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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#include <boost/locale/boundary/types.hpp>
#include <boost/locale/boundary/facets.hpp>
#include <boost/locale/boundary/segment.hpp>
#include <boost/locale/boundary/boundary_point.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <locale>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable : 4275 4251 4231 4660)
namespace boost {
namespace locale {
namespace boundary {
/// \defgroup boundary Boundary Analysis
/// This module contains all operations required for %boundary analysis of text: character, word, like and sentence boundaries
/// @{
/// \cond INTERNAL
namespace details {
template<typename IteratorType,typename CategoryType = typename std::iterator_traits<IteratorType>::iterator_category>
struct mapping_traits {
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<IteratorType>::value_type char_type;
static index_type map(boundary_type t,IteratorType b,IteratorType e,std::locale const &l)
std::basic_string<char_type> str(b,e);
return std::use_facet<boundary_indexing<char_type> >(l).map(t,str.c_str(),str.c_str()+str.size());
template<typename CharType,typename SomeIteratorType>
struct linear_iterator_traits {
static const bool is_linear =
|| is_same<SomeIteratorType,CharType const*>::value
|| is_same<SomeIteratorType,typename std::basic_string<CharType>::iterator>::value
|| is_same<SomeIteratorType,typename std::basic_string<CharType>::const_iterator>::value
|| is_same<SomeIteratorType,typename std::vector<CharType>::iterator>::value
|| is_same<SomeIteratorType,typename std::vector<CharType>::const_iterator>::value
template<typename IteratorType>
struct mapping_traits<IteratorType,std::random_access_iterator_tag> {
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<IteratorType>::value_type char_type;
static index_type map(boundary_type t,IteratorType b,IteratorType e,std::locale const &l)
index_type result;
// Optimize for most common cases
// C++0x requires that string is continious in memory and all known
// string implementations
// do this because of c_str() support.
if(linear_iterator_traits<char_type,IteratorType>::is_linear && b!=e)
char_type const *begin = &*b;
char_type const *end = begin + (e-b);
index_type tmp=std::use_facet<boundary_indexing<char_type> >(l).map(t,begin,end);
else {
std::basic_string<char_type> str(b,e);
index_type tmp = std::use_facet<boundary_indexing<char_type> >(l).map(t,str.c_str(),str.c_str()+str.size());
return result;
template<typename BaseIterator>
class mapping {
typedef BaseIterator base_iterator;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<base_iterator>::value_type char_type;
mapping(boundary_type type,
base_iterator begin,
base_iterator end,
std::locale const &loc)
index_(new index_type()),
index_type idx=details::mapping_traits<base_iterator>::map(type,begin,end,loc);
index_type const &index() const
return *index_;
base_iterator begin() const
return begin_;
base_iterator end() const
return end_;
boost::shared_ptr<index_type> index_;
base_iterator begin_,end_;
template<typename BaseIterator>
class segment_index_iterator :
public boost::iterator_facade<
segment<BaseIterator> const &
typedef BaseIterator base_iterator;
typedef mapping<base_iterator> mapping_type;
typedef segment<base_iterator> segment_type;
segment_index_iterator() : current_(0,0),map_(0)
segment_index_iterator(base_iterator p,mapping_type const *map,rule_type mask,bool full_select) :
segment_index_iterator(bool is_begin,mapping_type const *map,rule_type mask,bool full_select) :
segment_type const &dereference() const
return value_;
bool equal(segment_index_iterator const &other) const
return map_ == other.map_ && current_.second == other.current_.second;
void increment()
std::pair<size_t,size_t> next = current_;
if(full_select_) {
next.first = next.second;
while(next.second < size()) {
if(next.second == size())
next.first = next.second - 1;
else {
while(next.second < size()) {
next.first = next.second;
void decrement()
