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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Copyright (C) 2012 Flavio De Lorenzi (
// Copyright (C) 2013 Jakob Lykke Andersen, University of Southern Denmark
// (
// The algorithm implemented here is derived from original ideas by
// Pasquale Foggia and colaborators. For further information see
// e.g. Cordella et al. 2001, 2004.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Revision History:
// 8 April 2013: Fixed a typo in vf2_print_callback. (Flavio De Lorenzi)
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/concept/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/mcgregor_common_subgraphs.hpp> // for always_equivalent
#include <boost/graph/named_function_params.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/has_less.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm/sort.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#define BOOST_ISO_INCLUDED_ITER_MACROS // local macro, see bottom of file
#include <boost/graph/iteration_macros.hpp>
namespace boost
// Default print_callback
template < typename Graph1, typename Graph2 > struct vf2_print_callback
vf2_print_callback(const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2)
: graph1_(graph1), graph2_(graph2)
template < typename CorrespondenceMap1To2, typename CorrespondenceMap2To1 >
bool operator()(CorrespondenceMap1To2 f, CorrespondenceMap2To1) const
// Print (sub)graph isomorphism map
BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(v, graph1_, Graph1)
std::cout << '(' << get(vertex_index_t(), graph1_, v) << ", "
<< get(vertex_index_t(), graph2_, get(f, v)) << ") ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return true;
const Graph1& graph1_;
const Graph2& graph2_;
namespace detail
// State associated with a single graph (graph_this)
template < typename GraphThis, typename GraphOther, typename IndexMapThis,
typename IndexMapOther >
class base_state
typedef typename graph_traits< GraphThis >::vertex_descriptor
typedef typename graph_traits< GraphOther >::vertex_descriptor
typename graph_traits< GraphThis >::vertices_size_type size_type;
const GraphThis& graph_this_;
const GraphOther& graph_other_;
IndexMapThis index_map_this_;
IndexMapOther index_map_other_;
std::vector< vertex_other_type > core_vec_;
typedef iterator_property_map<
typename std::vector< vertex_other_type >::iterator, IndexMapThis,
vertex_other_type, vertex_other_type& >
core_map_type core_;
std::vector< size_type > in_vec_, out_vec_;
typedef iterator_property_map<
typename std::vector< size_type >::iterator, IndexMapThis,
size_type, size_type& >
in_out_map_type in_, out_;
size_type term_in_count_, term_out_count_, term_both_count_,
// Forbidden
base_state(const base_state&);
base_state& operator=(const base_state&);
base_state(const GraphThis& graph_this, const GraphOther& graph_other,
IndexMapThis index_map_this, IndexMapOther index_map_other)
: graph_this_(graph_this)
, graph_other_(graph_other)
, index_map_this_(index_map_this)
, index_map_other_(index_map_other)
, core_vec_(num_vertices(graph_this_),
graph_traits< GraphOther >::null_vertex())
, core_(core_vec_.begin(), index_map_this_)
, in_vec_(num_vertices(graph_this_), 0)
, out_vec_(num_vertices(graph_this_), 0)
, in_(in_vec_.begin(), index_map_this_)
, out_(out_vec_.begin(), index_map_this_)
, term_in_count_(0)
, term_out_count_(0)
, term_both_count_(0)
, core_count_(0)
// Adds a vertex pair to the state of graph graph_this
void push(
const vertex_this_type& v_this, const vertex_other_type& v_other)
put(core_, v_this, v_other);
if (!get(in_, v_this))
put(in_, v_this, core_count_);
if (get(out_, v_this))
if (!get(out_, v_this))
put(out_, v_this, core_count_);
if (get(in_, v_this))
BGL_FORALL_INEDGES_T(v_this, e, graph_this_, GraphThis)
vertex_this_type w = source(e, graph_this_);
if (!get(in_, w))
put(in_, w, core_count_);
if (get(out_, w))
BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES_T(v_this, e, graph_this_, GraphThis)
vertex_this_type w = target(e, graph_this_);
if (!get(out_, w))
put(out_, w, core_count_);
if (get(in_, w))
// Removes vertex pair from state of graph_this
void pop(const vertex_this_type& v_this, const vertex_other_type&)
if (!core_count_)
if (get(in_, v_this) == core_count_)
put(in_, v_this, 0);
if (get(out_, v_this))
BGL_FORALL_INEDGES_T(v_this, e, graph_this_, GraphThis)
