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2024-10-18 13:19:59 +08:00
* Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2015.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* \file formatters/date_time.hpp
* \author Andrey Semashev
* \date 16.09.2012
* The header contains a formatter function for date and time attribute values.
#include <string>
#include <boost/move/core.hpp>
#include <boost/move/utility_core.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/core/actor.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/core/terminal_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/core/is_nullary.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/core/environment.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/at_c.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes/attribute_name.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes/fallback_policy.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes/value_visitation.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/light_function.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/date_time_fmt_gen_traits_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/custom_terminal_spec.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/attr_output_terminal.hpp>
#include <boost/log/expressions/attr_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/log/expressions/keyword_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/formatting_ostream.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/functional/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/header.hpp>
#pragma once
namespace boost {
namespace expressions {
* Date and time formatter terminal.
template< typename T, typename FallbackPolicyT, typename CharT >
class format_date_time_terminal
//! Internal typedef for type categorization
typedef void _is_boost_log_terminal;
//! Attribute value type
typedef T value_type;
//! Fallback policy
typedef FallbackPolicyT fallback_policy;
//! Character type
typedef CharT char_type;
//! String type
typedef std::basic_string< char_type > string_type;
//! Formatting stream type
typedef basic_formatting_ostream< char_type > stream_type;
//! Formatter function
typedef boost::log::aux::light_function< void (stream_type&, value_type const&) > formatter_function_type;
//! Function result type
typedef string_type result_type;
//! Formatter generator traits
typedef aux::date_time_formatter_generator_traits< value_type, char_type > formatter_generator;
//! Attribute value visitor invoker
typedef value_visitor_invoker< value_type, fallback_policy > visitor_invoker_type;
//! Attribute name
attribute_name m_name;
//! Formattr function
formatter_function_type m_formatter;
//! Attribute value visitor invoker
visitor_invoker_type m_visitor_invoker;
//! Initializing constructor
format_date_time_terminal(attribute_name const& name, fallback_policy const& fallback, string_type const& format) :
m_name(name), m_formatter(formatter_generator::parse(format)), m_visitor_invoker(fallback)
//! Copy constructor
format_date_time_terminal(format_date_time_terminal const& that) :
m_name(that.m_name), m_formatter(that.m_formatter), m_visitor_invoker(that.m_visitor_invoker)
//! Returns attribute name
attribute_name get_name() const
return m_name;
//! Returns fallback policy
fallback_policy const& get_fallback_policy() const
return m_visitor_invoker.get_fallback_policy();
//! Retruns formatter function
formatter_function_type const& get_formatter_function() const
return m_formatter;
//! Invokation operator
template< typename ContextT >
result_type operator() (ContextT const& ctx)
string_type str;
stream_type strm(str);
m_visitor_invoker(m_name, fusion::at_c< 0 >(phoenix::env(ctx).args()), binder1st< formatter_function_type&, stream_type& >(m_formatter, strm));
//! Invokation operator
template< typename ContextT >
result_type operator() (ContextT const& ctx) const
string_type str;
stream_type strm(str);
m_visitor_invoker(m_name, fusion::at_c< 0 >(phoenix::env(ctx).args()), binder1st< formatter_function_type const&, stream_type& >(m_formatter, strm));
* Date and time formatter actor.
template< typename T, typename FallbackPolicyT, typename CharT, template< typename > class ActorT = phoenix::actor >
class format_date_time_actor :
public ActorT< format_date_time_terminal< T, FallbackPolicyT, CharT > >
//! Attribute value type
typedef T value_type;
//! Character type
typedef CharT char_type;
//! Fallback policy
typedef FallbackPolicyT fallback_policy;
//! Base terminal type
typedef format_date_time_terminal< value_type, fallback_policy, char_type > terminal_type;
//! Formatter function
typedef typename terminal_type::formatter_function_type formatter_function_type;
//! Base actor type
typedef ActorT< terminal_type > base_type;
//! Initializing constructor
explicit format_date_time_actor(base_type const& act) : base_type(act)
* \returns The attribute name
attribute_name get_name() const
return this->proto_expr_.child0.get_name();
* \returns Fallback policy
fallback_policy const& get_fallback_policy() const
return this->proto_expr_.child0.get_fallback_policy();
* \returns Formatter function
formatter_function_type const& get_formatter_function() const
return this->proto_expr_.child0.get_formatter_function();
#define BOOST_LOG_AUX_OVERLOAD(left_ref, right_ref)\
template< typename LeftExprT, typename T, typename FallbackPolicyT, typename CharT >\
BOOST_FORCEINLINE phoenix::actor< aux::attribute_output_terminal< phoenix::actor< LeftExprT >, T, FallbackPolicyT, typename format_date_time_actor< T, FallbackPolicyT, CharT >::formatter_function_type > >\
operator<< (phoenix::actor< LeftExprT > left_ref left, format_date_time_actor< T, FallbackPolicyT, CharT > right_ref right)\
typedef aux::attribute_output_terminal< phoenix::actor< LeftExprT >, T, FallbackPolicyT, typename format_date_time_actor< T, FallbackPolicyT, CharT >::formatter_function_type > terminal_type;\
phoenix::actor< terminal_type > actor = {{ terminal_type(left, right.get_name(), right.get_formatter_function(), right.get_fallback_policy()) }};\
return actor;\
#include <boost/log/detail/generate_overloads.hpp>
* The function generates a manipulator node in a template expression. The manipulator must participate in a formatting
* expression (stream output or \c format placeholder filler).