std::pair<size_t,size_t> next = current_;
if(full_select_) {
while(next.second >1) {
next.first = next.second;
while(next.first >0) {
else {
while(next.second >1) {
next.first = next.second - 1;
void set_end()
current_.first = size() - 1;
current_.second = size();
value_ = segment_type(map_->end(),map_->end(),0);
void set_begin()
current_.first = current_.second = 0;
value_ = segment_type(map_->begin(),map_->begin(),0);
void set(base_iterator p)
size_t dist=std::distance(map_->begin(),p);
index_type::const_iterator b=map_->index().begin(),e=map_->index().end();
while(boundary_point != e && (boundary_point->rule & mask_)==0)
current_.first = current_.second = boundary_point - b;
if(full_select_) {
while(current_.first > 0) {
current_.first --;
else {
if(current_.first > 0)
current_.first --;
value_.first = map_->begin();
value_.second = value_.first;
std::advance(value_.second,get_offset(current_.second) - get_offset(current_.first));
void update_current(std::pair<size_t,size_t> pos)
std::ptrdiff_t first_diff = get_offset(pos.first) - get_offset(current_.first);
std::ptrdiff_t second_diff = get_offset(pos.second) - get_offset(current_.second);
current_ = pos;
void update_rule()
if(current_.second != size()) {
size_t get_offset(size_t ind) const
if(ind == size())
return index().back().offset;
return index()[ind].offset;
bool valid_offset(size_t offset) const
return offset == 0
|| offset == size() // make sure we not acess index[size]
|| (index()[offset].rule & mask_)!=0;
size_t size() const
return index().size();
index_type const &index() const
return map_->index();
segment_type value_;
std::pair<size_t,size_t> current_;
mapping_type const *map_;
rule_type mask_;
bool full_select_;
template<typename BaseIterator>
class boundary_point_index_iterator :
public boost::iterator_facade<
boundary_point<BaseIterator> const &
typedef BaseIterator base_iterator;
typedef mapping<base_iterator> mapping_type;
typedef boundary_point<base_iterator> boundary_point_type;
boundary_point_index_iterator() : current_(0),map_(0)
boundary_point_index_iterator(bool is_begin,mapping_type const *map,rule_type mask) :
boundary_point_index_iterator(base_iterator p,mapping_type const *map,rule_type mask) :
boundary_point_type const &dereference() const
return value_;
bool equal(boundary_point_index_iterator const &other) const
return map_ == other.map_ && current_ == other.current_;
void increment()
size_t next = current_;
while(next < size()) {
void decrement()
size_t next = current_;
while(next>0) {
void set_end()
current_ = size();
value_ = boundary_point_type(map_->end(),0);
void set_begin()
current_ = 0;
value_ = boundary_point_type(map_->begin(),0);
void set(base_iterator p)
size_t dist = std::distance(map_->begin(),p);
index_type::const_iterator b=index().begin();
index_type::const_iterator e=index().end();
index_type::const_iterator ptr = std::lower_bound(b,e,break_info(dist));
current_=ptr - index().begin();
current_ ++;
std::ptrdiff_t diff = get_offset(current_) - dist;
void update_current(size_t pos)
std::ptrdiff_t diff = get_offset(pos) - get_offset(current_);
base_iterator i=value_.iterator();
current_ = pos;
void update_rule()
if(current_ != size()) {
size_t get_offset(size_t ind) const
if(ind == size())
return index().back().offset;
return index()[ind].offset;
bool valid_offset(size_t offset) const
return offset == 0
|| offset + 1 >= size() // last and first are always valid regardless of mark
|| (index()[offset].rule & mask_)!=0;
size_t size() const
return index().size();
index_type const &index() const
return map_->index();
boundary_point_type value_;
size_t current_;
mapping_type const *map_;
rule_type mask_;
} // details
/// \endcond
template<typename BaseIterator>
class segment_index;
template<typename BaseIterator>
class boundary_point_index;
/// \brief This class holds an index of segments in the text range and allows to iterate over them
/// This class is provides \ref begin() and \ref end() member functions that return bidirectional iterators
/// to the \ref segment objects.
