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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Copyright (c) 2015 Jakub Szuppe <>
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0
// See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for more information.
#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/functional.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/detail/meta_kernel.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/detail/is_buffer_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/detail/read_write_single_value.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/iterator/detail/get_base_iterator_buffer.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/type_traits/is_device_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/type_traits/result_of.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace compute {
// forward declaration for strided_iterator
template<class Iterator>
class strided_iterator;
namespace detail {
// helper class which defines the iterator_adaptor super-class
// type for strided_iterator
template<class Iterator>
class strided_iterator_base
typedef ::boost::iterator_adaptor<
typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type,
typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category
> type;
// helper class for including stride value in index expression
template<class IndexExpr, class Stride>
struct stride_expr
stride_expr(const IndexExpr &expr, const Stride &stride)
: m_index_expr(expr),
const IndexExpr m_index_expr;
const Stride m_stride;
template<class IndexExpr, class Stride>
inline stride_expr<IndexExpr, Stride> make_stride_expr(const IndexExpr &expr,
const Stride &stride)
return stride_expr<IndexExpr, Stride>(expr, stride);
template<class IndexExpr, class Stride>
inline meta_kernel& operator<<(meta_kernel &kernel,
const stride_expr<IndexExpr, Stride> &expr)
// (expr.m_stride * (expr.m_index_expr))
return kernel << "(" << static_cast<ulong_>(expr.m_stride)
<< " * (" << expr.m_index_expr << "))";
template<class Iterator, class Stride, class IndexExpr>
struct strided_iterator_index_expr
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type result_type;
strided_iterator_index_expr(const Iterator &input_iter,
const Stride &stride,
const IndexExpr &index_expr)
: m_input_iter(input_iter),
const Iterator m_input_iter;
const Stride m_stride;
const IndexExpr m_index_expr;
template<class Iterator, class Stride, class IndexExpr>
inline meta_kernel& operator<<(meta_kernel &kernel,
const strided_iterator_index_expr<Iterator,
IndexExpr> &expr)
return kernel << expr.m_input_iter[make_stride_expr(expr.m_index_expr, expr.m_stride)];
} // end detail namespace
/// \class strided_iterator
/// \brief An iterator adaptor with adjustable iteration step.
/// The strided iterator adaptor skips over multiple elements each time
/// it is incremented or decremented.
/// \see buffer_iterator, make_strided_iterator(), make_strided_iterator_end()
template<class Iterator>
class strided_iterator :
public detail::strided_iterator_base<Iterator>::type
typedef typename
detail::strided_iterator_base<Iterator>::type super_type;
typedef typename super_type::value_type value_type;
typedef typename super_type::reference reference;
typedef typename super_type::base_type base_type;
typedef typename super_type::difference_type difference_type;
strided_iterator(Iterator iterator, difference_type stride)
: super_type(iterator),
// stride must be greater than zero
BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(stride > 0, "Stride must be greater than zero");
strided_iterator(const strided_iterator<Iterator> &other)
: super_type(other.base()),
operator=(const strided_iterator<Iterator> &other)
if(this != &other){
m_stride = other.m_stride;
return *this;
size_t get_index() const
return super_type::base().get_index();
const buffer& get_buffer() const
return detail::get_base_iterator_buffer(*this);
template<class IndexExpression>
detail::strided_iterator_index_expr<Iterator, difference_type, IndexExpression>
operator[](const IndexExpression &expr) const
typename detail::strided_iterator_index_expr<Iterator,
return StridedIndexExprType(super_type::base(),m_stride, expr);
friend class ::boost::iterator_core_access;
reference dereference() const
return reference();
bool equal(const strided_iterator<Iterator> &other) const
return (other.m_stride == m_stride)
&& (other.base_reference() == this->base_reference());
void increment()
std::advance(super_type::base_reference(), m_stride);
void decrement()
void advance(typename super_type::difference_type n)
std::advance(super_type::base_reference(), n * m_stride);
difference_type distance_to(const strided_iterator<Iterator> &other) const
return std::distance(this->base_reference(), other.base_reference()) / m_stride;
difference_type m_stride;
/// Returns a strided_iterator for \p iterator with \p stride.
/// \param iterator the underlying iterator
/// \param stride the iteration step for strided_iterator
/// \return a \c strided_iterator for \p iterator with \p stride.
/// For example, to create an iterator which iterates over every other
/// element in a \c vector<int>:
/// \code
/// auto strided_iterator = make_strided_iterator(vec.begin(), 2);
/// \endcode
template<class Iterator>
inline strided_iterator<Iterator>
make_strided_iterator(Iterator iterator,
typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type stride)
return strided_iterator<Iterator>(iterator, stride);
/// Returns a strided_iterator which refers to element that would follow
/// the last element accessible through strided_iterator for \p first iterator
/// with \p stride.
/// Parameter \p stride must be greater than zero.
/// \param first the iterator referring to the first element accessible
/// through strided_iterator for \p first with \p stride
/// \param last the iterator referring to the last element that may be
//// accessible through strided_iterator for \p first with \p stride
/// \param stride the iteration step
/// \return a \c strided_iterator referring to element that would follow
/// the last element accessible through strided_iterator for \p first
/// iterator with \p stride.
/// It can be helpful when iterating over strided_iterator:
/// \code
/// // vec.size() may not be divisible by 3
/// auto strided_iterator_begin = make_strided_iterator(vec.begin(), 3);
/// auto strided_iterator_end = make_strided_iterator_end(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 3);
/// // copy every 3rd element to result
/// boost::compute::copy(
/// strided_iterator_begin,
/// strided_iterator_end,
/// result.begin(),
/// queue
/// );
/// \endcode
template<class Iterator>
make_strided_iterator_end(Iterator first,
Iterator last,
typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type stride)
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type difference_type;
// calculate distance from end to the last element that would be
// accessible through strided_iterator.
difference_type range = std::distance(first, last);
difference_type d = (range - 1) / stride;
d *= stride;
d -= range;
// advance from end to the element that would follow the last
// accessible element
Iterator end_for_strided_iterator = last;
std::advance(end_for_strided_iterator, d + stride);
return strided_iterator<Iterator>(end_for_strided_iterator, stride);
/// \internal_ (is_device_iterator specialization for strided_iterator)
template<class Iterator>
struct is_device_iterator<strided_iterator<Iterator> > : boost::true_type {};
} // end compute namespace
} // end boost namespace