vertex_this_type w = source(e, graph_this_);
if (get(in_, w) == core_count_)
put(in_, w, 0);
if (get(out_, w))
if (get(out_, v_this) == core_count_)
put(out_, v_this, 0);
if (get(in_, v_this))
BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES_T(v_this, e, graph_this_, GraphThis)
vertex_this_type w = target(e, graph_this_);
if (get(out_, w) == core_count_)
put(out_, w, 0);
if (get(in_, w))
put(core_, v_this, graph_traits< GraphOther >::null_vertex());
// Returns true if the in-terminal set is not empty
bool term_in() const { return core_count_ < term_in_count_; }
// Returns true if vertex belongs to the in-terminal set
bool term_in(const vertex_this_type& v) const
return (get(in_, v) > 0)
&& (get(core_, v) == graph_traits< GraphOther >::null_vertex());
// Returns true if the out-terminal set is not empty
bool term_out() const { return core_count_ < term_out_count_; }
// Returns true if vertex belongs to the out-terminal set
bool term_out(const vertex_this_type& v) const
return (get(out_, v) > 0)
&& (get(core_, v) == graph_traits< GraphOther >::null_vertex());
// Returns true of both (in- and out-terminal) sets are not empty
bool term_both() const { return core_count_ < term_both_count_; }
// Returns true if vertex belongs to both (in- and out-terminal) sets
bool term_both(const vertex_this_type& v) const
return (get(in_, v) > 0) && (get(out_, v) > 0)
&& (get(core_, v) == graph_traits< GraphOther >::null_vertex());
// Returns true if vertex belongs to the core map, i.e. it is in the
// present mapping
bool in_core(const vertex_this_type& v) const
return get(core_, v) != graph_traits< GraphOther >::null_vertex();
// Returns the number of vertices in the mapping
size_type count() const { return core_count_; }
// Returns the image (in graph_other) of vertex v (in graph_this)
vertex_other_type core(const vertex_this_type& v) const
return get(core_, v);
// Returns the mapping
core_map_type get_map() const { return core_; }
// Returns the "time" (or depth) when vertex was added to the
// in-terminal set
size_type in_depth(const vertex_this_type& v) const
return get(in_, v);
// Returns the "time" (or depth) when vertex was added to the
// out-terminal set
size_type out_depth(const vertex_this_type& v) const
return get(out_, v);
// Returns the terminal set counts
boost::tuple< size_type, size_type, size_type > term_set() const
return boost::make_tuple(
term_in_count_, term_out_count_, term_both_count_);
// Function object that checks whether a valid edge
// exists. For multi-graphs matched edges are excluded
template < typename Graph, typename Enable = void >
struct equivalent_edge_exists
typename boost::graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor edge_type;
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((LessThanComparable< edge_type >));
template < typename EdgePredicate >
bool operator()(typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor s,
typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor t,
EdgePredicate is_valid_edge, const Graph& g)
if ((target(e, g) == t) && is_valid_edge(e)
&& (matched_edges_.find(e) == matched_edges_.end()))
return true;
return false;
std::set< edge_type > matched_edges_;
template < typename Graph >
struct equivalent_edge_exists< Graph,
typename boost::disable_if< is_multigraph< Graph > >::type >
template < typename EdgePredicate >
bool operator()(typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor s,
typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor t,
EdgePredicate is_valid_edge, const Graph& g)
typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor e;
bool found;
boost::tie(e, found) = edge(s, t, g);
if (!found)
return false;
else if (is_valid_edge(e))
return true;
return false;
// Generates a predicate for edge e1 given a binary predicate and a
// fixed edge e2
template < typename Graph1, typename Graph2,
typename EdgeEquivalencePredicate >
struct edge1_predicate
edge1_predicate(EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp,
typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::edge_descriptor e2)
: edge_comp_(edge_comp), e2_(e2)
bool operator()(typename graph_traits< Graph1 >::edge_descriptor e1)
return edge_comp_(e1, e2_);
EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp_;
typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::edge_descriptor e2_;