/// It provides two options on way of selecting segments:
/// - \ref rule(rule_type mask) - a mask that allows to select only specific types of segments according to
/// various masks %as \ref word_any.
/// \n
/// The default is to select any types of boundaries.
/// \n
/// For example: using word %boundary analysis, when the provided mask is \ref word_kana then the iterators
/// would iterate only over the words containing Kana letters and \ref word_any would select all types of
/// words excluding ranges that consist of white space and punctuation marks. So iterating over the text
/// "to be or not to be?" with \ref word_any rule would return segments "to", "be", "or", "not", "to", "be", instead
/// of default "to", " ", "be", " ", "or", " ", "not", " ", "to", " ", "be", "?".
/// - \ref full_select(bool how) - a flag that defines the way a range is selected if the rule of the previous
/// %boundary point does not fit the selected rule.
/// \n
/// For example: We want to fetch all sentences from the following text: "Hello! How\nare you?".
/// \n
/// This text contains three %boundary points separating it to sentences by different rules:
/// - The exclamation mark "!" ends the sentence "Hello!"
/// - The line feed that splits the sentence "How\nare you?" into two parts.
/// - The question mark that ends the second sentence.
/// \n
/// If you would only change the \ref rule() to \ref sentence_term then the segment_index would
/// provide two sentences "Hello!" and "are you?" %as only them actually terminated with required
/// terminator "!" or "?". But changing \ref full_select() to true, the selected segment would include
/// all the text up to previous valid %boundary point and would return two expected sentences:
/// "Hello!" and "How\nare you?".
/// This class allows to find a segment according to the given iterator in range using \ref find() member
/// function.
/// \note
/// - Changing any of the options - \ref rule() or \ref full_select() and of course re-indexing the text
/// invalidates existing iterators and they can't be used any more.
/// - segment_index can be created from boundary_point_index or other segment_index that was created with
/// same \ref boundary_type. This is very fast operation %as they shared same index
/// and it does not require its regeneration.
/// \see
/// - \ref boundary_point_index
/// - \ref segment
/// - \ref boundary_point
template<typename BaseIterator>
class segment_index {
/// The type of the iterator used to iterate over the original text
typedef BaseIterator base_iterator;
/// The bidirectional iterator that iterates over \ref value_type objects.
/// - The iterators may be invalidated by use of any non-const member function
/// including but not limited to \ref rule(rule_type) and \ref full_select(bool).
/// - The returned value_type object is valid %as long %as iterator points to it.
/// So this following code is wrong %as t used after p was updated:
/// \code
/// segment_index<some_iterator>::iterator p=index.begin();
/// segment<some_iterator> &t = *p;
/// ++p;
/// std::cout << t.str() << std::endl;
/// \endcode
typedef unspecified_iterator_type iterator;
/// \copydoc iterator
typedef unspecified_iterator_type const_iterator;
typedef details::segment_index_iterator<base_iterator> iterator;
typedef details::segment_index_iterator<base_iterator> const_iterator;
/// The type dereferenced by the \ref iterator and \ref const_iterator. It is
/// an object that represents selected segment.
typedef segment<base_iterator> value_type;
/// Default constructor.
/// \note
/// When this object is constructed by default it does not include a valid index, thus
/// calling \ref begin(), \ref end() or \ref find() member functions would lead to undefined
/// behavior
segment_index() : mask_(0xFFFFFFFFu),full_select_(false)
/// Create a segment_index for %boundary analysis \ref boundary_type "type" of the text
/// in range [begin,end) using a rule \a mask for locale \a loc.
segment_index(boundary_type type,
base_iterator begin,
base_iterator end,
rule_type mask,
std::locale const &loc=std::locale())
/// Create a segment_index for %boundary analysis \ref boundary_type "type" of the text
/// in range [begin,end) selecting all possible segments (full mask) for locale \a loc.
segment_index(boundary_type type,
base_iterator begin,
base_iterator end,
std::locale const &loc=std::locale())
/// Create a segment_index from a \ref boundary_point_index. It copies all indexing information
/// and used default rule (all possible segments)
/// This operation is very cheap, so if you use boundary_point_index and segment_index on same text
/// range it is much better to create one from another rather then indexing the same
/// range twice.
