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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
// Copyright (c) 2000-2010
// Joerg Walter, Mathias Koch, David Bellot
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of
// GeNeSys mbH & Co. KG in producing this work.
/// \file fwd.hpp is essentially used to forward declare the main types
#include <memory>
#ifdef BOOST_UBLAS_CPP_GE_2011
#include <array>
namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace ublas {
// Storage types
template<class T, class ALLOC = std::allocator<T> >
class unbounded_array;
template<class T, std::size_t N, class ALLOC = std::allocator<T> >
class bounded_array;
template <class Z = std::size_t, class D = std::ptrdiff_t>
class basic_range;
template <class Z = std::size_t, class D = std::ptrdiff_t>
class basic_slice;
typedef basic_range<> range;
typedef basic_slice<> slice;
template<class A = unbounded_array<std::size_t> >
class indirect_array;
template<class I, class T, class ALLOC = std::allocator<std::pair<const I, T> > >
class map_std;
template<class I, class T, class ALLOC = std::allocator<std::pair<I, T> > >
class map_array;
// Expression types
struct scalar_tag {};
struct vector_tag {};
template<class E>
class vector_expression;
template<class C>
class vector_container;
template<class E>
class vector_reference;
struct matrix_tag {};
template<class E>
class matrix_expression;
template<class C>
class matrix_container;
template<class E>
class matrix_reference;
template<class V>
class vector_range;
template<class V>
class vector_slice;
template<class V, class IA = indirect_array<> >
class vector_indirect;
template<class M>
class matrix_row;
template<class M>
class matrix_column;
template<class M>
class matrix_vector_range;
template<class M>
class matrix_vector_slice;
template<class M, class IA = indirect_array<> >
class matrix_vector_indirect;
template<class M>
class matrix_range;
template<class M>
class matrix_slice;
template<class M, class IA = indirect_array<> >
class matrix_indirect;
template<class T, class A = unbounded_array<T> >
class vector;
#ifdef BOOST_UBLAS_CPP_GE_2011
template<class T, std::size_t N, class A = std::array<T, N> >
class fixed_vector;
template<class T, std::size_t N>
class bounded_vector;
template<class T = int, class ALLOC = std::allocator<T> >
class unit_vector;
template<class T = int, class ALLOC = std::allocator<T> >
class zero_vector;
template<class T = int, class ALLOC = std::allocator<T> >
class scalar_vector;
template<class T, std::size_t N>
class c_vector;
// Sparse vectors
template<class T, class A = map_std<std::size_t, T> >
class mapped_vector;
template<class T, std::size_t IB = 0, class IA = unbounded_array<std::size_t>, class TA = unbounded_array<T> >
class compressed_vector;
template<class T, std::size_t IB = 0, class IA = unbounded_array<std::size_t>, class TA = unbounded_array<T> >
class coordinate_vector;
// Matrix orientation type
struct unknown_orientation_tag {};
struct row_major_tag {};
struct column_major_tag {};
// Matrix storage layout parameterisation
template <class Z = std::size_t, class D = std::ptrdiff_t>
struct basic_row_major;
typedef basic_row_major<> row_major;
template <class Z = std::size_t, class D = std::ptrdiff_t>
struct basic_column_major;
typedef basic_column_major<> column_major;
template<class T, class L = row_major, class A = unbounded_array<T> >
class matrix;
#ifdef BOOST_UBLAS_CPP_GE_2011
template<class T, std::size_t M, std::size_t N, class L = row_major, class A = std::array<T, M*N> >
class fixed_matrix;
template<class T, std::size_t M, std::size_t N, class L = row_major>
class bounded_matrix;
template<class T = int, class ALLOC = std::allocator<T> >
class identity_matrix;
template<class T = int, class ALLOC = std::allocator<T> >
class zero_matrix;
template<class T = int, class ALLOC = std::allocator<T> >
class scalar_matrix;
template<class T, std::size_t M, std::size_t N>
class c_matrix;
template<class T, class L = row_major, class A = unbounded_array<unbounded_array<T> > >
class vector_of_vector;
template<class T, class L = row_major, class A = vector<compressed_vector<T> > >
class generalized_vector_of_vector;
// Triangular matrix type
struct lower_tag {};
struct upper_tag {};
struct unit_lower_tag : public lower_tag {};
struct unit_upper_tag : public upper_tag {};
struct strict_lower_tag : public lower_tag {};
struct strict_upper_tag : public upper_tag {};
// Triangular matrix parameterisation
template <class Z = std::size_t>
struct basic_full;
typedef basic_full<> full;
template <class Z = std::size_t>
struct basic_lower;
typedef basic_lower<> lower;
template <class Z = std::size_t>
struct basic_upper;
typedef basic_upper<> upper;
template <class Z = std::size_t>
struct basic_unit_lower;
typedef basic_unit_lower<> unit_lower;
template <class Z = std::size_t>
struct basic_unit_upper;
typedef basic_unit_upper<> unit_upper;
template <class Z = std::size_t>
struct basic_strict_lower;
typedef basic_strict_lower<> strict_lower;
template <class Z = std::size_t>
struct basic_strict_upper;
typedef basic_strict_upper<> strict_upper;
// Special matrices
template<class T, class L = row_major, class A = unbounded_array<T> >
class banded_matrix;
template<class T, class L = row_major, class A = unbounded_array<T> >
class diagonal_matrix;
template<class T, class TRI = lower, class L = row_major, class A = unbounded_array<T> >
class triangular_matrix;
template<class M, class TRI = lower>
class triangular_adaptor;
template<class T, class TRI = lower, class L = row_major, class A = unbounded_array<T> >
class symmetric_matrix;
template<class M, class TRI = lower>
class symmetric_adaptor;
template<class T, class TRI = lower, class L = row_major, class A = unbounded_array<T> >
class hermitian_matrix;
template<class M, class TRI = lower>
class hermitian_adaptor;
// Sparse matrices
template<class T, class L = row_major, class A = map_std<std::size_t, T> >
class mapped_matrix;
template<class T, class L = row_major, class A = map_std<std::size_t, map_std<std::size_t, T> > >
class mapped_vector_of_mapped_vector;
template<class T, class L = row_major, std::size_t IB = 0, class IA = unbounded_array<std::size_t>, class TA = unbounded_array<T> >
class compressed_matrix;
template<class T, class L = row_major, std::size_t IB = 0, class IA = unbounded_array<std::size_t>, class TA = unbounded_array<T> >
class coordinate_matrix;