// Generates a predicate for edge e2 given given a binary predicate and a
// fixed edge e1
template < typename Graph1, typename Graph2,
typename EdgeEquivalencePredicate >
struct edge2_predicate
edge2_predicate(EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp,
typename graph_traits< Graph1 >::edge_descriptor e1)
: edge_comp_(edge_comp), e1_(e1)
bool operator()(typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::edge_descriptor e2)
return edge_comp_(e1_, e2);
EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp_;
typename graph_traits< Graph1 >::edge_descriptor e1_;
enum problem_selector
// The actual state associated with both graphs
template < typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename IndexMap1,
typename IndexMap2, typename EdgeEquivalencePredicate,
typename VertexEquivalencePredicate, typename SubGraphIsoMapCallback,
problem_selector problem_selection >
class state
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph1 >::vertex_descriptor vertex1_type;
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::vertex_descriptor vertex2_type;
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph1 >::edge_descriptor edge1_type;
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::edge_descriptor edge2_type;
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph1 >::vertices_size_type
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::vertices_size_type
const Graph1& graph1_;
const Graph2& graph2_;
IndexMap1 index_map1_;
EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp_;
VertexEquivalencePredicate vertex_comp_;
base_state< Graph1, Graph2, IndexMap1, IndexMap2 > state1_;
base_state< Graph2, Graph1, IndexMap2, IndexMap1 > state2_;
// Three helper functions used in Feasibility and Valid functions to
// test terminal set counts when testing for:
// - graph sub-graph monomorphism, or
inline bool comp_term_sets(graph1_size_type a, graph2_size_type b,
boost::mpl::int_< subgraph_mono >) const
return a <= b;
// - graph sub-graph isomorphism, or
inline bool comp_term_sets(graph1_size_type a, graph2_size_type b,
boost::mpl::int_< subgraph_iso >) const
return a <= b;
// - graph isomorphism
inline bool comp_term_sets(graph1_size_type a, graph2_size_type b,
boost::mpl::int_< isomorphism >) const
return a == b;
// Forbidden
state(const state&);
state& operator=(const state&);
state(const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2, IndexMap1 index_map1,
IndexMap2 index_map2, EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp,
VertexEquivalencePredicate vertex_comp)
: graph1_(graph1)
, graph2_(graph2)
, index_map1_(index_map1)
, edge_comp_(edge_comp)
, vertex_comp_(vertex_comp)
, state1_(graph1, graph2, index_map1, index_map2)
, state2_(graph2, graph1, index_map2, index_map1)
// Add vertex pair to the state
void push(const vertex1_type& v, const vertex2_type& w)
state1_.push(v, w);
state2_.push(w, v);
// Remove vertex pair from state
void pop(const vertex1_type& v, const vertex2_type&)
vertex2_type w = state1_.core(v);
state1_.pop(v, w);
state2_.pop(w, v);
// Checks the feasibility of a new vertex pair
bool feasible(const vertex1_type& v_new, const vertex2_type& w_new)
if (!vertex_comp_(v_new, w_new))
return false;
// graph1
graph1_size_type term_in1_count = 0, term_out1_count = 0,
rest1_count = 0;
equivalent_edge_exists< Graph2 > edge2_exists;
BGL_FORALL_INEDGES_T(v_new, e1, graph1_, Graph1)
vertex1_type v = source(e1, graph1_);
if (state1_.in_core(v) || (v == v_new))
vertex2_type w = w_new;
if (v != v_new)
w = state1_.core(v);
if (!edge2_exists(w, w_new,
edge2_predicate< Graph1, Graph2,
EdgeEquivalencePredicate >(edge_comp_, e1),
return false;
if (0 < state1_.in_depth(v))
if (0 < state1_.out_depth(v))
if ((state1_.in_depth(v) == 0)
&& (state1_.out_depth(v) == 0))
equivalent_edge_exists< Graph2 > edge2_exists;
BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES_T(v_new, e1, graph1_, Graph1)
vertex1_type v = target(e1, graph1_);
if (state1_.in_core(v) || (v == v_new))
vertex2_type w = w_new;
if (v != v_new)
w = state1_.core(v);
if (!edge2_exists(w_new, w,
edge2_predicate< Graph1, Graph2,
EdgeEquivalencePredicate >(edge_comp_, e1),
return false;
if (0 < state1_.in_depth(v))
if (0 < state1_.out_depth(v))
if ((state1_.in_depth(v) == 0)
&& (state1_.out_depth(v) == 0))
// graph2
graph2_size_type term_out2_count = 0, term_in2_count = 0,
