117 lines
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117 lines
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#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "carla/client/ActorList.h"
#include "carla/client/Timestamp.h"
#include "carla/client/World.h"
#include "carla/Memory.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/AtomicActorSet.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/CollisionStage.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/DataStructures.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/InMemoryMap.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/LocalizationStage.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/MotionPlanStage.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/Parameters.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/RandomGenerator.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/SimulationState.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/TrafficLightStage.h"
#include "carla/trafficmanager/VehicleLightStage.h"
namespace carla {
namespace traffic_manager {
using namespace constants::HybridMode;
using namespace constants::VehicleRemoval;
namespace chr = std::chrono;
namespace cg = carla::geom;
namespace cc = carla::client;
using ActorList = carla::SharedPtr<cc::ActorList>;
using ActorMap = std::unordered_map<ActorId, ActorPtr>;
using IdleTimeMap = std::unordered_map<ActorId, double>;
using LocalMapPtr = std::shared_ptr<InMemoryMap>;
/// ALSM: Agent Lifecycle and State Managerment
/// This class has functionality to update the local cache of kinematic states
/// and manage memory and cleanup for varying number of vehicles in the simulation.
class ALSM {
AtomicActorSet ®istered_vehicles;
// Structure containing vehicles in the simulator not registered with the traffic manager.
ActorMap unregistered_actors;
BufferMap &buffer_map;
// Structure keeping track of duration of vehicles stuck in a location.
IdleTimeMap idle_time;
// Structure containing vehicles with attribute role_name with value hero.
ActorMap hero_actors;
TrackTraffic &track_traffic;
// Array of vehicles marked by stages for removal.
std::vector<ActorId>& marked_for_removal;
const Parameters ¶meters;
const cc::World &world;
const LocalMapPtr &local_map;
SimulationState &simulation_state;
LocalizationStage &localization_stage;
CollisionStage &collision_stage;
TrafficLightStage &traffic_light_stage;
MotionPlanStage &motion_plan_stage;
VehicleLightStage &vehicle_light_stage;
// Time elapsed since last vehicle destruction due to being idle for too long.
double elapsed_last_actor_destruction {0.0};
cc::Timestamp current_timestamp;
std::unordered_map<ActorId, bool> has_physics_enabled;
// Updates the duration for which a registered vehicle is stuck at a location.
void UpdateIdleTime(std::pair<ActorId, double>& max_idle_time, const ActorId& actor_id);
// Method to determine if a vehicle is stuck at a place for too long.
bool IsVehicleStuck(const ActorId& actor_id);
// Method to identify actors newly spawned in the simulation since last tick.
void IdentifyNewActors(const ActorList &actor_list);
using DestroyeddActors = std::pair<ActorIdSet, ActorIdSet>;
// Method to identify actors deleted in the last frame.
// Arrays of registered and unregistered actors are returned separately.
DestroyeddActors IdentifyDestroyedActors(const ActorList &actor_list);
using IdleInfo = std::pair<ActorId, double>;
void UpdateRegisteredActorsData(const bool hybrid_physics_mode, IdleInfo &max_idle_time);
void UpdateData(const bool hybrid_physics_mode, const Actor &vehicle,
const bool hero_actor_present, const float physics_radius_square);
void UpdateUnregisteredActorsData();
ALSM(AtomicActorSet ®istered_vehicles,
BufferMap &buffer_map,
TrackTraffic &track_traffic,
std::vector<ActorId>& marked_for_removal,
const Parameters ¶meters,
const cc::World &world,
const LocalMapPtr &local_map,
SimulationState &simulation_state,
LocalizationStage &localization_stage,
CollisionStage &collision_stage,
TrafficLightStage &traffic_light_stage,
MotionPlanStage &motion_plan_stage,
VehicleLightStage &vehicle_light_stage);
void Update();
// Removes an actor from traffic manager and performs clean up of associated data
// from various stages tracking the said vehicle.
void RemoveActor(const ActorId actor_id, const bool registered_actor);
void Reset();
} // namespace traffic_manager
} // namespace carla