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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Copyright (c) 2019 Vinnie Falco (
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Official repository:
#include <boost/json/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/json/error.hpp>
#include <boost/json/storage_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/json/value.hpp>
#include <stddef.h>
/** A stack of @ref value elements, for building a document.
This stack of @ref value allows iterative
construction of a JSON document in memory.
The implementation uses temporary internal
storage to buffer elements so that arrays, objects,
and strings in the document are constructed using a
single memory allocation. This improves performance
and makes efficient use of the @ref memory_resource
used to create the resulting @ref value.
Temporary storage used by the implementation
initially comes from an optional memory buffer
owned by the caller. If that storage is exhausted,
then memory is obtained dynamically from the
@ref memory_resource provided on construction.
@par Usage
Construct the stack with an optional initial
temporary buffer, and a @ref storage_ptr to use for
more storage when the initial buffer is exhausted.
Then to build a @ref value, first call @ref reset
and optionally specify the @ref memory_resource
which will be used for the value. Then push elements
onto the stack by calling the corresponding functions.
After the document has been fully created, call
@ref release to acquire ownership of the top-level
@ref value.
@par Performance
The initial buffer and any dynamically allocated
temporary buffers are retained until the stack
is destroyed. This improves performance when using
a single stack instance to produce multiple
@par Example
The following code constructs a @ref value which
when serialized produces a JSON object with three
elements. It uses a local buffer for the temporary
storage, and a separate local buffer for the storage
of the resulting value. No memory is dynamically
allocated; this shows how to construct a value
without using the heap.
// This example builds a json::value without any dynamic memory allocations:
// Construct the value stack using a local buffer
unsigned char temp[4096];
value_stack st( storage_ptr(), temp, sizeof(temp) );
// Create a static resource with a local initial buffer
unsigned char buf[4096];
static_resource mr( buf, sizeof(buf) );
// All values on the stack will use `mr`
// Push the key/value pair "a":1.
// Push "b":null
// Push "c":"hello"
// Pop the three key/value pairs and push an object with those three values.
// Pop the object from the stack and take ownership.
value jv = st.release();
assert( serialize(jv) == "{\"a\":1,\"b\":null,\"c\":\"hello\"}" );
// At this point we could re-use the stack by calling reset
@par Thread Safety
Distinct instances may be accessed concurrently.
Non-const member functions of a shared instance
may not be called concurrently with any other
member functions of that instance.
class value_stack
class stack
min_size_ = 16
storage_ptr sp_;
void* temp_;
value* begin_;
value* top_;
value* end_;
// string starts at top_+1
std::size_t chars_ = 0;
bool run_dtors_ = true;
inline ~stack();
inline stack(
storage_ptr sp,
void* temp, std::size_t size) noexcept;
inline void run_dtors(bool b) noexcept;
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept;
inline bool has_chars();
inline void clear() noexcept;
inline void maybe_grow();
inline void grow_one();
inline void grow(std::size_t nchars);
inline void append(string_view s);
inline string_view release_string() noexcept;
inline value* release(std::size_t n) noexcept;
template<class... Args> value& push(Args&&... args);
template<class Unchecked> void exchange(Unchecked&& u);
stack st_;
storage_ptr sp_;
/// Copy constructor (deleted)
value_stack const&) = delete;
/// Copy assignment (deleted)
value_stack& operator=(
value_stack const&) = delete;
/** Destructor.
All dynamically allocated memory and
partial or complete elements is freed.
@par Complexity
Linear in the size of partial results.
@par Exception Safety
No-throw guarantee.
/** Constructor.
Constructs an empty stack. Before any
@ref value can be built, the function
@ref reset must be called.
The `sp` parameter is only used to allocate
intermediate storage; it will not be used
for the @ref value returned by @ref release.
@param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource
to use for intermediate storage allocations. If
this argument is omitted, the default memory
resource is used.
@param temp_buffer A pointer to a caller-owned
buffer which will be used to store temporary
data used while building the value. If this
pointer is null, the builder will use the
storage pointer to allocate temporary data.
@param temp_size The number of valid bytes of
storage pointed to by `temp_buffer`.
storage_ptr sp = {},
unsigned char* temp_buffer = nullptr,
std::size_t temp_size = 0) noexcept;
/** Prepare to build a new document.
This function must be called before constructing
a new top-level @ref value. Any previously existing
partial or complete elements are destroyed, but
internal dynamically allocated memory is preserved
which may be reused to build new values.
@par Exception Safety
No-throw guarantee.