rest2_count = 0;
equivalent_edge_exists< Graph1 > edge1_exists;
BGL_FORALL_INEDGES_T(w_new, e2, graph2_, Graph2)
vertex2_type w = source(e2, graph2_);
if (state2_.in_core(w) || (w == w_new))
if (problem_selection != subgraph_mono)
vertex1_type v = v_new;
if (w != w_new)
v = state2_.core(w);
if (!edge1_exists(v, v_new,
edge1_predicate< Graph1, Graph2,
EdgeEquivalencePredicate >(
edge_comp_, e2),
return false;
if (0 < state2_.in_depth(w))
if (0 < state2_.out_depth(w))
if ((state2_.in_depth(w) == 0)
&& (state2_.out_depth(w) == 0))
equivalent_edge_exists< Graph1 > edge1_exists;
BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES_T(w_new, e2, graph2_, Graph2)
vertex2_type w = target(e2, graph2_);
if (state2_.in_core(w) || (w == w_new))
if (problem_selection != subgraph_mono)
vertex1_type v = v_new;
if (w != w_new)
v = state2_.core(w);
if (!edge1_exists(v_new, v,
edge1_predicate< Graph1, Graph2,
EdgeEquivalencePredicate >(
edge_comp_, e2),
return false;
if (0 < state2_.in_depth(w))
if (0 < state2_.out_depth(w))
if ((state2_.in_depth(w) == 0)
&& (state2_.out_depth(w) == 0))
if (problem_selection != subgraph_mono)
{ // subgraph_iso and isomorphism
return comp_term_sets(term_in1_count, term_in2_count,
boost::mpl::int_< problem_selection >())
&& comp_term_sets(term_out1_count, term_out2_count,
boost::mpl::int_< problem_selection >())
&& comp_term_sets(rest1_count, rest2_count,
boost::mpl::int_< problem_selection >());
{ // subgraph_mono
return comp_term_sets(term_in1_count, term_in2_count,
boost::mpl::int_< problem_selection >())
&& comp_term_sets(term_out1_count, term_out2_count,
boost::mpl::int_< problem_selection >())
&& comp_term_sets(
term_in1_count + term_out1_count + rest1_count,
term_in2_count + term_out2_count + rest2_count,
boost::mpl::int_< problem_selection >());
// Returns true if vertex v in graph1 is a possible candidate to
// be added to the current state
bool possible_candidate1(const vertex1_type& v) const
if (state1_.term_both() && state2_.term_both())
return state1_.term_both(v);
else if (state1_.term_out() && state2_.term_out())
return state1_.term_out(v);
else if (state1_.term_in() && state2_.term_in())
return state1_.term_in(v);
return !state1_.in_core(v);
// Returns true if vertex w in graph2 is a possible candidate to
// be added to the current state
bool possible_candidate2(const vertex2_type& w) const
if (state1_.term_both() && state2_.term_both())
return state2_.term_both(w);
else if (state1_.term_out() && state2_.term_out())
return state2_.term_out(w);
else if (state1_.term_in() && state2_.term_in())
return state2_.term_in(w);
return !state2_.in_core(w);
// Returns true if a mapping was found
bool success() const
return state1_.count() == num_vertices(graph1_);
// Returns true if a state is valid
bool valid() const
boost::tuple< graph1_size_type, graph1_size_type, graph1_size_type >
boost::tuple< graph2_size_type, graph2_size_type, graph2_size_type >
term1 = state1_.term_set();
term2 = state2_.term_set();
return comp_term_sets(boost::get< 0 >(term1),
boost::get< 0 >(term2),
boost::mpl::int_< problem_selection >())
&& comp_term_sets(boost::get< 1 >(term1),
boost::get< 1 >(term2),
boost::mpl::int_< problem_selection >())
&& comp_term_sets(boost::get< 2 >(term1),
boost::get< 2 >(term2),
boost::mpl::int_< problem_selection >());
// Calls the user_callback with a graph (sub)graph mapping
bool call_back(SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback) const
return user_callback(state1_.get_map(), state2_.get_map());
// Data structure to keep info used for back tracking during
// matching process
template < typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename VertexOrder1 >
struct vf2_match_continuation
typename VertexOrder1::const_iterator graph1_verts_iter;
typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::vertex_iterator graph2_verts_iter;
// Non-recursive method that explores state space using a depth-first
// search strategy. At each depth possible pairs candidate are compute
// and tested for feasibility to extend the mapping. If a complete
// mapping is found, the mapping is output to user_callback in the form
// of a correspondence map (graph1 to graph2). Returning false from the
// user_callback will terminate the search. Function match will return
// true if the entire search space was explored.
template < typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename IndexMap1,
typename IndexMap2, typename VertexOrder1,
typename EdgeEquivalencePredicate, typename VertexEquivalencePredicate,
typename SubGraphIsoMapCallback, problem_selector problem_selection >
bool match(const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2,
SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback, const VertexOrder1& vertex_order1,
state< Graph1, Graph2, IndexMap1, IndexMap2, EdgeEquivalencePredicate,
VertexEquivalencePredicate, SubGraphIsoMapCallback,
problem_selection >& s)
typename VertexOrder1::const_iterator graph1_verts_iter;
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::vertex_iterator
vertex2_iterator_type graph2_verts_iter, graph2_verts_iter_end;
typedef vf2_match_continuation< Graph1, Graph2, VertexOrder1 >
std::vector< match_continuation_type > k;
bool found_match = false;
if (s.success())
if (!s.call_back(user_callback))
return true;
found_match = true;
goto back_track;
if (!s.valid())
goto back_track;
graph1_verts_iter = vertex_order1.begin();
while (graph1_verts_iter != vertex_order1.end()
&& !s.possible_candidate1(*graph1_verts_iter))
boost::tie(graph2_verts_iter, graph2_verts_iter_end) = vertices(graph2);
while (graph2_verts_iter != graph2_verts_iter_end)
if (s.possible_candidate2(*graph2_verts_iter))
if (s.feasible(*graph1_verts_iter, *graph2_verts_iter))
match_continuation_type kk;
kk.graph1_verts_iter = graph1_verts_iter;
kk.graph2_verts_iter = graph2_verts_iter;
s.push(*graph1_verts_iter, *graph2_verts_iter);
goto recur;
if (k.empty())
return found_match;
const match_continuation_type kk = k.back();
graph1_verts_iter = kk.graph1_verts_iter;
graph2_verts_iter = kk.graph2_verts_iter;
s.pop(*graph1_verts_iter, *graph2_verts_iter);
goto graph2_loop;
// Used to sort nodes by in/out degrees
template < typename Graph > struct vertex_in_out_degree_cmp
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor vertex_type;
vertex_in_out_degree_cmp(const Graph& graph) : graph_(graph) {}
bool operator()(const vertex_type& v, const vertex_type& w) const
// lexicographical comparison
return std::make_pair(in_degree(v, graph_), out_degree(v, graph_))
< std::make_pair(in_degree(w, graph_), out_degree(w, graph_));
const Graph& graph_;
// Used to sort nodes by multiplicity of in/out degrees
template < typename Graph, typename FrequencyMap >
struct vertex_frequency_degree_cmp
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor vertex_type;
vertex_frequency_degree_cmp(const Graph& graph, FrequencyMap freq)
: graph_(graph), freq_(freq)
bool operator()(const vertex_type& v, const vertex_type& w) const
// lexicographical comparison
return std::make_pair(
freq_[v], in_degree(v, graph_) + out_degree(v, graph_))
< std::make_pair(
freq_[w], in_degree(w, graph_) + out_degree(w, graph_));
const Graph& graph_;
FrequencyMap freq_;
// Sorts vertices of a graph by multiplicity of in/out degrees
template < typename Graph, typename IndexMap, typename VertexOrder >
void sort_vertices(
const Graph& graph, IndexMap index_map, VertexOrder& order)
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertices_size_type size_type;
boost::range::sort(order, vertex_in_out_degree_cmp< Graph >(graph));
std::vector< size_type > freq_vec(num_vertices(graph), 0);
typedef iterator_property_map<
typename std::vector< size_type >::iterator, IndexMap, size_type,
size_type& >
frequency_map_type freq
= make_iterator_property_map(freq_vec.begin(), index_map);
typedef typename VertexOrder::iterator order_iterator;
for (order_iterator order_iter = order.begin();
order_iter != order.end();)
size_type count = 0;
for (order_iterator count_iter = order_iter;
(count_iter != order.end())
&& (in_degree(*order_iter, graph)
== in_degree(*count_iter, graph))
&& (out_degree(*order_iter, graph)
== out_degree(*count_iter, graph));
for (size_type i = 0; i < count; ++i)
freq[*order_iter] = count;
vertex_frequency_degree_cmp< Graph, frequency_map_type >(
graph, freq));
// Enumerates all graph sub-graph mono-/iso-morphism mappings between graphs
// graph_small and graph_large. Continues until user_callback returns true
// or the search space has been fully explored.
