l))
~basic_strides() = default;
basic_strides& operator=(basic_strides other)
swap (*this, other);
return *this;
friend void swap(basic_strides& lhs, basic_strides& rhs) {
std::swap(lhs._base , rhs._base);
const_reference operator[] (size_type p) const{
return _base[p];
const_pointer data() const{
return _base.data();
const_reference at (size_type p) const{
return _base.at(p);
bool empty() const{
return _base.empty();
size_type size() const{
return _base.size();
template<class other_layout>
bool operator == (basic_strides<value_type, other_layout> const& b) const{
return b.base() == this->base();
template<class other_layout>
bool operator != (basic_strides<value_type, other_layout> const& b) const{
return b.base() != this->base();
bool operator == (basic_strides const& b) const{
return b._base == _base;
bool operator != (basic_strides const& b) const{
return b._base != _base;
const_iterator begin() const{
return _base.begin();
const_iterator end() const{
return _base.end();
void clear() {
base_type const& base() const{
return this->_base;
base_type _base;
template<class layout_type>
using strides = basic_strides<std::size_t, layout_type>;
namespace detail {
/** @brief Returns relative memory index with respect to a multi-index
* @code auto j = access(std::vector{3,4,5}, strides{shape{4,2,3},first_order}); @endcode
* @param[in] i multi-index of length p
* @param[in] w stride vector of length p
* @returns relative memory location depending on \c i and \c w
template<class size_type, class layout_type>
auto access(std::vector<size_type> const& i, basic_strides<size_type,layout_type> const& w)
const auto p = i.size();
size_type sum = 0u;
for(auto r = 0u; r < p; ++r)
sum += i[r]*w[r];
return sum;
/** @brief Returns relative memory index with respect to a multi-index
* @code auto j = access(0, strides{shape{4,2,3},first_order}, 2,3,4); @endcode
* @param[in] i first element of the partial multi-index
* @param[in] is the following elements of the partial multi-index
* @param[in] sum the current relative memory index
* @returns relative memory location depending on \c i and \c w
template<std::size_t r, class layout_type, class ... size_types>
auto access(std::size_t sum, basic_strides<std::size_t, layout_type> const& w, std::size_t i, size_types ... is)
if constexpr (sizeof...(is) == 0)
return sum;
return detail::access<r+1>(sum,w,std::forward<size_types>(is)...);