@param sp A pointer to the @ref memory_resource
to use for top-level @ref value and all child
values. The stack will acquire shared ownership
of the memory resource until @ref release or
@ref reset is called, or when the stack is
reset(storage_ptr sp = {}) noexcept;
/** Return the top-level @ref value.
This function transfers ownership of the
constructed top-level value to the caller.
The behavior is undefined if there is not
a single, top-level element.
@par Exception Safety
No-throw guarantee.
@return A __value__ holding the result.
Ownership of this value is transferred
to the caller. Ownership of the memory
resource used in the last call to @ref reset
is released.
release() noexcept;
/** Push an array formed by popping `n` values from the stack.
This function pushes an @ref array value
onto the stack. The array is formed by first
popping the top `n` values from the stack.
If the stack contains fewer than `n` values,
or if any of the top `n` values on the stack
is a key, the behavior is undefined.
@par Example
The following statements produce an array
with the contents 1, 2, 3:
value_stack st;
// reset must be called first or else the behavior is undefined
// Place three values on the stack
st.push_int64( 1 );
st.push_int64( 2 );
st.push_int64( 3 );
// Remove the 3 values, and push an array with those 3 elements on the stack
st.push_array( 3 );
// Pop the object from the stack and take ownership.
value jv = st.release();
assert( serialize(jv) == "[1,2,3]" );
// At this point, reset must be called again to use the stack
@param n The number of values to pop from the
top of the stack to form the array.
push_array(std::size_t n);
/** Push an object formed by popping `n` key/value pairs from the stack.
This function pushes an @ref object value
onto the stack. The object is formed by first
popping the top `n` key/value pairs from the
stack. If the stack contains fewer than `n`
key/value pairs, or if any of the top `n` key/value
pairs on the stack does not consist of exactly one
key followed by one value, the behavior is undefined.
A key/value pair is formed by pushing a key, and then
pushing a value.
@par Example
The following code creates an object on the stack
with a single element, where key is "x" and value
is true:
value_stack st;
// reset must be called first or else the behavior is undefined
// Place a key/value pair onto the stack
st.push_key( "x" );
st.push_bool( true );
// Replace the key/value pair with an object containing a single element
st.push_object( 1 );
// Pop the object from the stack and take ownership.
value jv = st.release();
assert( serialize(jv) == "{\"x\",true}" );
// At this point, reset must be called again to use the stack
@par Duplicate Keys
If there are object elements with duplicate keys;
that is, if multiple elements in an object have
keys that compare equal, only the last equivalent
element will be inserted.
@param n The number of key/value pairs to pop from the
top of the stack to form the array.
push_object(std::size_t n);
/** Push part of a key or string onto the stack.
This function pushes the characters in `s` onto
the stack, appending to any existing characters
or creating new characters as needed. Once a
string part is placed onto the stack, the only
valid stack operations are:
@li @ref push_chars to append additional
characters to the key or string being built,
@li @ref push_key or @ref push_string to
finish building the key or string and place
the value onto the stack.
@par Exception Safety
Basic guarantee.
Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw.
@param s The characters to append. This may be empty.
string_view s);
/** Push a key onto the stack.
This function notionally removes all the
characters currently on the stack, then
pushes a @ref value containing a key onto
the stack formed by appending `s` to the
removed characters.
@par Exception Safety
Basic guarantee.
Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw.
@param s The characters to append. This may be empty.
string_view s);
/** Place a string value onto the stack.
This function notionally removes all the
characters currently on the stack, then
pushes a @ref value containing a @ref string
onto the stack formed by appending `s` to the
removed characters.
@par Exception Safety
Basic guarantee.
Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw.
@param s The characters to append. This may be empty.
string_view s);
/** Push a number onto the stack
This function pushes a number value onto the stack.
@par Exception Safety
Basic guarantee.
Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw.
@param i The number to insert.
int64_t i);
/** Push a number onto the stack
This function pushes a number value onto the stack.
@par Exception Safety
Basic guarantee.
Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw.
@param u The number to insert.
uint64_t u);
/** Push a number onto the stack
This function pushes a number value onto the stack.
@par Exception Safety
Basic guarantee.
Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw.
@param d The number to insert.
double d);
/** Push a `bool` onto the stack
This function pushes a boolean value onto the stack.
@par Exception Safety
Basic guarantee.
Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw.
@param b The boolean to insert.
bool b);
/** Push a null onto the stack
This function pushes a boolean value onto the stack.
@par Exception Safety
Basic guarantee.
Calls to `memory_resource::allocate` may throw.