template < problem_selector problem_selection, typename GraphSmall,
typename GraphLarge, typename IndexMapSmall, typename IndexMapLarge,
typename VertexOrderSmall, typename EdgeEquivalencePredicate,
typename VertexEquivalencePredicate, typename SubGraphIsoMapCallback >
bool vf2_subgraph_morphism(const GraphSmall& graph_small,
const GraphLarge& graph_large, SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback,
IndexMapSmall index_map_small, IndexMapLarge index_map_large,
const VertexOrderSmall& vertex_order_small,
EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp,
VertexEquivalencePredicate vertex_comp)
// Graph requirements
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((BidirectionalGraphConcept< GraphSmall >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((VertexListGraphConcept< GraphSmall >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((EdgeListGraphConcept< GraphSmall >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((AdjacencyMatrixConcept< GraphSmall >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((BidirectionalGraphConcept< GraphLarge >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((VertexListGraphConcept< GraphLarge >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((EdgeListGraphConcept< GraphLarge >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((AdjacencyMatrixConcept< GraphLarge >));
typedef typename graph_traits< GraphSmall >::vertex_descriptor
typedef typename graph_traits< GraphLarge >::vertex_descriptor
typedef typename graph_traits< GraphSmall >::vertices_size_type
typedef typename graph_traits< GraphLarge >::vertices_size_type
// Property map requirements
(ReadablePropertyMapConcept< IndexMapSmall, vertex_small_type >));
typedef typename property_traits< IndexMapSmall >::value_type
(is_convertible< IndexMapSmallValue, size_type_small >::value));
(ReadablePropertyMapConcept< IndexMapLarge, vertex_large_type >));
typedef typename property_traits< IndexMapLarge >::value_type
(is_convertible< IndexMapLargeValue, size_type_large >::value));
// Edge & vertex requirements
typedef typename graph_traits< GraphSmall >::edge_descriptor
typedef typename graph_traits< GraphLarge >::edge_descriptor
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((BinaryPredicateConcept< EdgeEquivalencePredicate,
edge_small_type, edge_large_type >));
(BinaryPredicateConcept< VertexEquivalencePredicate,
vertex_small_type, vertex_large_type >));
// Vertex order requirements
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ContainerConcept< VertexOrderSmall >));
typedef typename VertexOrderSmall::value_type order_value_type;
(is_same< vertex_small_type, order_value_type >::value));
BOOST_ASSERT(num_vertices(graph_small) == vertex_order_small.size());
if (num_vertices(graph_small) > num_vertices(graph_large))
return false;
typename graph_traits< GraphSmall >::edges_size_type num_edges_small
= num_edges(graph_small);
typename graph_traits< GraphLarge >::edges_size_type num_edges_large
= num_edges(graph_large);
// Double the number of edges for undirected graphs: each edge counts as
// in-edge and out-edge
if (is_undirected(graph_small))
num_edges_small *= 2;
if (is_undirected(graph_large))
num_edges_large *= 2;
if (num_edges_small > num_edges_large)
return false;
detail::state< GraphSmall, GraphLarge, IndexMapSmall, IndexMapLarge,
EdgeEquivalencePredicate, VertexEquivalencePredicate,
SubGraphIsoMapCallback, problem_selection >
s(graph_small, graph_large, index_map_small, index_map_large,
edge_comp, vertex_comp);
return detail::match(
graph_small, graph_large, user_callback, vertex_order_small, s);
} // namespace detail
// Returns vertex order (vertices sorted by multiplicity of in/out degrees)
template < typename Graph >
std::vector< typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor >
vertex_order_by_mult(const Graph& graph)
std::vector< typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor >
std::copy(vertices(graph).first, vertices(graph).second,
detail::sort_vertices(graph, get(vertex_index, graph), vertex_order);
return vertex_order;
// Enumerates all graph sub-graph monomorphism mappings between graphs
// graph_small and graph_large. Continues until user_callback returns true or
// the search space has been fully explored.