/// \note \ref rule() flags are not copied
segment_index(boundary_point_index<base_iterator> const &);
/// Copy an index from a \ref boundary_point_index. It copies all indexing information
/// and uses the default rule (all possible segments)
/// This operation is very cheap, so if you use boundary_point_index and segment_index on same text
/// range it is much better to create one from another rather then indexing the same
/// range twice.
/// \note \ref rule() flags are not copied
segment_index const &operator = (boundary_point_index<base_iterator> const &);
/// Create a new index for %boundary analysis \ref boundary_type "type" of the text
/// in range [begin,end) for locale \a loc.
/// \note \ref rule() and \ref full_select() remain unchanged.
void map(boundary_type type,base_iterator begin,base_iterator end,std::locale const &loc=std::locale())
map_ = mapping_type(type,begin,end,loc);
/// Get the \ref iterator on the beginning of the segments range.
/// Preconditions: the segment_index should have a mapping
/// \note
/// The returned iterator is invalidated by access to any non-const member functions of this object
iterator begin() const
return iterator(true,&map_,mask_,full_select_);
/// Get the \ref iterator on the ending of the segments range.
/// Preconditions: the segment_index should have a mapping
/// The returned iterator is invalidated by access to any non-const member functions of this object
iterator end() const
return iterator(false,&map_,mask_,full_select_);
/// Find a first valid segment following a position \a p.
/// If \a p is inside a valid segment this segment is selected:
/// For example: For \ref word %boundary analysis with \ref word_any rule():
/// - "to| be or ", would point to "be",
/// - "t|o be or ", would point to "to",
/// - "to be or| ", would point to end.
/// Preconditions: the segment_index should have a mapping and \a p should be valid iterator
/// to the text in the mapped range.
/// The returned iterator is invalidated by access to any non-const member functions of this object
iterator find(base_iterator p) const
return iterator(p,&map_,mask_,full_select_);
/// Get the mask of rules that are used
rule_type rule() const
return mask_;
/// Set the mask of rules that are used
void rule(rule_type v)
mask_ = v;
/// Get the full_select property value - should segment include in the range
/// values that not belong to specific \ref rule() or not.
/// The default value is false.
/// For example for \ref sentence %boundary with rule \ref sentence_term the segments
/// of text "Hello! How\nare you?" are "Hello!\", "are you?" when full_select() is false
/// because "How\n" is selected %as sentence by a rule spits the text by line feed. If full_select()
/// is true the returned segments are "Hello! ", "How\nare you?" where "How\n" is joined with the
/// following part "are you?"
bool full_select() const
return full_select_;
/// Set the full_select property value - should segment include in the range
/// values that not belong to specific \ref rule() or not.
/// The default value is false.
/// For example for \ref sentence %boundary with rule \ref sentence_term the segments
/// of text "Hello! How\nare you?" are "Hello!\", "are you?" when full_select() is false
/// because "How\n" is selected %as sentence by a rule spits the text by line feed. If full_select()
/// is true the returned segments are "Hello! ", "How\nare you?" where "How\n" is joined with the
/// following part "are you?"
void full_select(bool v)
full_select_ = v;
friend class boundary_point_index<base_iterator>;
typedef details::mapping<base_iterator> mapping_type;
mapping_type map_;
rule_type mask_;
bool full_select_;
/// \brief This class holds an index of \ref boundary_point "boundary points" and allows iterating
/// over them.
/// This class is provides \ref begin() and \ref end() member functions that return bidirectional iterators
/// to the \ref boundary_point objects.
/// It provides an option that affects selecting %boundary points according to different rules:
/// using \ref rule(rule_type mask) member function. It allows to set a mask that select only specific
/// types of %boundary points like \ref sentence_term.