* \param name Attribute name
* \param format Format string
template< typename AttributeValueT, typename CharT >
BOOST_FORCEINLINE format_date_time_actor< AttributeValueT, fallback_to_none, CharT > format_date_time(attribute_name const& name, const CharT* format)
typedef format_date_time_actor< AttributeValueT, fallback_to_none, CharT > actor_type;
typedef typename actor_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
typename actor_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(name, fallback_to_none(), format) }};
return actor_type(act);
* The function generates a manipulator node in a template expression. The manipulator must participate in a formatting
* expression (stream output or \c format placeholder filler).
* \param name Attribute name
* \param format Format string
template< typename AttributeValueT, typename CharT >
BOOST_FORCEINLINE format_date_time_actor< AttributeValueT, fallback_to_none, CharT > format_date_time(attribute_name const& name, std::basic_string< CharT > const& format)
typedef format_date_time_actor< AttributeValueT, fallback_to_none, CharT > actor_type;
typedef typename actor_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
typename actor_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(name, fallback_to_none(), format) }};
return actor_type(act);
* The function generates a manipulator node in a template expression. The manipulator must participate in a formatting
* expression (stream output or \c format placeholder filler).
* \param keyword Attribute keyword
* \param format Format string
template< typename DescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename CharT >
BOOST_FORCEINLINE format_date_time_actor< typename DescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, CharT, ActorT >
format_date_time(attribute_keyword< DescriptorT, ActorT > const& keyword, const CharT* format)
typedef format_date_time_actor< typename DescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, CharT, ActorT > actor_type;
typedef typename actor_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
typename actor_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(keyword.get_name(), fallback_to_none(), format) }};
return actor_type(act);
* The function generates a manipulator node in a template expression. The manipulator must participate in a formatting
* expression (stream output or \c format placeholder filler).
* \param keyword Attribute keyword
* \param format Format string
template< typename DescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename CharT >
BOOST_FORCEINLINE format_date_time_actor< typename DescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, CharT, ActorT >
format_date_time(attribute_keyword< DescriptorT, ActorT > const& keyword, std::basic_string< CharT > const& format)
typedef format_date_time_actor< typename DescriptorT::value_type, fallback_to_none, CharT, ActorT > actor_type;
typedef typename actor_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
typename actor_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(keyword.get_name(), fallback_to_none(), format) }};
return actor_type(act);
* The function generates a manipulator node in a template expression. The manipulator must participate in a formatting
* expression (stream output or \c format placeholder filler).
* \param placeholder Attribute placeholder
* \param format Format string
template< typename T, typename FallbackPolicyT, typename TagT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename CharT >
BOOST_FORCEINLINE format_date_time_actor< T, FallbackPolicyT, CharT, ActorT >
format_date_time(attribute_actor< T, FallbackPolicyT, TagT, ActorT > const& placeholder, const CharT* format)
typedef format_date_time_actor< T, FallbackPolicyT, CharT, ActorT > actor_type;
typedef typename actor_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
typename actor_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(placeholder.get_name(), placeholder.get_fallback_policy(), format) }};
return actor_type(act);
* The function generates a manipulator node in a template expression. The manipulator must participate in a formatting
* expression (stream output or \c format placeholder filler).
* \param placeholder Attribute placeholder
* \param format Format string
template< typename T, typename FallbackPolicyT, typename TagT, template< typename > class ActorT, typename CharT >
BOOST_FORCEINLINE format_date_time_actor< T, FallbackPolicyT, CharT, ActorT >
format_date_time(attribute_actor< T, FallbackPolicyT, TagT, ActorT > const& placeholder, std::basic_string< CharT > const& format)
typedef format_date_time_actor< T, FallbackPolicyT, CharT, ActorT > actor_type;
typedef typename actor_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
typename actor_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(placeholder.get_name(), placeholder.get_fallback_policy(), format) }};
return actor_type(act);
} // namespace expressions
namespace phoenix {
namespace result_of {
template< typename T, typename FallbackPolicyT, typename CharT >
struct is_nullary< custom_terminal< boost::log::expressions::format_date_time_terminal< T, FallbackPolicyT, CharT > > > :
public mpl::false_
} // namespace result_of
} // namespace phoenix
} // namespace boost
#include <boost/log/detail/footer.hpp>