template < typename GraphSmall, typename GraphLarge, typename IndexMapSmall,
typename IndexMapLarge, typename VertexOrderSmall,
typename EdgeEquivalencePredicate, typename VertexEquivalencePredicate,
typename SubGraphIsoMapCallback >
bool vf2_subgraph_mono(const GraphSmall& graph_small,
const GraphLarge& graph_large, SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback,
IndexMapSmall index_map_small, IndexMapLarge index_map_large,
const VertexOrderSmall& vertex_order_small,
EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp, VertexEquivalencePredicate vertex_comp)
return detail::vf2_subgraph_morphism< detail::subgraph_mono >(graph_small,
graph_large, user_callback, index_map_small, index_map_large,
vertex_order_small, edge_comp, vertex_comp);
// All default interface for vf2_subgraph_iso
template < typename GraphSmall, typename GraphLarge,
typename SubGraphIsoMapCallback >
bool vf2_subgraph_mono(const GraphSmall& graph_small,
const GraphLarge& graph_large, SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback)
return vf2_subgraph_mono(graph_small, graph_large, user_callback,
get(vertex_index, graph_small), get(vertex_index, graph_large),
vertex_order_by_mult(graph_small), always_equivalent(),
// Named parameter interface of vf2_subgraph_iso
template < typename GraphSmall, typename GraphLarge, typename VertexOrderSmall,
typename SubGraphIsoMapCallback, typename Param, typename Tag,
typename Rest >
bool vf2_subgraph_mono(const GraphSmall& graph_small,
const GraphLarge& graph_large, SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback,
const VertexOrderSmall& vertex_order_small,
const bgl_named_params< Param, Tag, Rest >& params)
return vf2_subgraph_mono(graph_small, graph_large, user_callback,
get_param(params, vertex_index1), graph_small, vertex_index),
get_param(params, vertex_index2), graph_large, vertex_index),
get_param(params, edges_equivalent_t()), always_equivalent()),
get_param(params, vertices_equivalent_t()), always_equivalent()));
// Enumerates all graph sub-graph isomorphism mappings between graphs
// graph_small and graph_large. Continues until user_callback returns true or
// the search space has been fully explored.
template < typename GraphSmall, typename GraphLarge, typename IndexMapSmall,
typename IndexMapLarge, typename VertexOrderSmall,
typename EdgeEquivalencePredicate, typename VertexEquivalencePredicate,
typename SubGraphIsoMapCallback >
bool vf2_subgraph_iso(const GraphSmall& graph_small,
const GraphLarge& graph_large, SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback,
IndexMapSmall index_map_small, IndexMapLarge index_map_large,
const VertexOrderSmall& vertex_order_small,
EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp, VertexEquivalencePredicate vertex_comp)
return detail::vf2_subgraph_morphism< detail::subgraph_iso >(graph_small,
graph_large, user_callback, index_map_small, index_map_large,
vertex_order_small, edge_comp, vertex_comp);
// All default interface for vf2_subgraph_iso
template < typename GraphSmall, typename GraphLarge,
typename SubGraphIsoMapCallback >
bool vf2_subgraph_iso(const GraphSmall& graph_small,
const GraphLarge& graph_large, SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback)
return vf2_subgraph_iso(graph_small, graph_large, user_callback,
get(vertex_index, graph_small), get(vertex_index, graph_large),
vertex_order_by_mult(graph_small), always_equivalent(),
// Named parameter interface of vf2_subgraph_iso
template < typename GraphSmall, typename GraphLarge, typename VertexOrderSmall,
typename SubGraphIsoMapCallback, typename Param, typename Tag,
typename Rest >
bool vf2_subgraph_iso(const GraphSmall& graph_small,
const GraphLarge& graph_large, SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback,
const VertexOrderSmall& vertex_order_small,
const bgl_named_params< Param, Tag, Rest >& params)
return vf2_subgraph_iso(graph_small, graph_large, user_callback,
get_param(params, vertex_index1), graph_small, vertex_index),
get_param(params, vertex_index2), graph_large, vertex_index),
get_param(params, edges_equivalent_t()), always_equivalent()),
get_param(params, vertices_equivalent_t()), always_equivalent()));
// Enumerates all isomorphism mappings between graphs graph1_ and graph2_.
// Continues until user_callback returns true or the search space has been
// fully explored.
template < typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename IndexMap1,
typename IndexMap2, typename VertexOrder1,
typename EdgeEquivalencePredicate, typename VertexEquivalencePredicate,
typename GraphIsoMapCallback >
bool vf2_graph_iso(const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2,
GraphIsoMapCallback user_callback, IndexMap1 index_map1,
IndexMap2 index_map2, const VertexOrder1& vertex_order1,
EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp, VertexEquivalencePredicate vertex_comp)
// Graph requirements
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((BidirectionalGraphConcept< Graph1 >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((VertexListGraphConcept< Graph1 >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((EdgeListGraphConcept< Graph1 >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((AdjacencyMatrixConcept< Graph1 >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((BidirectionalGraphConcept< Graph2 >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((VertexListGraphConcept< Graph2 >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((EdgeListGraphConcept< Graph2 >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((AdjacencyMatrixConcept< Graph2 >));
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph1 >::vertex_descriptor vertex1_type;
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::vertex_descriptor vertex2_type;
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph1 >::vertices_size_type size_type1;
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::vertices_size_type size_type2;
// Property map requirements
(ReadablePropertyMapConcept< IndexMap1, vertex1_type >));
typedef typename property_traits< IndexMap1 >::value_type IndexMap1Value;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_convertible< IndexMap1Value, size_type1 >::value));
(ReadablePropertyMapConcept< IndexMap2, vertex2_type >));
typedef typename property_traits< IndexMap2 >::value_type IndexMap2Value;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_convertible< IndexMap2Value, size_type2 >::value));
// Edge & vertex requirements
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph1 >::edge_descriptor edge1_type;
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::edge_descriptor edge2_type;
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((BinaryPredicateConcept< EdgeEquivalencePredicate,
edge1_type, edge2_type >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((BinaryPredicateConcept< VertexEquivalencePredicate,
vertex1_type, vertex2_type >));
// Vertex order requirements
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((ContainerConcept< VertexOrder1 >));
typedef typename VertexOrder1::value_type order_value_type;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same< vertex1_type, order_value_type >::value));
BOOST_ASSERT(num_vertices(graph1) == vertex_order1.size());
if (num_vertices(graph1) != num_vertices(graph2))
return false;
typename graph_traits< Graph1 >::edges_size_type num_edges1
= num_edges(graph1);
typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::edges_size_type num_edges2
= num_edges(graph2);
// Double the number of edges for undirected graphs: each edge counts as
// in-edge and out-edge
if (is_undirected(graph1))
num_edges1 *= 2;
if (is_undirected(graph2))
num_edges2 *= 2;
if (num_edges1 != num_edges2)
return false;
detail::state< Graph1, Graph2, IndexMap1, IndexMap2,
EdgeEquivalencePredicate, VertexEquivalencePredicate,
GraphIsoMapCallback, detail::isomorphism >
s(graph1, graph2, index_map1, index_map2, edge_comp, vertex_comp);
return detail::match(graph1, graph2, user_callback, vertex_order1, s);
// All default interface for vf2_graph_iso
template < typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename GraphIsoMapCallback >
bool vf2_graph_iso(const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2,
GraphIsoMapCallback user_callback)
return vf2_graph_iso(graph1, graph2, user_callback,
get(vertex_index, graph1), get(vertex_index, graph2),
vertex_order_by_mult(graph1), always_equivalent(), always_equivalent());
// Named parameter interface of vf2_graph_iso
template < typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename VertexOrder1,
typename GraphIsoMapCallback, typename Param, typename Tag, typename Rest >
bool vf2_graph_iso(const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2,
GraphIsoMapCallback user_callback, const VertexOrder1& vertex_order1,
const bgl_named_params< Param, Tag, Rest >& params)
return vf2_graph_iso(graph1, graph2, user_callback,
get_param(params, vertex_index1), graph1, vertex_index),
get_param(params, vertex_index2), graph2, vertex_index),
get_param(params, edges_equivalent_t()), always_equivalent()),
get_param(params, vertices_equivalent_t()), always_equivalent()));
// Verifies a graph (sub)graph isomorphism map
template < typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename CorresponenceMap1To2,
typename EdgeEquivalencePredicate, typename VertexEquivalencePredicate >
inline bool verify_vf2_subgraph_iso(const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2,
const CorresponenceMap1To2 f, EdgeEquivalencePredicate edge_comp,
VertexEquivalencePredicate vertex_comp)
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((EdgeListGraphConcept< Graph1 >));
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((AdjacencyMatrixConcept< Graph2 >));
detail::equivalent_edge_exists< Graph2 > edge2_exists;
BGL_FORALL_EDGES_T(e1, graph1, Graph1)
typename graph_traits< Graph1 >::vertex_descriptor s1, t1;
typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::vertex_descriptor s2, t2;
s1 = source(e1, graph1);
t1 = target(e1, graph1);
s2 = get(f, s1);
t2 = get(f, t1);
if (!vertex_comp(s1, s2) || !vertex_comp(t1, t2))
return false;
typename graph_traits< Graph2 >::edge_descriptor e2;
if (!edge2_exists(s2, t2,
detail::edge2_predicate< Graph1, Graph2,
EdgeEquivalencePredicate >(edge_comp, e1),
return false;
return true;
// Variant of verify_subgraph_iso with all default parameters
template < typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename CorresponenceMap1To2 >
inline bool verify_vf2_subgraph_iso(
const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2, const CorresponenceMap1To2 f)
return verify_vf2_subgraph_iso(
graph1, graph2, f, always_equivalent(), always_equivalent());
} // namespace boost
#include <boost/graph/iteration_macros_undef.hpp>