/// For example for a sentence %boundary analysis of a text "Hello! How\nare you?" when the default
/// rule is used the %boundary points would be:
/// - "|Hello! How\nare you?"
/// - "Hello! |How\nare you?"
/// - "Hello! How\n|are you?"
/// - "Hello! How\nare you?|"
/// However if \ref rule() is set to \ref sentence_term then the selected %boundary points would be:
/// - "|Hello! How\nare you?"
/// - "Hello! |How\nare you?"
/// - "Hello! How\nare you?|"
/// Such that a %boundary point defined by a line feed character would be ignored.
/// This class allows to find a boundary_point according to the given iterator in range using \ref find() member
/// function.
/// \note
/// - Even an empty text range [x,x) considered to have a one %boundary point x.
/// - \a a and \a b points of the range [a,b) are always considered %boundary points
/// regardless the rules used.
/// - Changing any of the option \ref rule() or course re-indexing the text
/// invalidates existing iterators and they can't be used any more.
/// - boundary_point_index can be created from segment_index or other boundary_point_index that was created with
/// same \ref boundary_type. This is very fast operation %as they shared same index
/// and it does not require its regeneration.
/// \see
/// - \ref segment_index
/// - \ref boundary_point
/// - \ref segment
template<typename BaseIterator>
class boundary_point_index {
/// The type of the iterator used to iterate over the original text
typedef BaseIterator base_iterator;
/// The bidirectional iterator that iterates over \ref value_type objects.
/// - The iterators may be invalidated by use of any non-const member function
/// including but not limited to \ref rule(rule_type) member function.
/// - The returned value_type object is valid %as long %as iterator points to it.
/// So this following code is wrong %as t used after p was updated:
/// \code
/// boundary_point_index<some_iterator>::iterator p=index.begin();
/// boundary_point<some_iterator> &t = *p;
/// ++p;
/// rule_type r = t->rule();
/// \endcode
typedef unspecified_iterator_type iterator;
/// \copydoc iterator
typedef unspecified_iterator_type const_iterator;
typedef details::boundary_point_index_iterator<base_iterator> iterator;
typedef details::boundary_point_index_iterator<base_iterator> const_iterator;
/// The type dereferenced by the \ref iterator and \ref const_iterator. It is
/// an object that represents the selected \ref boundary_point "boundary point".
typedef boundary_point<base_iterator> value_type;
/// Default constructor.
/// \note
/// When this object is constructed by default it does not include a valid index, thus
/// calling \ref begin(), \ref end() or \ref find() member functions would lead to undefined
/// behavior
boundary_point_index() : mask_(0xFFFFFFFFu)
/// Create a segment_index for %boundary analysis \ref boundary_type "type" of the text
/// in range [begin,end) using a rule \a mask for locale \a loc.
boundary_point_index(boundary_type type,
base_iterator begin,
base_iterator end,
rule_type mask,
std::locale const &loc=std::locale())
/// Create a segment_index for %boundary analysis \ref boundary_type "type" of the text
/// in range [begin,end) selecting all possible %boundary points (full mask) for locale \a loc.
boundary_point_index(boundary_type type,
base_iterator begin,
base_iterator end,
std::locale const &loc=std::locale())
/// Create a boundary_point_index from a \ref segment_index. It copies all indexing information
/// and uses the default rule (all possible %boundary points)
/// This operation is very cheap, so if you use boundary_point_index and segment_index on same text
/// range it is much better to create one from another rather then indexing the same
/// range twice.
/// \note \ref rule() flags are not copied
boundary_point_index(segment_index<base_iterator> const &other);
/// Copy a boundary_point_index from a \ref segment_index. It copies all indexing information
/// and keeps the current \ref rule() unchanged
/// This operation is very cheap, so if you use boundary_point_index and segment_index on same text
/// range it is much better to create one from another rather then indexing the same
/// range twice.
/// \note \ref rule() flags are not copied
boundary_point_index const &operator=(segment_index<base_iterator> const &other);
/// Create a new index for %boundary analysis \ref boundary_type "type" of the text
/// in range [begin,end) for locale \a loc.
/// \note \ref rule() remains unchanged.
void map(boundary_type type,base_iterator begin,base_iterator end,std::locale const &loc=std::locale())
map_ = mapping_type(type,begin,end,loc);
/// Get the \ref iterator on the beginning of the %boundary points range.
/// Preconditions: this boundary_point_index should have a mapping
/// \note
/// The returned iterator is invalidated by access to any non-const member functions of this object
iterator begin() const
return iterator(true,&map_,mask_);
/// Get the \ref iterator on the ending of the %boundary points range.
/// Preconditions: this boundary_point_index should have a mapping
/// \note
/// The returned iterator is invalidated by access to any non-const member functions of this object
iterator end() const
return iterator(false,&map_,mask_);
/// Find a first valid %boundary point on a position \a p or following it.
/// For example: For \ref word %boundary analysis of the text "to be or"
/// - "|to be", would return %boundary point at "|to be",
/// - "t|o be", would point to "to| be"
/// Preconditions: the boundary_point_index should have a mapping and \a p should be valid iterator
/// to the text in the mapped range.
/// The returned iterator is invalidated by access to any non-const member functions of this object
iterator find(base_iterator p) const
return iterator(p,&map_,mask_);
/// Get the mask of rules that are used
rule_type rule() const
return mask_;
/// Set the mask of rules that are used
void rule(rule_type v)
mask_ = v;
friend class segment_index<base_iterator>;
typedef details::mapping<base_iterator> mapping_type;
mapping_type map_;
rule_type mask_;
/// \cond INTERNAL
template<typename BaseIterator>
segment_index<BaseIterator>::segment_index(boundary_point_index<BaseIterator> const &other) :
template<typename BaseIterator>
boundary_point_index<BaseIterator>::boundary_point_index(segment_index<BaseIterator> const &other) :
template<typename BaseIterator>
segment_index<BaseIterator> const &segment_index<BaseIterator>::operator=(boundary_point_index<BaseIterator> const &other)
map_ = other.map_;
return *this;
template<typename BaseIterator>
boundary_point_index<BaseIterator> const &boundary_point_index<BaseIterator>::operator=(segment_index<BaseIterator> const &other)
map_ = other.map_;
return *this;
/// \endcond
typedef segment_index<std::string::const_iterator> ssegment_index; ///< convenience typedef
typedef segment_index<std::wstring::const_iterator> wssegment_index; ///< convenience typedef
typedef segment_index<std::u16string::const_iterator> u16ssegment_index;///< convenience typedef
typedef segment_index<std::u32string::const_iterator> u32ssegment_index;///< convenience typedef
typedef segment_index<char const *> csegment_index; ///< convenience typedef
typedef segment_index<wchar_t const *> wcsegment_index; ///< convenience typedef
typedef segment_index<char16_t const *> u16csegment_index; ///< convenience typedef
typedef segment_index<char32_t const *> u32csegment_index; ///< convenience typedef
typedef boundary_point_index<std::string::const_iterator> sboundary_point_index;///< convenience typedef
typedef boundary_point_index<std::wstring::const_iterator> wsboundary_point_index;///< convenience typedef
typedef boundary_point_index<std::u16string::const_iterator> u16sboundary_point_index;///< convenience typedef
typedef boundary_point_index<std::u32string::const_iterator> u32sboundary_point_index;///< convenience typedef
typedef boundary_point_index<char const *> cboundary_point_index; ///< convenience typedef
typedef boundary_point_index<wchar_t const *> wcboundary_point_index; ///< convenience typedef
typedef boundary_point_index<char16_t const *> u16cboundary_point_index;///< convenience typedef
typedef boundary_point_index<char32_t const *> u32cboundary_point_index;///< convenience typedef
} // boundary
} // locale
} // boost
/// \example boundary.cpp
/// Example of using segment_index
/// \example wboundary.cpp
/// Example of using segment_index over wide strings
#pragma warning(pop)